Tax the wealthy : one way to prove you live as a feral human in a remote area

A byproduct of them having an overwhelming amount of the income
You obviously do not understand the difference between income and wealth, not to mention economics in general. The great misunderstanding is that wealthy people must have taken their wealth from poor people. This may have had some legitimacy in preindustrial agrarian societies where land was a limited commodity, but it is completely inapplicable to modern economies. When Bill Gates makes a billion dollars, he does it by creating employment for thousands of others. In addition, the money that wealthy people spend is more beneficial to the economy because it increases the velocity of money by creating higher demand for skilled labor and proving more capital for business investment. For example, the 1991 "luxury tax" on boats over a certain value (passed by the Dems and signed by Bush1) destroyed the yacht building industry in the US and drove it overseas. It was repealed in 1993 (GOP/Clinton) but those skilled jobs never returned to the US.

Source: jwoodie

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62 percent of the wealth is held by 5 percent of the population
15 percent of the wealth is held by 80 percent of the population

Where should we be taxing?
You need to be totaling up all the taxes for middle class. State, local, federal, hidden taxes, sales taxes, interstate taxes, taxes as fees, on and on. The problem with the rich is that it will not balance the budget. Corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer. Rich individuals do purchase things and it employs a lot of people. When I see the endless parade of people pushing for the rich to pay, very few volunteer it. Like show us all plus the rich that are not Progs how it is done. None of those TV media/entertainers do. None of them. They need to form a huge group and promote it if they do. Progs have had many opportunities to enact massive increases and have done some at times.
You need to be totaling up all the taxes for middle class. State, local, federal, hidden taxes, sales taxes, interstate taxes, taxes as fees, on and on. The problem with the rich is that it will not balance the budget. Corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer. Rich individuals do purchase things and it employs a lot of people. When I see the endless parade of people pushing for the rich to pay, very few volunteer it. Like show us all plus the rich that are not Progs how it is done. None of those TV media/entertainers do. None of them. They need to form a huge group and promote it if they do. Progs have had many opportunities to enact massive increases and have done some at times.
Corporations are making record profits
So are CEOs

You want to tax their workers more
Please explain how you or I am entitled to the wealth created by another. Some say it’s because the government funded all the improvements that allowed these select few to prosper, however, is it not a CBO proven fact these select few pay the largest share in taxes if so, then it’s nothing but BS and spin. I will admit envy and if I was so fortunate then I would like to keep the largest portion to enjoy life. Think about it, then ask yourself one question, is it just and fair for the majority to expropriate wealth from the minority because they are less fortunate and talented?
Please explain how you or I am entitled to the wealth created by another. Some say it’s because the government funded all the improvements that allowed these select few to prosper, however, is it not a CBO proven fact these select few pay the largest share in taxes if so, then it’s nothing but BS and spin. I will admit envy and if I was so fortunate then I would like to keep the largest portion to enjoy life. Think about it, then ask yourself one question, is it just and fair for the majority to expropriate wealth from the minority because they are less fortunate and talented?
Because We the People created a more perfect union
A nation of the people, by the people and for the people
Congress has a right to raise revenue
So, I mean REALLY , like don't even look up past experience I mean Really ??

The experiment with the wealth tax in Europe was a failure in many countries. France's wealth tax contributed to the exodus of an estimated 42,000 millionaires between 2000 and 2012, among other problems. Only last ?year, French president Emmanuel Macron killed it.
A "wealth tax" is not an "income tax."

I oppose wealth taxes.
I support taxing income, progressively.

Because if that $100k spent on a "maybe" photo of Billy the Kid had been taxed at 90% rather than 15% that money would have been invested rather than spent.
Investment improves technologies, increases employment...It is the tide that raises all boats.
You obviously do not understand the difference between income and wealth, not to mention economics in general. The great misunderstanding is that wealthy people must have taken their wealth from poor people. This may have had some legitimacy in preindustrial agrarian societies where land was a limited commodity, but it is completely inapplicable to modern economies. When Bill Gates makes a billion dollars, he does it by creating employment for thousands of others. In addition, the money that wealthy people spend is more beneficial to the economy because it increases the velocity of money by creating higher demand for skilled labor and proving more capital for business investment. For example, the 1991 "luxury tax" on boats over a certain value (passed by the Dems and signed by Bush1) destroyed the yacht building industry in the US and drove it overseas. It was repealed in 1993 (GOP/Clinton) but those skilled jobs never returned to the US.

Source: jwoodie

How to tell us your an economic imbecile without telling us you're an economic imbecile.

The great misunderstanding that Republicans have is that rich people are the ones generating the wealth, and their employees have nothing to do with it. Without employees, there is no one to make his dream happen.

The wealthy need a healthy, well educated workforce, with the technical skills they need, and the ability to work as part of a team. A government which protects their rights, property, and provides the infrastructure and international trade deals they need to succeed. All of which are VERY expensive things, which the government provides to businesses at a modest charge. The success of a business depends just as much on the platform provided by government and secured by law and regulation, as it does on the business owner.

There are lots of jurisdictions which have little to no taxation, but you can't live or do business there very effectively. Everything runs on bribery, and having a private army to protect your wealth. There's no infrastructure, and nothing to stop anyone from using your patents or trade marks and no courts to protect you or your assets. Myanmar springs to mind. Lebananon has no income tax. They're the best of a bad lot.

I'd rather not live in Lenanon. Politically unstable. Prone to terrorism and subject to retaliatory attacks. No real protections for your IT, and if a war causes your home to be bombed, well even North American insurance companies won't cover that one.
Yes he does, he is paid up
Still waiting for Crooked Donnie to pay up

Donnie paid up. He transferred money from the Trump Corporation to pay his taxes. It showed up in the New York court case and the monitor said yes, it was to pay his taxes.

That's how we found out that Donnie received millions of dollars of PERSONAL income from over 200 overseas entities, and had to refile his 2021 taxes to reflect this income.

A "wealth tax" is not an "income tax."

I oppose wealth taxes.
I support taxing income, progressively.

Because if that $100k spent on a "maybe" photo of Billy the Kid had been taxed at 90% rather than 15% that money would have been invested rather than spent.
Investment improves technologies, increases employment...It is the tide that raises all boats.
90% are you fucking kidding me? What is that a Dem PUNISHMENT tax or something?
Taxes are your share of the costs of living in a first world country.

If you don’t like paying taxes, moved to a cheaper country.

There are plenty of Third World countries they can move to
They will find governments that do nothing to help the people
Because We the People created a more perfect union
A nation of the people, by the people and for the people
Congress has a right to raise revenue
Have to step in here....for ages it was the opposite, money spent was tied to taxes. you didn't just say I want this stupid program and taxpayes will comply

Just today , stupid and lazy JOE who offered $700 to Hawaiins who had lost their homes and some lost family members, just today we see

Biden Admin Pours Nearly $700,000 Into Program To Prevent Transgender Boys From Getting Pregnant​

and you will pay....does he ever give money to help women who want to keep their babies ???
A DISGUSTING MAN in most senses.
Have to step in here....for ages it was the opposite, money spent was tied to taxes. you didn't just say I want this stupid program and taxpayes will comply

Just today , stupid and lazy JOE who offered $700 to Hawaiins who had lost their homes and some lost family members, just today we see

Biden Admin Pours Nearly $700,000 Into Program To Prevent Transgender Boys From Getting Pregnant​

and you will pay....does he ever give money to help women who want to keep their babies ???
A DISGUSTING MAN in most senses.
Our President offered $700 immediate aid to Hawaiians so they could get food and shelter. To claim that is all they were given is misleading.

I enjoy watching Conservatives spin every issue to a discussion of Transexuals…..shows how obsessed you are
Our President offered $700 immediate aid to Hawaiians so they could get food and shelter. To claim that is all they were given is misleading.

I enjoy watching Conservatives spin every issue to a discussion of Transexuals…..shows how obsessed you are
I look forward to the abuse you will get for being so callous.
Bring it on ,folks.
So do you think the Hawaiian paper missed something here :)

What About Hawaii? President Joe Biden to Take Summer Vacation in Lake Tahoe as Death Toll From Maui Wildfires Approaches 100​

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