Taxing the wealthy more will have little to no impact on your life or anyone around you

It will only enable the government to spend more money on stupid ass senseless projects like shrimp on treadmills.
You stupid liberals will vote for it and see NONE OF IT. It will be blown on wasteful spending just like the vast majority of your taxes
why claim you don't want deficit spending?
That shrimp project was no joke if you looked into it, and cost basically nothing. You hater dupes think it's all waste until you find out what actually happens...
The fact that Republicans still bring up that $10,000 shrimp experiment shows how little they know about science

$10,000? Try four million dollars.
Damn do you guys ever stop making shit up?
If you don't, and they have an accident, it's a disaster for the Americans. Same with health care. Pass the gd bill. Pubs just use the whole problem as a wedge issue. A-holes!!

If they don't have a license, they shouldn't be driving. They have no right to drive a motor vehicle in this country. Besides, Democrats give them drivers licenses so they can cheat elections easier.
Pubcrappe. Illegals don't vote, they have enough problems already. BTW, in 2007, Pew found that 84% of illegals worked, 67% paid taxes, and 35% owned homes. Nobody can actually throw them all out- that's just for the haters. It's not their fault Pubs give them an open invitation to come (no good SS/ID card).

Republicans are trying to stop them, it's just that Democrats keep promoting them to come to this country and stay.

And don't tell me they don't vote. In California, they gave them drivers licenses at the beginning of the year. Little did we know it was just a piece of a larger more dastardly plan. Now they are trying to push for motor-voter which will automatically register all those illegals to vote.
Republicans controlled the country for eight years

Why didn't they stop them then?

You can't with the amount of Democrats still in the Senate. In most cases, it takes 60 votes to pass something. But even if we could get that, your fearful leader would never go along with any Republican plan. See Kate's law about to be rejected by the Democrats in the Senate. Kate's law would hold sanctuary cities responsible for criminals plus it would send foreigners who were deported to jail if they stepped foot in the US again. Democrats don't want that. They want sanctuary cities where criminals could hang out and they have no problem with them killing Americans just like Kate.
OMG. What a bs law...PASS THE GD IMMIGRATION BILL with good ID and cut the bs politics.
If you don't, and they have an accident, it's a disaster for the Americans. Same with health care. Pass the gd bill. Pubs just use the whole problem as a wedge issue. A-holes!!

If they don't have a license, they shouldn't be driving. They have no right to drive a motor vehicle in this country. Besides, Democrats give them drivers licenses so they can cheat elections easier.
Pubcrappe. Illegals don't vote, they have enough problems already. BTW, in 2007, Pew found that 84% of illegals worked, 67% paid taxes, and 35% owned homes. Nobody can actually throw them all out- that's just for the haters. It's not their fault Pubs give them an open invitation to come (no good SS/ID card).

Republicans are trying to stop them, it's just that Democrats keep promoting them to come to this country and stay.

And don't tell me they don't vote. In California, they gave them drivers licenses at the beginning of the year. Little did we know it was just a piece of a larger more dastardly plan. Now they are trying to push for motor-voter which will automatically register all those illegals to vote.
Republicans controlled the country for eight years

Why didn't they stop them then?

You can't with the amount of Democrats still in the Senate. In most cases, it takes 60 votes to pass something. But even if we could get that, your fearful leader would never go along with any Republican plan. See Kate's law about to be rejected by the Democrats in the Senate. Kate's law would hold sanctuary cities responsible for criminals plus it would send foreigners who were deported to jail if they stepped foot in the US again. Democrats don't want that. They want sanctuary cities where criminals could hang out and they have no problem with them killing Americans just like Kate.
Show me all the anti immigration bills passed by Republicans and blocked by democrats

Truth being that Republicans did not give a shit about immigration when they were calling the shots
An income tax is unconstitutional...

And you'd pay for your military how without it?

Somehow we managed before 1916. There's a good argument that without the income tax we would have never gotten involved in WW I. It would have been financially impossible.

We didn't spend anywhere near as much on the military then.

That's true, and the lack of an income was one reason for that. Then we spent about 3% of our GDP on the federal government. Now we spend 40%.
YEAH! Let's go back to 70% of the elderly in poverty, dying if they got sick, poor houses and potters' fields. And who needs roads and plumbing?
If they don't have a license, they shouldn't be driving. They have no right to drive a motor vehicle in this country. Besides, Democrats give them drivers licenses so they can cheat elections easier.
Pubcrappe. Illegals don't vote, they have enough problems already. BTW, in 2007, Pew found that 84% of illegals worked, 67% paid taxes, and 35% owned homes. Nobody can actually throw them all out- that's just for the haters. It's not their fault Pubs give them an open invitation to come (no good SS/ID card).

Republicans are trying to stop them, it's just that Democrats keep promoting them to come to this country and stay.

And don't tell me they don't vote. In California, they gave them drivers licenses at the beginning of the year. Little did we know it was just a piece of a larger more dastardly plan. Now they are trying to push for motor-voter which will automatically register all those illegals to vote.
Republicans controlled the country for eight years

Why didn't they stop them then?

You can't with the amount of Democrats still in the Senate. In most cases, it takes 60 votes to pass something. But even if we could get that, your fearful leader would never go along with any Republican plan. See Kate's law about to be rejected by the Democrats in the Senate. Kate's law would hold sanctuary cities responsible for criminals plus it would send foreigners who were deported to jail if they stepped foot in the US again. Democrats don't want that. They want sanctuary cities where criminals could hang out and they have no problem with them killing Americans just like Kate.
Show me all the anti immigration bills passed by Republicans and blocked by democrats

Truth being that Republicans did not give a shit about immigration when they were calling the shots
Truth is they only care during one of their corrupt depressions. They love the cheap labor otherwise- and actually believe Pubs want to do something beside get the votes of bigots.
But if they do come anyway, your liberal Mayors and Governors will give them drivers licenses.
If you don't, and they have an accident, it's a disaster for the Americans. Same with health care. Pass the gd bill. Pubs just use the whole problem as a wedge issue. A-holes!!

If they don't have a license, they shouldn't be driving. They have no right to drive a motor vehicle in this country. Besides, Democrats give them drivers licenses so they can cheat elections easier.
Pubcrappe. Illegals don't vote, they have enough problems already. BTW, in 2007, Pew found that 84% of illegals worked, 67% paid taxes, and 35% owned homes. Nobody can actually throw them all out- that's just for the haters. It's not their fault Pubs give them an open invitation to come (no good SS/ID card).

Republicans are trying to stop them, it's just that Democrats keep promoting them to come to this country and stay.

And don't tell me they don't vote. In California, they gave them drivers licenses at the beginning of the year. Little did we know it was just a piece of a larger more dastardly plan. Now they are trying to push for motor-voter which will automatically register all those illegals to vote.
Republicans controlled the country for eight years

Why didn't they stop them then?
Just because they call themselves a republican, doesn't mean they're not progressive.
In fact some of the worst republicans are 100% progressive... Theodore Roosevelt case in point.
A rotten president, through and through....
It will only enable the government to spend more money on stupid ass senseless projects like shrimp on treadmills.
You stupid liberals will vote for it and see NONE OF IT. It will be blown on wasteful spending just like the vast majority of your taxes
why claim you don't want deficit spending?
That shrimp project was no joke if you looked into it, and cost basically nothing. You hater dupes think it's all waste until you find out what actually happens...
The fact that Republicans still bring up that $10,000 shrimp experiment shows how little they know about science
Science is only as good as the person doing the science... Most times that being stupidly flawed.
It will only enable the government to spend more money on stupid ass senseless projects like shrimp on treadmills.
You stupid liberals will vote for it and see NONE OF IT. It will be blown on wasteful spending just like the vast majority of your taxes

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study

This paragraph from the report says it all—

“The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.”

These three sentences do nothing less than blow apart the central tenet of modern conservative economic theory, confirming that lowering tax rates on the wealthy does nothing to grow the economy while doing a great deal to concentrate more wealth in the pockets of those at the very top of the income chain.

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study
Again, by who's assessment?

The tax rates are about numbers.

The perception of prosperity is evidenced in the fact that the post-war generation had things a lot better than you do.
Still not the federal governments doing...
You mean the federal government didn't collect those taxes? Where did they go then?
Where they always go, politicians.

So politicians are not part of the government on your planet? That would explain so much. But here on Earth, in the U.S., the 1950s were a time of great prosperity, in large part because the corporations and the wealthy paid their fair share of taxes.

(See, if you wanted to look intelligent, you'd have demanded that I prove those tax rates. Instead, you're just flailing.)

The idea that high taxes produce prosperity is too stupid for words to describe. Could you explain the mechanism that produces that effect?
It will only enable the government to spend more money on stupid ass senseless projects like shrimp on treadmills.
You stupid liberals will vote for it and see NONE OF IT. It will be blown on wasteful spending just like the vast majority of your taxes
why claim you don't want deficit spending?
That shrimp project was no joke if you looked into it, and cost basically nothing. You hater dupes think it's all waste until you find out what actually happens...
The fact that Republicans still bring up that $10,000 shrimp experiment shows how little they know about science

$10,000? Try four million dollars.

'Shrimp On A Treadmill': The Politics Of 'Silly' Studies

..Take the case of the "shrimp on a treadmill." Burnett says the senator's report linked that work to a half-million-dollar research grant. But that money actually went to a lot of different research that he and his colleagues did on this economically important seafood species.

The treadmills were just a small part of it, a way to measure how shrimp respond to changes in water quality. Burnett says the first treadmill was built by a colleague from scraps and was basically free, and the second was fancier and cost about $1,000. The senator's report was misleading, says Burnett, "and it suggests that much money was spent on seeing how long a shrimp can run on a treadmill, which was totally out of context."

'Shrimp On A Treadmill' And The Politics Of 'Silly' Science Studies

Cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and they'll have some incentive.

Many companies already pay zero:
20 big profitable US companies paid $0 in taxes

Corporations just send jobs to China or bring foreigners here to work for less.
There should not be a corporate tax, that is taxation without representation.

Yes I get it. You don't think there should be any taxes. Great plan. Pay for the military and infrastructure with no taxes.
That is the duty of the federal government, social programs are not. Thus the failure of social programs.

We wouldn't have such a welfare problem if the rich weren't so greedy.

The rich are no more greedy than anyone else on this planet.
There should not be a corporate tax, that is taxation without representation.

Yes I get it. You don't think there should be any taxes. Great plan. Pay for the military and infrastructure with no taxes.
That is the duty of the federal government, social programs are not. Thus the failure of social programs.

We wouldn't have such a welfare problem if the rich weren't so greedy.
Wrong, if the government was not so overbearing...

Embrace the suck

Wrong. The government is not so overbearing. Many corporations pay zero taxes.

That's because they lost money.
The tax rates are about numbers.

The perception of prosperity is evidenced in the fact that the post-war generation had things a lot better than you do.
Still not the federal governments doing...
You mean the federal government didn't collect those taxes? Where did they go then?
Where they always go, politicians.

So politicians are not part of the government on your planet? That would explain so much. But here on Earth, in the U.S., the 1950s were a time of great prosperity, in large part because the corporations and the wealthy paid their fair share of taxes.

(See, if you wanted to look intelligent, you'd have demanded that I prove those tax rates. Instead, you're just flailing.)

The idea that high taxes produce prosperity is too stupid for words to describe. Could you explain the mechanism that produces that effect?

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study

U.S. Tax Policy since 1964 has and does Perpetuate Economic Inequality

The Great Compression and the Great Divergence

Tax policy and economic inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

STUDY: These Charts Show There's Almost No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth (or not)

If you read the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal (or surf around the nether regions of, you may come to the conclusion that no aspect of tax policy is more important for economic growth than the way we tax capital gains. You’d be wrong

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth (or not)

Economists: Higher Tax Rates On The Rich Won’t Hurt Growth

Economists: Higher Tax Rates On The Rich Won’t Hurt Growth

Still not the federal governments doing...
You mean the federal government didn't collect those taxes? Where did they go then?
Where they always go, politicians.

So politicians are not part of the government on your planet? That would explain so much. But here on Earth, in the U.S., the 1950s were a time of great prosperity, in large part because the corporations and the wealthy paid their fair share of taxes.

(See, if you wanted to look intelligent, you'd have demanded that I prove those tax rates. Instead, you're just flailing.)
Your "fair share" sounds like taxation without representation.

Taxes never go back to the masses...
Not today, which is the only system you know. It wasn't always like that. Which is why I compared today with the 1950s and pointed out that things were far better for the average American than they are now.

And here are the tax tables you didn't ask for:

Historical Highest Marginal Income Tax Rates

Tax Facts | Tax Facts Listing

Quite the crazy leftist that Eisenhower, huh? /sarcasm

You've committed the post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy. The fact that marginal rates were high in the 50s doesn't mean the were the reason for the prosperity of the 50s.
Still not the federal governments doing...
You mean the federal government didn't collect those taxes? Where did they go then?
Where they always go, politicians.

So politicians are not part of the government on your planet? That would explain so much. But here on Earth, in the U.S., the 1950s were a time of great prosperity, in large part because the corporations and the wealthy paid their fair share of taxes.

(See, if you wanted to look intelligent, you'd have demanded that I prove those tax rates. Instead, you're just flailing.)

The idea that high taxes produce prosperity is too stupid for words to describe. Could you explain the mechanism that produces that effect?

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study

U.S. Tax Policy since 1964 has and does Perpetuate Economic Inequality

The Great Compression and the Great Divergence

Tax policy and economic inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

STUDY: These Charts Show There's Almost No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth (or not)

If you read the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal (or surf around the nether regions of, you may come to the conclusion that no aspect of tax policy is more important for economic growth than the way we tax capital gains. You’d be wrong

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth (or not)

Economists: Higher Tax Rates On The Rich Won’t Hurt Growth

Economists: Higher Tax Rates On The Rich Won’t Hurt Growth


The claim that some congressional study is "non-partisan" doesn't pass the laugh test.
Yes I get it. You don't think there should be any taxes. Great plan. Pay for the military and infrastructure with no taxes.
That is the duty of the federal government, social programs are not. Thus the failure of social programs.

We wouldn't have such a welfare problem if the rich weren't so greedy.
Wrong, if the government was not so overbearing...

Embrace the suck

Wrong. The government is not so overbearing. Many corporations pay zero taxes.

That's because they lost money.

Or "made it" in the Cayman's or Ireland, like Apple did right?

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Ireland said on Tuesday it planned to shut down a much-criticized tax arrangement used by Apple Inc to shelter over $40 billion from taxation - but will leave open an even bigger loophole that means the computer giant is unlikely to pay any more tax.

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open
Where they always go, politicians.

So politicians are not part of the government on your planet? That would explain so much. But here on Earth, in the U.S., the 1950s were a time of great prosperity, in large part because the corporations and the wealthy paid their fair share of taxes.

(See, if you wanted to look intelligent, you'd have demanded that I prove those tax rates. Instead, you're just flailing.)

We are paying for the so called "prosperity" of the silly 50's now

On your planet? That's sad. In America, we're paying the Waltons' taxes for them.

none of the programs were paid for, they were all formed on credit...

Gonna need some proof for that.

Bet you don't have any, just the usual Rightist Rant.
All social programs were formed to be payed for by future taxes/fees/fines, as it happens now less and less are paying in and more and more are taking out, that's called a failed social program.

So it was NEVER PAID FOR...

Social security is pay as you go, so it is ALWAYS paid for.

"Pay as you go" means its future obligations are not paid for.
That is the duty of the federal government, social programs are not. Thus the failure of social programs.

We wouldn't have such a welfare problem if the rich weren't so greedy.
Wrong, if the government was not so overbearing...

Embrace the suck

Wrong. The government is not so overbearing. Many corporations pay zero taxes.

That's because they lost money.

Or "made it" in the Cayman's or Ireland, like Apple did right?

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Ireland said on Tuesday it planned to shut down a much-criticized tax arrangement used by Apple Inc to shelter over $40 billion from taxation - but will leave open an even bigger loophole that means the computer giant is unlikely to pay any more tax.

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Why should Apple, or any corporation, pay taxes on income it didn't earn in the United States?
Many companies already pay zero:
20 big profitable US companies paid $0 in taxes

Corporations just send jobs to China or bring foreigners here to work for less.
There should not be a corporate tax, that is taxation without representation.

Yes I get it. You don't think there should be any taxes. Great plan. Pay for the military and infrastructure with no taxes.
That is the duty of the federal government, social programs are not. Thus the failure of social programs.

We wouldn't have such a welfare problem if the rich weren't so greedy.

The rich are no more greedy than anyone else on this planet.

How Wealth Reduces Compassion
As riches grow, empathy for others seems to decline

How Wealth Reduces Compassion

Upper class more likely to be scofflaws due to greed, study finds

The upper class has a higher propensity for unethical behavior, being more likely to believe – as did Gordon Gekko in the movie “Wall Street” – that “greed is good,” according to a new study from the University of California, Berkeley.

Upper class more likely to be scofflaws due to greed, study finds

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