Taxing the wealthy more will have little to no impact on your life or anyone around you

Wrong. The government is not so overbearing. Many corporations pay zero taxes.

That's because they lost money.

Or "made it" in the Cayman's or Ireland, like Apple did right?

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Ireland said on Tuesday it planned to shut down a much-criticized tax arrangement used by Apple Inc to shelter over $40 billion from taxation - but will leave open an even bigger loophole that means the computer giant is unlikely to pay any more tax.

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Why should Apple, or any corporation, pay taxes on income it didn't earn in the United States?

They don't need to, but HONESTY dictates YOU admitting they didn't "earn" $40 billion in Ireland, lol

INTELLECTUAL profits are counted in low tax nations. Cool right? JUST DON'T TRY TO BRING IT BACK WITHOUT PAYING US TAXES ON IT!!

Honesty doesn't dictate anything of the sort. If the IRS could prove they didn't earn the money in Ireland, don't you think the IRS would have audited Apple and charged them for any taxes they owed?

Tax Dodge: Apple, Pfizer Among Top Companies That Added Nearly $90B To Their Offshore Cash Hoards Through Tax Inversion In 2014

...Last year, U.S. companies added $154.5 billion to their cash hoard in subsidiaries established in well-known tax haven countries like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg, according to company data compiled by Bloomberg in a report published Wednesday. A little more than $2.09 trillion from hundreds of U.S. companies now sits outside of the reach of the Internal Revenue Service in countries that charge little to no taxes on corporate earnings made outside their borders.

Companies with substantial international operations or that earn money from intellectual property are more likely to take advantage of the tax loophole. Global industrial heavyweight General Electric has long held the top slot as the biggest tax inverter, at $119 billion. The company uses this cash to reinvest in its massive global business operations, including oil and gas equipment, home appliances and power and water systems.

Tax Dodge: Apple, Pfizer Among Top Companies That Added Nearly $90B To Their Offshore Cash Hoards Through Tax Inversion In 2014

There are billions of transactions a day. Each pays some broker a service fee. The government getting a percentage of each sale will not scare anyone away

They are too greedy

There are less and less brokers every day thanks to our technology. The fee is minimum and doesn't affect the bottom line. Taxes are different. Why do you think they keep capital gains lower than other taxes? Because they want people to be attracted to the market. If taxes get too high, those investors go elsewhere.
Why are capital gains taxed at a lower rate than actual labor?

Because of the Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules

Does taxing labor dissuade people from working?

Most people don't have a choice but to work. Investors have multiple choices in where they invest their money.

Yes ...I can see them bailing on the stock market because of increased fees

Same old fear mongering....if we are not nice to rich people, they will run away
Worse, the discrepancy between what they actually pay and what they are supposed to pay is huge. Republicans go with what they are supposed to pay and say they pay the most in the world. Only they don't.

If they aren't paying what they are "supposed to pay," they are breaking the law. So who are you accusing of breaking the law?
What I am saying we have been in debt in this nation for over a century, there can be no prosperity if in debt.

Don't you understand, if there is any debt how can it be paid for?

What I understand is that every nation has debt, but the U.S. is remiss in not teaching economics in high school...
If people were taught economics in high school, they would all become Republicans.

What's that, do the usual dine and ditch and blame the Dems?

I always blame the Dems because they are responsible for all the problems this country has.

Sure, they gutted taxes as they went to TWO UNFUNDED wars and gave America an UNFUNDED Medicare expansion!
So politicians are not part of the government on your planet? That would explain so much. But here on Earth, in the U.S., the 1950s were a time of great prosperity, in large part because the corporations and the wealthy paid their fair share of taxes.

(See, if you wanted to look intelligent, you'd have demanded that I prove those tax rates. Instead, you're just flailing.)
Your "fair share" sounds like taxation without representation.

Taxes never go back to the masses...
Not today, which is the only system you know. It wasn't always like that. Which is why I compared today with the 1950s and pointed out that things were far better for the average American than they are now.

And here are the tax tables you didn't ask for:

Historical Highest Marginal Income Tax Rates

Tax Facts | Tax Facts Listing

Quite the crazy leftist that Eisenhower, huh? /sarcasm

You've committed the post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy. The fact that marginal rates were high in the 50s doesn't mean the were the reason for the prosperity of the 50s.

You no doubt have another explanation.

Of course.

And -?
We wouldn't have such a welfare problem if the rich weren't so greedy.

The rich are no more greedy than anyone else on this planet.

How Wealth Reduces Compassion
As riches grow, empathy for others seems to decline

How Wealth Reduces Compassion

Upper class more likely to be scofflaws due to greed, study finds

The upper class has a higher propensity for unethical behavior, being more likely to believe – as did Gordon Gekko in the movie “Wall Street” – that “greed is good,” according to a new study from the University of California, Berkeley.

Upper class more likely to be scofflaws due to greed, study finds

What pinko professor on the government payroll did this so-called "study?"

"in seven separate studies conducted on the UC Berkeley campus,"

That's all we need to know to dismiss this obvious propaganda.

View attachment 52768

No, that's not an ad hominem argument.

ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
adverb: ad hominem; adjective: ad hominem
  1. 1.
    (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "vicious ad hominem attacks"
That's because they lost money.

Or "made it" in the Cayman's or Ireland, like Apple did right?

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Ireland said on Tuesday it planned to shut down a much-criticized tax arrangement used by Apple Inc to shelter over $40 billion from taxation - but will leave open an even bigger loophole that means the computer giant is unlikely to pay any more tax.

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Why should Apple, or any corporation, pay taxes on income it didn't earn in the United States?

They don't need to, but HONESTY dictates YOU admitting they didn't "earn" $40 billion in Ireland, lol

INTELLECTUAL profits are counted in low tax nations. Cool right? JUST DON'T TRY TO BRING IT BACK WITHOUT PAYING US TAXES ON IT!!

Honesty doesn't dictate anything of the sort. If the IRS could prove they didn't earn the money in Ireland, don't you think the IRS would have audited Apple and charged them for any taxes they owed?

Tax Dodge: Apple, Pfizer Among Top Companies That Added Nearly $90B To Their Offshore Cash Hoards Through Tax Inversion In 2014

...Last year, U.S. companies added $154.5 billion to their cash hoard in subsidiaries established in well-known tax haven countries like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg, according to company data compiled by Bloomberg in a report published Wednesday. A little more than $2.09 trillion from hundreds of U.S. companies now sits outside of the reach of the Internal Revenue Service in countries that charge little to no taxes on corporate earnings made outside their borders.

Companies with substantial international operations or that earn money from intellectual property are more likely to take advantage of the tax loophole. Global industrial heavyweight General Electric has long held the top slot as the biggest tax inverter, at $119 billion. The company uses this cash to reinvest in its massive global business operations, including oil and gas equipment, home appliances and power and water systems.

Tax Dodge: Apple, Pfizer Among Top Companies That Added Nearly $90B To Their Offshore Cash Hoards Through Tax Inversion In 2014

Liberal Dictionary:
Tax dodge - a provision in the IRS code that allows corporations to legally lower their taxable income.
The rich are no more greedy than anyone else on this planet.

How Wealth Reduces Compassion
As riches grow, empathy for others seems to decline

How Wealth Reduces Compassion

Upper class more likely to be scofflaws due to greed, study finds

The upper class has a higher propensity for unethical behavior, being more likely to believe – as did Gordon Gekko in the movie “Wall Street” – that “greed is good,” according to a new study from the University of California, Berkeley.

Upper class more likely to be scofflaws due to greed, study finds

What pinko professor on the government payroll did this so-called "study?"

"in seven separate studies conducted on the UC Berkeley campus,"

That's all we need to know to dismiss this obvious propaganda.

View attachment 52768

No, that's not an ad hominem argument.

ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
adverb: ad hominem; adjective: ad hominem
  1. 1.
    (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "vicious ad hominem attacks"

Berkeley isn't a person.
Taxing the wealthy more will have little to no impact on your life or anyone around you

Did you get your job from a poor person?

If you tax away enough of the wealthy's money, what do you think they will have to cut as a result?

Yet we have had much stronger economies when the rich were being taxed more.
Are you stupid??
The more the wealthy businesses are taxed, they just pass expense onto their service/products.

Are you saying we haven't had much stronger economies when the rich were being taxed more? Because we have, it is a fact.

Yeah, we had a real strong economy in the 1930s.
The 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's, dingbat? The taxing in the 30's made THAT corrupt Pub World Depression survivable at least. Thank god the Dems got in fast this time, dupe.

The economy wasn't strong in the 70s, moron. We had a war on in the 40s. Kennedy reduced the marginal rate in the 60s precisely because it was stifling the economy.

"Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power and reduces the incentive for risk, investment and effort--thereby aborting our recoveries and stifling our national growth rate."

- John F. Kennedy -​
An income tax is unconstitutional...

And you'd pay for your military how without it?

Somehow we managed before 1916. There's a good argument that without the income tax we would have never gotten involved in WW I. It would have been financially impossible.

We didn't spend anywhere near as much on the military then.

That's true, and the lack of an income was one reason for that. Then we spent about 3% of our GDP on the federal government. Now we spend 40%.
YEAH! Let's go back to 70% of the elderly in poverty, dying if they got sick, poor houses and potters' fields. And who needs roads and plumbing?

You have some evidence for this claim, I suppose?
Wrong, if the government was not so overbearing...

Embrace the suck

Wrong. The government is not so overbearing. Many corporations pay zero taxes.

That's because they lost money.

Or "made it" in the Cayman's or Ireland, like Apple did right?

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Ireland said on Tuesday it planned to shut down a much-criticized tax arrangement used by Apple Inc to shelter over $40 billion from taxation - but will leave open an even bigger loophole that means the computer giant is unlikely to pay any more tax.

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Why should Apple, or any corporation, pay taxes on income it didn't earn in the United States?

They don't need to, but HONESTY dictates YOU admitting they didn't "earn" $40 billion in Ireland, lol

INTELLECTUAL profits are counted in low tax nations. Cool right? JUST DON'T TRY TO BRING IT BACK WITHOUT PAYING US TAXES ON IT!!

That means they won't be bringing it back. Yeah, that sure is smart government policy!
It should be used to pay off the debt. Those tax breaks for the rich sure didn't help the economy.
Says who? You?
I was easily making six figures prior to the crash. I won't claim that it was tax cuts that did it but it sure as hell wasn't something that carried over into Obama's administration.
You morons claim one thing but your only scape goat is the crash. The crash that was partially caused by Democratic policies. So desperate to help the poor that everyone paid the price.

Just look at how the economy has done, the evidence is clear.
Our economy crashed because of shady trading & financial practices. Partially thanks to people like Barney Frank and their bullshit "help the poor" policies.
The economy stayed in the shitter because we elected a fucking amatuer who knew NOTHING about economics & had the same God damn philosophy that got us there in the first place.

None of the "help the poor" policies contributed to the economic crisis.

That's been debunked over and over again.

Forcing banks to grant mortgages to people who couldn't pay them is what caused the crisis, so your claim is pure bullshit.

It is clear to anyone who has studied the financial crisis of 2008 that the private sector’s drive for short-term profit was behind it.
More than 84 percent of the sub-prime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending. These private firms made nearly 83 percent of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year. Out of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006, only one was subject to the usual mortgage laws and regulations. The nonbank underwriters made more than 12 million subprime mortgages with a value of nearly $2 trillion. The lenders who made these were exempt from federal regulations.

Lest We Forget: Why We Had A Financial Crisis

Jun 16th 2005

The worldwide rise in house prices is the biggest bubble in history. Prepare for the economic pain when it pops

According to estimates by The Economist, the total value of residential property in developed economies rose by more than $30 trillion over the past five years, to over $70 trillion, an increase equivalent to 100% of those countries' combined GDPs. Not only does this dwarf any previous house-price boom, it is larger than the global stockmarket bubble in the late 1990s (an increase over five years of 80% of GDP) or America's stockmarket bubble in the late 1920s (55% of GDP). In other words, it looks like the biggest bubble in history.

Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up

The boom and bust was global. Proponents of the Big Lie ignore the worldwide nature of the housing boom and bust

•Private lenders not subject to congressional regulations collapsed lending standards. Taking up that extra share were nonbanks selling mortgages elsewhere, not to the GSEs. Conforming mortgages had rules that were less profitable than the newfangled loans. Private securitizers — competitors of Fannie and Freddie — grew from 10 percent of the market in 2002 to nearly 40 percent in 2006. As a percentage of all mortgage-backed securities, private securitization grew from 23 percent in 2003 to 56 percent in 2006

Or "made it" in the Cayman's or Ireland, like Apple did right?

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Ireland said on Tuesday it planned to shut down a much-criticized tax arrangement used by Apple Inc to shelter over $40 billion from taxation - but will leave open an even bigger loophole that means the computer giant is unlikely to pay any more tax.

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Why should Apple, or any corporation, pay taxes on income it didn't earn in the United States?

They don't need to, but HONESTY dictates YOU admitting they didn't "earn" $40 billion in Ireland, lol

INTELLECTUAL profits are counted in low tax nations. Cool right? JUST DON'T TRY TO BRING IT BACK WITHOUT PAYING US TAXES ON IT!!

Honesty doesn't dictate anything of the sort. If the IRS could prove they didn't earn the money in Ireland, don't you think the IRS would have audited Apple and charged them for any taxes they owed?

Tax Dodge: Apple, Pfizer Among Top Companies That Added Nearly $90B To Their Offshore Cash Hoards Through Tax Inversion In 2014

...Last year, U.S. companies added $154.5 billion to their cash hoard in subsidiaries established in well-known tax haven countries like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg, according to company data compiled by Bloomberg in a report published Wednesday. A little more than $2.09 trillion from hundreds of U.S. companies now sits outside of the reach of the Internal Revenue Service in countries that charge little to no taxes on corporate earnings made outside their borders.

Companies with substantial international operations or that earn money from intellectual property are more likely to take advantage of the tax loophole. Global industrial heavyweight General Electric has long held the top slot as the biggest tax inverter, at $119 billion. The company uses this cash to reinvest in its massive global business operations, including oil and gas equipment, home appliances and power and water systems.

Tax Dodge: Apple, Pfizer Among Top Companies That Added Nearly $90B To Their Offshore Cash Hoards Through Tax Inversion In 2014

Liberal Dictionary:
Tax dodge - a provision in the IRS code that allows corporations to legally lower their taxable income.

"Companies with substantial international operations or that earn money from intellectual property are more likely to take advantage of the tax loophole."

You know the LOOPHOLES their lobbying buys them?
How Wealth Reduces Compassion
As riches grow, empathy for others seems to decline

How Wealth Reduces Compassion

Upper class more likely to be scofflaws due to greed, study finds

The upper class has a higher propensity for unethical behavior, being more likely to believe – as did Gordon Gekko in the movie “Wall Street” – that “greed is good,” according to a new study from the University of California, Berkeley.

Upper class more likely to be scofflaws due to greed, study finds

What pinko professor on the government payroll did this so-called "study?"

"in seven separate studies conducted on the UC Berkeley campus,"

That's all we need to know to dismiss this obvious propaganda.

View attachment 52768

No, that's not an ad hominem argument.

ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
adverb: ad hominem; adjective: ad hominem
  1. 1.
    (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "vicious ad hominem attacks"

Berkeley isn't a person.

Your twisting and turning noted!
Yet we have had much stronger economies when the rich were being taxed more.
Are you stupid??
The more the wealthy businesses are taxed, they just pass expense onto their service/products.

Are you saying we haven't had much stronger economies when the rich were being taxed more? Because we have, it is a fact.

Yeah, we had a real strong economy in the 1930s.
The 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's, dingbat? The taxing in the 30's made THAT corrupt Pub World Depression survivable at least. Thank god the Dems got in fast this time, dupe.

The economy wasn't strong in the 70s, moron. We had a war on in the 40s. Kennedy reduced the marginal rate in the 60s precisely because it was stifling the economy.

"Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power and reduces the incentive for risk, investment and effort--thereby aborting our recoveries and stifling our national growth rate."

- John F. Kennedy -​

JFK, the demand-side tax cutter. - Slate
Wrong. The government is not so overbearing. Many corporations pay zero taxes.

That's because they lost money.

Or "made it" in the Cayman's or Ireland, like Apple did right?

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Ireland said on Tuesday it planned to shut down a much-criticized tax arrangement used by Apple Inc to shelter over $40 billion from taxation - but will leave open an even bigger loophole that means the computer giant is unlikely to pay any more tax.

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Why should Apple, or any corporation, pay taxes on income it didn't earn in the United States?

They don't need to, but HONESTY dictates YOU admitting they didn't "earn" $40 billion in Ireland, lol

INTELLECTUAL profits are counted in low tax nations. Cool right? JUST DON'T TRY TO BRING IT BACK WITHOUT PAYING US TAXES ON IT!!

That means they won't be bringing it back. Yeah, that sure is smart government policy!

Cool. Either they pay for Gov't or let them keep it offshore. Simple.
What pinko professor on the government payroll did this so-called "study?"

"in seven separate studies conducted on the UC Berkeley campus,"

That's all we need to know to dismiss this obvious propaganda.

View attachment 52768

No, that's not an ad hominem argument.

ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
adverb: ad hominem; adjective: ad hominem
  1. 1.
    (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "vicious ad hominem attacks"

Berkeley isn't a person.

Your twisting and turning noted!
Yeah, but remember, he KNOWS that the tax rates under Eisenhower HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH the prosperity of the era.

It was something else. But he doesn't know what that is. He'll be playing Twister all by himself all night...
Why should Apple, or any corporation, pay taxes on income it didn't earn in the United States?

They don't need to, but HONESTY dictates YOU admitting they didn't "earn" $40 billion in Ireland, lol

INTELLECTUAL profits are counted in low tax nations. Cool right? JUST DON'T TRY TO BRING IT BACK WITHOUT PAYING US TAXES ON IT!!

Honesty doesn't dictate anything of the sort. If the IRS could prove they didn't earn the money in Ireland, don't you think the IRS would have audited Apple and charged them for any taxes they owed?

Tax Dodge: Apple, Pfizer Among Top Companies That Added Nearly $90B To Their Offshore Cash Hoards Through Tax Inversion In 2014

...Last year, U.S. companies added $154.5 billion to their cash hoard in subsidiaries established in well-known tax haven countries like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg, according to company data compiled by Bloomberg in a report published Wednesday. A little more than $2.09 trillion from hundreds of U.S. companies now sits outside of the reach of the Internal Revenue Service in countries that charge little to no taxes on corporate earnings made outside their borders.

Companies with substantial international operations or that earn money from intellectual property are more likely to take advantage of the tax loophole. Global industrial heavyweight General Electric has long held the top slot as the biggest tax inverter, at $119 billion. The company uses this cash to reinvest in its massive global business operations, including oil and gas equipment, home appliances and power and water systems.

Tax Dodge: Apple, Pfizer Among Top Companies That Added Nearly $90B To Their Offshore Cash Hoards Through Tax Inversion In 2014

Liberal Dictionary:
Tax dodge - a provision in the IRS code that allows corporations to legally lower their taxable income.

"Companies with substantial international operations or that earn money from intellectual property are more likely to take advantage of the tax loophole."

You know the LOOPHOLES their lobbying buys them?
Is it legal or not?

ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
adverb: ad hominem; adjective: ad hominem
  1. 1.
    (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "vicious ad hominem attacks"

Berkeley isn't a person.

Your twisting and turning noted!
Yeah, but remember, he KNOWS that the tax rates under Eisenhower HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH the prosperity of the era.

It was something else. But he doesn't know what that is. He'll be playing Twister all by himself all night...

I already explained it, moron: we bombed the rest of the industrial world into the stone age during WW II.
That's because they lost money.

Or "made it" in the Cayman's or Ireland, like Apple did right?

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Ireland said on Tuesday it planned to shut down a much-criticized tax arrangement used by Apple Inc to shelter over $40 billion from taxation - but will leave open an even bigger loophole that means the computer giant is unlikely to pay any more tax.

Ireland to close Apple's tax loophole, but leave bigger one open

Why should Apple, or any corporation, pay taxes on income it didn't earn in the United States?

They don't need to, but HONESTY dictates YOU admitting they didn't "earn" $40 billion in Ireland, lol

INTELLECTUAL profits are counted in low tax nations. Cool right? JUST DON'T TRY TO BRING IT BACK WITHOUT PAYING US TAXES ON IT!!

That means they won't be bringing it back. Yeah, that sure is smart government policy!

Cool. Either they pay for Gov't or let them keep it offshore. Simple.

Yeah, that will create a lot of jobs in this country.

It's sad that you're so stupid you can't see the flaw in your plan.
They don't need to, but HONESTY dictates YOU admitting they didn't "earn" $40 billion in Ireland, lol

INTELLECTUAL profits are counted in low tax nations. Cool right? JUST DON'T TRY TO BRING IT BACK WITHOUT PAYING US TAXES ON IT!!

Honesty doesn't dictate anything of the sort. If the IRS could prove they didn't earn the money in Ireland, don't you think the IRS would have audited Apple and charged them for any taxes they owed?

Tax Dodge: Apple, Pfizer Among Top Companies That Added Nearly $90B To Their Offshore Cash Hoards Through Tax Inversion In 2014

...Last year, U.S. companies added $154.5 billion to their cash hoard in subsidiaries established in well-known tax haven countries like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg, according to company data compiled by Bloomberg in a report published Wednesday. A little more than $2.09 trillion from hundreds of U.S. companies now sits outside of the reach of the Internal Revenue Service in countries that charge little to no taxes on corporate earnings made outside their borders.

Companies with substantial international operations or that earn money from intellectual property are more likely to take advantage of the tax loophole. Global industrial heavyweight General Electric has long held the top slot as the biggest tax inverter, at $119 billion. The company uses this cash to reinvest in its massive global business operations, including oil and gas equipment, home appliances and power and water systems.

Tax Dodge: Apple, Pfizer Among Top Companies That Added Nearly $90B To Their Offshore Cash Hoards Through Tax Inversion In 2014

Liberal Dictionary:
Tax dodge - a provision in the IRS code that allows corporations to legally lower their taxable income.

"Companies with substantial international operations or that earn money from intellectual property are more likely to take advantage of the tax loophole."

You know the LOOPHOLES their lobbying buys them?
Is it legal or not?

Yep, their bribes paid off HUUUUUGE As the Donald would say!

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