Taxpayers to put up money for Trump's wall

What I object to are the tunnels. They are physically cleared. Made sure to be empty. Then sealed. The mex can get through those seals and reopen the tunnels.

Stop checking to see if they are empty. Then dynamite them and collapse them.
I just thought you Trumpsters weren't going to eat it THIS soon. I gave it at least six months before you realized just how stupid you are.

Trump Insists Mexico Will Pay for Wall After U.S. Begins the Work

A secure border will save us billions each year. The wall will pay for itself quickly.

The left's solution is always spending more money on illegals and sending the bill to tax payers. It gets worse each year as more pour through the border. The cost of building a fence or wall is a fraction of the tens of billions spent each year to house, feed, educate and provide medical to millions of illegal aliens.

The thought of tax payers eventually keeping more of their earnings just irks you guys.

Did libs really think Mexico would be presented with a bill? They will lose tens of billions each year in remittances sent back by illegal aliens here in the states. And they will lose drug money if cartels can't come and go as they please. Trust me, this will cost them dearly and they'll be forced to do something for their own people instead of putting the burden on the American tax payers.

Oh fucking horse shit.

Again, see post 10. No "wall" even if it were possible to build, keeps out foreigners overstaying their visas, which is where most of them come from. And there's nothing you can do about that except face the fact, admit you've been lied to and take that bullshit snake oil back to the snake oil sales huckster that sold it to you.

For shit's sake ditch the partisan hackery charade and get a GRIP.

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