TB has broken out at Occupy Atlanta

no outrage from the left but plenty of ignorance from the right

LOL This entire thread where leftists are concerned is all about crying and whines of outrage.. over what??? The truth?? Reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??? reallllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?? Oh but how good it was when you liberals trashed the Tea Party and their peaceful protests.. SHEER HYPOCRISY.. the difference?? The Occupied States fleabaggers have shit on peoples lawns.. pissed in streets, thrown trash all over the place.. had public sex, rapes, murders.. and you expect that disease would somehow NOT flourish in this NASTY environment?? :cuckoo:
What a steaming load of propagandic nonsense.

Like the OWS movement is the vector for TB in the USA?

Hey-Zeus-k-rist on a crutch, how fucking stupid are you, anyway?

sure,, you keep on believing that..
ATLANTA (CBS Atlanta) - The home base for Occupy Atlanta has tested positive for tuberculosis.
The Fulton County Health Department confirmed Wednesday that residents at the homeless shelter where protesters have been occupying have contracted the drug-resistant disease. WGCL reports that a health department spokeswoman said there is a possibility that both Occupy Atlanta protesters and the homeless people in the shelter may still be at risk since tuberculosis is contracted through air contact.
Tuberculosis has been spread in areas not imagined in modern times. I recall a number of years ago when the elites on the Upper East Side of Manhattan found some of their kids getting TB because their private school bus drivers, hired at the lowest wages, were new immigrants from countries that had poor sanitation and high tuberculosis rates. This leads to the next question.
Last month, local health officials in Santa Barbara County warned about an outbreak of tuberculosis.
There is concern tonight about the latest outbreak of tuberculosis cases in Santa Barbara County.
County health officials say there have been 17 confirmed cases this year. 14 of them are in northern Santa Barbara County. There were 33 cases last year and that was the highest in recent history.

Santa Barbara County is considered a moderate risk county compared to the rest of the state. Public health officials say TB is treatable but many people may not know they are infected. The disease can often lie dorminant for years inside your body and suddenly become active.
So what may happen when the upscale Atlanta protesters with their $200,000 sociology degrees go back to their wealthy suburbs and cough on Mummy, Daddy and sister Muffie? Oh, yes. And they might also cough on the maid and chauffeur as well. If the help gets tuberculosis from the young protestors, they just might have to hire John Edwards to sue the families in a class action case. If he's not available and the help is female, they might hire Gloria Allred. But I digress.

Read more: Blog: Occupy Atlanta has confirmed Tuberculosis cases

Now me? I didn't know TB even existed any more. I thought it had been eradicated with diseases like polio when they gave you that sugar cube with the pink dot on it. Didn't you get a TB shot when you were a kid? I sure did. Couldn't enter school without one.

I think this has to do with that STUPID liberal idea of "I don't want any chemicals entering my baby's body," idea of not giving them innoculations.

Idiotic! I grew up in a time when two years before polio was still a dreaded disease, and they handed out those sugar cubes in kindergarten. We were the lucky ones. If we had been born but two years prior it would have been the luck of the draw whether or not we contracted polio.

Now these STUPID Occupy people are spreading TB????

What's next? The Black Death?

My kid and I were joking about that the other day (from the lack of sanitation), we were sure we could find lots of rats and we could name them "Bubonic" and "Plague."

Now, it looks like it's not a laughing matter.

TB has been on the rise for a number of years now. Due to the immune deficiency caused by AIDS a lot of HIV patients have TB. Also a lot of street people and mentally ill who live in conglomerate housing. The only difference is THIS time THIS TB strain is drug resistant. That is largely because once it is identified the individual who has it will not complete the full year on INH. In some cities, nurses would arrange to meet people on a certain street corner daily to give them their dose. It is that critical. But people will not comply and so TB has become drug resistant. I would not be surrprised that Occupy people are getting in if they stay in close quarters with homeless people. Which no doubt some do in the inner cities. I, myself, have had patients who had active TB. I have been to 3 foreign countries and worked with the inner city population, but I have never had a positive PPD (TB skin test.) TB isn't that easy to catch if you maintain standards of cleanliness.

The Black Death (plague/aka yersinia) would be no problem in the current day and would have not been in centuries past had they had antibiotics. There is actually a strain of yersinia today, known as yersinia pestis. But that strain doesn't cause the plague.

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no outrage from the left but plenty of ignorance from the right

LOL This entire thread where leftists are concerned is all about crying and whines of outrage.. over what??? The truth?? Reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??? reallllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?? Oh but how good it was when you liberals trashed the Tea Party and their peaceful protests.. SHEER HYPOCRISY.. the difference?? The Occupied States fleabaggers have shit on peoples lawns.. pissed in streets, thrown trash all over the place.. had public sex, rapes, murders.. and you expect that disease would somehow NOT flourish in this NASTY environment?? :cuckoo:

they are drawing rats too by the thousands.
Oh bullshit. Conservatives are the ones that wanted to block public school innoculations. In any case, just a cursory google would let you know that TB has been making the rounds in prisons. There are almost uncurable strains of TB coming out into the street.

Oh really? Perry was making it law they had to get shots.

But can you name a conservative that wanted to block public school innoculations?

Because the people I've seen against it are loopy Hollywood personalities like Lisa Bonnet.
ATLANTA (CBS Atlanta) - The home base for Occupy Atlanta has tested positive for tuberculosis.
The Fulton County Health Department confirmed Wednesday that residents at the homeless shelter where protesters have been occupying have contracted the drug-resistant disease. WGCL reports that a health department spokeswoman said there is a possibility that both Occupy Atlanta protesters and the homeless people in the shelter may still be at risk since tuberculosis is contracted through air contact.
Tuberculosis has been spread in areas not imagined in modern times. I recall a number of years ago when the elites on the Upper East Side of Manhattan found some of their kids getting TB because their private school bus drivers, hired at the lowest wages, were new immigrants from countries that had poor sanitation and high tuberculosis rates. This leads to the next question.
Last month, local health officials in Santa Barbara County warned about an outbreak of tuberculosis.
There is concern tonight about the latest outbreak of tuberculosis cases in Santa Barbara County.
County health officials say there have been 17 confirmed cases this year. 14 of them are in northern Santa Barbara County. There were 33 cases last year and that was the highest in recent history.

Santa Barbara County is considered a moderate risk county compared to the rest of the state. Public health officials say TB is treatable but many people may not know they are infected. The disease can often lie dorminant for years inside your body and suddenly become active.
So what may happen when the upscale Atlanta protesters with their $200,000 sociology degrees go back to their wealthy suburbs and cough on Mummy, Daddy and sister Muffie? Oh, yes. And they might also cough on the maid and chauffeur as well. If the help gets tuberculosis from the young protestors, they just might have to hire John Edwards to sue the families in a class action case. If he's not available and the help is female, they might hire Gloria Allred. But I digress.

Read more: Blog: Occupy Atlanta has confirmed Tuberculosis cases

Now me? I didn't know TB even existed any more. I thought it had been eradicated with diseases like polio when they gave you that sugar cube with the pink dot on it. Didn't you get a TB shot when you were a kid? I sure did. Couldn't enter school without one.

I think this has to do with that STUPID liberal idea of "I don't want any chemicals entering my baby's body," idea of not giving them innoculations.

Idiotic! I grew up in a time when two years before polio was still a dreaded disease, and they handed out those sugar cubes in kindergarten. We were the lucky ones. If we had been born but two years prior it would have been the luck of the draw whether or not we contracted polio.

Now these STUPID Occupy people are spreading TB????

What's next? The Black Death?

My kid and I were joking about that the other day (from the lack of sanitation), we were sure we could find lots of rats and we could name them "Bubonic" and "Plague."

Now, it looks like it's not a laughing matter.

Hey dummy didnt you notice this thread already exists??? There is more to life then your own ego.

But then I guess that means I can ignore this thread, and you. Carry on.

Upset we are all talking about it, huh?

there is still polio, there is still plague (in the four corners area of the us)......you arent very knowing when it comes to these things...tb has never been eradicated and is becoming worse as people dont take all the meds and mutant strains resistant to meds develop

diseases have never been a

laughing matter

Who said I was laughing about it?

It more likely Illegal immigrants from overseas or south of the border that brought TB in with them.......that is part of the problem with illegal immigration, many countries that are bad enough to motivate people to break our immigration laws don't do vaccinations.
Your information is wrong. Mexico vaccinates for TB, the US does not except in high risk populations.

TB is a common problem in homeless shelters.

If you are actually concerned about it, you should focus your energy on ridding shelters and prisons of TB.

Or you could just use it as a weapon against the homeless, immigrants and the OWS crowd.
Put a bunch of people together for an extended period of time in unsanitary conditions...duh.
Oh bullshit. Conservatives are the ones that wanted to block public school innoculations. In any case, just a cursory google would let you know that TB has been making the rounds in prisons. There are almost uncurable strains of TB coming out into the street.

That is very astute of you to compare ows to prisons.

Wow..you are making a wild logical leap. Mutant strains of TB have been coming out of prisons for some time now. Why? Because of the harsh environment conservatives want to make prisons into..and budget cuts. Having people with little access to health care in a very crowded environment may feel good to sadistic types, but it's a breeding ground for disease. And when you consider that not every prison sentence is for life..it's a ticking time bomb.


Oh get this. ONLY conservatives run prisons?

Tell me. Do conservatives run the OWS as well?

Pretty stupid attempt to deflect on your part!

This entire scenario is very sad. We live in a country where we have the freedom to demonstrate and hold rallies. We also have laws to protect the rights of everyone. City and state officials have neglected to pursue the OWS movement to pay for their permits to demonstrate and hold them accountable for breaking park rules.

When participants decide to break with common sense to stay in an environment of unsanitary and frankly disgusting conditions , they must reeap what they sow. Whether it is a spreading disease or an unsafe conditions open to rape, assaults and murder or suicide, it is their choice.

These protestors are the first to scream their rights are violated when they cannot obey the very laws they are refusing to acknowledge. I really cannot muster up any sympathy for these violaters.

The tea party was a perfect opportunity for these occupiers to see how they could make a difference and obey laws. Look what happened in 2010 when the teaparty was responsible for the the Republican windfall in the Congress.
put up all the smileys you want....you are still ignorant and this thread shows that....you have no clue about diseases ......
The OWS shitters are responsible for the unsanitary conditions at their sites. Unless you want to say that mommy hasn't come along to change diapers, it's their fault. The areas should be left alone. Let the diseases spread. I was hoping for typhoid myself, let them get robbed, raped, killed. Leave them be to suffer the consequences of their actions and choices.

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