Tea Party activist confronts Obama on Biden calling them terrorists.

lol @ house man. "stay classy" @ bodecea and ignore the dick in obama's mouth the poster she's referring to posted. hows that wash, lol
Obama talked to the guy?

Back when Bush 43 was president, people who weren't supporters would be removed and subsequently arrested just for wearing t-shirts critical of the war. Hell, they didn't even get to say a word.

And Bush? He wouldn't even meet with Cindy Sheehan when she was camped out on the road down in Texas. Then Bush would just ride by her ensconced in his preidential limosine motorcade.

At least Obama has some personal moxie.

Back when Bush 43 was president, people who weren't supporters would be removed and subsequently arrested just for wearing t-shirts critical of the war.

I am sure you have a link.

I do.

George W. Bush: International Terrorist"A high school junior in Dearborn, Michigan, Bretton Barber, was asked to remove his anti-George W. Bush T-shirt in the lead up to the Iraq War. It featured a picture of Bush with the words "International Terrorist." He was asked to remove it, because it supported terrorism.[6] The student sued his school district and his principal in Federal District Court in Detroit, Michigan (Bretton Barber v. Dearborn Public Schools [286 F. Supp. 2d 847]). In a 25-page published opinion, Barber won the lawsuit, and his high school was ordered to allow him to wear the shirt.

[edit] "Give Peace a Chance"In the leadup to the Iraq War, a man was asked to leave a shopping mall by a security guard because of his "Give Peace a Chance" T-shirt.[7]

[edit] "Meet the Fuckers"In October 2005, Lorrie Heasley, of Portland, Oregon, was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight in Reno, Nevada for wearing a T-shirt displaying an image of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Michael Chertoff and Michael Brown with the caption "Meet the Fuckers," spoofing the film title Meet the Fockers.[8]
Illegal T-shirt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Secret Service and White House Charged with Violating Free Speech Rights in ACLU Lawsuit | American Civil Liberties Union
Justices reject lawsuit by protesters removed from Bush event - CNN
How quickly some forget.

Bush was called every name in the book from liar to Natzi to baby killer and no one on the left seemed to have a problem with that.

Some Tea Party guy has a few words with the Prez and he's practically a criminal???

Don't think Barry likes direct confrontation or questions (unless they are scripted of course) with anyone. Hell. I'd like to have a few words with that guy myself.

As for socialist. If he's not a socialist then he's doing a darned good imitation of one.

Link to any Democratic Politican saying any of these things?

George Bush is a Baby Killer - Democratic Underground

Babykiller.com - don't believe it when they tell you war is peace


Blogs? Really?

And where is a Democratic politician cited?

lol @ house man. "stay classy" @ bodecea and ignore the dick in obama's mouth the poster she's referring to posted. hows that wash, lol

What "dick in 0bama's mouth" comment?

I don't have the desire to wade through pages of commentary, but it wasn't on the wone I quoted...
Obama talked to the guy?

Back when Bush 43 was president, people who weren't supporters would be removed and subsequently arrested just for wearing t-shirts critical of the war. Hell, they didn't even get to say a word.

And Bush? He wouldn't even meet with Cindy Sheehan when she was camped out on the road down in Texas. Then Bush would just ride by her ensconced in his preidential limosine motorcade.

At least Obama has some personal moxie.

Back when Bush 43 was president, people who weren't supporters would be removed and subsequently arrested just for wearing t-shirts critical of the war.

I am sure you have a link.

It was well-documented at the time. Where were you?

In the months before the 2004 election, dozens of people across the nation were banished from or arrested at Bush political rallies, some for heckling the president, others simply for holding signs or wearing clothing that expressed opposition to the war and administration policies.

Similar things have happened at official, taxpayer-funded, presidential visits, before and after the election. Some targeted by security have been escorted from events, while others have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that were later dropped by local prosecutors.

USATODAY.com - Arrested Bush dissenters look to the courts

By the way, have you heard of people being arrested at Obama rallies for doing nothing more than holding up signs or wearing t-shirts?
lol @ house man. "stay classy" @ bodecea and ignore the dick in obama's mouth the poster she's referring to posted. hows that wash, lol

What "dick in 0bama's mouth" comment?

I don't have the desire to wade through pages of commentary, but it wasn't on the wone I quoted...

actually it was but, you not having time to figure that out b4 you spoke caused you to look like an ass :razz:
Obama talked to the guy?

Back when Bush 43 was president, people who weren't supporters would be removed and subsequently arrested just for wearing t-shirts critical of the war. Hell, they didn't even get to say a word.

And Bush? He wouldn't even meet with Cindy Sheehan when she was camped out on the road down in Texas. Then Bush would just ride by her ensconced in his preidential limosine motorcade.

At least Obama has some personal moxie.

I am sure you have a link.

It was well-documented at the time. Where were you?

In the months before the 2004 election, dozens of people across the nation were banished from or arrested at Bush political rallies, some for heckling the president, others simply for holding signs or wearing clothing that expressed opposition to the war and administration policies.

Similar things have happened at official, taxpayer-funded, presidential visits, before and after the election. Some targeted by security have been escorted from events, while others have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that were later dropped by local prosecutors.

USATODAY.com - Arrested Bush dissenters look to the courts

By the way, have you heard of people being arrested at Obama rallies for doing nothing more than holding up signs or wearing t-shirts?

How soon they forget.

We went from fascism (Bush - Lost first election, squeeked by second, violated all sorts of laws, the US Constitution and made people obsencely rich while collapsing the economy) to Democracy again.

Conservatives just hate democracy.

And "government".
I am sure you have a link.

It was well-documented at the time. Where were you?

In the months before the 2004 election, dozens of people across the nation were banished from or arrested at Bush political rallies, some for heckling the president, others simply for holding signs or wearing clothing that expressed opposition to the war and administration policies.

Similar things have happened at official, taxpayer-funded, presidential visits, before and after the election. Some targeted by security have been escorted from events, while others have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that were later dropped by local prosecutors.

USATODAY.com - Arrested Bush dissenters look to the courts

By the way, have you heard of people being arrested at Obama rallies for doing nothing more than holding up signs or wearing t-shirts?

How soon they forget.

We went from fascism (Bush - Lost first election, squeeked by second, violated all sorts of laws, the US Constitution and made people obsencely rich while collapsing the economy) to Democracy again.

Conservatives just hate democracy.

And "government".

You left out the fact that Bush secrety spied on Americans?
Obama talked to the guy?

Back when Bush 43 was president, people who weren't supporters would be removed and subsequently arrested just for wearing t-shirts critical of the war. Hell, they didn't even get to say a word.

And Bush? He wouldn't even meet with Cindy Sheehan when she was camped out on the road down in Texas. Then Bush would just ride by her ensconced in his preidential limosine motorcade.

At least Obama has some personal moxie.

I am sure you have a link.

It was well-documented at the time. Where were you?

In the months before the 2004 election, dozens of people across the nation were banished from or arrested at Bush political rallies, some for heckling the president, others simply for holding signs or wearing clothing that expressed opposition to the war and administration policies.

Similar things have happened at official, taxpayer-funded, presidential visits, before and after the election. Some targeted by security have been escorted from events, while others have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that were later dropped by local prosecutors.

USATODAY.com - Arrested Bush dissenters look to the courts

By the way, have you heard of people being arrested at Obama rallies for doing nothing more than holding up signs or wearing t-shirts?

Did you even read the article you cite? It specifically says they were arrested for not obeying security restrictions. It says nothing about them being arrested for wearing t-shirts. The only people claiming this are the unhinged loons who were arrested.

That has as much credibility as me getting a DUI and then claiming it was because I was wearing white Nike's.

Good grief.
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How quickly some forget.

Bush was called every name in the book from liar to Natzi to baby killer and no one on the left seemed to have a problem with that.

Some Tea Party guy has a few words with the Prez and he's practically a criminal???

Don't think Barry likes direct confrontation or questions (unless they are scripted of course) with anyone. Hell. I'd like to have a few words with that guy myself.

As for socialist. If he's not a socialist then he's doing a darned good imitation of one.

Link to any Democratic Politican saying any of these things?

How about "get their heads blown off for the President's amusement"?

Would that fit?

You can pretend it was never said if it makes it easier for you to call other Americans terrorists, though...


Yes this was said by a democratic politician....:eusa_shhh:
I am sure you have a link.

It was well-documented at the time. Where were you?

In the months before the 2004 election, dozens of people across the nation were banished from or arrested at Bush political rallies, some for heckling the president, others simply for holding signs or wearing clothing that expressed opposition to the war and administration policies.

Similar things have happened at official, taxpayer-funded, presidential visits, before and after the election. Some targeted by security have been escorted from events, while others have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that were later dropped by local prosecutors.

USATODAY.com - Arrested Bush dissenters look to the courts

By the way, have you heard of people being arrested at Obama rallies for doing nothing more than holding up signs or wearing t-shirts?

Did you even read the article you cite? It specifically says they were arrested for not obeying security restrictions. It says nothing aboutthem being arrested for wearing t-shirts.

Good grief.

the facts are not what is important. What Bill Maher and Rachel Maddow say is what counts.
Link to any Democratic Politican saying any of these things?

How about "get their heads blown off for the President's amusement"?

Would that fit?

You can pretend it was never said if it makes it easier for you to call other Americans terrorists, though...


Yes this was said by a democratic politician....:eusa_shhh:

here is the link:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsGaNR9dVPM]Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) Outrageous Remarks on House Floor - YouTube[/ame]
Obama talked to the guy?

Back when Bush 43 was president, people who weren't supporters would be removed and subsequently arrested just for wearing t-shirts critical of the war. Hell, they didn't even get to say a word.

And Bush? He wouldn't even meet with Cindy Sheehan when she was camped out on the road down in Texas. Then Bush would just ride by her ensconced in his preidential limosine motorcade.

At least Obama has some personal moxie.

I am sure you have a link.

It was well-documented at the time. Where were you?

In the months before the 2004 election, dozens of people across the nation were banished from or arrested at Bush political rallies, some for heckling the president, others simply for holding signs or wearing clothing that expressed opposition to the war and administration policies.

Similar things have happened at official, taxpayer-funded, presidential visits, before and after the election. Some targeted by security have been escorted from events, while others have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that were later dropped by local prosecutors.

USATODAY.com - Arrested Bush dissenters look to the courts

By the way, have you heard of people being arrested at Obama rallies for doing nothing more than holding up signs or wearing t-shirts?

You said Bush had them arrested for wearing an anti war T-shirt. And we all know how the media can make something lkook like it happen but really didn't. If the two women were arested for just wearing a t-shirt then the cops are to be blamed not George Bush. I am sure they didn't just put a finger in the chest of the arresting officer, I am sure they did not provoke the arrest.

So I ask again when did Bush have someoine arrested for wearing a anti war t-shirt?

Yea, see, the left are already outed for this kind of bullshit. Either prove that guy is an actual TEA Partier or you are dismissed as an idiot.

Don't like it? Blame the HuffPuff for recruiting idiots to attend TEA Party rallies with 'provocative signs', photograph themselves and spread them around the net. Dishonesty breeds suspicion.

I don't think i need to prove anything , the words and actions of the tea party LEADERS are well documented.

So can you give me a list of all the tea party activists that have been arrested for violence, for threatening violence, for waving their guns around, for bullying others. Let's see those well document arrest and court records.
Yes, calling Obama out is the right thing to do. Obama says he wants to hear from the people but that dog crap. He only wants to hear from the idiots that agree with him. The Tea party is America at it's best. Why do Democrats toss out the words Free Speech, then call Americans that exercise that right terrorists? I'm sure Biden won"t on the ticket in 2012, but I could be wrong. I'm really not sure the Harvard man is that smart. Biden is a great example of what's wrong in Washington.
Dusty the dog
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lol @ house man. "stay classy" @ bodecea and ignore the dick in obama's mouth the poster she's referring to posted. hows that wash, lol

What "dick in 0bama's mouth" comment?

I don't have the desire to wade through pages of commentary, but it wasn't on the wone I quoted...

actually it was but, you not having time to figure that out b4 you spoke caused you to look like an ass :razz:

No, it wasn't, fuckstain, but thanks for being an ass...


You should have stayed in school... They teach reading comprehension and it's a shame you missed out on that...
I am sure you have a link.

It was well-documented at the time. Where were you?

In the months before the 2004 election, dozens of people across the nation were banished from or arrested at Bush political rallies, some for heckling the president, others simply for holding signs or wearing clothing that expressed opposition to the war and administration policies.

Similar things have happened at official, taxpayer-funded, presidential visits, before and after the election. Some targeted by security have been escorted from events, while others have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that were later dropped by local prosecutors.

USATODAY.com - Arrested Bush dissenters look to the courts

By the way, have you heard of people being arrested at Obama rallies for doing nothing more than holding up signs or wearing t-shirts?

Did you even read the article you cite? It specifically says they were arrested for not obeying security restrictions. It says nothing about them being arrested for wearing t-shirts. The only people claiming this are the unhinged loons who were arrested.

That has as much credibility as me getting a DUI and then claiming it was because I was wearing white Nike's.

Good grief.

El surprise. The stories of the security detail don't jibe with the people arrested. Considering that there was obviously a pattern of summarily removing perceived dissenters from events where Bush was going to speak, I think it's probably safe to assume that security details all across the country were instructed to remove anyone, regardless of how well-behaved they were, if they had signs or t-shirts critical of Bush and/or his policies.

Additionally, considering the fact that the people arrested were not prosecuted (probably due to a complete lack of evidence), it's not a stretch to believe THEIR stories in the least.
Yea, see, the left are already outed for this kind of bullshit. Either prove that guy is an actual TEA Partier or you are dismissed as an idiot.

Don't like it? Blame the HuffPuff for recruiting idiots to attend TEA Party rallies with 'provocative signs', photograph themselves and spread them around the net. Dishonesty breeds suspicion.

I don't think i need to prove anything , the words and actions of the tea party LEADERS are well documented.

So can you give me a list of all the tea party activists that have been arrested for violence, for threatening violence, for waving their guns around, for bullying others. Let's see those well document arrest and court records.

thats the irony...

Dozens of ralleys.....hiundreds of cameras looking for trouble to put on the news....

And the best they have is a guy screaming at a congressman and some spittle leaving his lips...with the left claiming it was an intentional lungie..

Oh yeah...and a garbled word that may have been the "N" word....but no one is 100% sure

Certainly if the N word is used often, there would be other examples.....but alas, just the one garbled word.

No arrests for vilolence, no arrests for racism...heck, I dont think we even saw an arrst for jaywalking and littering.

But they are violent racists and it is well documented.....

Americans are more and more becoming angry with the big government mind set of those people who are out of touch with everyday American lives. obama just happen to be the one who really woke people up. You idiots should have went with clinton she would have pushed her agenda a little less agressive, and you might would have gotten what you want with a sleeping America. I say thanks for waking the people of this country.:clap2:
It was well-documented at the time. Where were you?

By the way, have you heard of people being arrested at Obama rallies for doing nothing more than holding up signs or wearing t-shirts?

Did you even read the article you cite? It specifically says they were arrested for not obeying security restrictions. It says nothing about them being arrested for wearing t-shirts. The only people claiming this are the unhinged loons who were arrested.

That has as much credibility as me getting a DUI and then claiming it was because I was wearing white Nike's.

Good grief.

El surprise. The stories of the security detail don't jibe with the people arrested. Considering that there was obviously a pattern of summarily removing perceived dissenters from events where Bush was going to speak, I think it's probably safe to assume that security details all across the country were instructed to remove anyone, regardless of how well-behaved they were, if they had signs or t-shirts critical of Bush and/or his policies.

Additionally, considering the fact that the people arrested were not prosecuted (probably due to a complete lack of evidence), it's not a stretch to believe THEIR stories in the least.

so now your fact is nothing more than paranoid assumption on your part.

Got it.

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