Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses

and how does the country now view the tea party after their performance in trying to bankrupot the country with a debt ceiling mess?
WE weren't in so much trouble then? LUGAR wanted status quo? Pleaded with Democrats to cross lines to vote for him?

Kinda tells a story.

He is addicted to the District Of Criminals. His constituients said NO...YOU are part of the problem. TIME for YOU Mr. Lugar to Retire.


Yeah, I'm from Indiana. Lugar was a stand up guy who always put the good of the nation first.

I had a much longer reply typed out, but the truth is, as a Christian I don't feel like I can publicly say what it is that most of the folks in here knocking on Lugar deserve to hear. Suffice it to say, it is not possible for me to have a lower opinion of many of the folks in this thread than I have right now.
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what committees was Lugar on.

that constituancy just handed away their voice on those.
Richard Lugar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Committee assignments
Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Subcommittee on Energy, Science and Technology
Subcommittee on Domestic and Foreign Marketing, Inspection, and Plant and Animal Health
Subcommittee on Hunger, Nutrition and Family Farms (Ranking Member)

Committee on Foreign Relations (Ranking Member) As Ranking Member of the full committee, Sen. Lugar is an ex officio member of all subcommittees

I hope they enjoy their brand new powerless rep
what committees was Lugar on.

that constituancy just handed away their voice on those.

Yeah. That's gonna hurt.

And newbie won't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Committee assignments
Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Subcommittee on Energy, Science and Technology
Subcommittee on Domestic and Foreign Marketing, Inspection, and Plant and Animal Health
Subcommittee on Hunger, Nutrition and Family Farms (Ranking Member)
Committee on Foreign Relations (Ranking Member)

As Ranking Member of the full committee, Sen. Lugar is an ex officio member of all subcommittees
Tea Party not dead?

Gotta be the best news democrats have heard in a while.

Yeeeeaaa...cuz things worked out so well for the Dems in 2010...:cuckoo:


And you ended up with .. MITT ROMNEY :lol:

What a master stroke of political manuvering.

Democrats deserved to get their asses spanked in 2010. But doesn't appear to have made the right any smarter.

And a majority in the House...forgetting that little "shellacking"?

BTW, I'm not right or left. I'll let you central planner types whine about which side knows what's best for other people. That's your thing, not mine.
Tea Party not dead?

Gotta be the best news democrats have heard in a while.

Yeeeeaaa...cuz things worked out so well for the Dems in 2010...:cuckoo:

Inorite!! And then the newly-minted representatives crashed the motherfucking approval rating to 9%. 9%! We can't thank you enough.:lol:

Quite a mouth on you. Vulgarity is often the respite of the intellectually frustrated. Good luck there.

That crashing approval rating had NOTHING to do with the big spenders in both parties, eh? :cuckoo:
Yeeeeaaa...cuz things worked out so well for the Dems in 2010...:cuckoo:

Inorite!! And then the newly-minted representatives crashed the motherfucking approval rating to 9%. 9%! We can't thank you enough.:lol:

Quite a mouth on you. Vulgarity is often the respite of the intellectually frustrated. Good luck there.

That crashing approval rating had NOTHING to do with the big spenders in both parties, eh? :cuckoo:

Nope. It had everything to do with their arrival.

And personally, I think slinging the effinheimer every so often is nothing compared to all the slurring the neocons do in here on a daily basis of the President and his party.
Yeeeeaaa...cuz things worked out so well for the Dems in 2010...:cuckoo:

Inorite!! And then the newly-minted representatives crashed the motherfucking approval rating to 9%. 9%! We can't thank you enough.:lol:

Quite a mouth on you. Vulgarity is often the respite of the intellectually frustrated. Good luck there.

That crashing approval rating had NOTHING to do with the big spenders in both parties, eh? :cuckoo:


have you seen the things the right on here say about people?
The republicans definitely need some new young blood in congress.
Nope. It had everything to do with their arrival.

Now there's a convincing argument! Impressive.

"Cuz I say so, that's why!" Last time I heard a retort that devastating was on a grade school playground.
Inorite!! And then the newly-minted representatives crashed the motherfucking approval rating to 9%. 9%! We can't thank you enough.:lol:

Quite a mouth on you. Vulgarity is often the respite of the intellectually frustrated. Good luck there.

That crashing approval rating had NOTHING to do with the big spenders in both parties, eh? :cuckoo:


have you seen the things the right on here say about people?

Hey, do you expect the right to stand for anything? The rule is If it comes from the right, its ok. They only expect the left to stand on principal

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