Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses

I am glad. He is one of the REP that did not condemn the Health care law and he vote a lot in favor for the Dems.. Obama calls him his favorite DeM. enough said
Nope. It had everything to do with their arrival.

Now there's a convincing argument! Impressive.

"Cuz I say so, that's why!" Last time I heard a retort that devastating was on a grade school playground.

Approval ratings for Congress dropped into single digits this month for the first time since CBS News and the New York Times began asking the question more than three decades ago.

In a poll released Tuesday, just nine percent of Americans said they approve of the job lawmakers on Capitol Hill are doing. The all-time low is down 2 points from an 11 percent approval rating just a month ago, and is the first single digit level since the question was first asked in 1977.

According to the poll, which was conducted between October 19-24, Americans also have less trust than ever in the government's ability to make the right decisions: Just one in ten Americans currently say they trust the government to do what is right all or most of the time - down from 23 percent who said the same just a year ago. That figure - at just 1 percent - is a record low since the CBS News/New York Times poll first asked the question in 1976.

When was that? Oh yeah!! After they went to the mat, trying not to raise the ceiling.

Congressional approval at all-time low of 9%, according to new CBS News/New York Times poll - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

How will you twist this one? I just can't wait to find out.

I am speaking generically about you hypocritical Liberals, of course.
It's so hard to understand you, with Wall $treet.....

Goldman Sachs
Top Contributors to Papa Obama​

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XdhI6bwyL4]Ticker_Guy_on_Ratigan.flv - YouTube[/ame]



Yeeeeaaa...cuz things worked out so well for the Dems in 2010...:cuckoo:


And you ended up with .. MITT ROMNEY :lol:

What a master stroke of political manuvering.

Democrats deserved to get their asses spanked in 2010. But doesn't appear to have made the right any smarter.

And a majority in the House...forgetting that little "shellacking"?

BTW, I'm not right or left. I'll let you central planner types whine about which side knows what's best for other people. That's your thing, not mine.

I'm on the left .. but I don't care about "sides" .. don't give a damn about labels.

I care about policy, I care about people.

What did republicans do with that majority in the House?

Nothing. Nothing at all to endear themselves to actual humans. Just ran cover for the corporate will.

At the end of the day .. they're stuck with .. MITT ROMNEY :lol: .. whose name should elicit the same cringe response as Frau Blucher

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdIID_TGwhM]Frau Blucher - YouTube[/ame]

This isn't about sides brother .. it's about the failure of the American people to see through the mindfuck.

And you ended up with .. MITT ROMNEY :lol:

What a master stroke of political manuvering.

Democrats deserved to get their asses spanked in 2010. But doesn't appear to have made the right any smarter.

And a majority in the House...forgetting that little "shellacking"?

BTW, I'm not right or left. I'll let you central planner types whine about which side knows what's best for other people. That's your thing, not mine.

I'm on the left .. but I don't care about "sides" .. don't give a damn about labels.

I care about policy, I care about people.

What did republicans do with that majority in the House?

Nothing. Nothing at all to endear themselves to actual humans. Just ran cover for the corporate will.

At the end of the day .. they're stuck with .. MITT ROMNEY :lol: .. whose name should elicit the same cringe response as Frau Blucher

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdIID_TGwhM]Frau Blucher - YouTube[/ame]

This isn't about sides brother .. it's about the failure of the American people to see through the mindfuck.

You say you care about policy but all I see is emotional whining, ad hominem attacks and childish name calling. You'll have to try harder if you really care about policy.
And a majority in the House...forgetting that little "shellacking"?

BTW, I'm not right or left. I'll let you central planner types whine about which side knows what's best for other people. That's your thing, not mine.

I'm on the left .. but I don't care about "sides" .. don't give a damn about labels.

I care about policy, I care about people.

What did republicans do with that majority in the House?

Nothing. Nothing at all to endear themselves to actual humans. Just ran cover for the corporate will.

At the end of the day .. they're stuck with .. MITT ROMNEY :lol: .. whose name should elicit the same cringe response as Frau Blucher

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdIID_TGwhM]Frau Blucher - YouTube[/ame]

This isn't about sides brother .. it's about the failure of the American people to see through the mindfuck.

You say you care about policy but all I see is emotional whining, ad hominem attacks and childish name calling. You'll have to try harder if you really care about policy.

Or you could answer his question. What have they done. What have they accomplished. They've had plenty of time - where's the list.
Lugar became a Democrat-Light RINO. That was his downfall. People are sick of the Republican Party trying to be Democrat-Light. They want a real alternative. Lugar's time has passed. And that's a good thing.
good grief, I feel we should hold a funeral service for Lugar..

....And, the carcass of The Tea Party!!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbcEzi_UEWE]Tea Party Pioneer Karl Denninger on Occupy Wall Street - YouTube[/ame]

And a majority in the House...forgetting that little "shellacking"?

BTW, I'm not right or left. I'll let you central planner types whine about which side knows what's best for other people. That's your thing, not mine.

I'm on the left .. but I don't care about "sides" .. don't give a damn about labels.

I care about policy, I care about people.

What did republicans do with that majority in the House?

Nothing. Nothing at all to endear themselves to actual humans. Just ran cover for the corporate will.

At the end of the day .. they're stuck with .. MITT ROMNEY :lol: .. whose name should elicit the same cringe response as Frau Blucher

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdIID_TGwhM]Frau Blucher - YouTube[/ame]

This isn't about sides brother .. it's about the failure of the American people to see through the mindfuck.

You say you care about policy but all I see is emotional whining, ad hominem attacks and childish name calling. You'll have to try harder if you really care about policy.

No I don't .. nor does it matter that you're incapable of keeping up.

I've written legislation. Have you?

I've worked in Washington for the Congress. Have you?

I'm involved in the political process beyond talking shit on a message board. Are you?

Surely if you can presume to question what I do, then surely I can question what the Hell you're doing .. and I'm yet to see that neutral stance you claim. This is evidence that it doesn't exist.
What have they done. What have they accomplished. They've had plenty of time - where's the list.

The small handful of fiscal responsible/limited government politicians in Washington? You're asking what they've accomplished with a Democrat Senate, the ultimate planner in the White House, and a large number of big spending, big government Republicans still in power? Not much I suspect.
What have they done. What have they accomplished. They've had plenty of time - where's the list.

The small handful of fiscal responsible/limited government politicians in Washington? You're asking what they've accomplished with a Democrat Senate, the ultimate planner in the White House, and a large number of big spending, big government Republicans still in power? Not much I suspect.

Yup, you're a cog all right.
I'm on the left .. but I don't care about "sides" .. don't give a damn about labels.

I care about policy, I care about people.

What did republicans do with that majority in the House?

Nothing. Nothing at all to endear themselves to actual humans. Just ran cover for the corporate will.

At the end of the day .. they're stuck with .. MITT ROMNEY :lol: .. whose name should elicit the same cringe response as Frau Blucher

Frau Blucher - YouTube

This isn't about sides brother .. it's about the failure of the American people to see through the mindfuck.

You say you care about policy but all I see is emotional whining, ad hominem attacks and childish name calling. You'll have to try harder if you really care about policy.

Or you could answer his question. What have they done. What have they accomplished. They've had plenty of time - where's the list.

It appears that his claim of not taking sides is just bullshit.
I've written legislation.

Here's a question: Have you ever repealed previously enacted legislation? If the answer is yes, then I will stand corrected and be very interested in what you have to say.

If, like all the others with a central planning mentality, you've only added to ridiculous pile of shit laws...you're no different than all the others that think they know what's best for other people.
I've written legislation.

Here's a question: Have you ever repealed previously enacted legislation? If the answer is yes, then I will stand corrected and be very interested in what you have to say.

If, like all the others with a central planning mentality, you've only added to ridiculous pile of shit laws...you're no different than all the others that think they know what's best for other people.

Your argument is infantile.

What is politics?

Judging what is best for other people in your community, city, state, and country, is it not?

No, I have never repealed previously enacted legislation, but instead wrote legislation that addressed the flaws in previously enacted legislation .. and if you were aware of the process you would know how difficult it is to repeal rather than correct.
Dems would rather run against a TeaTard than Lugar


You might have a chance....like maybe 5%.

But I'll take that chance if it means putting someone in there who will add to the backbone needed to really take a scalpel to our bloated federal government.

TeaTards do not do well at the statewide level losing Senate elections in Delaware, Nevada, Connecticut, New York, Alaska

Opens up another potential Senate seat for the Dems
The facts fly in the face of your assertion.

In 2010, the work of the T.E.A. Party all over the nation turned a record number of State Houses and Senates into GOP majorities. On the order of 100's of seats going more right or outright conservative.

In 2012, it is hoped that we will gain at least a 2 seat majority in the US Senate, gain another 10 to 15 seats in the US House, and depending on the economy, will likely put a slightly left of center moderate in the White House who will at least go along with the Congress majorities enough to actually get some real progress in the direction this country needs to take with regard to getting our fiscal house in order.

I'm hoping for (though not really going to believe it until it happens) that we will get at least a 5% cut in government spending and will demand........demand.....that our government once again start passing budgets as they are required to do by law.

Any and all Democrats and Republicans who lose office this November, should face charges (criminal and civil) for their failing to meet minimum lawful requirements on spending and budgets.

Lugar needs to face a judge and explain why it is that he has failed to bring a budget to the floor of the Senate each and every day that one has not been passed since the Democrats have taken control of the Congress.

You might have a chance....like maybe 5%.

But I'll take that chance if it means putting someone in there who will add to the backbone needed to really take a scalpel to our bloated federal government.

TeaTards do not do well at the statewide level losing Senate elections in Delaware, Nevada, Connecticut, New York, Alaska

Opens up another potential Senate seat for the Dems
The facts fly in the face of your assertion.

In 2010, the work of the T.E.A. Party all over the nation turned a record number of State Houses and Senates into GOP majorities. On the order of 100's of seats going more right or outright conservative.

In 2012, it is hoped that we will gain at least a 2 seat majority in the US Senate, gain another 10 to 15 seats in the US House, and depending on the economy, will likely put a slightly left of center moderate in the White House who will at least go along with the Congress majorities enough to actually get some real progress in the direction this country needs to take with regard to getting our fiscal house in order.

I'm hoping for (though not really going to believe it until it happens) that we will get at least a 5% cut in government spending and will demand........demand.....that our government once again start passing budgets as they are required to do by law.

Any and all Democrats and Republicans who lose office this November, should face charges (criminal and civil) for their failing to meet minimum lawful requirements on spending and budgets.

Lugar needs to face a judge and explain why it is that he has failed to bring a budget to the floor of the Senate each and every day that one has not been passed since the Democrats have taken control of the Congress.

Oh, yeah; that's logical.

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