Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses

Your argument is infantile.

What is politics?

Judging what is best for other people in your community, city, state, and country, is it not?

No, I have never repealed previously enacted legislation, but instead wrote legislation that addressed the flaws in previously enacted legislation .. and if you were aware of the process you would know how difficult it is to repeal rather than correct.

Spoken like a true central planner. I'll let you know the next time I want to take a shit...just to get your go ahead. Self appointed hall monitors...is there anything worse? Just one more law, just a bit more funding, just a little bit more control and everything will be roses. You and those like you that think they know what's best for others have caused far more harm than good. Far more.

But one example of what you've wrought:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time


You're a fucking moron who couldn't think your way out of a box of chocolates. You don't know shit about legislative processes.

Too fucking dumb to even understand the definition of politics. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The science or art of political government .. making decisions for the body.

Did you also scream at the Founders for making decisions for everybody else? :lol::lol::lol:


Go away schoolboy.

Ah yes, vulgarities and ad hominem attacks...the last vestige of the intellectually frustrated. Funny you mention schoolboy as one usually hears such childish rants on the playground. Anyway, best of luck with all that.
Ah yes, vulgarities and ad hominem attacks...the last vestige of the intellectually frustrated. Funny you mention schoolboy as one usually hears such childish rants on the playground. Anyway, best of luck with all that.

What's amusing is that he truly appears ignorant of what the word "politics" means.

politics (ˈpɒlɪtɪks)

— n
1. ( functioning as singular ) the practice or study of the art and science of forming, directing, and administrating states and other political units; the art and science of government; political science
2. ( functioning as singular ) the complex or aggregate of relationships of people in society, esp those relationships involving authority or power

Rep to follow.
Spoken like a true central planner. I'll let you know the next time I want to take a shit...just to get your go ahead. Self appointed hall monitors...is there anything worse? Just one more law, just a bit more funding, just a little bit more control and everything will be roses. You and those like you that think they know what's best for others have caused far more harm than good. Far more.

But one example of what you've wrought:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time


You're a fucking moron who couldn't think your way out of a box of chocolates. You don't know shit about legislative processes.

Too fucking dumb to even understand the definition of politics. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The science or art of political government .. making decisions for the body.

Did you also scream at the Founders for making decisions for everybody else? :lol::lol::lol:


Go away schoolboy.

Ah yes, vulgarities and ad hominem attacks...the last vestige of the intellectually frustrated. Funny you mention schoolboy as one usually hears such childish rants on the playground. Anyway, best of luck with all that.

Have you had that talk with UC2008 yet?
Inorite!! And then the newly-minted representatives crashed the motherfucking approval rating to 9%. 9%! We can't thank you enough.:lol:

Quite a mouth on you. Vulgarity is often the respite of the intellectually frustrated. Good luck there.

That crashing approval rating had NOTHING to do with the big spenders in both parties, eh? :cuckoo:


have you seen the things the right on here say about people?

have you seen the things you say?.....
Richard Mourdock defeats Sen. Dick Lugar in Indiana | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Dick Lugar, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, was defeated Tuesday as Indiana Republicans chose state Treasurer Richard Mourdock over Lugar as the party's nominee.

With 37 percent reporting, Mourdock received 60 percent to 40 percent for Lugar in the Hoosier state's Senate primary, marking a huge win for tea party supporters and conservatives across the country.

Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

National tea party groups such as FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Express as well as the state group Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate and others mobilized and invested in the race, casting the contest as a nationally significant battle to restore conservatism and hold leaders of the Republican establishment accountable...

The right are a tolerant bunch. Always promoting individualism as long as the individualism marches in lock step

If conservative were largely responsible for voting him in as "their" representative, his "individualism" was presented to them as "conservative". If he did not represent them, they had every right to choose another "representative". May the next one learn the lesson!
With Romney leading the charge, it will be a tough sell for Republicans.

A lot of Republicans will stay home on election day

Republicans will crawl over broken glass to vote against Obama.

Come on, don't you want to vote for a bigger fraud than Bernie Madoff, everyone loved him, until the bills came in and the money was gone (sound familiar $5,000,000,000,000 in ripoffs)!
The kochs are alive and well and will do anything they can to dupe the rw's and thus, take this country down. They have stated outright that THAT is their goal and we would all do well to take them at their word.
The kochs are alive and well and will do anything they can to dupe the rw's and thus, take this country down. They have stated outright that THAT is their goal and we would all do well to take them at their word.

Exactly what did they have to do with Lugar? Links?
The kochs are alive and well and will do anything they can to dupe the rw's and thus, take this country down. They have stated outright that THAT is their goal and we would all do well to take them at their word.

One cannot take this country down any more than having gay marriage across the whole nation.
You may find some GOP'ers who will vote for Obama. You will not find any conservatives who will.

Romney's record is to the LEFT of Obama.

So you got it exactly backward; ideological conservative swould be quicker to vote for Obama than Romney who also ran to the LEFT of Ted Kennedy.

IT is the partisan GOP dweeb that votes for the party nominee regardless; not ideological conservatives.

Edit: I must have missed the word 'quicker' on all those spelling tests I took way back when.
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Lol, dude, you have no clue.

There are many conservatives who are not only going to stay home there are also conservatives who were planning to vote for Obama, though O's big endorsement of sodomite marriage fucked that all up for most considering that I'll bet.

Yeah, I keep hearing that.

From partisan dims....

Lol, I sat and watched coverage on this issue on several different networks to include FOX and the libs all say its not going to make any difference, just like the neocons do.

It has only been social conservatives who feel like it makes much difference and since it is about them getting out and working for Rommney, that is relevant.

Read this whny piece about Lugar's loss and the coming Constitutional Crisis.

The Tea Party has them renning scared !!! :lol: :lol:

Read this whny piece about Lugar's loss and the coming Constitutional Crisis.

The Tea Party has them renning scared !!! :lol: :lol:

Hopefully the TM does have them scared; they SHOULD be scared, godamit, of what the voters will do much like an employee is scared when the owner comes and inspects.

WE ARE THE OWNERS of this republic and the elites have to be reminded of this every election.

As to the article, I really think the author has a valid point. Our republic was not designed for partisan politics but not only do we have partisan politics, it is getting more polarized every election.

We are getting to the point where something is going to give or we will have some very rough times.
But you will vote for the most radical Leftist in history as POTUS... again.

Will vote for him this time.

How's that hopey changey thingy workin out for ya?

actually, reasonably well. I lost my last job under Bush but the one I got after that is still going strong. But frankly, if you think your personal well-being is dependent on whose ass is in the oval office, you're sort of pathetic...
'A working man voting for Mitt Romney is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.'

Laughable hypocrisy.

Liberals are the first to gobble up the slave labor vehicles and put the Union autoworker down:

Buy American Cars? Not in San Francisco

On April 29, the last domestic car dealership within city limits, San Francisco Ford Lincoln, closed its showroom doors and began winding down its repair and service operations,

Foreign automakers, including BMW, Honda, Scion and Smart, all continue to run what appear to be thriving dealerships in the area, as San Franciscans increasingly pledge their allegiance to import brands. Even the site of the last General Motors dealership to shut down in the city -- Ellis Brooks Chevrolet – is soon to be the home of a new mega-showroom for Nissan/Infiniti.

Buy American Cars? Not in San Francisco | Fox News

Wow, watching Fox News really does make you dumber.

"slave labor" cars? Really?

Again, Fords are made in Mexico and Kias are made in Georgia, so I'm not seeing where the whole label thing is coming in here exactly.
Will vote for him this time.

How's that hopey changey thingy workin out for ya?

actually, reasonably well. I lost my last job under Bush but the one I got after that is still going strong. But frankly, if you think your personal well-being is dependent on whose ass is in the oval office, you're sort of pathetic...

That does not really jive with your sig line, doe it?

'A working man voting for Mitt Romney is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.'

Are you confused?
Why don't you shove a burning broom handle up the poor and Middle-class's ass, because the effect would be the same.

We can't compete with China because of liberal policies yet all you want to do is essentially punish bargain hunters.

You claim not to be a lib but all you do is spout liberal nonsense.

You're in denial.

The problem with your argument here (if you really want to call it that) is that they only way to compete with China is to become China.

Which means brutal repression, complete disregard for safety rules or environmental standards, and so on.

I'm not sure why you'd want to live under such a regime, or do you think you'll get to be one of the special few whole benefit?

"Oh, boo-hoo-hoo, the big bad government is making me dispose of my toxins properly."
How's that hopey changey thingy workin out for ya?

actually, reasonably well. I lost my last job under Bush but the one I got after that is still going strong. But frankly, if you think your personal well-being is dependent on whose ass is in the oval office, you're sort of pathetic...

That does not really jive with your sig line, doe it?

'A working man voting for Mitt Romney is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.'

Are you confused?

No, just you are. Romney is no friend to working folks and never has been.

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