Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses

'A working man voting for Mitt Romney is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.'

Laughable hypocrisy.

Liberals are the first to gobble up the slave labor vehicles and put the Union autoworker down:

Buy American Cars? Not in San Francisco

On April 29, the last domestic car dealership within city limits, San Francisco Ford Lincoln, closed its showroom doors and began winding down its repair and service operations,

Foreign automakers, including BMW, Honda, Scion and Smart, all continue to run what appear to be thriving dealerships in the area, as San Franciscans increasingly pledge their allegiance to import brands. Even the site of the last General Motors dealership to shut down in the city -- Ellis Brooks Chevrolet – is soon to be the home of a new mega-showroom for Nissan/Infiniti.

Buy American Cars? Not in San Francisco | Fox News

Wow, watching Fox News really does make you dumber.

"slave labor" cars? Really?

Again, Fords are made in Mexico and Kias are made in Georgia, so I'm not seeing where the whole label thing is coming in here exactly.

I wonder when I moved to Mexico, there is a Ford plant just up the road from me..

I wonder when I moved to Mexico, there is a Ford plant just up the road from me..

Well, yeah, when you have a government that protects the fortunes of billionaires before the interests of its own workers, that's what you get.

Why you people keep voting for that, is the mystery.

wt, I believe you are thinking of GM..you know, Obamamotors..
saw a great bumper sticker on a Ford truck yesterday...this truck built without taxpayers money.
actually, reasonably well. I lost my last job under Bush but the one I got after that is still going strong. But frankly, if you think your personal well-being is dependent on whose ass is in the oval office, you're sort of pathetic...

That does not really jive with your sig line, doe it?

'A working man voting for Mitt Romney is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.'

Are you confused?

No, just you are. Romney is no friend to working folks and never has been.

But you just proclaimed ' if you think your personal well-being is dependent on whose ass is in the oval office, you're sort of pathetic.'

Are you like Obama and just spew stupid shit for expediency of the moment?
That does not really jive with your sig line, doe it?

'A working man voting for Mitt Romney is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.'

Are you confused?

No, just you are. Romney is no friend to working folks and never has been.

But you just proclaimed ' if you think your personal well-being is dependent on whose ass is in the oval office, you're sort of pathetic.'

Are you like Obama and just spew stupid shit for expediency of the moment?

Guy, I'm going to be fine no matter who is in the white house... that's not the point.

But I know who my friends are and who aren't.

A concept that no doubt escapes you as you sit at home all day on unemployment posting on the internet about how Obama is making your life miserable.
Lugar was a fine guy and one of the smartest men in the room on foreign policy issues. He'd long been a mentor and role model for young folks interested in serving their country.

Unfortunately this puts his seat in play. This will be a strongly contested seat in the Senate. Indiana isn't so solidly red that a GOP win is a sure fire bet here.

Obama won Indiana in 08. True.

Yeah, but he probably won't this time.

Probably not. Why do you think he won it in 08 though?

It wasn't JUST the cult of personality although that played a big role. There is a democratic infrastructure in place however. Now that the juggernaut Richard Lugar is not going to be on the ballot, the DNC will put more resources there since there is an outside chance of winning.

In short, a door that was locked and shut now is cracked a bit. Illinois is right next door and Ohio is currently looking good for Obama as well.

I wouldn't put IN in the GOP column just yet.
No, just you are. Romney is no friend to working folks and never has been.

But you just proclaimed ' if you think your personal well-being is dependent on whose ass is in the oval office, you're sort of pathetic.'

Are you like Obama and just spew stupid shit for expediency of the moment?

Guy, I'm going to be fine no matter who is in the white house... that's not the point.

But I know who my friends are and who aren't.

But you digress.

Gallup polling tells us you Liberal Democrats are the LEAST LIKELY demographic to consider buying a union-made domestic label vehicle.

But aren't you pussy leftists the most likely to whine about Republicans hatin' on the workin' man?
Obama won Indiana in 08. True.

Yeah, but he probably won't this time.

Probably not. Why do you think he won it in 08 though?

It wasn't JUST the cult of personality although that played a big role. There is a democratic infrastructure in place however. Now that the juggernaut Richard Lugar is not going to be on the ballot, the DNC will put more resources there since there is an outside chance of winning.

In short, a door that was locked and shut now is cracked a bit. Illinois is right next door and Ohio is currently looking good for Obama as well.

I wouldn't put IN in the GOP column just yet.

I think in 2008, he had the advantage of being from a neighboring state, and McCain inspired very little enthusiasm from Conservatives. And it was a razor thin margin.

The two states that I think it's least likely he'll take again are NC and IN. But he could probably win without them. On the other hand, he could pick up MO and AZ.
But you just proclaimed ' if you think your personal well-being is dependent on whose ass is in the oval office, you're sort of pathetic.'

Are you like Obama and just spew stupid shit for expediency of the moment?

Guy, I'm going to be fine no matter who is in the white house... that's not the point.

But I know who my friends are and who aren't.

But you digress.

Gallup polling tells us you Liberal Democrats are the LEAST LIKELY demographic to consider buying a union-made domestic label vehicle.

But aren't you pussy leftists the most likely to whine about Republicans hatin' on the workin' man?

Guy, do you actually HAVE a poll that shows this?

Again, "labels" are meaningless, because that just means which fat millionaire gets the profits.

You don't see CEO's of German and Japanese companies getting eight figure salaries, and usually, those cars are made in this country. So if your argument is about "labels", it's a pointless argument.

The real problem. The Millionaires who ran GM and Ford and CHrysler made crap for so long that people (conservative and liberal alike) now associate "Japanese" with "Quality".
No, just you are. Romney is no friend to working folks and never has been.

But you just proclaimed ' if you think your personal well-being is dependent on whose ass is in the oval office, you're sort of pathetic.'

Are you like Obama and just spew stupid shit for expediency of the moment?

Guy, I'm going to be fine no matter who is in the white house... that's not the point.

But I know who my friends are and who aren't.

A concept that no doubt escapes you as you sit at home all day on unemployment posting on the internet about how Obama is making your life miserable.

Get a clue. Obama is a liar.

I'd rather have an honest man in the White House than a compulsive liar.

At least I'll know what's coming if he tries to put the screws to me.

With Obama it's always a secret till someone spills the beans......then he comes out with these silly "GOP War On Women" campaigns to provide cover for his malfeasance, to deflect away from what he's doing.
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Guy, I'm going to be fine no matter who is in the white house... that's not the point.

But I know who my friends are and who aren't.

But you digress.

Gallup polling tells us you Liberal Democrats are the LEAST LIKELY demographic to consider buying a union-made domestic label vehicle.

But aren't you pussy leftists the most likely to whine about Republicans hatin' on the workin' man?

Guy, do you actually HAVE a poll that shows this?

Again, "labels" are meaningless, because that just means which fat millionaire gets the profits.

You don't see CEO's of German and Japanese companies getting eight figure salaries, and usually, those cars are made in this country. So if your argument is about "labels", it's a pointless argument.

The real problem. The Millionaires who ran GM and Ford and CHrysler made crap for so long that people (conservative and liberal alike) now associate "Japanese" with "Quality".

And now that the government owns GM and Chrysler they make overpriced crap.
Guy, I'm going to be fine no matter who is in the white house... that's not the point.

But I know who my friends are and who aren't.

But you digress.

Gallup polling tells us you Liberal Democrats are the LEAST LIKELY demographic to consider buying a union-made domestic label vehicle.

But aren't you pussy leftists the most likely to whine about Republicans hatin' on the workin' man?

Guy, do you actually HAVE a poll that shows this?

Of course. You don't think I would make an argument before I knew I would actually win it, do you?
Obama is a man with no convictions except the one where he thinks he, Needs to TRANSFORM America..

and he is doing his damndest to tear us down..

All I see is a snake
Get a clue. Obama is a liar.

I'd rather have an honest man in the White House than a compulsive liar.

At least I'll know what's coming if he tries to put the screws to me.

With Obama it's always a secret till someone spills the beans......then he comes out with these silly "GOP War On Women" campaigns to provide cover for his malfeasance, to deflect away from what he's doing.

Romney has been on every side of every issue. So he's lying at least 50% of the time.

I think Obama is a boob, but he's an honest boob. Romney is the kind of snake-oil salesman who is just looking at you like you're a sucker..

But in your case, he's probably right.
But you digress.

Gallup polling tells us you Liberal Democrats are the LEAST LIKELY demographic to consider buying a union-made domestic label vehicle.

But aren't you pussy leftists the most likely to whine about Republicans hatin' on the workin' man?

Guy, do you actually HAVE a poll that shows this?

Of course. You don't think I would make an argument before I knew I would actually win it, do you?

No, actually, I think you make contentions and never add links...
Get a clue. Obama is a liar.

I'd rather have an honest man in the White House than a compulsive liar.

At least I'll know what's coming if he tries to put the screws to me.

With Obama it's always a secret till someone spills the beans......then he comes out with these silly "GOP War On Women" campaigns to provide cover for his malfeasance, to deflect away from what he's doing.

Romney has been on every side of every issue. So he's lying at least 50% of the time.

Now there's a pathetic attempt at a lie that you don't see everyday!

Guy, do you actually HAVE a poll that shows this?

Of course. You don't think I would make an argument before I knew I would actually win it, do you?

No, actually, I think you make contentions and never add links...

So for he record, a workin' man such as yourself does not believe that Liberal Democrats are the least likely demographic to purchase a UAW made vehicle, even though you are the FIRST to claim your undying support for UAW?

I just want to establish the baseline here before we further your education on the topic.
Of course. You don't think I would make an argument before I knew I would actually win it, do you?

No, actually, I think you make contentions and never add links...

So for he record, a workin' man such as yourself does not believe that Liberal Democrats are the least likely demographic to purchase a UAW made vehicle, even though you are the FIRST to claim your undying support for UAW?

I just want to establish the baseline here before we further your education on the topic.

Actually, what you are doing is wasting my time... provide a link or stop wasting it.
Get a clue. Obama is a liar.

I'd rather have an honest man in the White House than a compulsive liar.

At least I'll know what's coming if he tries to put the screws to me.

With Obama it's always a secret till someone spills the beans......then he comes out with these silly "GOP War On Women" campaigns to provide cover for his malfeasance, to deflect away from what he's doing.

Romney has been on every side of every issue. So he's lying at least 50% of the time.

Now there's a pathetic attempt at a lie that you don't see everyday!


Not at all.

Romney in 1994 said he'd be better on Gay rights than Ted Kennedy. In 2012, he's diving right into the gay-bashing pool.

In 1994 he said he was for a woman's right to choose. In 2012, he's against abortion.

In 2008 he was for a bailout of the Auto Industry. In 2009 he was against it. In 2011, he was still against it. Now he's trying to claim credit for the idea. No, Really!

In 2007, he said it wasn't worth it to go after Bin Laden. In 2012, he says that he would have made the decision, after Obama did it.

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