Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses

Romney has been on every side of every issue. So he's lying at least 50% of the time.

Now there's a pathetic attempt at a lie that you don't see everyday!


Romney in 1994 said he'd be better on Gay rights than Ted Kennedy. In 2012, he's diving right into the gay-bashing pool.

We will take you apart piece by piece, or as long as you can stand it.

What Romney 'said' was:

'When he ran for the Senate against Ted Kennedy in 1994, Romney did say he supported "full equality" for gays and lesbians, a pledge that won him support from homosexual Republicans. But even then he didn't extend that support to gay marriage or to the compromise idea of civil unions. Instead, Romney was merely backing laws to prohibit discrimination against gays in employment and other areas.'

Doyle McManus: Is Romney a true conservative? - Los Angeles Times
You suck at this, Joe:

' But what isn’t fair game is to misrepresent Romney’s comments from 2007. It’s clear he wasn’t ruling out going into Pakistan to get Bin Laden or other high value targets. The only thing he was opposed to was the same thing Hillary Clinton was opposed to which was Obama’s grandstanding over this issue at the expense of valid national security concerns. The fact that history now reflects more favorably on Obama’s position in 2007 does not change this. Nor does it change the fact that his campaign is blatantly misrepresenting Romney’s record.'

Romney in 2007 on whether he’d reserve the right to go after Bin Laden in Pakistan: “Of course…[but] we keep our options quiet” « Hot Air
Now there's a pathetic attempt at a lie that you don't see everyday!


Romney in 1994 said he'd be better on Gay rights than Ted Kennedy. In 2012, he's diving right into the gay-bashing pool.

We will take you apart piece by piece, or as long as you can stand it.

What Romney 'said' was:

'When he ran for the Senate against Ted Kennedy in 1994, Romney did say he supported "full equality" for gays and lesbians, a pledge that won him support from homosexual Republicans. But even then he didn't extend that support to gay marriage or to the compromise idea of civil unions. Instead, Romney was merely backing laws to prohibit discrimination against gays in employment and other areas.'

Doyle McManus: Is Romney a true conservative? - Los Angeles Times

Meaningless. Point was, he didn't engage in the homophobia then because it wouldn't play well, but he's engaging in it now.
In 2008 he was for a bailout of the Auto Industry.

That one is just foolish:

'As Congress and the White House scrambled in the fall of 2008 to confront the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression, Mitt Romney felt compelled to say what many in his native Michigan would consider heresy: Do not bail out the troubled American automakers.'


But in January when he was running in the Michigan primary, he said he was for a bailout. That was the point. Then in December, he was against it when it was Obama's problem.

I mean, it's hard to keep track of this asshole and all the time he flip-flops, and I don't bother.
Romney in 1994 said he'd be better on Gay rights than Ted Kennedy. In 2012, he's diving right into the gay-bashing pool.

We will take you apart piece by piece, or as long as you can stand it.

What Romney 'said' was:

'When he ran for the Senate against Ted Kennedy in 1994, Romney did say he supported "full equality" for gays and lesbians, a pledge that won him support from homosexual Republicans. But even then he didn't extend that support to gay marriage or to the compromise idea of civil unions. Instead, Romney was merely backing laws to prohibit discrimination against gays in employment and other areas.'

Doyle McManus: Is Romney a true conservative? - Los Angeles Times


Pointing out you are a liar isn't meaningless to me.

In 2008 he was for a bailout of the Auto Industry.

That one is just foolish:

'As Congress and the White House scrambled in the fall of 2008 to confront the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression, Mitt Romney felt compelled to say what many in his native Michigan would consider heresy: Do not bail out the troubled American automakers.'


But in January when he was running in the Michigan primary, he said he was for a bailout. .

You are an idiot. He has ALWAYS said he was for managed bankruptcy.
The kochs are alive and well and will do anything they can to dupe the rw's and thus, take this country down. They have stated outright that THAT is their goal and we would all do well to take them at their word.

got a link with them saying they want to take the Country down?....
We will take you apart piece by piece, or as long as you can stand it.

What Romney 'said' was:

'When he ran for the Senate against Ted Kennedy in 1994, Romney did say he supported "full equality" for gays and lesbians, a pledge that won him support from homosexual Republicans. But even then he didn't extend that support to gay marriage or to the compromise idea of civil unions. Instead, Romney was merely backing laws to prohibit discrimination against gays in employment and other areas.'

Doyle McManus: Is Romney a true conservative? - Los Angeles Times


Pointing out you are a liar isn't meaningless to me.


Not really, guy. Fact is, he was courting the gays in 1994 and bashing them now.

Even though he was the guy who presided over the first state that legalized it.

No wonder he doesn't want to talk about his governor days that much. His two accomplishments- Gay marriage and socialized medicine.
You are an idiot. He has ALWAYS said he was for managed bankruptcy.

Again, it's a meaningless statement. Everyone knew that there was going to be a managed bankruptcy.

What he flip-flopped on was the participation of the government in that bankruptcy. In Jan 2008, he was for a bailout, because, hey, they were desperate.

In Dec 2008, he was against it, but the fact was, at that point, there wasn't an alternative. The Credit Market had frozen up, and there was no way to get private lending at that point.

Now that GM was saved, he's trying to take credit for supporting PART of the measures, the part that no one really was disputing. Please don't notice that I was against the bailout itself, Michigan Voters.
Pointing out you are a liar isn't meaningless to me.


Not really, guy. Fact is, he was courting the gays in 1994 and bashing them now.

Romney isn't bashing gays, fool. I would advise you to stop making a fool out of yourself, but that would mean you would need to stop posting altogether.

As far as I'm concerned, he is.

And over a pretty meaningless issue, since his state was the one that got the gay marriage ball rolling.
No, just you are. Romney is no friend to working folks and never has been.

But you just proclaimed ' if you think your personal well-being is dependent on whose ass is in the oval office, you're sort of pathetic.'

Are you like Obama and just spew stupid shit for expediency of the moment?

Guy, I'm going to be fine no matter who is in the white house... that's not the point.

But I know who my friends are and who aren't.

A concept that no doubt escapes you as you sit at home all day on unemployment posting on the internet about how Obama is making your life miserable.

with the amount of posts you have,in the amount of time you have been here......i think you must sit a good part of the day posting also.....nice job you have......:eusa_eh:
What he flip-flopped on was the participation of the government in that bankruptcy. In Jan 2008, he was for a bailout, because, hey, they were desperate.

No, he was not 'for' a bailout, moron.

But repeat it again so that I can blast you for the third time.


No, In January 2008, when he was DESPERATE for the win to keep his candidacy alive, he was for a bailout. Said he would do whatever was necessary to save the Auto Industry.
What he flip-flopped on was the participation of the government in that bankruptcy. In Jan 2008, he was for a bailout, because, hey, they were desperate.

No, he was not 'for' a bailout, moron.

But repeat it again so that I can blast you for the third time.


No, In January 2008, when he was DESPERATE for the win to keep his candidacy alive, he was for a bailout.

Got a link, asshole?
Get a clue. Obama is a liar.

I'd rather have an honest man in the White House than a compulsive liar.

At least I'll know what's coming if he tries to put the screws to me.

With Obama it's always a secret till someone spills the beans......then he comes out with these silly "GOP War On Women" campaigns to provide cover for his malfeasance, to deflect away from what he's doing.

let me know when one shows up......
Get a clue. Obama is a liar.

I'd rather have an honest man in the White House than a compulsive liar.

At least I'll know what's coming if he tries to put the screws to me.

With Obama it's always a secret till someone spills the beans......then he comes out with these silly "GOP War On Women" campaigns to provide cover for his malfeasance, to deflect away from what he's doing.

Romney has been on every side of every issue. So he's lying at least 50% of the time.

I think Obama is a boob, but he's an honest boob. Romney is the kind of snake-oil salesman who is just looking at you like you're a sucker..

But in your case, he's probably right.
:lol:......oh geeze.....Joe the guy is a politician.....if you think anyone of these guys are honest.....you must get taken advantage of quite often.....

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