Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses

Wow good going cons , you didnt need that guy anyway.

Fuck his seniority and all these commitee thingys he was on

what about his seniority..it's not like he could ADVANCE anymore like he's working for a company....you all keep your people till they are the walking dead, that's why they believe they are your King and Queens.
I've written legislation.

Here's a question: Have you ever repealed previously enacted legislation? If the answer is yes, then I will stand corrected and be very interested in what you have to say.

If, like all the others with a central planning mentality, you've only added to ridiculous pile of shit laws...you're no different than all the others that think they know what's best for other people.

Your argument is infantile.

What is politics?

Judging what is best for other people in your community, city, state, and country, is it not?

No, I have never repealed previously enacted legislation, but instead wrote legislation that addressed the flaws in previously enacted legislation .. and if you were aware of the process you would know how difficult it is to repeal rather than correct.

Spoken like a true central planner. I'll let you know the next time I want to take a shit...just to get your go ahead. Self appointed hall monitors...is there anything worse? Just one more law, just a bit more funding, just a little bit more control and everything will be roses. You and those like you that think they know what's best for others have caused far more harm than good. Far more.

But one example of what you've wrought:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
TeaTards took the Senate away from Republicans in 2010........ Looks like they may do it again


Even for a fucking lying sycophant like you that's a howler..

Say sparky, were there more, or less Republicans in the Senate AFTER the 2010 election?

Huh sparky? What was that?

Fucking partisan hacks........

I guess if you spray enough perfume on a turd, you'll be able to bear the smell.

However, it is still a turd.

I laughed when I read that the GOP somehow had the senate taken from them.

But then, wasn't it the T-Whatevers that essentially bull rushed the house and turned it GOP which then in turn gave business enough confidence to start doing business again ?
The right are a tolerant bunch. Always promoting individualism as long as the individualism marches in lock step

Has nothing to do with tolerance or lack thereof. It has to with electing representatives that reflect our viewpoints. Why on earth would we want to elect representatives who vote against our wishes?

Good question, but the collective American voter does it every time they walk into a voting booth. 535 people need to get their asses kicked out of the Beltway, not just Lugar.
With Romney leading the charge, it will be a tough sell for Republicans.

A lot of Republicans will stay home on election day


Right, because no one is fed up with Dear Leader!

Uh, you have some brown, viscus matter seeping from your ears.....

Lol, dude, you have no clue.

There are many conservatives who are not only going to stay home there are also conservatives who were planning to vote for Obama, though O's big endorsement of sodomite marriage fucked that all up for most considering that I'll bet.
With Romney leading the charge, it will be a tough sell for Republicans.

A lot of Republicans will stay home on election day


Right, because no one is fed up with Dear Leader!

Uh, you have some brown, viscus matter seeping from your ears.....

Lol, dude, you have no clue.

There are many conservatives who are not only going to stay home there are also conservatives who were planning to vote for Obama, though O's big endorsement of sodomite marriage fucked that all up for most considering that I'll bet.
You may find some GOP'ers who will vote for Obama. You will not find any conservatives who will.
TeaTards took the Senate away from Republicans in 2010........ Looks like they may do it again


Even for a fucking lying sycophant like you that's a howler..

Say sparky, were there more, or less Republicans in the Senate AFTER the 2010 election?

Huh sparky? What was that?

Fucking partisan hacks........

Hey, eflatminor. What was that you were saying about language?

Here's a question: Have you ever repealed previously enacted legislation? If the answer is yes, then I will stand corrected and be very interested in what you have to say.

If, like all the others with a central planning mentality, you've only added to ridiculous pile of shit laws...you're no different than all the others that think they know what's best for other people.

Your argument is infantile.

What is politics?

Judging what is best for other people in your community, city, state, and country, is it not?

No, I have never repealed previously enacted legislation, but instead wrote legislation that addressed the flaws in previously enacted legislation .. and if you were aware of the process you would know how difficult it is to repeal rather than correct.

Spoken like a true central planner. I'll let you know the next time I want to take a shit...just to get your go ahead. Self appointed hall monitors...is there anything worse? Just one more law, just a bit more funding, just a little bit more control and everything will be roses. You and those like you that think they know what's best for others have caused far more harm than good. Far more.

But one example of what you've wrought:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time


You're a fucking moron who couldn't think your way out of a box of chocolates. You don't know shit about legislative processes.

Too fucking dumb to even understand the definition of politics. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The science or art of political government .. making decisions for the body.

Did you also scream at the Founders for making decisions for everybody else? :lol::lol::lol:


Go away schoolboy.
The Founders made the correct decisions for the betterment of the entire country.

Today's politician's make decisions for the betterment of themselves.

It is the very difference between a Statesman (The Founders) and today's political hacks who happen to have enough money to buy their office.
Richard Mourdock defeats Sen. Dick Lugar in Indiana | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Dick Lugar, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, was defeated Tuesday as Indiana Republicans chose state Treasurer Richard Mourdock over Lugar as the party's nominee.

With 37 percent reporting, Mourdock received 60 percent to 40 percent for Lugar in the Hoosier state's Senate primary, marking a huge win for tea party supporters and conservatives across the country.

Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

National tea party groups such as FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Express as well as the state group Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate and others mobilized and invested in the race, casting the contest as a nationally significant battle to restore conservatism and hold leaders of the Republican establishment accountable...

The right are a tolerant bunch. Always promoting individualism as long as the individualism marches in lock step

That's ridiculous.

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