Tea Party Groups Suffer Another Huge Defeat

Desperate times call fro desperate measures by the radical left. There is no shortage of propaganda and camouflage junk issued by left wing blogs and you almost gotta laugh at what the bigoted radical left will eat up just because they are so full of hatred.

Indeed, they are racist to the core.

Desperate times call fro desperate measures by the radical left. There is no shortage of propaganda and camouflage junk issued by left wing blogs and you almost gotta laugh at what the bigoted radical left will eat up just because they are so full of hatred.

Indeed, they are racist to the core.


You betcha.

I am racist against stupid.

Can't stand em.

No sir.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JNuqEz_GCQ]Ren & Stimpy Mr. Horse - No Sir I Didn't Like It - YouTube[/ame]
The TEA party is people, not Party. We are fed up with "business as usual" and we will show up at the polls and vote our conscience! We don't follow bloviating rabble rousers of either Political Party. We are not intimidated by Black Panthers threatening us at the Polls! We are black, white, brown, yellow, and all of them mixed! We are Americans! And be WARNED!! We are not going away!!

that's right. the tea party is the people. its a true grass roots movement. the left is pulling out all stops to discredit them. they know they are a danger to the status quo. to the two party gridlock congress has successfully managed to orchestrate. a threat to government waste, overspending, selling out to the highest bidder.
OK, let's get pass all the silliness about no national leader, and the talking pony, and back to the, so far, unanswered question. Where and when did the current TEA Party originate?

Now I'm beginning to feel bad about picking on you, not really. Look it up somewhere or something. For a group that has such pride in itself you have absolutely no clue as to your history???

Can YOU name the Supreme leader of a Party that really isn't anything but a grass roots movement of the PEOPLE?

THINK the party system as it exists...and go from there my friend.
...more dignified then the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Ah yes.. the Shit-in-the-Street movement.. the darlings of the American left.... fucking, shitting, pissing and passing along all sorts of diseases to one another in the public arena...


That didn't happen in New York City.

Repeating a lie?

Makes you a liar.

uhm, yea it did. the park was like a cesspool. in order to make it appear that the movement was huge they opened their arms to every dreg they could muster. most of those people didn't have jobs because they were unemployable

Now I'm beginning to feel bad about picking on you, not really. Look it up somewhere or something. For a group that has such pride in itself you have absolutely no clue as to your history???

Can YOU name the Supreme leader of a Party that really isn't anything but a grass roots movement of the PEOPLE?

THINK the party system as it exists...and go from there my friend.

I go from there if I knew where to start. Grassroots does not mean it does not have an initial leader. I might buy your, what I think is your, answer if you can name one other grassroots organization in the history of the world that has had a leaderless start, and continuation. Unless of course you are claiming that the TEA Party is the first.
The trio of defeats: The October bill to re-open the shuttered government and avert a catastrophic debt default (with no strings attached), the December budget agreement to raise spending and mitigate automatic sequester cuts and now the farm bill to renew agriculture subsidies and food stamps.

We can only hope this trend continues, where sane republicans are taking back their party and pursuing a policy of responsible governance.

"Responsible" and "Sane" Republicans to Liberals like this shithead means milquetoast RINOs who will bend over and grab the ankles for the Democrats. IOW, agree with the Democrat agenda 110% of the time.
Tea Party Groups Suffer Another Huge Defeat -- Are They Toast?

The strong bipartisan House vote on Wednesday for the farm bill was the third major defeat for conservative lobbying groups since the government shutdown, a sign that they're losing their stranglehold on the House Republican majority.

The trio of defeats: The October bill to re-open the shuttered government and avert a catastrophic debt default (with no strings attached), the December budget agreement to raise spending and mitigate automatic sequester cuts and now the farm bill to renew agriculture subsidies and food stamps.

Tea party groups such as the Club For Growth and Heritage Action fought these initiatives every step of the way and threatened to use their scorecards to downgrade lawmakers who voted for them. In October, they lost the battle when Speaker John Boehner put a clean bill on the floor to fund the government and avert default (although most Republicans voted against it). But the budget and farm bill agreements each passed with the support of 70 percent of House Republicans, a more troubling sign for the tea party groups.

Time to throw them over a balcony.
I've noticed that so many tea party people are defeatist. They simply expect to lose, believing the nation is headed for destruction and little can be done about it. It's like they know they can't win but will wage the good fight.

If you're on the winning side of a political issue then you're put in a defense position. However, if you are on the losing side, you get to attack every failure which is lot more fun than taking the defense. Just ask the Bush supporters back in 2007 and and 2008.
The trio of defeats: The October bill to re-open the shuttered government and avert a catastrophic debt default (with no strings attached), the December budget agreement to raise spending and mitigate automatic sequester cuts and now the farm bill to renew agriculture subsidies and food stamps.
We can only hope this trend continues, where sane republicans are taking back their party and pursuing a policy of responsible governance.

"Responsible" and "Sane" Republicans to Liberals like this shithead means milquetoast RINOs who will bend over and grab the ankles for the Democrats. IOW, agree with the Democrat agenda 110% of the time.
Repubicans ARE Democrat lite...gotta fill the void as Democrats have gone further left. Nature abhors a vacuum.
George Soros

No. The kochbaggers push a smaller government and less regulation. Regulation is the only way to control greed. Greed IS the Koch Brothers. If you were rich and greedy, would it behoove you to wrap a bunch of low-thinkers in the American flag chanting kumbaya? Think about it.

However YOU ignore the INTENT of your masters. Have NO faith in the people as did our Founders and put your eggs in the basket of Tyrants in the District of Criminals...WHAT do YOU think their motivation is for controlling US?

Can you say GREED?

YOU are an IDIOT that applauds the loss of his own liberty.

Thanks for making my point! :clap2:
No. The kochbaggers push a smaller government and less regulation. Regulation is the only way to control greed. Greed IS the Koch Brothers. If you were rich and greedy, would it behoove you to wrap a bunch of low-thinkers in the American flag chanting kumbaya? Think about it.

However YOU ignore the INTENT of your masters. Have NO faith in the people as did our Founders and put your eggs in the basket of Tyrants in the District of Criminals...WHAT do YOU think their motivation is for controlling US?

Can you say GREED?

YOU are an IDIOT that applauds the loss of his own liberty.

Thanks for making my point! :clap2:
So why do YOU defend The Criminals? Was THAT your point? I don't think so.
"Huge defeat" ....the freaking farm bill? The radical left must be desperate for a victory if they think the Tea Party suffered a huge defeat when republicans passed the farm bill. The Tea Party was organized as a grass roots movement to try to get the best conservative candidates elected. The Tea Party is still celebrating it's greatest victory in the last republican landslide. Issues like the Farm Bill aren't even on the radar.

It would seem that if the left is calling this a defeat for the Tea party that must mean it is a victory for them. Thus it is now clear that the left supports corporate welfare.
I think the farm bill is a victory for both sides whether they recognize it or not. The bill passed the House with remarkable ease Wednesday. That's a big deal, and not just for those directly affected by the legislation (farmers and food-stamp recipients): It's the latest sign that Congress has rediscovered its ability to get things done. It sends a clear message to the American voter, that the legislative process can actually work. Who knows, we may even see a immigration bill in the not to distant future.
Tea Party Groups Suffer Another Huge Defeat -- Are They Toast?

The strong bipartisan House vote on Wednesday for the farm bill was the third major defeat for conservative lobbying groups since the government shutdown, a sign that they're losing their stranglehold on the House Republican majority.

The trio of defeats: The October bill to re-open the shuttered government and avert a catastrophic debt default (with no strings attached), the December budget agreement to raise spending and mitigate automatic sequester cuts and now the farm bill to renew agriculture subsidies and food stamps.

Tea party groups such as the Club For Growth and Heritage Action fought these initiatives every step of the way and threatened to use their scorecards to downgrade lawmakers who voted for them. In October, they lost the battle when Speaker John Boehner put a clean bill on the floor to fund the government and avert default (although most Republicans voted against it). But the budget and farm bill agreements each passed with the support of 70 percent of House Republicans, a more troubling sign for the tea party groups.

Time to throw them over a balcony.

^ ask her about plywood
OH BOY! Let's all celebrate more debt and unnecessary spending, future generations get the finger from the commies again, YEA!!!!!!!!

Stupid, Rags the Tiger. We needed a bill passed. Now how much unnecessary spending was in it, do you know?

Let's stay in reality.

We have borrowed more than a trillion dollars every year your mulatto messiah has been in office, the bills mentioned in the OP will guarantee that will not change, it's not free to service that ever growing debt, now explain what the tax payer gets out of paying a farmer not to produce.

You have your obligatory rant at the president. That he is of color means nothing.

Next, you admit you have no idea how much unnecessary spending was in the bill.
The TEA party is people, not Party. We are fed up with "business as usual" and we will show up at the polls and vote our conscience! We don't follow bloviating rabble rousers of either Political Party. We are not intimidated by Black Panthers threatening us at the Polls! We are black, white, brown, yellow, and all of them mixed! We are Americans! And be WARNED!! We are not going away!!

that's right. the tea party is the people. its a true grass roots movement. the left is pulling out all stops to discredit them. they know they are a danger to the status quo. to the two party gridlock congress has successfully managed to orchestrate. a threat to government waste, overspending, selling out to the highest bidder.

The movement is 95% white, condescending to people of color. They are generally elderly, so many resentful they got their asses kicked in the cultural and religious wars after Vietnam.

You had your heyday from 2009 to Oct 2013, then reality caught with you.

The fights over debt ceiling, budget, and farm bill have shown you have lost.
Stupid, Rags the Tiger. We needed a bill passed. Now how much unnecessary spending was in it, do you know?

Let's stay in reality.

We have borrowed more than a trillion dollars every year your mulatto messiah has been in office, the bills mentioned in the OP will guarantee that will not change, it's not free to service that ever growing debt, now explain what the tax payer gets out of paying a farmer not to produce.

You have your obligatory rant at the president. That he is of color means nothing.

Next, you admit you have no idea how much unnecessary spending was in the bill.

How about you tell me exactly how much necessary spending was in the bill. You seem to think your boy in the WH is the messiah and he is a mulatto, don't you folks up there in Utah like accurate descriptions?
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We have borrowed more than a trillion dollars every year your mulatto messiah has been in office, the bills mentioned in the OP will guarantee that will not change, it's not free to service that ever growing debt, now explain what the tax payer gets out of paying a farmer not to produce.

You have your obligatory rant at the president. That he is of color means nothing.

Next, you admit you have no idea how much unnecessary spending was in the bill.

How about you tell me exactly how much necessary spending was in the bill. You seem to think you boy in the WH is the messiah and he is a mulatto, don't you folks up there in Utah like accurate descriptions?

I have no obligation to refute your opinion, son; you have to give the evidence.

That you hate him because he is not white is categorical of a particular type of ignorant white class that is, thankfully, failing to reproduce itself.

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