Tea Party Ted Cruz Wins in Texas

Tea Party candidate and lawyer Ted Cruz has beaten establishment Republican David Dewhurst in a primary to fill the Senate seat vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Could this be a further bell weather signalling that the Tea Party and the grass roots movement to remove Republican incumbents out of sink with the base is still going strong?

"Out of Sink?" LOL...

I hope so. The more divided the GOP becomes, the better it is for the modreates/liberals left in the GOP and otherwise. The Country is a center-right country in some parts and center-left in others. As the GOP splits, it's power (or more correctly perceived power) becomes split as well.

Good news. Dewhurst losing is likely the first in many dominoes that will fall in states that have been infected with this virus.

As with all infections; the infection is alleviated or eventually the host dies. Both are wins for the voices of moderation.

What would a liberal know about "moderation"? You people have become such radical communists, you fully support the Marxist in the White House. The ONLY moderates in America are the Tea Party, who firmly sit at ground zero (ie the Constitution) supporting exactly what our founders did.

Yawn...thanks for the chuckle.
Tea Party candidate and lawyer Ted Cruz has beaten establishment Republican David Dewhurst in a primary to fill the Senate seat vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Could this be a further bell weather signalling that the Tea Party and the grass roots movement to remove Republican incumbents out of sink with the base is still going strong?

"Out of Sink?" LOL...

I hope so. The more divided the GOP becomes, the better it is for the modreates/liberals left in the GOP and otherwise. The Country is a center-right country in some parts and center-left in others. As the GOP splits, it's power (or more correctly perceived power) becomes split as well.

Good news. Dewhurst losing is likely the first in many dominoes that will fall in states that have been infected with this virus.

As with all infections; the infection is alleviated or eventually the host dies. Both are wins for the voices of moderation.

You guys are about to enter a nuclear winter.
Dress warm.

I'm guessing you're talking about the "nuclear option" that was bandied about a few years ago. Possibly I suppose. Hardly any party that includes the President isn't totally without power and as we all know, Romney isn't going to win.
The Tea Party does not need to be a majority.

It just needs to be strong enough to jam up the federal works.

It has already shown it can do that.

Ezra Klein (#3 on my list of people I'd like to see run over by a bus), calls this congress "the worst ever". I think it is one of the best I've seen in a long time.

The less that comes out of the D.C. the better.

Go Ted !

See, this is exhibit A.
Tea Party candidate and lawyer Ted Cruz has beaten establishment Republican David Dewhurst in a primary to fill the Senate seat vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Could this be a further bell weather signalling that the Tea Party and the grass roots movement to remove Republican incumbents out of sync with the base is still going strong?

It will get even better in November.....

The next best thing to seeing a democrat booted is seeing a RINO booted....

US citizens are getting sick of this "big government knows best" bullshit...
Tea Party candidate and lawyer Ted Cruz has beaten establishment Republican David Dewhurst in a primary to fill the Senate seat vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Could this be a further bell weather signalling that the Tea Party and the grass roots movement to remove Republican incumbents out of sink with the base is still going strong?

"Out of Sink?" LOL...

I hope so. The more divided the GOP becomes, the better it is for the modreates/liberals left in the GOP and otherwise. The Country is a center-right country in some parts and center-left in others. As the GOP splits, it's power (or more correctly perceived power) becomes split as well.

Good news. Dewhurst losing is likely the first in many dominoes that will fall in states that have been infected with this virus.

As with all infections; the infection is alleviated or eventually the host dies. Both are wins for the voices of moderation.

You're going to chastise for the "out of sink" comment, then call Moderates... modreates? Precious.:clap2:
I've seen or heard a few reports that Cruz served Chick-fil-A at his victory bash. Now there's a campaign staff totally on the ball IMO.

And all you lefties keep slinging the b.s. about Republicans being splintered. Whether Tea Party or not, all are united in the goal of kicking Barry to the Hyde Park Boulevard curb back in his Chicago hood. Defeating this inept, inexperienced community agitator and others in the pantheon of lefty scum is all the motivation anyone on the right needs come Election Day.
Tea Party candidate and lawyer Ted Cruz has beaten establishment Republican David Dewhurst in a primary to fill the Senate seat vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Could this be a further bell weather signalling that the Tea Party and the grass roots movement to remove Republican incumbents out of sink with the base is still going strong?

"Out of Sink?" LOL...

I hope so. The more divided the GOP becomes, the better it is for the modreates/liberals left in the GOP and otherwise. The Country is a center-right country in some parts and center-left in others. As the GOP splits, it's power (or more correctly perceived power) becomes split as well.

Good news. Dewhurst losing is likely the first in many dominoes that will fall in states that have been infected with this virus.

As with all infections; the infection is alleviated or eventually the host dies. Both are wins for the voices of moderation.

You're going to chastise for the "out of sink" comment, then call Moderates... modreates? Precious.:clap2:

Didn't chastise...just got a chuckle out of it. The Man took it in the spirit it was intended at 3:15 this morning or whenever I posted it. Jeez.
I've seen or heard a few reports that Cruz served Chick-fil-A at his victory bash. Now there's a campaign staff totally on the ball IMO.

And all you lefties keep slinging the b.s. about Republicans being splintered. Whether Tea Party or not, all are united in the goal of kicking Barry to the Hyde Park Boulevard curb back in his Chicago hood. Defeating this inept, inexperienced community agitator and others in the pantheon of lefty scum is all the motivation anyone on the right needs come Election Day.

Wow..Chik-Fil-A at a victory party. Yeech.
It's good to see the fracturing of the party. I'm happy I am alive to see it come undone. I have to think that your nominee in 2016 will be to the right of Stalin. That should make whomever the Democrats nominate a shoo-in.
Tea Party candidate and lawyer Ted Cruz has beaten establishment Republican David Dewhurst in a primary to fill the Senate seat vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Could this be a further bell weather signalling that the Tea Party and the grass roots movement to remove Republican incumbents out of sink with the base is still going strong?

"Out of Sink?" LOL...

I hope so. The more divided the GOP becomes, the better it is for the modreates/liberals left in the GOP and otherwise. The Country is a center-right country in some parts and center-left in others. As the GOP splits, it's power (or more correctly perceived power) becomes split as well.

Good news. Dewhurst losing is likely the first in many dominoes that will fall in states that have been infected with this virus.

As with all infections; the infection is alleviated or eventually the host dies. Both are wins for the voices of moderation.

The GOP isn't divided.... There are RINO's, then you have real Republicans. The Democratic-Republicans are taking their party back from the RINO's...

You can call it whatever the fuck you want but no one in their right mind that is a member of the Tea Party, GOP, Libertarian Party or Classical Liberal party would vote for a fucking democrat - regardless of their slight difference in opinion on some issues... I think we're all in consensus that democrats are the problem, despite what ever minor differences we have...

In short - the majority of us would never vote democrat/progressive - ever..
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I've seen or heard a few reports that Cruz served Chick-fil-A at his victory bash. Now there's a campaign staff totally on the ball IMO.

And all you lefties keep slinging the b.s. about Republicans being splintered. Whether Tea Party or not, all are united in the goal of kicking Barry to the Hyde Park Boulevard curb back in his Chicago hood. Defeating this inept, inexperienced community agitator and others in the pantheon of lefty scum is all the motivation anyone on the right needs come Election Day.

Wow..Chik-Fil-A at a victory party. Yeech.
It's good to see the fracturing of the party. I'm happy I am alive to see it come undone. I have to think that your nominee in 2016 will be to the right of Stalin. That should make whomever the Democrats nominate a shoo-in.

He couldnt order Kobe beef on the tax payer dime like the president.

Some people understand fiscal reality.
I've seen or heard a few reports that Cruz served Chick-fil-A at his victory bash. Now there's a campaign staff totally on the ball IMO.

And all you lefties keep slinging the b.s. about Republicans being splintered. Whether Tea Party or not, all are united in the goal of kicking Barry to the Hyde Park Boulevard curb back in his Chicago hood. Defeating this inept, inexperienced community agitator and others in the pantheon of lefty scum is all the motivation anyone on the right needs come Election Day.

Wow..Chik-Fil-A at a victory party. Yeech.
It's good to see the fracturing of the party. I'm happy I am alive to see it come undone. I have to think that your nominee in 2016 will be to the right of Stalin. That should make whomever the Democrats nominate a shoo-in.

He couldnt order Kobe beef on the tax payer dime like the president.

Some people understand fiscal reality.

Don't get me wrong, I like Chik-Fil-A. But if the goal were to thank the supporters (hence the word "party"), Ted is pretty tone death. BTW...he could have probably sprung for Five Guys or Culvers.


I've seen or heard a few reports that Cruz served Chick-fil-A at his victory bash. Now there's a campaign staff totally on the ball IMO.

And all you lefties keep slinging the b.s. about Republicans being splintered. Whether Tea Party or not, all are united in the goal of kicking Barry to the Hyde Park Boulevard curb back in his Chicago hood. Defeating this inept, inexperienced community agitator and others in the pantheon of lefty scum is all the motivation anyone on the right needs come Election Day.

Wow..Chik-Fil-A at a victory party. Yeech.
It's good to see the fracturing of the party. I'm happy I am alive to see it come undone. I have to think that your nominee in 2016 will be to the right of Stalin. That should make whomever the Democrats nominate a shoo-in.

Your audacity and ignorance is something of amazement...

You just blatantly implied republicans communists.....

Tell me who's attempting to ban guns?, who's taking over businesses?, who's redistributing wealth? who's forcing people to partake in programs? who is telling religious institutions the need to do what the government tells them to do, who is telling businesses they're not welcome in certain cities because of their moral beliefs???

Who's the fucking "right of Stalin?"

Your batshit ignorance is the reason why our country is so fucked up. You let progressives run amok while you fear the "crazy people who believe in freedom and constitution."
Wow..Chik-Fil-A at a victory party. Yeech.
It's good to see the fracturing of the party. I'm happy I am alive to see it come undone. I have to think that your nominee in 2016 will be to the right of Stalin. That should make whomever the Democrats nominate a shoo-in.

He couldnt order Kobe beef on the tax payer dime like the president.

Some people understand fiscal reality.

Don't get me wrong, I like Chik-Fil-A. But if the goal were to thank the supporters (hence the word "party"), Ted is pretty tone death. BTW...he could have probably sprung for Five Guys or Culvers.



How much time do you get to plan those parties? Firm plans.

He couldnt order Kobe beef on the tax payer dime like the president.

Some people understand fiscal reality.

Don't get me wrong, I like Chik-Fil-A. But if the goal were to thank the supporters (hence the word "party"), Ted is pretty tone death. BTW...he could have probably sprung for Five Guys or Culvers.



How much time do you get to plan those parties? Firm plans.


From the day you announce...if you're going to thank the staff in victory or defeat.

Think before posting.
I've seen or heard a few reports that Cruz served Chick-fil-A at his victory bash. Now there's a campaign staff totally on the ball IMO.

And all you lefties keep slinging the b.s. about Republicans being splintered. Whether Tea Party or not, all are united in the goal of kicking Barry to the Hyde Park Boulevard curb back in his Chicago hood. Defeating this inept, inexperienced community agitator and others in the pantheon of lefty scum is all the motivation anyone on the right needs come Election Day.

Wow..Chik-Fil-A at a victory party. Yeech.
It's good to see the fracturing of the party. I'm happy I am alive to see it come undone. I have to think that your nominee in 2016 will be to the right of Stalin. That should make whomever the Democrats nominate a shoo-in.

He couldnt order Kobe beef on the tax payer dime like the president.

Some people understand fiscal reality.

You're absolutely right - the Tea Party leads by example. RINO's and progressives are hypocrites.....

My Tea Party Rep Joe Walsh sleeps on the floor of his office, while democrats live in lavish DC apartments, eating the best of food all on the taxpayers dime...

Of course they see nothing wrong with it... Progressives believe we can just print more money and that will solve everything....
I've seen or heard a few reports that Cruz served Chick-fil-A at his victory bash. Now there's a campaign staff totally on the ball IMO.

And all you lefties keep slinging the b.s. about Republicans being splintered. Whether Tea Party or not, all are united in the goal of kicking Barry to the Hyde Park Boulevard curb back in his Chicago hood. Defeating this inept, inexperienced community agitator and others in the pantheon of lefty scum is all the motivation anyone on the right needs come Election Day.

Wow..Chik-Fil-A at a victory party. Yeech.
It's good to see the fracturing of the party. I'm happy I am alive to see it come undone. I have to think that your nominee in 2016 will be to the right of Stalin. That should make whomever the Democrats nominate a shoo-in.

If you had a brain you might grasp the symbolic kick in the nuts to all the lefty a-holes lying about CfA's discriminating against gays. So just keep jerking your 'fracturing' pud all the way up to Election Day. It obviously suits you.
...and some people....libs and rep establishment....want to tell us the Tea Party is dead.........:eusa_whistle:

Make no mistake, this is a revolution. Dewhurst has ruled Texas for nearly a decade.


Paul Begala: Ted Cruz and Texas

"The false narrative continues to be written that the tea party is dead, and 2012 will not be like 2010. However, every month we see a strong example to the contrary," said Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer. "Tonight we sent a message that should shake Obama's Chicago headquarters: Texas not only is going to be staying a red state, but the tea party is alive and ready to own 2012."

Tea party wins big in Texas; incumbents pushed out
I've seen or heard a few reports that Cruz served Chick-fil-A at his victory bash. Now there's a campaign staff totally on the ball IMO.

And all you lefties keep slinging the b.s. about Republicans being splintered. Whether Tea Party or not, all are united in the goal of kicking Barry to the Hyde Park Boulevard curb back in his Chicago hood. Defeating this inept, inexperienced community agitator and others in the pantheon of lefty scum is all the motivation anyone on the right needs come Election Day.

Wow..Chik-Fil-A at a victory party. Yeech.
It's good to see the fracturing of the party. I'm happy I am alive to see it come undone. I have to think that your nominee in 2016 will be to the right of Stalin. That should make whomever the Democrats nominate a shoo-in.

If you had a brain you might grasp the symbolic kick in the nuts to all the lefty a-holes lying about CfA's discriminating against gays. So just keep jerking your 'fracturing' pud all the way up to Election Day. It obviously suits you.

Well there is a large fissure in the Republican Party. Everyone can see it. As for the Chik-Fil-A being symbolic; gee, I'd hate to have seen what Ted would have served if he lost; Chicken McNuggets?
...and some people....libs and rep establishment....want to tell us the Tea Party is dead.........:eusa_whistle:

Make no mistake, this is a revolution. Dewhurst has ruled Texas for nearly a decade.


Paul Begala: Ted Cruz and Texas

"The false narrative continues to be written that the tea party is dead, and 2012 will not be like 2010. However, every month we see a strong example to the contrary," said Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer. "Tonight we sent a message that should shake Obama's Chicago headquarters: Texas not only is going to be staying a red state, but the tea party is alive and ready to own 2012."

Tea party wins big in Texas; incumbents pushed out

It's importance is overstated but hardly dead.

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