Smoking that Herb this early in the morning?

Read the common ideals of the Tea Party movement and read the 10 points of the Racist Panther movement and get back to me when you get a Brain or come down from your High :lol::lol:

Tea Bastards don't have any common ideals except hating Obama.

I think you are wrong on that. I don't think it is President Obama that they hate. It is Democrats (white or black) that they hate. The Tea Party Movement seeks one thing, the restoration of a government controlled by the Republican Party.

I honestly do not believe they care about the color of skin. What they care about is the letter following a politicians name.


If that's your view of the Tea party then you are as stupid as Sky Dancer.

The Tea Party wants:

1. Limited Government
2. Fiscal Responsibility
3. Personal Responsibility
4. The Rule of Law
5. National Sovereignty

They're concerned about reckless overspending, unfair and punitive taxation, and the increasing lack of government constraints. Regardless of party.
It's revealing of you, and of your fear and misunderstanding of Black Liberation Theology. I've had no concerns about Reverend Wright. He is a man of his time.

yeah ok then, G-d DAMN AMERCIA.

You should actually listen to that sermon in context. It was not as bad as you think. I realize that FOX played it up, but the man himself seems like a decent human being when you listen to him rather than the FOX soundbites.

Bill Moyers Journal . Profile . Jeremiah Wright | PBS

Listen to both portions of the interview... if you dare. ;) Then make up your own mind.


you know what. I'll forgive you for inferring that all I listen to is Fox news. I don't EVER watch any news channels. I get most of my info off the net.
and as for that sermon, I heard enough of it to make me sick. so I won't watch anymore.
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It's revealing of you, and of your fear and misunderstanding of Black Liberation Theology. I've had no concerns about Reverend Wright. He is a man of his time.

yeah ok then, G-d DAMN AMERCIA.

You should actually listen to that sermon in context. It was not as bad as you think. I realize that FOX played it up, but the man himself seems like a decent human being when you listen to him rather than the FOX soundbites.

Bill Moyers Journal . Profile . Jeremiah Wright | PBS

Listen to both portions of the interview... if you dare. ;) Then make up your own mind.


That soft ball interview Moyers gave isn't a fair representation of Wright.

Sky Dancer, put this Wright quote into context.

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”
The NBPP as racist as those pieces of shit are didn't stop anyone from voting, one was even a credentialed poll watcher the other who was armed was not, there were no other incidents like this in the country.
Preventing anyone from voting is not the issue. Voter intimidation is. And it doesn't even have to be successful to be a crime -- intent is all that matters.

Given the fact that they didn't even show up in court to defend themselves, I'd say that confirms their intention.
I asked a question you old fart, my point was that no one is in any position to push for charges against the NBPP until the violence and death against black Americans who tried to vote are dealt with and the charges against the NBPP are dogshit, they didn't block anyone, they looked scary and they are racists, but they didn't do what the KKK and racist white mobs did.
Yeah, you asked a question intentionally conflating events of the past with a current political movement. You'll notice this thread is not about the KKK.

Tea Bastards are the new KKK.
Pointing to your own hatred is no proof of anyone else's.

I really wish you leftists would understand that. It appears you're just too damn stupid.
yeah ok then, G-d DAMN AMERCIA.

You should actually listen to that sermon in context. It was not as bad as you think. I realize that FOX played it up, but the man himself seems like a decent human being when you listen to him rather than the FOX soundbites.

Bill Moyers Journal . Profile . Jeremiah Wright | PBS

Listen to both portions of the interview... if you dare. ;) Then make up your own mind.


That soft ball interview Moyers gave isn't a fair representation of Wright.

Sky Dancer, put this Wright quote into context.

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

Reverend Wright is talking about US policies that are wrong and that the America puts herself above God almighty.
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You should actually listen to that sermon in context. It was not as bad as you think. I realize that FOX played it up, but the man himself seems like a decent human being when you listen to him rather than the FOX soundbites.

Bill Moyers Journal . Profile . Jeremiah Wright | PBS

Listen to both portions of the interview... if you dare. ;) Then make up your own mind.


That soft ball interview Moyers gave isn't a fair representation of Wright.

Sky Dancer, put this Wright quote into context.

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

Reverend Wright is talking about US policies that are wrong and that the America puts herself above God almighty.

hummm, really.
and just how does his church suggest we right these wrongs?
I'll wait.
That soft ball interview Moyers gave isn't a fair representation of Wright.

Sky Dancer, put this Wright quote into context.

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

Reverend Wright is talking about US policies that are wrong and that the America puts herself above God almighty.

hummm, really.
and just how does his church suggest we right these wrongs?
I'll wait.

I'd have to study the speech again. I don't remember if Reverend Wright spelled out how to correct those wrongs. He was expressing righteous anger.

I don't see you studying the speech. You could do your own research and answer the question yourself.

That would require having an open mind though.
You should actually listen to that sermon in context. It was not as bad as you think. I realize that FOX played it up, but the man himself seems like a decent human being when you listen to him rather than the FOX soundbites.

Bill Moyers Journal . Profile . Jeremiah Wright | PBS

Listen to both portions of the interview... if you dare. ;) Then make up your own mind.


That soft ball interview Moyers gave isn't a fair representation of Wright.

Sky Dancer, put this Wright quote into context.

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

Reverend Wright is talking about US policies that are wrong and that the America puts herself above God almighty.

The government gives them (blacks) drugs?

Passing a three strike law is wrong? According to who?

G-- Damn America is in the Bible? Please cite chapter and verse.

America treat it's citizens less than human? Please give some specifics.

America acts like God? Again give some specifics.

America kills innocent people? Again list some specifics.
Reverend Wright is talking about US policies that are wrong and that the America puts herself above God almighty.

hummm, really.
and just how does his church suggest we right these wrongs?
I'll wait.

I'd have to study the speech again. I don't remember if Reverend Wright spelled out how to correct those wrongs. He was expressing righteous anger.

I don't see you studying the speech. You could do your own research and answer the question yourself.

That would require having an open mind though.

I already did my "studying" of his church before Obama was elected President. I wanted to see what his beliefs were. too bad the rest of you didn't.
hummm, really.
and just how does his church suggest we right these wrongs?
I'll wait.

I'd have to study the speech again. I don't remember if Reverend Wright spelled out how to correct those wrongs. He was expressing righteous anger.

I don't see you studying the speech. You could do your own research and answer the question yourself.

That would require having an open mind though.

I already did my "studying" of his church before Obama was elected President. I wanted to see what his beliefs were. too bad the rest of you didn't.

You're equating Reverend Wright's beliefs with President Obama's. Two men. Two different points of view.

President Obama can think for himself.

Reverend Wright's speech in no way tainted my respect for candidate, now President, Barack Obama.
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I'd have to study the speech again. I don't remember if Reverend Wright spelled out how to correct those wrongs. He was expressing righteous anger.

I don't see you studying the speech. You could do your own research and answer the question yourself.

That would require having an open mind though.

I already did my "studying" of his church before Obama was elected President. I wanted to see what his beliefs were. too bad the rest of you didn't.

You're equating Reverend Wright's beliefs with President Obama's. Two men. Two different points of view.

President Obama can think for himself.

Reverend Wright's speech in no way tainted my view of Barack Obama.

I don't think he can.
That soft ball interview Moyers gave isn't a fair representation of Wright.

Sky Dancer, put this Wright quote into context.

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

Reverend Wright is talking about US policies that are wrong and that the America puts herself above God almighty.

The government gives them (blacks) drugs?

Passing a three strike law is wrong? According to who?

G-- Damn America is in the Bible? Please cite chapter and verse.

America treat it's citizens less than human? Please give some specifics.

America acts like God? Again give some specifics.

America kills innocent people? Again list some specifics.

There is some proof that the CIA smuggled drugs for sale into the country for the Sandinistas in South America, its not all conspiracy, unlike Teabagger claims that Obama is not American.
I'd have to study the speech again. I don't remember if Reverend Wright spelled out how to correct those wrongs. He was expressing righteous anger.

I don't see you studying the speech. You could do your own research and answer the question yourself.

That would require having an open mind though.

I already did my "studying" of his church before Obama was elected President. I wanted to see what his beliefs were. too bad the rest of you didn't.

You're equating Reverend Wright's beliefs with President Obama's. Two men. Two different points of view.

President Obama can think for himself.

please dear don't try and blow smoke up my ass. you don't sit in a church for 20yrs. and come out with a DIFFERENT BELIEF.
everything you hear from the Obama's mouth reflects what he learned from the Rev. Wright and people who are like him.
maybe you don't want to see it, or admit it. but that is your alls problem.
I already did my "studying" of his church before Obama was elected President. I wanted to see what his beliefs were. too bad the rest of you didn't.

You're equating Reverend Wright's beliefs with President Obama's. Two men. Two different points of view.

President Obama can think for himself.

please dear don't try and blow smoke up my ass. you don't sit in a church for 20yrs. and come out with a DIFFERENT BELIEF.
everything you hear from the Obama's mouth reflects what he learned from the Rev. Wright and people who are like him.
maybe you don't want to see it, or admit it. but that is your alls problem.

You're wrong about that. President Obama is not a fire and brimstone preacher. There was nothing wrong with Reverend Wright's sermon. That doesn't mean that Obama would say the same things. He's a peacemaker.
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You're equating Reverend Wright's beliefs with President Obama's. Two men. Two different points of view.

President Obama can think for himself.

please dear don't try and blow smoke up my ass. you don't sit in a church for 20yrs. and come out with a DIFFERENT BELIEF.
everything you hear from the Obama's mouth reflects what he learned from the Rev. Wright and people who are like him.
maybe you don't want to see it, or admit it. but that is your alls problem.

You're wrong about that. President Obama is not a fire and brimstone preacher.

that is why he has taken OVER OUR DAMN T.V. SETS.
every friggne week he is on one show or another.
you people have your heads in the sand, but a lot of Americans are waking up to the sad facts.
please dear don't try and blow smoke up my ass. you don't sit in a church for 20yrs. and come out with a DIFFERENT BELIEF.
everything you hear from the Obama's mouth reflects what he learned from the Rev. Wright and people who are like him.
maybe you don't want to see it, or admit it. but that is your alls problem.

You're wrong about that. President Obama is not a fire and brimstone preacher.

that is why he has taken OVER OUR DAMN T.V. SETS.
every friggne week he is on one show or another.
you people have your heads in the sand, but a lot of Americans are waking up to the sad facts.

Who has taken over your TV set? Can you change the channel? LOL. How about turning the TV off and reading a book?
Reverend Wright is talking about US policies that are wrong and that the America puts herself above God almighty.

The government gives them (blacks) drugs?

Passing a three strike law is wrong? According to who?

G-- Damn America is in the Bible? Please cite chapter and verse.

America treat it's citizens less than human? Please give some specifics.

America acts like God? Again give some specifics.

America kills innocent people? Again list some specifics.

There is some proof that the CIA smuggled drugs for sale into the country for the Sandinistas in South America, its not all conspiracy, unlike Teabagger claims that Obama is not American.

Wright said the government gives them, meaning black Americans, drugs.
The government gives them (blacks) drugs?

In its crudest forms, "drugs" like cigarettes and alcohol are legal and you'll find more liquor stores in black neighborhoods than in white ones, you've been debunked.

Passing a three strike law is wrong? According to who?

Yes it is wrong, three strikes law does not reduce crime and puts more people behind bars that shouldn't be there, most of whom are African American. Debunked again

G-- Damn America is in the Bible? Please cite chapter and verse.

Maybe not God damn America[which isn't referring to America itself but the workers of iniquity in America who created America's perverted foreign policy.]

America treat it's citizens less than human? Please give some specifics.

Slavery, segregation, denial of unemployment benefits, discrimination against women racial profiling, etc., debunked again

America acts like God? Again give some specifics.

The wars in Vietnam and Iraq.

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