Teabagger KKK Police Thrown Off Force!

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Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


I notice that gays love using that word. Teabagger.

I see nothing in the story about the Tea Party nor sucking on someone's ball-sack.

Well, I don't use the word, but it would be good to note that the first people to use the word were Tea Party people themselves, including Rush Limpballs.

I don't remember it that way. What I remember is people on the left who are fully aware of what the teabagger referenced means using it to disparage those associate with the tea party. Then many of the older people in the tea party did not pick up on the slang reference and used the same term when referring to themselves. Not everyone have their mind in the gutters to know every slang sexual word.
All cops who claim to be Teapers should be investigated for racism and their association anti-constitutional/ anti-government groups that are calling for a race war and armed insurrection.
The Klu Klux Klan was founded as a Democrat proxy group. Many black Americans served in the U.S. Goverment in the 1800's and beyond as part of the "Radical Republican" party. In 1912 the 'Progressive' Democrat, President Woodrow Wilson instituted racial segregation into the Federal Government. Many

Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is expected to release the details of an investigation into two former Fruitland Park police officers who may have ties with the Ku Klux Klan.

An FBI investigation named Deputy Police Chief David Borst and Cpl. George Hunnewell as Klansmen.
Borst resigned Thursday while Hunnewell was fired on Friday. Police Chief Terry Isaacs said an FBI confidential source revealed the two officers from his department were members of the KKK. Isaacs called the allegations “despicable and disgusting.” He said there was no proof or documentation the men were members, aside from information from the source.

Because it's not criminal to be in the KKK, the FBI turned the investigation over to the FDLE to look into the standards and ethics policies to see what action should be taken. FDLE officials also agreed it was not criminal and referred the case to the chief. On Friday, Isaacs began preparing an internal investigation and put the men on administrative leave. But when Borst was called into the chief's office, he immediately resigned and denied everything.
Borst was a veteran officer with more than 20 years of law enforcement service.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Nice troll post, there is nothing in the article that links him to the Tea Party. What exactly is a "tea party reference" anyway?
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is expected to release the details of an investigation into two former Fruitland Park police officers who may have ties with the Ku Klux Klan.

An FBI investigation named Deputy Police Chief David Borst and Cpl. George Hunnewell as Klansmen.
Borst resigned Thursday while Hunnewell was fired on Friday. Police Chief Terry Isaacs said an FBI confidential source revealed the two officers from his department were members of the KKK. Isaacs called the allegations “despicable and disgusting.” He said there was no proof or documentation the men were members, aside from information from the source.

Because it's not criminal to be in the KKK, the FBI turned the investigation over to the FDLE to look into the standards and ethics policies to see what action should be taken. FDLE officials also agreed it was not criminal and referred the case to the chief. On Friday, Isaacs began preparing an internal investigation and put the men on administrative leave. But when Borst was called into the chief's office, he immediately resigned and denied everything.
Borst was a veteran officer with more than 20 years of law enforcement service.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Does anyone else find it ironic that the op uses the Term "Teabagger" When he'd most likely be the "Teabagger" in the traditional sense of the word:eusa_whistle:....Just saying

To tea bag is a slang term for the sexual act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth of a willing sexual partner for pleasure or onto the face or head of another person. The name of the practice, when it is done in a repeated in-and-out motion, is derived from its passing resemblance to the dipping of a tea bag into a cup of hot water as a method of brewing tea. As a form of non-penetrative sex, it can be done for its own enjoyment or as foreplay.

Tea bag (sexual act) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, I don't use the word, but it would be good to note that the first people to use the word were Tea Party people themselves, including Rush Limpballs.

Id actually never heard the term used in a sexual context until reading Howie's posts.

Apparently there's not much Queer Ground he's not covered.

huh. I never heard of the term until the teabaggers were outed for coming up with it. I guess if they could read they should have investigated the term.

Guess you haven't been hanging around the wrong people yet.

The minute Obama called us Teabaggers I knew what the prick meant.

Anyone calls me one to my face gets a kick in the nuts automatically on general principle.
Wrong verse, doesn't exist anymore. VERBOTEN.

this is the verse:

"Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit,
für das Deutsche Vaterland"

"Unity and Justice and Freedom
for the German fatherland...."

Dude, the one I quoted fits better. Because Germany is number one in the world now.

Is, however, illegal in the BRD.

§130, §131, BGB

Just saying...

but thanks for the nice wishes. It was worth it getting ripped last night.

Well I'm not a German citizen so you have to forgive me, but I know how they feel and it's a shame they can't express things like this because of something that happened 70 years ago. So allow me to express it the only way I know. I'm sure I won't get a visit from the Polizei.
38 off topic posts I just deleted. That's too many from just going out for a quick bite! Knock it off!
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Does anyone else find it ironic that the op uses the Term "Teabagger" When he'd most likely be the "Teabagger" in the traditional sense of the word:eusa_whistle:....Just saying

To tea bag is a slang term for the sexual act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth of a willing sexual partner for pleasure or onto the face or head of another person. The name of the practice, when it is done in a repeated in-and-out motion, is derived from its passing resemblance to the dipping of a tea bag into a cup of hot water as a method of brewing tea. As a form of non-penetrative sex, it can be done for its own enjoyment or as foreplay.

Tea bag (sexual act) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the description you have been so scholarly to submit, the act could just as easily be between heterosexuals as homosexual males, or Ravi and a mirror

I guess the op would have the option of being the teabaggie as well as the teabagger...Just saying:eusa_whistle:
Good lord. The FBI who has the primary task of so called "anti-terrorism" (75% entrapment) has the time to deal with stupid shit like this? Priority fail.

E coli has traveled from Howey's penis and into his brain as indicated from posts like this.

The KKK is nothing, nada. They couldn't tie a black guy to a bumper. They barely exist yet shit pushers like the OP always find a way to tie them to the tea party!

He'd have MORE success tying the KKKers to the modern day Palestinians, whose bigoted never ending racial hatred of Jews is costing Jewish lives almost every week!

Whenever you think of bigots and deadly racial hatred think of the Palestinians.
Good lord. The FBI who has the primary task of so called "anti-terrorism" (75% entrapment) has the time to deal with stupid shit like this? Priority fail.

E coli has traveled from Howey's penis and into his brain as indicated from posts like this.

The KKK is nothing, nada. They couldn't tie a black guy to a bumper. They barely exist yet shit pushers like the OP always find a way to tie them to the tea party!

He'd have MORE success tying the KKKers to the modern day Palestinians, whose bigoted never ending racial hatred of Jews is costing Jewish lives almost every week!

Whenever you think of bigots and deadly racial hatred think of the Palestinians.

It's a two way street but the Arabs can't be reasoned with and that doesn't give the Israeli's very many options so I understand their position while I don't always agree with their response although I'm glad they've put boots on the ground as opposed to fighter aircraft. Makes the hunt for those rat bastards more personal.
Howey, I really can't see how this guy gets tied to the TP.

If he was - so what? Does that make some kind of statement about ALL TP members? Does that count for Libs, too, every time one commits some kind of crime? Last I checked, being a member of the KKK was not in and of itself a 'crime.' I have no earthly Idea why this is thread worthy.

I don't care about people being racists as long as they aren't mean about it.
Well, the OP was lying. There was a particular reason I put him on ignore.

Liberals are losers.
OK asshole: What difference does it make? Cops sometimes suck. You should know. Being a former military person with PTSD should be a better reason for disqualifying a pig for duty. The KKK is useless, and marginalized. Hardly something to get bent out of shape over. Fags like you would have people put on a list because of party affiliation. 1 day it's the KKK, next the Republicans, and then the Tea Party. Did the KKK pigs break the law?

Where was it proven that these guys were KKK? Some anonymous informant within the FBI, who could be lying as far as anyone knows, says these guys are KKK and that is enough to kick them off the force?

IS everyone batshit crazy now?
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is expected to release the details of an investigation into two former Fruitland Park police officers who may have ties with the Ku Klux Klan.

An FBI investigation named Deputy Police Chief David Borst and Cpl. George Hunnewell as Klansmen.
Borst resigned Thursday while Hunnewell was fired on Friday. Police Chief Terry Isaacs said an FBI confidential source revealed the two officers from his department were members of the KKK. Isaacs called the allegations “despicable and disgusting.” He said there was no proof or documentation the men were members, aside from information from the source.

Because it's not criminal to be in the KKK, the FBI turned the investigation over to the FDLE to look into the standards and ethics policies to see what action should be taken. FDLE officials also agreed it was not criminal and referred the case to the chief. On Friday, Isaacs began preparing an internal investigation and put the men on administrative leave. But when Borst was called into the chief's office, he immediately resigned and denied everything.
Borst was a veteran officer with more than 20 years of law enforcement service.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


I notice that gays love using that word. Teabagger.

I see nothing in the story about the Tea Party nor sucking on someone's ball-sack.

That is because Howie is just another lying PC Nazi as Bill Maher once warned us of.
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


I notice that gays love using that word. Teabagger.

I see nothing in the story about the Tea Party nor sucking on someone's ball-sack.

Well, I don't use the word, but it would be good to note that the first people to use the word were Tea Party people themselves, including Rush Limpballs.

That is total bullshit. Tea Partiers sent tea bags to their congressmen and said they 'tea bagged' them, turning the noun phrase into a verbal phrase. It was libtards in the press that combined 'tea bag' into 'teabag', a sexual term, as everything to them involves sex if it isn't racism.

Real World Politics: Who First used the term 'TEABAGGER'?

You liars just cant stop lying, can you?
You mean that no cop should have a right to the 1st amendment in your political terms.

The KKK is stupid. It's an insignificant organization of fuck heads just like the NAACP

"Stupid....Fuck Heads.."


Thanks for elevating the conversation.

He may have missed the Crayola "how to write a Tea-Party placard decently" training seminar; plus, in the joint, they call bathrooms the "head". So, he's really saying that even if he explodes, he is absolutely not going to the John, evuh.

RC made a valid point but you two libtards had to deflect into how he expressed his thought and ignore the thought itself, because you have no answer to his point.

Point stands and you two losers just lose again.
You mean that no cop should have a right to the 1st amendment in your political terms.

The KKK is stupid. It's an insignificant organization of fuck heads just like the NAACP

So you defend a non-constitutional non-existent right to hire them, when you admit they are stupid. Think.

They can hire whomever they please even though I know most cops are already hard wired to profile blacks from the start. It makes no difference if the guy in the patrol car is a black cop. The police know. They can smell it.

I, personally, believe that vets with PTSD should never be hired but they are anyway. Which is worse?

The abuse of psychiatry to punish people for potential crimes is worse. Discriminating people for statistical averages of their categorized group is worse.

The criteria for diagnosing people with PTSD can be anything from 'wants to kill everyone that bothers him' to 'cant sleep well at night', and for that trouble sleeping you would deny him a job?


The KKK is a collection of pussies, but every cop profiles minorities because they're human beings with weaknesses and basic instincts.

KKK = 99 FBI informants and 1 fool who trusted them.

And not every cop profiles minorities, and not every minority is weak and ruled by basic instincts. Why do you believe this utter nonsense? The TV is not a statistical sampling, you know?

I have close friends and relatives that are street patrol cops and they readily admit that the vast majority of blacks are not only innocent law abiding people, but that they also appreciate a heavy police presence to keep the criminals at bay. They do not have a problem with the police being around and the cops I know appreciate the hell out of them.

I don't see any difference between a smart cop and some dumb shit cop with a KKK card unless it can be demonstrated that the KKK card holder is using extreme prejudice in his application of law enforcement.

Agree, but who had a KKK card in this case? No one, we only have the alleged word of an anonymous informant.
"Stupid....Fuck Heads.."


Thanks for elevating the conversation.

He may have missed the Crayola "how to write a Tea-Party placard decently" training seminar; plus, in the joint, they call bathrooms the "head". So, he's really saying that even if he explodes, he is absolutely not going to the John, evuh.

RC made a valid point but you two libtards had to deflect into how he expressed his thought and ignore the thought itself, because you have no answer to his point.

Point stands and you two losers just lose again.

Actually, Samson made a very good point, which I then backed up. The moment you have to insult those who don't share your points in order to somehow get the point across is the moment you already lost any and all debate.

That goes for RC and it definitely goes for you.

But please, feel free to support the KKK, if that is what you believe. I don't however, think you will find much support on that point.
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