Teabagger KKK Police Thrown Off Force!

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The far righty bed wetters are doing just that here.

Grow up, gang. It was a good think the guys were tossed if they were Klan. If they were Klan and TP that would be an even worse thing.
Thread title is an offensive flame, doesn't belong in a protected forum.

In other words, Stat, fuck off. You aren't a mod either, at least not when you're posting as "stat"..so stop pretending you are.

All threads are offensive to the Teapers if it doesn't pander to their need for hate, vitriol and anti-government nonsense. They are protecting their movement, because they know most of the followers are weak minded idiots who are nothing more than lemmings. If it gets out that Teapers are majority racist...then the blind followers might actually open their eyes. This is why Teapers always post nonsense from blogs and sources like Got News!

:lmao: Teapers are so pathetic!
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is expected to release the details of an investigation into two former Fruitland Park police officers who may have ties with the Ku Klux Klan.

An FBI investigation named Deputy Police Chief David Borst and Cpl. George Hunnewell as Klansmen.
Borst resigned Thursday while Hunnewell was fired on Friday. Police Chief Terry Isaacs said an FBI confidential source revealed the two officers from his department were members of the KKK. Isaacs called the allegations “despicable and disgusting.” He said there was no proof or documentation the men were members, aside from information from the source.

Because it's not criminal to be in the KKK, the FBI turned the investigation over to the FDLE to look into the standards and ethics policies to see what action should be taken. FDLE officials also agreed it was not criminal and referred the case to the chief. On Friday, Isaacs began preparing an internal investigation and put the men on administrative leave. But when Borst was called into the chief's office, he immediately resigned and denied everything.
Borst was a veteran officer with more than 20 years of law enforcement service.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Have mixed feelings. Legally, I can't imagine association being grounds for termination. If such association violated some ethical contract like an officer's sworn oath fine, but if we start firing, not hiring, and penalizing people for what groups they belong to, that's the beginning of the end and tantamount to fascism.

Don't have to like who people associate with, but we do have to tolerate it in a free society.

I was astonished that the guy was fired. Cops get fired for one thing: Illegal activity, and then only after there's clear, convincing, substantial evidence.

My guess the FBI caught red-handed him doing something like selling guns, drugs, or upsetting Stat's ideal self-image.
Thread title is an offensive flame, doesn't belong in a protected forum.

In other words, Stat, fuck off. You aren't a mod either, at least not when you're posting as "stat"..so stop pretending you are.

All threads are offensive to the Teapers if it doesn't pander to their need for hate, vitriol and anti-government nonsense. They are protecting their movement, because they know most of the followers are weak minded idiots who are nothing more than lemmings. If it gets out that Teapers are majority racist...then the blind followers might actually open their eyes. This is why Teapers always post nonsense from blogs and sources like Got News!

:lmao: Teapers are so pathetic!

Whats offensive is a blatant lie,and people that rationalize them away because of the hate and vitriol they blubber out daily. The real haters are the OP and all like them.
The far righty bed wetters are doing just that here.

Grow up, gang. It was a good think the guys were tossed if they were Klan. If they were Klan and TP that would be an even worse thing.

In what post?

Where does anyone argue that the cops should not be tossed if they were involved in illegal activities?

If you cannot provide the post numbers, then you have no evidence, and are typically full of crap.
The sentence "Whats offensive is a blatant lie,and people that rationalize them away because of the hate and vitriol they blubber out daily" is an excellent description of almost all far righties, including a number of TeaPers.
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is expected to release the details of an investigation into two former Fruitland Park police officers who may have ties with the Ku Klux Klan.

An FBI investigation named Deputy Police Chief David Borst and Cpl. George Hunnewell as Klansmen.
Borst resigned Thursday while Hunnewell was fired on Friday. Police Chief Terry Isaacs said an FBI confidential source revealed the two officers from his department were members of the KKK. Isaacs called the allegations “despicable and disgusting.” He said there was no proof or documentation the men were members, aside from information from the source.

Because it's not criminal to be in the KKK, the FBI turned the investigation over to the FDLE to look into the standards and ethics policies to see what action should be taken. FDLE officials also agreed it was not criminal and referred the case to the chief. On Friday, Isaacs began preparing an internal investigation and put the men on administrative leave. But when Borst was called into the chief's office, he immediately resigned and denied everything.
Borst was a veteran officer with more than 20 years of law enforcement service.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Have mixed feelings. Legally, I can't imagine association being grounds for termination. If such association violated some ethical contract like an officer's sworn oath fine, but if we start firing, not hiring, and penalizing people for what groups they belong to, that's the beginning of the end and tantamount to fascism.

Don't have to like who people associate with, but we do have to tolerate it in a free society.

Do you think they'd treat black citizens differently?

A little history here...Fruitland Park is a small town of 3000 smack dab in the most conservative county in this state and the most conservative area...The Villages. This place is so conservative all the tea party big whigs visit there regularly. Borst was/is not only the deputy chief but also the Fire Chief and Code Enforcement Officer.

Apparently, the KKK has been firmly entrenched in the town. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. I wonder when even more will be outed?

Fruitland Park cop quits after he's linked to Ku Klux Klan - Orlando Sentinel

FRUITLAND PARK -- A city police officer has resigned after allegations surfaced that he was a "district Kleagle" and "staff sergeant" in the Ku Klux Klan.

James Elkins, 28, resigned Jan. 20 after the Police Department launched an internal investigation when it received information that Elkins was distributing fliers in Sumter County promoting the Klan, police Chief J.M. Isom said Friday.

The Lake County Sheriff's Office also received photos earlier this week that show Elkins dressed in KKK gowns and hoods. Isom confirmed that the pictures are authentic.
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Have mixed feelings. Legally, I can't imagine association being grounds for termination. If such association violated some ethical contract like an officer's sworn oath fine, but if we start firing, not hiring, and penalizing people for what groups they belong to, that's the beginning of the end and tantamount to fascism.

Don't have to like who people associate with, but we do have to tolerate it in a free society.

I was astonished that the guy was fired. Cops get fired for one thing: Illegal activity, and then only after there's clear, convincing, substantial evidence.

My guess the FBI caught red-handed him doing something like selling guns, drugs, or upsetting Stat's ideal self-image.

Well, you cannot uphold the Constitution or state laws if you made an oath of allegiance to the KKK, white people or any other dunderhead ideal in the KKK playbook. What, did the cop cross his fingers when he made his cop oath?

Another thing...the KKK was dismantled because of criminal activity...that doesn't mean they are (as one idiot said) as harmless of the NAACP.

Then again, many Teapers are racist and will justify anything like the KKK and hate...that is what racists do!
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Have mixed feelings. Legally, I can't imagine association being grounds for termination. If such association violated some ethical contract like an officer's sworn oath fine, but if we start firing, not hiring, and penalizing people for what groups they belong to, that's the beginning of the end and tantamount to fascism.

Don't have to like who people associate with, but we do have to tolerate it in a free society.

I was astonished that the guy was fired. Cops get fired for one thing: Illegal activity, and then only after there's clear, convincing, substantial evidence.

My guess the FBI caught red-handed him doing something like selling guns, drugs, or upsetting Stat's ideal self-image.

Well, putting aside your barb :lol: I do agree with you in that I was surprised that that cop was terminated. So, I suppose there is probably also something under the woodwork that we are not seeing.

Even so, being a KKK member is probably not a great thing to mix with police work.

Oh, and my self-image is doing just fine, thank you for your tender and loving concern.
The sentence "Whats offensive is a blatant lie,and people that rationalize them away because of the hate and vitriol they blubber out daily" is an excellent description of almost all far righties, including a number of TeaPers.

No post?

However, appealing your consistancy may be, you are still full of crap.

The sentence "Whats offensive is a blatant lie,and people that rationalize them away because of the hate and vitriol they blubber out daily" is an excellent description of almost all far righties, including a number of TeaPers.

So Jakey a lie being what it is,and the OP lied there is NO reference to any teaprty connection,and you find that ok?? You have to be the most disingenuous ass wipe here,you are no republican,and are willing to give passes to people that lie,doesn't say much for you honesty and integrity,but then the board has you pegged as a fake anyways.so carry on.
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Have mixed feelings. Legally, I can't imagine association being grounds for termination. If such association violated some ethical contract like an officer's sworn oath fine, but if we start firing, not hiring, and penalizing people for what groups they belong to, that's the beginning of the end and tantamount to fascism.

Don't have to like who people associate with, but we do have to tolerate it in a free society.

Do you think they'd treat black citizens differently?

A little history here...Fruitland Park is a small town of 3000 smack dab in the most conservative county in this state and the most conservative area...The Villages. This place is so conservative all the tea party big whigs visit there regularly. Borst was/is not only the deputy chief but also the Fire Chief and Code Enforcement Officer.

Apparently, the KKK has been firmly entrenched in the town. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. I wonder when even more will be outed?

Fruitland Park cop quits after he's linked to Ku Klux Klan - Orlando Sentinel

FRUITLAND PARK -- A city police officer has resigned after allegations surfaced that he was a "district Kleagle" and "staff sergeant" in the Ku Klux Klan.

James Elkins, 28, resigned Jan. 20 after the Police Department launched an internal investigation when it received information that Elkins was distributing fliers in Sumter County promoting the Klan, police Chief J.M. Isom said Friday.

The Lake County Sheriff's Office also received photos earlier this week that show Elkins dressed in KKK gowns and hoods. Isom confirmed that the pictures are authentic.

Well, now, that's interesting new information about the KKK connection and a history of it in this area of Florida. I still see no direct connection to the TPM, however. Just as I wrote in posting no. 24, but that was not quick enough for Samson, who wants it all now, dammit!!!!


There, Samson, was that quick enough for your dainty sensibilities, or do you need a tissue?

Thread title is an offensive flame, doesn't belong in a protected forum.

In other words, Stat, fuck off. You aren't a mod either, at least not when you're posting as "stat"..so stop pretending you are.

All threads are offensive to the Teapers if it doesn't pander to their need for hate, vitriol and anti-government nonsense. They are protecting their movement, because they know most of the followers are weak minded idiots who are nothing more than lemmings. If it gets out that Teapers are majority racist...then the blind followers might actually open their eyes. This is why Teapers always post nonsense from blogs and sources like Got News!

:lmao: Teapers are so pathetic!

Whats offensive is a blatant lie,and people that rationalize them away because of the hate and vitriol they blubber out daily. The real haters are the OP and all like them.

It is a logical assertion that you refuse to merely accept. Instead, you just blindly claim it isn't true because of your blind allegiance to a hate and terrorists group known as the Tea Party. I have posted many examples of Teaper racism...especially the fact that hate groups use Teaper rallies to recruit members and teh Tea Party allows it.

It is more believable that this hate cop was a member of the KKK and the Tea Party than believing he was a OWS supporter as one of your idiot Teaper cohorts tried to claim.

Perhaps you should check out Got News or other radical right wing blogs to get your talking points...just screaming a thread title is offensive and a lie is BS if you continue to argue with closed eyes.
The sentence "Whats offensive is a blatant lie,and people that rationalize them away because of the hate and vitriol they blubber out daily" is an excellent description of almost all far righties, including a number of TeaPers.

So Jakey a lie being what it is,and the OP lied there is NO reference to any teaprty connection,and you find that ok?? You have to be the most disingenuous ass wipe here,you are no republican,and are willing to give passes to people that lie,doesn't say much for you honesty and integrity,but then the board has you pegged as a fake anyways.so carry on.

I am thinking that a remedial English course, including spelling, punctuation, grammar and SPACING, would be just the right thing for you, pard!!


You are welcome.
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Have mixed feelings. Legally, I can't imagine association being grounds for termination. If such association violated some ethical contract like an officer's sworn oath fine, but if we start firing, not hiring, and penalizing people for what groups they belong to, that's the beginning of the end and tantamount to fascism.

Don't have to like who people associate with, but we do have to tolerate it in a free society.

Do you think they'd treat black citizens differently?

A little history here...Fruitland Park is a small town of 3000 smack dab in the most conservative county in this state and the most conservative area...The Villages. This place is so conservative all the tea party big whigs visit there regularly. Borst was/is not only the deputy chief but also the Fire Chief and Code Enforcement Officer.

Apparently, the KKK has been firmly entrenched in the town. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. I wonder when even more will be outed?

Fruitland Park cop quits after he's linked to Ku Klux Klan - Orlando Sentinel

FRUITLAND PARK -- A city police officer has resigned after allegations surfaced that he was a "district Kleagle" and "staff sergeant" in the Ku Klux Klan.

James Elkins, 28, resigned Jan. 20 after the Police Department launched an internal investigation when it received information that Elkins was distributing fliers in Sumter County promoting the Klan, police Chief J.M. Isom said Friday.

The Lake County Sheriff's Office also received photos earlier this week that show Elkins dressed in KKK gowns and hoods. Isom confirmed that the pictures are authentic.
You'd think a place called Fruitland Park would be totally gay.
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Have mixed feelings. Legally, I can't imagine association being grounds for termination. If such association violated some ethical contract like an officer's sworn oath fine, but if we start firing, not hiring, and penalizing people for what groups they belong to, that's the beginning of the end and tantamount to fascism.

Don't have to like who people associate with, but we do have to tolerate it in a free society.

Do you think they'd treat black citizens differently?

A little history here...Fruitland Park is a small town of 3000 smack dab in the most conservative county in this state and the most conservative area...The Villages. This place is so conservative all the tea party big whigs visit there regularly. Borst was/is not only the deputy chief but also the Fire Chief and Code Enforcement Officer.

Apparently, the KKK has been firmly entrenched in the town. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. I wonder when even more will be outed?

Fruitland Park cop quits after he's linked to Ku Klux Klan - Orlando Sentinel

FRUITLAND PARK -- A city police officer has resigned after allegations surfaced that he was a "district Kleagle" and "staff sergeant" in the Ku Klux Klan.

James Elkins, 28, resigned Jan. 20 after the Police Department launched an internal investigation when it received information that Elkins was distributing fliers in Sumter County promoting the Klan, police Chief J.M. Isom said Friday.

The Lake County Sheriff's Office also received photos earlier this week that show Elkins dressed in KKK gowns and hoods. Isom confirmed that the pictures are authentic.

Don't have to be a card-carrying member (hood wearing?) of the KKK to have prejudice effect your job performance. But if we start making employment decisions based on association where do we draw the line? Do we start excluding fraternal associations next like Elks, Rotor Club, Freemasons, etc.? What about other ethnic pride groups like NAACP, ADL/AIPAC, whatever else?

Short of such groups being officially classified as terrorist groups by the State Department, membership in a group shouldn't enter into being hired or fired from a job if no grounds for termination has occured.

And let's not forget about the NRA, Tea Party, and other popular groups like militias.
Have mixed feelings. Legally, I can't imagine association being grounds for termination. If such association violated some ethical contract like an officer's sworn oath fine, but if we start firing, not hiring, and penalizing people for what groups they belong to, that's the beginning of the end and tantamount to fascism.

Don't have to like who people associate with, but we do have to tolerate it in a free society.

Do you think they'd treat black citizens differently?

A little history here...Fruitland Park is a small town of 3000 smack dab in the most conservative county in this state and the most conservative area...The Villages. This place is so conservative all the tea party big whigs visit there regularly. Borst was/is not only the deputy chief but also the Fire Chief and Code Enforcement Officer.

Apparently, the KKK has been firmly entrenched in the town. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. I wonder when even more will be outed?

Fruitland Park cop quits after he's linked to Ku Klux Klan - Orlando Sentinel

FRUITLAND PARK -- A city police officer has resigned after allegations surfaced that he was a "district Kleagle" and "staff sergeant" in the Ku Klux Klan.

James Elkins, 28, resigned Jan. 20 after the Police Department launched an internal investigation when it received information that Elkins was distributing fliers in Sumter County promoting the Klan, police Chief J.M. Isom said Friday.

The Lake County Sheriff's Office also received photos earlier this week that show Elkins dressed in KKK gowns and hoods. Isom confirmed that the pictures are authentic.
You'd think a place called Fruitland Park would be totally gay.

Or states called Mary Land (historical slur for gay people.) :)
Have mixed feelings. Legally, I can't imagine association being grounds for termination. If such association violated some ethical contract like an officer's sworn oath fine, but if we start firing, not hiring, and penalizing people for what groups they belong to, that's the beginning of the end and tantamount to fascism.

Don't have to like who people associate with, but we do have to tolerate it in a free society.

I was astonished that the guy was fired. Cops get fired for one thing: Illegal activity, and then only after there's clear, convincing, substantial evidence.

My guess the FBI caught red-handed him doing something like selling guns, drugs, or upsetting Stat's ideal self-image.

Well, you cannot uphold the Constitution or state laws if you made an oath of allegiance to the KKK, white people or any other dunderhead ideal in the KKK playbook. What, did the cop cross his fingers when he made his cop oath?

Another thing...the KKK was dismantled because of criminal activity...that doesn't mean they are (as one idiot said) as harmless of the NAACP.

Then again, many Teapers are racist and will justify anything like the KKK and hate...that is what racists do!

Recipe for Propaganda:

Take 3 parts common sense and one part complete bullshit, mix well, and the gullible will believe it.

Public Service Annoncement: Statistikhengst is German for "Gullible."
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