Teabagger KKK Police Thrown Off Force!

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They are still denying liberals claim that the tea party and kkk are equated.

It's a current event. And Howey posted it in Current Events, right where it belongs.

You are not a mod. You have no right to tell him what to do or not.

He has a right to create this thread, just as you have a right to be as stupid as fuck. Since you definitely make use of your right, he can make use of his.

If you don't like it, then tough fuck for you.

It's really that simple.

There is also a thing called the OP, real adults can actually concentrate on it:

Teabagger KKK Police Thrown Off Force!

So, Stephanie, do you support KKKers being on a police force? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Anyone here seeing stat boy equating the KKK and the tea party? I do.

He then denies that he does that. Did Stephanie imply she wanted KKK members on the police force?

Turns out the pop did post bullshit.

Did stat boy point that out to Howey the loser?

Pure double talk folks.
liberals folks. Liberals.

Then you don't know how to read. I already stated that I saw no link between these policemen who have been fired and the Tea Party.

Back to a remedial English class for you. If you can read, you can find the posting.

What in the hell did the bold faced typed phrase......tea bagger KKK police mean?

Or, were you agreeing with Stephanie that howey's op was garbage?

Who the fuck can decipher the liberal double talk?

It's a current event. And Howey posted it in Current Events, right where it belongs.

You are not a mod. You have no right to tell him what to do or not.

He has a right to create this thread, just as you have a right to be as stupid as fuck. Since you definitely make use of your right, he can make use of his.

If you don't like it, then tough fuck for you.

It's really that simple.

There is also a thing called the OP, real adults can actually concentrate on it:

Teabagger KKK Police Thrown Off Force!

So, Stephanie, do you support KKKers being on a police force? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Anyone here seeing stat boy equating the KKK and the tea party? I do.

He then denies that he does that. Did Stephanie imply she wanted KKK members on the police force?

Turns out the pop did post bullshit.

Did stat boy point that out to Howey the loser?

Pure double talk folks.
liberals folks. Liberals.

Then you don't know how to read. I already stated that I saw no link between these policemen who have been fired and the Tea Party.

Back to a remedial English class for you. If you can read, you can find the posting.

Your FIRST reaction was:

There is also a thing called the OP, real adults can actually concentrate on it: Teabagger KKK Police Thrown Off Force!

(you also Bold-Faced in this quote)

Only after others actually began to question the validity of the OP's content, you "saw no link between these policemen who have been fired and the Tea Party."

Oh how The High and Mighty have fallen.

Perhaps the "real adults" are those that lecture others about their "stupid as fuck" responses to the OP, then end up agreeing with those same posters, and eating crow.

It's really that simple.
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Anyone here seeing stat boy equating the KKK and the tea party? I do.

He then denies that he does that. Did Stephanie imply she wanted KKK members on the police force?

Turns out the pop did post bullshit.

Did stat boy point that out to Howey the loser?

Pure double talk folks.
liberals folks. Liberals.

Then you don't know how to read. I already stated that I saw no link between these policemen who have been fired and the Tea Party.

Back to a remedial English class for you. If you can read, you can find the posting.

What in the hell did the bold faced typed phrase......tea bagger KKK police mean?

Or, were you agreeing with Stephanie that howey's op was garbage?

Who the fuck can decipher the liberal double talk?

Oh, you really are that stupid, now are you....

I was quoting the title of the OP because I said, right before, "There is also a thing called the OP, real adults can actually concentrate on it:".

Quoting something does not mean I agree with it. It means I quoted it so that people can discuss it. This is obvious to anyone with a brain in his head.
Anyone here seeing stat boy equating the KKK and the tea party? I do.

He then denies that he does that. Did Stephanie imply she wanted KKK members on the police force?

Turns out the pop did post bullshit.

Did stat boy point that out to Howey the loser?

Pure double talk folks.
liberals folks. Liberals.

Then you don't know how to read. I already stated that I saw no link between these policemen who have been fired and the Tea Party.

Back to a remedial English class for you. If you can read, you can find the posting.

Your FIRST reaction was:

There is also a thing called the OP, real adults can actually concentrate on it: Teabagger KKK Police Thrown Off Force!

(you also Bold-Faced in this quote)

Only after others actually began to question the validity of the OP's content, you "saw no link between these policemen who have been fired and the Tea Party."

Oh how The High and Mighty have fallen.

Perhaps the "real adults" are those that lecture others about their "stupid as fuck" responses to the OP, then end up agreeing with those same posters, and eating crow.

It's really that simple.

There's no law that says I have to reveal my feelings on any issue all at once. I indicated in posting 24 and 26 that I did not think that the cops who were fired had a direct link to the TPM:


Nice try, Sherlock. No donut.
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Then you don't know how to read. I already stated that I saw no link between these policemen who have been fired and the Tea Party.

Back to a remedial English class for you. If you can read, you can find the posting.

What in the hell did the bold faced typed phrase......tea bagger KKK police mean?

Or, were you agreeing with Stephanie that howey's op was garbage?

Who the fuck can decipher the liberal double talk?

Oh, you really are that stupid, now are you....

I was quoting the title of the OP because I said, right before, "There is also a thing called the OP, real adults can actually concentrate on it:".

Quoting something does not mean I agree with it. It means I quoted it so that people can discuss it. This is obvious to anyone with a brain in his head.

Oddly, there's no evidence that you were quoting anything: no quote box, no quotation marks, no Italicized script.

And in Context, you follow by asking:

So, Stephanie, do you support KKKers being on a police force

Pertty natural to believe you swallowed the OP; Hook, Line, Sinker.

There's really no shame in admitting it; but the current exercise in back-peddling is beneath you (although I find it amusing).


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Then you don't know how to read. I already stated that I saw no link between these policemen who have been fired and the Tea Party.

Back to a remedial English class for you. If you can read, you can find the posting.

Your FIRST reaction was:

There is also a thing called the OP, real adults can actually concentrate on it: Teabagger KKK Police Thrown Off Force!

(you also Bold-Faced in this quote)

Only after others actually began to question the validity of the OP's content, you "saw no link between these policemen who have been fired and the Tea Party."

Oh how The High and Mighty have fallen.

Perhaps the "real adults" are those that lecture others about their "stupid as fuck" responses to the OP, then end up agreeing with those same posters, and eating crow.

It's really that simple.

There's no law that says I have to reveal my feelings on any issue all at once. I indicated in posting 24 and 26 that I did not think that the cops who were fired had a direct link to the TPM:


Nice try, Sherlock. No donut.


Keep Digging that hole.


And keep it.

I've had my donut this morning, Thanks.

What in the hell did the bold faced typed phrase......tea bagger KKK police mean?

Or, were you agreeing with Stephanie that howey's op was garbage?

Who the fuck can decipher the liberal double talk?

Oh, you really are that stupid, now are you....

I was quoting the title of the OP because I said, right before, "There is also a thing called the OP, real adults can actually concentrate on it:".

Quoting something does not mean I agree with it. It means I quoted it so that people can discuss it. This is obvious to anyone with a brain in his head.

Oddly, there's no evidence that you were quoting anything: no quote box, no quotation marks, no italisized script.

And in Context, you follow by asking:

So, Stephanie, do you support KKKers being on a police force

Pertty natural to believe you swallowed the OP; Hook, Line, Sinker.

There's really no shame in admitting it; but the current excersize in back-peddling is beneath you (although I find it amusing).


No back-peddling is needed.

I always BOLD the title to a OP when I refer to it, you will see this ALL OVER USMB on postings of mine. Bolding something is not an endorsement. We bold things to bring them to peoples' attention. Pay attention and learn.

Secondly, my response was directly to Stephanie's stupidity. And notice that in my question to her, I did not mention the TPM at all, now did I. Nosiree, I didn't. And since the entire bitching on the part of ever-bellyaching Righties who need a mommy is that that evil, evil Howey compared those KKK cops to the TPM, but the TPM was indeed not mentioned in the article at all, since I also did not mention the TPM in my response to Stephanie, was is your beef?

Your beef is that you want to bellyache. Need your mommy?

So, nice try at trolling, it won't work with me, but it is indeed noted for the future.

go post this garbage over at the dailykos, Huffferpufferpost


It's a current event. And Howey posted it in Current Events, right where it belongs.

You are not a mod. You have no right to tell him what to do or not.

He has a right to create this thread, just as you have a right to be as stupid as fuck. Since you definitely make use of your right, he can make use of his.

If you don't like it, then tough fuck for you.

It's really that simple.

There is also a thing called the OP, real adults can actually concentrate on it:

Teabagger KKK Police Thrown Off Force!

So, Stephanie, do you support KKKers being on a police force? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

The teabagger reference is dishonest at best out and out lie at worst.

This tendency for the left to try connect the teparty people to the KKK is bull shit,but then again the left seems to have a very hard time with honesty.
Your beef is that you want to bellyache. Need your mommy?

So, nice try at trolling, it won't work with me, but it is indeed noted for the future.



Won't Work?


"Noted for the future"

By the way, referencing my mother is a bannable offence.


Nice try!

It's a phrase, and you know it. My, oh, my, Righties are suddenly very, very PC these days....
No back-peddling is needed.

I always BOLD the title to a OP when I refer to it, you will see this ALL OVER USMB on postings of mine. Bolding something is not an endorsement. We bold things to bring them to peoples' attention. Pay attention and learn.

Secondly, my response was directly to Stephanie's stupidity. And notice that in my question to her, I did not mention the TPM at all, now did I. Nosiree, I didn't. And since the entire bitching on the part of ever-bellyaching Righties who need a mommy is that that evil, evil Howey compared those KKK cops to the TPM, but the TPM was indeed not mentioned in the article at all, since I also did not mention the TPM in my response to Stephanie, was is your beef?

Your beef is that you want to bellyache. Need your mommy?

So, nice try at trolling, it won't work with me, but it is indeed noted for the future.

You're a disingenuous little twit, aren't you?
No back-peddling is needed.

I always BOLD the title to a OP when I refer to it, you will see this ALL OVER USMB on postings of mine. Bolding something is not an endorsement. We bold things to bring them to peoples' attention. Pay attention and learn.

Secondly, my response was directly to Stephanie's stupidity. And notice that in my question to her, I did not mention the TPM at all, now did I. Nosiree, I didn't. And since the entire bitching on the part of ever-bellyaching Righties who need a mommy is that that evil, evil Howey compared those KKK cops to the TPM, but the TPM was indeed not mentioned in the article at all, since I also did not mention the TPM in my response to Stephanie, was is your beef?

Your beef is that you want to bellyache. Need your mommy?

So, nice try at trolling, it won't work with me, but it is indeed noted for the future.

You're a disingenuous little twit, aren't you?

His panties are showing.
It's a current event. And Howey posted it in Current Events, right where it belongs.

You are not a mod. You have no right to tell him what to do or not.

He has a right to create this thread, just as you have a right to be as stupid as fuck. Since you definitely make use of your right, he can make use of his.

If you don't like it, then tough fuck for you.

So, Stephanie, do you support KKKers being on a police force? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

It's OK Stephanie. Just wait until we post some news about the vicious, anti-American jews and listen to his teeth gnash and he'll wail like a little bitch.

Warwulf, rather than report your post or further neg you into oblivion, here's a tip -

If you want to say rude things and flame people, save it for The Taunting Arena.


^^^^ Thar she blows!

In forums like this one, avoid the flaming and stick to the discussion, that way, you will not have to be corrected by the mods, have your posts deleted or get a vay-kay.

You can curse or swear, but it has to be part of the discussion and it is only loosely tolerated.

Just a friendly heads up, bud.


I don't care who belongs to the KKK; I do care about people doing bad things.

When people do bad things - like burn a cross in the yard - I want them to go to jail.

I'm sick and tired of "The Thought Police."

Sort of like you, trying to police each thread by chiding members? You are not a mod. STFU. Better yet, you and Wake should go get a room and keep your sanctimonious bullshit behind closed doors. Adults are talking about adult subjects, now fuck off.
Thread title is an offensive flame, doesn't belong in a protected forum.

In other words, Stat, fuck off. You aren't a mod either, at least not when you're posting as "stat"..so stop pretending you are.

Tsk, tsk.

All mad and nowhere to go, that's our Koshergruel for you!

Actually, the link within the OP, which has this title:

Teabagger KKK Police Thrown Off Force!

Is not a bad link and is a current event. You will find the link in the OP.
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Thread title is an offensive flame, doesn't belong in a protected forum.

In other words, Stat, fuck off. You aren't a mod either, at least not when you're posting as "stat"..so stop pretending you are.



I enjoy watching Mr. Perfect try to dig his way out.

No back-peddling is needed.

I always BOLD the title to a OP when I refer to it, you will see this ALL OVER USMB on postings of mine. Bolding something is not an endorsement. We bold things to bring them to peoples' attention. Pay attention and learn.

Secondly, my response was directly to Stephanie's stupidity. And notice that in my question to her, I did not mention the TPM at all, now did I. Nosiree, I didn't. And since the entire bitching on the part of ever-bellyaching Righties who need a mommy is that that evil, evil Howey compared those KKK cops to the TPM, but the TPM was indeed not mentioned in the article at all, since I also did not mention the TPM in my response to Stephanie, was is your beef?

Your beef is that you want to bellyache. Need your mommy?

So, nice try at trolling, it won't work with me, but it is indeed noted for the future.

You're a disingenuous little twit, aren't you?

His panties are showing.

Tsk, tsk...
Good news...perhaps the racist attitude of Central Florida police will no longer be tolerated.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is expected to release the details of an investigation into two former Fruitland Park police officers who may have ties with the Ku Klux Klan.

An FBI investigation named Deputy Police Chief David Borst and Cpl. George Hunnewell as Klansmen.
Borst resigned Thursday while Hunnewell was fired on Friday. Police Chief Terry Isaacs said an FBI confidential source revealed the two officers from his department were members of the KKK. Isaacs called the allegations “despicable and disgusting.” He said there was no proof or documentation the men were members, aside from information from the source.

Because it's not criminal to be in the KKK, the FBI turned the investigation over to the FDLE to look into the standards and ethics policies to see what action should be taken. FDLE officials also agreed it was not criminal and referred the case to the chief. On Friday, Isaacs began preparing an internal investigation and put the men on administrative leave. But when Borst was called into the chief's office, he immediately resigned and denied everything.
Borst was a veteran officer with more than 20 years of law enforcement service.

Hunnewell's FB, with tea party references.


Have mixed feelings. Legally, I can't imagine association being grounds for termination. If such association violated some ethical contract like an officer's sworn oath fine, but if we start firing, not hiring, and penalizing people for what groups they belong to, that's the beginning of the end and tantamount to fascism.

Don't have to like who people associate with, but we do have to tolerate it in a free society.
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