Teacher Accused Of Raping Twelve Year Old Boy and Grooming Other Minors

I don't get it, but what I do get is that a child male or female doesn't have a fully developed brain and cannot consent to sex period. Gender doesn't matter in the slightest.
Hmmm, makes sense. So explain why an 18yr old can go to war, but can't buy alcohol or cigarettes. Why can a child be tried as an adult, but if he has sex with female adult it is child molestation.
They need to come up with a different word for it. Rape implies unwanted, nonconsensual forceful entry.

A 12 year old boy with a boner wants nothing more than sex. And if there’s no boner, there’s no sex.
Absolutely disgusting. The fact that she's a woman means absolutely nothing btw. She'll feel the other side of it in prison. People guilty of things like this should be put to death.

Look at that...

Not a Drag Queen.

Whoda thought it possible?
Exactly. So what's the difference if it's a woman that sexually abused a boy instead of a man sexually abusing a girl?
Honestly, the key difference is it probably wont psychologically damage a boy. Boys like getting laid and they are perfectly fine with a no strings attached sexual encounter, or multiple encounters.

Boys are different from girls. :dunno:
Honestly, the key difference is it probably wont psychologically damage a boy. Boys like getting laid and they are perfectly fine with a no strings attached sexual encounter, or multiple encounters.

Boys are different from girls. :dunno:
That’s simply not true. A young male who is the victim of sexual abuse has a statistically significant chance of becoming an abuser in adulthood.
you people need to learn to use words properly a pedophile is to do with small children under the age of puberty. at 12 and 13 while illegal and molestation of a child it is not pedophile,
you people need to learn to use words properly a pedophile is to do with small children under the age of puberty. at 12 and 13 while illegal and molestation of a child it is not pedophile,
Where did you get that cut off age? Most reputable sources consider prepubescent to include 13 and under.
Where did you get that cut off age? Most reputable sources consider prepubescent to include 13 and under.

A pedophile in my book is any adult (male or female) who preys on children under the age of eighteen.
Just because this dame is accused doesn't mean she is guilty.

Young men have been known to lie about this kind of thing, its fun for them to brag about their experiences, even if they actually didn't occur.
What's different from the pedophile being a female than if it were a male?
The hopes from the crowd that the woman gets sexually assaulted in every way, every day of her sentence. That's one difference that comes to mind. I'm sure I can think of others...

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