Teacher Compensation

If we all did that, what would the schools do? They will close, like the schools did in KY when the state legislature stabbed us in the back last week!

Home school. one parent will have to stay home which will create a labor shortage which will drive up wages and make us all so rich we don't need no stinking education.

Go for it! You want to raise another generation of idiots, go right ahead!

The biggest complaint from parents is that they don't understand math. You want parents to teach them now?

They couldn't do worse than this common core finger counting crap they are doing instead of having people just learn how to do things in their head.

Where did you get your degree in math and your education degree? I must have missed it!

Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean the kids cannot handle it. The methods actually help you do the math in your head as opposed to working it out on paper. I'll bet you had no clue that was the case.

I know I stood up in class and had to recite my multiplication tables up to 13 squared in 4th grade without needing to use my fingers. 75% of common core seniors fail the math test. 63% fail the reading test. 2/3rds of CC seniors are rated as not ready for college. If that is a success to you, you should have stayed in the military.

I knew if I kept you talking you would lie yourself into a corner. There are no college core tests for seniors. Since Common Core was only used for about 5 years, how can you say that? There are 13 years of school. Each state chooses their own tests. You are talking out of your ass yet again! Don't try to bullshit me. I know better!

Shut up and go play in traffic, dumbass!
You are just a pompous blowhard who has a bullshit answer for everything. First, the unions are all powerful and then you claim they aren't worth shit? Which is it, dumbass? Make up your mind!!

No. I said YOUR Union isn't worth shit, and from what you've said, I stand by that statement.

Our union is limited by law as to what can be done, i.e. no strikes. I know that is foreign concept to you! Should we send the legislature a tersely written note?
Our union is limited by law as to what can be done, i.e. no strikes. I know that is foreign concept to you! Should we send the legislature a tersely written note?

I understand the concept. What I don't understand is how someone intelligent and capable enough to be a US Naval Officer was stupid enough to join a Union that has no power, and take on a career path that doesn't pay enough for his liking.
Our union is limited by law as to what can be done, i.e. no strikes. I know that is foreign concept to you! Should we send the legislature a tersely written note?

I understand the concept. What I don't understand is how someone intelligent and capable enough to be a US Naval Officer was stupid enough to join a Union that has no power, and take on a career path that doesn't pay enough for his liking.

I did not join the union, dumbass!

I don't mind the current pay I would receive. I just don't want it cut even further!

Now do you understand dumbass?
]I did not join the union, dumbass?

Ah. So you're one of those fuckers who wants all the same benefits as your union co-workers but don't want to pay the dues.

Please disregard anything nice I might have said to or about you and welcome to my Ignore List.

The unions do not get us any benefits dumbass! I was union member when I was a tenured teacher. If you are not tenured the union does NOTHING for you. They don't deserve hundreds of dollars per year to say, "Please sir, may I have some more", and then being told to "Suck it up!. Take it and be happy!"
Yes but those of us who live in civilization like to get somebody there in less than 30 minutes when our house is on fire or our heart stops ticking.

So you are wiling to pay for a service you will probably never need, but let children use a broken educational system. Please relocate to a third world shit hole ASAP, you will love it.
There are still some out in the hinderlands of our county. My brother did it for awhile. They are not allowed to make entry into a burning structure unless there is a 100% confirmed live person in it. The EMT's keep threatening to quit unless they get paid what the paid ambulance service people get. The list goes on and on and on as to why they are a bad idea.

Ours work great here, maybe its that lack of education that hinders your area.
Replace the teacher with robots if you are that concerned. That is all they are anyway teaching the test, no toleranceing every student because they are incapable of maintaining discipline. At least the robots can zap their asses

That is what a low cost low quality education system like you are willing to accept will get you. Enjoy.
Replace the teacher with robots if you are that concerned. That is all they are anyway teaching the test, no toleranceing every student because they are incapable of maintaining discipline. At least the robots can zap their asses

That is what a low cost low quality education system like you are willing to accept will get you. Enjoy.

I am done with school and we need low skill labor. I will enjoy.
There are still some out in the hinderlands of our county. My brother did it for awhile. They are not allowed to make entry into a burning structure unless there is a 100% confirmed live person in it. The EMT's keep threatening to quit unless they get paid what the paid ambulance service people get. The list goes on and on and on as to why they are a bad idea.

Ours work great here, maybe its that lack of education that hinders your area.

My high school had a 97% college acceptance rate. Try another straw
Yes but those of us who live in civilization like to get somebody there in less than 30 minutes when our house is on fire or our heart stops ticking.

So you are wiling to pay for a service you will probably never need, but let children use a broken educational system. Please relocate to a third world shit hole ASAP, you will love it.

I have called 911 a few times. The first responders are here usually in about 2 minutes. The only thing that has broken the educational system is standardization and treating it like a profession instead of a job.
There are still some out in the hinderlands of our county. My brother did it for awhile. They are not allowed to make entry into a burning structure unless there is a 100% confirmed live person in it. The EMT's keep threatening to quit unless they get paid what the paid ambulance service people get. The list goes on and on and on as to why they are a bad idea.

Ours work great here, maybe its that lack of education that hinders your area.

My high school had a 97% college acceptance rate. Try another straw

Sure it did, there is no where in the US that has a 3% dropout rate. :lol:
Yes but those of us who live in civilization like to get somebody there in less than 30 minutes when our house is on fire or our heart stops ticking.

So you are wiling to pay for a service you will probably never need, but let children use a broken educational system. Please relocate to a third world shit hole ASAP, you will love it.

I have called 911 a few times. The first responders are here usually in about 2 minutes. The only thing that has broken the educational system is standardization and treating it like a profession instead of a job.

Why would you need 911? Can't imagine you have crime or medical problems or accidents with such highly educated folk about.
Yes but those of us who live in civilization like to get somebody there in less than 30 minutes when our house is on fire or our heart stops ticking.

So you are wiling to pay for a service you will probably never need, but let children use a broken educational system. Please relocate to a third world shit hole ASAP, you will love it.

I have called 911 a few times. The first responders are here usually in about 2 minutes. The only thing that has broken the educational system is standardization and treating it like a profession instead of a job.
Teachers are very professional

They should be compensated as such
I think teacher pay should be increased commensurate to a teacher's education. Teachers should have a formal education background in the courses they are instructing. For example, my biology teacher in high school had his masters in the field. My history teacher had her masters and was a former USN officer and War College instructor. Their experience and educational backgrounds were evident, both in their curriculum and in their ability to deviate and expound upon subjects.

What makes you think they aren't?

I have a Master's degree and get paid more because of it.
Well, if they are, then they should be compensated in kind. If they are not then they should not. This is not rocket surgery. Who would you rather take a biology course from? An English lit grad or a biologist?

Did you read my post?

Teachers are certified in the subject they teach about 99 percent of the time. You can be certified without having the degree. I teach math but took my classwork at 2 different schools and I know the subject better than those with a degree hang on the wall. I do have a degree in history and masters in education.
Did you not comprehend my post? There is a distinct difference between certification to instruct a subject and formal learning in that subject. Do you dispute the depth of knowledge that one would gain? Don't you feel that teachers who are FORMALLY trained in maths, biology et al. should be better compensated to encourage entrants FROM those fields?
You teaching math with a history degree is a prime example of the NORM.

Certification requires you be TESTED to verify you have the requisite knowledge to teach the course.

As I stated, I have all the requirements for a degree in math but I gained them at two different universities, so I have no degree from either one. I am a better math teacher than most who have math education degrees and plain old math degrees.

Do you know why I can't get a regular job as a math teacher with 21 years as an educator? They do not want to pay me even the $50K salary I would get. They would rather get someone out of college at $35K a year and keep them 4 years and discard them before they get tenure.

The high school where I normally substitute has a math position and chemistry position they cannot fill because the district is under a budget freeze because our state legislature is cutting the budget about 17%.

Right now, I get paid $105 a day with zero benefits to cover a National Guardsman who was called up for a training deployment. They will actually save thousands of dollars over the next 3 months by having me replace him. He will make more drawing a Captain's pay than he did as a teacher by a long shot!
Bummer man. Sounds like a rough row to hoe.
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth

There is only so much money to go around. Raising education spending may require cuts to police or fire departments or highways or whatever. States cannot print their own money so if teachers need to be paid more, then you should tell us what you think should be cut to pay for it. Whenever teacher pay makes the front page of the paper (or police pay or sanitation workers pay) I know for certain I can expect 1) to see the real estate assessor's car setting in front of my house reassessing my property and 2) Enhanced enforcement of zoning/local code is about to start up. They just raised rates over 11% this year so they know they will not be able to raise those again anytime soon so they will inflate assessments.

Ever hear of volunteer fire departments?

Yes but those of us who live in civilization like to get somebody there in less than 30 minutes when our house is on fire or our heart stops ticking.

You would be surprised how fast Volunteers get to a fire. Of course in a big,rural area that would be impossible. But we lived in a TWP that had 4 Fire Stations.

When the TWP became a city they were able to hire , but we had already moved, so it did not affect us. It is very hard work but rewarding.
I think teacher pay should be increased commensurate to a teacher's education. Teachers should have a formal education background in the courses they are instructing. For example, my biology teacher in high school had his masters in the field. My history teacher had her masters and was a former USN officer and War College instructor. Their experience and educational backgrounds were evident, both in their curriculum and in their ability to deviate and expound upon subjects.
That along with results
I want to see improved performance of their students regardless of their level
D students become C students
C students become B students
B students become A students
That is a problem as educational success has been measured for far too long based upon performance of students. This is too easily manipulated. As a result our schools have been 'dumbed down' ridiculously to accommodate the slowest.
Doubt me? Take the time to peruse 19th and early 20th century textbooks. Students were required to critically think about the material presented to them. School today is a joke...many students agree.
High school is just too easy, students say
What we need to do is to raise the standards required of students. If you press them to strive they will. You cannot expect to produce future leaders by hamstringing the masses for the benefit of the stupid or lazy. As it sits, K-12 in the US is a joke.
In our state there is a rudimentary bar that students must pass. The school is evaluated on how many students you can get over the bar

To me, if you can take a student who has little promise in life and teach him basic functionality......you have accomplished a lot

19th and early 20th century schooling was a sham. More emphasis on memorization of irrelevant facts and rote learning than critical thinking

I think today’s students are more creative

They are, so much has changed in the Schools today. They are building Robots in High Schools now. The competition is fierce.

But the same can be said of Community Colleges as the work force changes the Schools,do too.
There is only so much money to go around. Raising education spending may require cuts to police or fire departments or highways or whatever. States cannot print their own money so if teachers need to be paid more, then you should tell us what you think should be cut to pay for it. Whenever teacher pay makes the front page of the paper (or police pay or sanitation workers pay) I know for certain I can expect 1) to see the real estate assessor's car setting in front of my house reassessing my property and 2) Enhanced enforcement of zoning/local code is about to start up. They just raised rates over 11% this year so they know they will not be able to raise those again anytime soon so they will inflate assessments.
Again, you get what you pay for

If education is not a priority, teachers are always at the back of the line
A college educated teacher who is not even making $40,000 after ten years on the job will find better options

Yet they seldom do....
Many do ....especially in math, science, computers

Then the problem is solved. Let them go work in math and science and computers, but in the redneck part of our nation, they are going to have a hard time finding a job doing that in their field, so hope they didn't buy a house with a big fat mortgage that needs paying off.
What happens to the students in those states who don’t have qualified teachers in math, science, computers or any other subject in demand in the private sector?

They fail. One of the huge reasons for the Opoid epidemic we face today.

Not all are poor, but the majority go to drugs. Like that town in WV where Bernie and Chris Hayes did a show. There was nothing for the kids. You had the older ones hoping their old Coal jobs would come back while their children suffer. Never going to happen.

We had that during the Recession. Automation, changing times. The smart learned new skills.

Congress pours money into destructive wars while our Country suffers. Priorities are completely wrong. That has to change.

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