Teacher Compensation

I think teacher pay should be increased commensurate to a teacher's education. Teachers should have a formal education background in the courses they are instructing. For example, my biology teacher in high school had his masters in the field. My history teacher had her masters and was a former USN officer and War College instructor. Their experience and educational backgrounds were evident, both in their curriculum and in their ability to deviate and expound upon subjects.
That along with results
I want to see improved performance of their students regardless of their level
D students become C students
C students become B students
B students become A students
That is a problem as educational success has been measured for far too long based upon performance of students. This is too easily manipulated. As a result our schools have been 'dumbed down' ridiculously to accommodate the slowest.
Doubt me? Take the time to peruse 19th and early 20th century textbooks. Students were required to critically think about the material presented to them. School today is a joke...many students agree.
High school is just too easy, students say
What we need to do is to raise the standards required of students. If you press them to strive they will. You cannot expect to produce future leaders by hamstringing the masses for the benefit of the stupid or lazy. As it sits, K-12 in the US is a joke.
In our state there is a rudimentary bar that students must pass. The school is evaluated on how many students you can get over the bar

To me, if you can take a student who has little promise in life and teach him basic functionality......you have accomplished a lot

19th and early 20th century schooling was a sham. More emphasis on memorization of irrelevant facts and rote learning than critical thinking

I think today’s students are more creative

They are, so much has changed in the Schools today. They are building Robots in High Schools now. The competition is fierce.

But the same can be said of Community Colleges as the work force changes the Schools,do too.
Up until the 1940s, most kids never went past eighth grade
I think teacher pay should be increased commensurate to a teacher's education. Teachers should have a formal education background in the courses they are instructing. For example, my biology teacher in high school had his masters in the field. My history teacher had her masters and was a former USN officer and War College instructor. Their experience and educational backgrounds were evident, both in their curriculum and in their ability to deviate and expound upon subjects.
That along with results
I want to see improved performance of their students regardless of their level
D students become C students
C students become B students
B students become A students
That is a problem as educational success has been measured for far too long based upon performance of students. This is too easily manipulated. As a result our schools have been 'dumbed down' ridiculously to accommodate the slowest.
Doubt me? Take the time to peruse 19th and early 20th century textbooks. Students were required to critically think about the material presented to them. School today is a joke...many students agree.
High school is just too easy, students say
What we need to do is to raise the standards required of students. If you press them to strive they will. You cannot expect to produce future leaders by hamstringing the masses for the benefit of the stupid or lazy. As it sits, K-12 in the US is a joke.
In our state there is a rudimentary bar that students must pass. The school is evaluated on how many students you can get over the bar

To me, if you can take a student who has little promise in life and teach him basic functionality......you have accomplished a lot

19th and early 20th century schooling was a sham. More emphasis on memorization of irrelevant facts and rote learning than critical thinking

I think today’s students are more creative

They are, so much has changed in the Schools today. They are building Robots in High Schools now. The competition is fierce.

But the same can be said of Community Colleges as the work force changes the Schools,do too.
Up until the 1940s, most kids never went past eighth grade

I agree, because at that time they could get well paying jobs. That time is long past.

You can not even get a job in Retail, or any other type of low paying jobs without a certain amount of skill.

For those who live in the past, it will never return.

Change and types of skills are always changing even those who gaduate from College have to keep up with the changing times.

Those of us who are older need to quit dwelling on those,” Good old days,” need to understand and accept change. Those jobs that required back breaking are gone. And we desperately need Teachers that love Teaching.

It is not fair that those teachers are not paid decent wages when they are the future of our country.

Our priorities are so screwed up by a do nothing, lobbyist controlled Congress I am not sure where to start.

I do know I am sick of old people yelling about those days. It will never happen again! I really do not want it.
here is audio of taxpayer paid teachers trying to brainwash 6th graders . One 'cutey' turns her azz in though MaryAnn . --- --- kid is cute and well spoken so she is being taught well at home MaryAnn .
yeah , the teachers are such treasures and are full of knowledge and young 'cack' Maryann . --- The big list: Female teachers with students ---
Now give us a list of male teachers with students.

Thanks in advance.
---------------------------------------------- YOU do that , and its ok with me . Course when i went to school in the 50s and 60s the TEACHER were all Ameicans , mostly WW2 or Korea Veterans and were certainly a far cry above these WHORE / slut Teachers MaryAnn . But hey , start your thread about pig male teachers MaryAnn .
and when and if you start a MALE Teacher thread featuring Male teachers sexually messing with kids it'll be fine with me . Many , many taxpayer paid Teachers both male and female , usually young liberal 'hip hop' types are ALL scum and thats my only point MaryAnn . And they all want more taxpayer money and respect MaryAnn .
and when and if you start a MALE Teacher sexually messing with kids it;ll be fine with me . Many . many taxpayer paid Teachers both male and female , usually young liberal 'hip hop' types are ALL scum and thats my only point MaryAnn . And they all want more taxpayer money and respect MaryAnn .

Do some teachers get in trouble for messing with kids? Sure!

How about you name a profession in the US that has more than 7 million members that doesn't have bad eggs?

You propose punishing every teacher for the actions of others? How about I do the same to you for the actions of a few with whom you share something in common? It might not seem as fair when it is done to you!
many teacher and adninistration are unamerican scum , see what they teach kids about Guns and RIGHTS Admiral , and they do it for taxpayer MONEY . I did post a few links in the thread , i might repost them for you Admiral .
another one for you Admiral --- --- cute well spoken kid Admiral .
That along with results
I want to see improved performance of their students regardless of their level
D students become C students
C students become B students
B students become A students
That is a problem as educational success has been measured for far too long based upon performance of students. This is too easily manipulated. As a result our schools have been 'dumbed down' ridiculously to accommodate the slowest.
Doubt me? Take the time to peruse 19th and early 20th century textbooks. Students were required to critically think about the material presented to them. School today is a joke...many students agree.
High school is just too easy, students say
What we need to do is to raise the standards required of students. If you press them to strive they will. You cannot expect to produce future leaders by hamstringing the masses for the benefit of the stupid or lazy. As it sits, K-12 in the US is a joke.
In our state there is a rudimentary bar that students must pass. The school is evaluated on how many students you can get over the bar

To me, if you can take a student who has little promise in life and teach him basic functionality......you have accomplished a lot

19th and early 20th century schooling was a sham. More emphasis on memorization of irrelevant facts and rote learning than critical thinking

I think today’s students are more creative

They are, so much has changed in the Schools today. They are building Robots in High Schools now. The competition is fierce.

But the same can be said of Community Colleges as the work force changes the Schools,do too.
Up until the 1940s, most kids never went past eighth grade

I agree, because at that time they could get well paying jobs. That time is long past.

You can not even get a job in Retail, or any other type of low paying jobs without a certain amount of skill.

For those who live in the past, it will never return.

Change and types of skills are always changing even those who gaduate from College have to keep up with the changing times.

Those of us who are older need to quit dwelling on those,” Good old days,” need to understand and accept change. Those jobs that required back breaking are gone. And we desperately need Teachers that love Teaching.

It is not fair that those teachers are not paid decent wages when they are the future of our country.

Our priorities are so screwed up by a do nothing, lobbyist controlled Congress I am not sure where to start.

I do know I am sick of old people yelling about those days. It will never happen again! I really do not want it.
----------------------------------------------- doesn't need to return for some lucky people that have lived long and Prosperous lives as Americans when American meant something . I just compare my life to the kind of life i see coming for YOU guys and your kids . Doesn't look very good to me MaryAnn .
many teacher and adninistration are unamerican scum , see what they teach kids about Guns and RIGHTS Admiral , and they do it for taxpayer MONEY . I did post a few links in the thread , i might repost them for you Admiral .


I don't like it any more than you do, but you want to punish ALL teachers for the actions of a few.

Fire their asses would have been my reaction if they worked for me.
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