Teacher Compensation

yeah , the teachers are such treasures and are full of knowledge and young 'cack' Maryann . --- The big list: Female teachers with students ---
Now give us a list of male teachers with students.

Thanks in advance.
---------------------------------------------- YOU do that , and its ok with me . Course when i went to school in the 50s and 60s the TEACHER were all Ameicans , mostly WW2 or Korea Veterans and were certainly a far cry above these WHORE / slut Teachers MaryAnn . But hey , start your thread about pig male teachers MaryAnn .

You are the one who inserted the female Teacher list.

I have been posting about Teacher’s pay. That is what this thread is about.
and hey , i could do this all day , just google , Teacher abuses young students or any variation . But here is one from a few days ago . --- https://nypost.com/2018/03/26/teacher-allegedly-performed-oral-sex-on-13-year-old-in-class/ --- i mean , hey , its funny as i hear Teachers whining about wanting more money and people lauding TEACHERS for their education and teaching abilty . Its just funny MaryAnn .
Carry on.

Just so you can think all Teachers are rotten because of some.

Here is hoping your kids are out of school.

Mine are, after 12 years of Episcopal school & Loyola & Tulane.

Mine attended great public Schools, then UD, a Catholic College. While the next generation chose the oldest College in the Country,out of 6 that gave him Scholrships.
the Taxpayer paid superintendent and administrators probably make the decision Admiral or the Teachers Unions and the Teacher probably plan and participate Admiral .

Why don't you please stop talking out of your ass? The unions have zero input because they have no power whatsoever and it is also none of their business. It has nothing to do with teacher working conditions or compensation. Got any more bullshit to spread, or is your tank getting empty?
and hey , i could do this all day , just google , Teacher abuses young students or any variation . But here is one from a few days ago . --- https://nypost.com/2018/03/26/teacher-allegedly-performed-oral-sex-on-13-year-old-in-class/ --- i mean , hey , its funny as i hear Teachers whining about wanting more money and people lauding TEACHERS for their education and teaching abilty . Its just funny MaryAnn .
Carry on.

Just so you can think all Teachers are rotten because of some.

Here is hoping your kids are out of school.
----------------------------------------- they are MaryAnn

Good! Are they moved out and away from your poisonous personality?
When I was in retailing many years ago (with Hill's Department Stores), we had a job that needed to be done. Empty boxes of incoming stuff and stock the shelves. We were an absolutely-self-serve discount department store, so the most convenient time to do this was the middle of the day. We employed a small army of WOMEN under the following employment paradigm: You work from 10:00am to 2:00pm, with one 15-minute break, at slightly over minimum wage. No benefits, no vacation, no raises, no nothing. We were absolutely clear with applicants that this was the deal.

Who would take such a job? Happy housewives wanting a little extra money, moms who wanted to work a schedule that allowed them to continue being full-time moms, "retired" women. We had no trouble finding and keeping women to take these positions, and turnover was negligible. They required minimal supervision, and got the job done.

At around the same time, a friend of mine was an elected State Representative in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. His salary was about $6,000/yr, with minimal benefits. It wasn't a full-time job, but the commitment was pretty-much full time, due to constituent needs.

Who would take such a job? Mostly lawyers, but also business owners who had flexible schedules, farmers, people with other sources of income (a working spouse?), people who had retired from their careers. The occasional crook.

In both of these cases, you have a "job" that DOES NOT PAY A LIVING WAGE. People considering that "job" have to assess, in advance, whether it satisfies their personal needs, and if it doesn't, they need to look elsewhere. There is nothing unreasonable about this, on the part of the employer. The employer, in structuring the job in this way, recognizes that MOST PEOPLE will not be willing to take the job under these constraints, so they are passing on possibly the "best people for the job," but it's a tradeoff.

Not surprisingly, the legislators in Pennsylvania gradually over many years declared that Representative was a FULL-TIME job, and they have paid themselves accordingly, including splendid benefits, and a pension to die for, if you will excuse the totally inappropriate metaphor.

And now we come to TEACHERS.

In many states, the State has decided, wisely or not, to compensate their teachers at a wage that is significantly less than what an exemplary college graduate might make at a full-time job in the private sector (or even in Government). Why would they do such a thing? Well, there's June, July, and August, and the fact that it's arguably not a "full-time job" in the other months of the year (after the first couple years).

But it doesn't really matter WHY they pay their teachers what they do. Maybe they have made a decision, based on the best information they have available, that they can staff their schools adequately at this wage. Maybe they know that at that wage, they will not get the most economically ambitious grads, they will not get many STEM graduates, and High Schools Chemistry in, say, West Virginia, will be taught by History majors who have taken a couple of college Chem classes, rather than a grad with a degree in Organic Chemistry.

But there is no deception here. Applicants for teaching positions in those states know exactly what they will be making, and there is no promise of riches down the road. They have to decide whether that wage and those benefits will meet their needs, and if it doesn't, they need to look elsewhere. The State knows that many would-be teachers will go into another field or leave the state. But they have made that decision, and so be it. (One might point out that the teachers in states where teachers are WELL paid are rarely Phi Beta Kappa material either).

So massive strikes against such State Education Systems are bullshit. As with collective bargaining, they are a Leftist-led assault on the hapless taxpayers, in the name of "fairness."

Since when is it unfair to keep one's promises, as the respective States have done? If you don't like it, if you can't live on those wages, then go somewhere else. Most people in the Real World do this periodically throughout their working lives, with little trauma or gnashing of teeth. The state schools will have NO TROUBLE replacing each and every teacher who departs.
But what if some of these teachers actually WANT to teach? Teaching as a career isn't exactly like chosing to work for Hills or Macy's. In a state where the wage is controlled state wide, a teacher would have to leave the state to make a living wage.
Four years of college (in most states five) costs money. No one teaches to get rich, but refusing to pay them enough to live is ridiculous. These are professionals and the only reason they aren't paid enough to live on is because as a society we don't value them. We sure do like to blame them for everything that goes wrong, as if they were actually important, but we won't pay them commensurately.
----------------------------------------- they ACTUALLY Want to teach [so what] , well let them teach if they are suitable and many are not suitable . Many are SLUTs like the teachers that i highlight . Many are unAmerican , many are Anti gun and anti America RIGHTS organizers . Many are 'communists' , perverts , deviants as the good Admiral mentions . They want to teach , so what , many burger flippers want to be Train Engineers or Doctors OldLady .
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yeah , the teachers are such treasures and are full of knowledge and young 'cack' Maryann . --- The big list: Female teachers with students ---
Now give us a list of male teachers with students.

Thanks in advance.
---------------------------------------------- YOU do that , and its ok with me . Course when i went to school in the 50s and 60s the TEACHER were all Ameicans , mostly WW2 or Korea Veterans and were certainly a far cry above these WHORE / slut Teachers MaryAnn . But hey , start your thread about pig male teachers MaryAnn .

You are the one who inserted the female Teacher list.

I have been posting about Teacher’s pay. That is what this thread is about.
----------------------------------- sure , the deviant female teacher list poped up when i googled . As far as money , all the pervert , deviants and communist Teachers that the Good Admiral mentions will ALL get a raise if YOU get the raise in pay Mary ANN.
When I was in retailing many years ago (with Hill's Department Stores), we had a job that needed to be done. Empty boxes of incoming stuff and stock the shelves. We were an absolutely-self-serve discount department store, so the most convenient time to do this was the middle of the day. We employed a small army of WOMEN under the following employment paradigm: You work from 10:00am to 2:00pm, with one 15-minute break, at slightly over minimum wage. No benefits, no vacation, no raises, no nothing. We were absolutely clear with applicants that this was the deal.

Who would take such a job? Happy housewives wanting a little extra money, moms who wanted to work a schedule that allowed them to continue being full-time moms, "retired" women. We had no trouble finding and keeping women to take these positions, and turnover was negligible. They required minimal supervision, and got the job done.

At around the same time, a friend of mine was an elected State Representative in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. His salary was about $6,000/yr, with minimal benefits. It wasn't a full-time job, but the commitment was pretty-much full time, due to constituent needs.

Who would take such a job? Mostly lawyers, but also business owners who had flexible schedules, farmers, people with other sources of income (a working spouse?), people who had retired from their careers. The occasional crook.

In both of these cases, you have a "job" that DOES NOT PAY A LIVING WAGE. People considering that "job" have to assess, in advance, whether it satisfies their personal needs, and if it doesn't, they need to look elsewhere. There is nothing unreasonable about this, on the part of the employer. The employer, in structuring the job in this way, recognizes that MOST PEOPLE will not be willing to take the job under these constraints, so they are passing on possibly the "best people for the job," but it's a tradeoff.

Not surprisingly, the legislators in Pennsylvania gradually over many years declared that Representative was a FULL-TIME job, and they have paid themselves accordingly, including splendid benefits, and a pension to die for, if you will excuse the totally inappropriate metaphor.

And now we come to TEACHERS.

In many states, the State has decided, wisely or not, to compensate their teachers at a wage that is significantly less than what an exemplary college graduate might make at a full-time job in the private sector (or even in Government). Why would they do such a thing? Well, there's June, July, and August, and the fact that it's arguably not a "full-time job" in the other months of the year (after the first couple years).

But it doesn't really matter WHY they pay their teachers what they do. Maybe they have made a decision, based on the best information they have available, that they can staff their schools adequately at this wage. Maybe they know that at that wage, they will not get the most economically ambitious grads, they will not get many STEM graduates, and High Schools Chemistry in, say, West Virginia, will be taught by History majors who have taken a couple of college Chem classes, rather than a grad with a degree in Organic Chemistry.

But there is no deception here. Applicants for teaching positions in those states know exactly what they will be making, and there is no promise of riches down the road. They have to decide whether that wage and those benefits will meet their needs, and if it doesn't, they need to look elsewhere. The State knows that many would-be teachers will go into another field or leave the state. But they have made that decision, and so be it. (One might point out that the teachers in states where teachers are WELL paid are rarely Phi Beta Kappa material either).

So massive strikes against such State Education Systems are bullshit. As with collective bargaining, they are a Leftist-led assault on the hapless taxpayers, in the name of "fairness."

Since when is it unfair to keep one's promises, as the respective States have done? If you don't like it, if you can't live on those wages, then go somewhere else. Most people in the Real World do this periodically throughout their working lives, with little trauma or gnashing of teeth. The state schools will have NO TROUBLE replacing each and every teacher who departs.
But what if some of these teachers actually WANT to teach? Teaching as a career isn't exactly like chosing to work for Hills or Macy's. In a state where the wage is controlled state wide, a teacher would have to leave the state to make a living wage.
Four years of college (in most states five) costs money. No one teaches to get rich, but refusing to pay them enough to live is ridiculous. These are professionals and the only reason they aren't paid enough to live on is because as a society we don't value them. We sure do like to blame them for everything that goes wrong, as if they were actually important, but we won't pay them commensurately.
----------------------------------------- they ACTUALLY Want to teach [so what] , well let them teach if they are suitable and many are not suitable . Many are SLUTs like the teachers that i highlight . Many are unAmerican , many are Anti gun anti RIGHTS organizers . Many are 'communists' . perverts , deviants as the good Admiral mentions . They want to teach , so what , many burger flippers want to be Train Engineers OldLady .

You are a loon. You contribute nothing to the conversation but lies. Anybody that would seriously consider listening to your tripe is a candidate for the funny farm. Goodbye asshole!
my so called lies are backed up by linked info on what i say Teach / Admiral !!
so , as far as Compensation , how mush does a teacher make for 9 months a year on the job. Do they work 8 hours a day , how much time do they spend in the Lounge [breaks] and do they mostly work in heated and air conditioned buildings . Do teachers get Vacation and what does that amount to ?? How about sick days and Personal Days ?? Do teachers punch a clock so that they can betracked as to where there time goes or are the Special . What pay and perks do Americas taxpayers provide teachers with MaryAnn ??
so , as far as Compensation , how mush does a teacher make for 9 months a year on the job.

Varies by service years and geo location as some areas (due to cost of living) pay more or less than others.

Do they work 8 hours a day ,

Usually much more during the school year.

how much time do they spend in the Lounge [breaks]

Not much. Teachers, if they are lucky get maybe 45 minutes a day as a "planning period" and that time is often spent returning parent phone calls or emails or in grade/department planning meetings.

and do they mostly work in heated and air conditioned buildings .


Do butchers working in a chill room get paid less than a ditch digger using a shovel?

Do teachers get Vacation and what does that amount to ??

I my school system (and no, I'm not a teacher), No. Teachers are not eligible to accrue Vacation Time. Only 12 month employees accrue Vacation TIME.

How about sick days and Personal Days ??

I my school system (and no, I'm not a teacher), Yes. As full time employees they are eligible for Sick Leave. Personal Days come out of an individuals Sick Leave bank. So if someone has 48 hours of Sick Leave, takes a Personal Day, at the end of the week they have 40 hours of Sick Leave remaining.

Do teachers punch a clock so that they can betracked as to where there time goes or are the Special .

No, under Federal Law (The Fair Labor and Standards Act) full time teachers are considered a salary employee paid an annual rate not an hourly employee that is paid on a per-hour basis. Salaried employees don't "punch-a-clock".

However all employees, even salaried must account for all hours worked for a standard work day, they can work more than the standard day - since they are salaried, but the standard day must be accounted for. Teacher are required to account for their time using the KRONOS Timekeeping system. If they have a medical appointment they submit that in advance through KRONOS and it must be approved by they Principal. If it is a short notice sick-day then the school timekeeper puts it into the KRONOS system for them.

So there are three possibilities:
  1. The teacher is at work.
  2. The teacher is out on sick leave/personal day and the hours are charged against their sick day balance.
  3. The teacher is out and has exhausted sick leave and goes into an unpaid statues for the missed time and their check is docked.

What pay and perks do Americas taxpayers provide teachers with MaryAnn ??

The same that are provided to other full time employees, medical insurance, a retirement program, etc. The vast majority of Americans get medical insurance through their employer and some states are moving from pension system to 403B/457 accounts (the government equivalent of the private sectors 401K).

In Virginia for example all employees used to be on a pension system. A number of years ago it was changed to a "hybrid" system where less was paid in to a pension fund and the employee had to setup a 403b. A shift from a defined benefits program to a hybrid define benefits/contribution program for new hires/broken service people. I can see in the next few yeas the next step happening where pensions are eliminated going totally with a defined contribution system for new hires/broken service people.

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so , as far as Compensation , how mush does a teacher make for 9 months a year on the job. Do they work 8 hours a day , how much time do they spend in the Lounge [breaks] and do they mostly work in heated and air conditioned buildings . Do teachers get Vacation and what does that amount to ?? How about sick days and Personal Days ?? Do teachers punch a clock so that they can betracked as to where there time goes or are the Special . What pay and perks do Americas taxpayers provide teachers with MaryAnn ??

First of all, there is no such thing as 9 month job. There is no 8 hour day either. I stayed in close contact with the School while my Son’s were there.

Matter of fact we bought a House right across from a new High School with the Elementary School tight behind.

As the Mother of a Son that was in everything I spent a great deal of time there because he volunteered me for everything.

Teachers spend much time with Parents. Good,hard working Teachers who encouraged their students. They also further their Education. Requires true dedication.

My Son and DIL also spent a great deal of time with his. They know the value of good Teachers.

You have such a warped view of what most Teachers are,I am really wasting my time. Use Google resources to learn facts.
well Thanks , looks like Teachers are compensated ok same as police , firemen , military employees [volunteer military] that all work as public servants and who freely applied for the Job of TEACHER WWatcher ,
so , as far as Compensation , how mush does a teacher make for 9 months a year on the job. Do they work 8 hours a day , how much time do they spend in the Lounge [breaks] and do they mostly work in heated and air conditioned buildings . Do teachers get Vacation and what does that amount to ?? How about sick days and Personal Days ?? Do teachers punch a clock so that they can betracked as to where there time goes or are the Special . What pay and perks do Americas taxpayers provide teachers with MaryAnn ??

First of all, there is no such thing as 9 month job. There is no 8 hour day either. I stayed in close contact with the School while my Son’s were there.

Matter of fact we bought a House right across from a new High School with the Elementary School tight behind.

As the Mother of a Son that was in everything I spent a great deal of time there because he volunteered me for everything.

Teachers spend much time with Parents. Good,hard working Teachers who encouraged their students. They also further their Education. Requires true dedication.

My Son and DIL also spent a great deal of time with his. They know the value of good Teachers.

You have such a warped view of what most Teachers are,I am really wasting my time. Use Google resources to learn facts.
---------------------------------------------- i am not interested in Volunteer time . Say for example that i volunteer for the NRA , well , i don't get paid for the time that i volunteer for the NRA as that is just Public Service done for the good of the USA . Same goes for the Volunteer Fire Department back in the U.P. . It was a volunteer position made to save homes and barns , property in rural areas . Working with Parents after school hours is not valid when looking for MORE money as its volunteer and should only be done out of the Goodness of your heart MaryAnn .
well Thanks , looks like Teachers are compensated ok same as police , firemen , military employees [volunteer military] that all work as public servants and who freely applied for the Job of TEACHER WWatcher ,

Since you mention the military.

Here are the raised for the military since 2007 (which are compounded, in other words the previous years pay change is impacted by the next years %).

2007 = 3.4%
2008 = 3.5%
2009 = 3.9%
2010 = 3.4%
2011 = 1.4%
2012 = 1.6%
2013 = 1.7%
2014 = 1.0%
2015 = 1.0%
2016 = 1.3%
2017 = 2.1%

Last Pay Raise for Oklahoma Teachers

2007 = Some amount
2008 = 0%
2009 = 0%
2010 = 0%
2011 = 0%
2012 = 0%
2013 = 0%
2014 = 0%
2015 = 0%
2016 = 0%
2017 = 0%

Oklahoma Legislature passes tax hikes for teacher pay
Military Pay Raises - 2004 to 2018

Further Education , might be needed if teachers want to keep their jobs same as many other Occupations . Police and Military need to know how to shoot so they practice shooting and study the laws . Semi Truck drivers need to know the Rules of the Road and new routes on the road . You teachers ain't SPECIAL as i think that education rates are always falling . And then the quality of Teachers , check out my couple links to see the quality of teachers that are drawing Taxpayer funded salaries Mary Ann .
---------------------------------------------- i am not interested in Volunteer time . Say for example that i volunteer for the NRA , well , i don't get paid for the time that i volunteer for the NRA as that is just Public Service done for the good of the USA . Same goes for the Volunteer Fire Department back in the U.P. . It was a volunteer position made to save homes and barns , property in rural areas . Working with Parents after school hours is not valid when looking for MORE money as its volunteer and should only be done out of the Goodness of your heart MaryAnn .

Volunteer hours are those hours where you have a choice. You can volunteer with the fire department, NRA, or Church - or not.

When it's part of the job, those are not volunteer hours.

Parental communications, less planning, team meetings, office hours after school to assist struggling students, attendance it school events (open houses, parent nights, etc), returning calls to parents during the day or at night of communicating with them via email is not "volunteer" time when it is a required and expected part of the job. It is part of the Professional Exemption teachers qualify for under the Fair Labor and Standards Act.

I can never understand why anyone would complain about Teachers.

But,of course I can not understand why anyone could vote for the most vacuous, 4TH grade Speaking, lying individual I have ever seen,ether.
Further Education , might be needed if teachers want to keep their jobs same as many other Occupations . Police and Military need to know how to shoot so they practice shooting and study the laws . Semi Truck drivers need to know the Rules of the Road and new routes on the road . You teachers ain't SPECIAL as i think that education rates are always falling . And then the quality of Teachers , check out my couple links to see the quality of teachers that are drawing Taxpayer funded salaries Mary Ann .

You posted a few links to individual stories about some bad apples. Then go on to use that to try to say all 3,200,000 teachers are the same.

Do you apply the same standard to the military? Say because I can link to a few stories and there are about 1,300,000 members on active duty they are all the same as the ones below?

Germany-based Army officer convicted of raping three daughters
Four U.S. soldiers charged with rape and murder - CNN.com
Incarcerated Bronze Star recipient now accused of deception, fraud and stealing from the Navy
Former Navy Sailor pleads guilty to 2016 Virginia Beach murder
Active Duty Air Force Master Sergeant Sentenced to Prison for Accepting Bribes in a Government Contract Fraud Scheme
Air Force officer convicted, sentenced to 3 years for rape and other charges

Military had standards and may still have military discipline . i do not know about todays Military standards where things are very , very different and PROBABLY much worse [assumed] than even 20 years ago . Anyway . i post about sex predator and anti American teachers and i could google and get new examples every hour of every day . I don't respect teacher because of the examples that i post and even the good Admiral admits too . Teacher as a Class always want more money all the time and they want 'respect' but many of them are know nothing , anti American Sluts doing teacher work simply for the money and access to kids . I never pointed my finger at YOU WWatcher.

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