Teacher Compensation

5 minutes per day on world history...10 on american history is more than enough. Those don't lead to 6 figure jobs and less than that is unacceptable as a goal.
------------------------------- i thought that i was talking to MaryAnn , edited her name out and then addressed YOU so i apologize . Hey look WW , I think that most youngers , teachers , politicians and most all youngsters , millenials , liberals , hip hop types , mrobama voters , hilary supporters are pretty nasty and thats just a General Rule that i live by . Thing is , i watch and read the news , live life and i have 2 eyes that see what USA society is becoming WWatcher.

I feel sorry for you and your world view.

----------------------------------------- yeah , well thanks but hey its lots of fun pointing out the defectives in society. After all its fun thinking about where things are headed then forming an opinion of where things are headed and then seeing if i was correct . I mean , hey , as your screen name implies you do the same thing except you wear Rose Tinted 'coke bottle' type glasses and you have only one halfway good eye :afro:WWatcher ,
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Well two thumbs america is all about taking care of oneself first then ones family. Its a dog eat dog competitive society. How about teaching that? God and family. Nothing else competes with those nor will be considered once one turns 18. Spending a bunch of time on history will only set a person behind. If american parents want things fixed the first place they need to look is in the mirror.
uhm, no.
All 3 of my kids had a great public education. I never saw one speck of this phantom indoctrination. Not a one of them hung around, worked a low paying job, or joined the forces. They went to college well prepared and now are very successful.
When I was growing up in the '50's, the quality of teachers was quite high, generally, and the academic results were exemplary, compared to today. And yet teachers made a relative pittance. Meaningful discipline had a lot to do with that, but thanks to the ACLU and its Fellow Travelers public school discipline is now an unfunny joke.

How did teachers in My Day "manage"? Many were married, and the combined two incomes equalled a tolerable household income. Many were single and remained "at home," at first at their parents pleasure, and ultimately, taking care of elderly parents. Some were single, and just toughed it out. Obviously, many would-be teachers chose another career that was more lucrative. More power to 'em.

But it was never a problem finding teachers who were willing to sign on, and who had the paper credentials required. Especially when teaching conferred a Vietnam draft deferment. Wink, wink.

Today, many colleges and universities pay their "adjunct" teachers a laughable pittance, but have no trouble filling the positions. Often, the adjuncts are more qualified and better teachers than the full time instructors and professors, because the adjuncts are actually working in their fields, day after day.

But those who want to support themselves as adjuncts are finding it near impossible, and want to form unions to force the colleges to pay them a "living wage." Should the colleges be forced to pay MUCH MORE THAN THE MARKETPLACE demands to suit these people? Why? Maybe they should find something else to do to support themselves. Actually, not many people in this world do "what they love" to put a roof over their heads. We do what we must.
Oh so one should depend on others to take care of them? I see. And yes competition for high paying jobs is huge. Where have youy been. Our whole society is based on out competing the others.
My wife was a teacher for 29 years.

Got every summer off, two weeks at Christmas, a week in the Spring and every holiday. Went into work a couple of hours later than me every day and was always home earlier. Never had to work a weekend.

When she was first starting she worked at home at night a little bit grading and planning but after getting a little experience she didn't have to do that any more.

Great job for he sandwich maker. Her salary paid our combined Federal, State and Local taxes for the year so that we could live on my Engineer's salary.

Never once complained about the pay.

Suck it up Buttercups.

What did she teach? P.E.?

Either that or she must have been a lousy teacher. Was this was 20 years ago?

Your wife never attended a sporting event, play, or exhibition on the weekend? Never had to grade papers? Never had to enter grades into a computer? Never had to plan a lesson or a unit?

My HS American history teacher blew through the Korean war in a day so he would have time to brag about what a lying, thieving, draft dodging coward he was

oh and spend a week on Vietnam
two teachers , so you did pretty well at the Government and Union jobs eh Admiral / teacher eh ??
.... teachers they can't get rid of due to teachers unions making it basically impossible to fire a teacher over performance, no matter how bad. .....

That's nonsense.
Sorry you don’t like it.

So what is your expertise in this area? Many of us responding to you are teachers. Apparently you are spewing BS to make yourself feel better about your miserable life.

So I am supposed to bow down now and say "hail to the teachers"?
The teaching profession is the same as any other profession...there are good employees and lousy employees. Just because a person is a teacher, doesn't mean they are automatically just that awesome.
I had wonderful teachers in my life, and more than a few truly awful ones. And nothing is done about those truly awful ones. In system after system.
What makes me an expert? I can read. And I can see and hear.
When my kids went through school everyone knew there were teachers you did NOT want your kids to go to. Teachers teaching the same class as others only their students get poorer grades and struggle to pass placement test for college. But the system does nothing.
If you think you are going to sit there and convince America that there is nothing wrong with the teachers union - you are going to be woefully disappointed.
I had teachers that even now at 53, I still think about fondly. Not just very good at what they do, but were really nice people. My two kids had teachers that I appreciated very much. And I have ZERO problem with teachers getting paid better, as long as the teachers unions and the system cleans themselves up and does something about bad teachers.
As a teacher, I cannot comprehend why you would deny their existence.

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