Teacher Compensation

many teachers are unAmerican anti gun organizers of kids . See the anti gun protests just a weeks ago MaryAnn .
I think teacher pay should be increased commensurate to a teacher's education. Teachers should have a formal education background in the courses they are instructing. For example, my biology teacher in high school had his masters in the field. My history teacher had her masters and was a former USN officer and War College instructor. Their experience and educational backgrounds were evident, both in their curriculum and in their ability to deviate and expound upon subjects.
That along with results
I want to see improved performance of their students regardless of their level
D students become C students
C students become B students
B students become A students
That is a problem as educational success has been measured for far too long based upon performance of students. This is too easily manipulated. As a result our schools have been 'dumbed down' ridiculously to accommodate the slowest.
Doubt me? Take the time to peruse 19th and early 20th century textbooks. Students were required to critically think about the material presented to them. School today is a joke...many students agree.
High school is just too easy, students say
What we need to do is to raise the standards required of students. If you press them to strive they will. You cannot expect to produce future leaders by hamstringing the masses for the benefit of the stupid or lazy. As it sits, K-12 in the US is a joke.
In our state there is a rudimentary bar that students must pass. The school is evaluated on how many students you can get over the bar

To me, if you can take a student who has little promise in life and teach him basic functionality......you have accomplished a lot

19th and early 20th century schooling was a sham. More emphasis on memorization of irrelevant facts and rote learning than critical thinking

I think today’s students are more creative

They are, so much has changed in the Schools today. They are building Robots in High Schools now. The competition is fierce.

But the same can be said of Community Colleges as the work force changes the Schools,do too.
Up until the 1940s, most kids never went past eighth grade
Today’s college BA degree is the new high school diploma. There was a time that a high school diploma meant something. Today, most all high schools have a goal of a high graduation rate which on the surface makes sense, however many kids are given passing grades for classes that they don’t really deserve to pass in part to meet the graduation rate goal.
Military had standards and may still have military discipline . i do not know about todays Military standards where things are very , very different and PROBABLY much worse [assumed] than even 20 years ago . Anyway . i post about sex predator and anti American teachers and i could google and get new examples every hour of every day . I don't respect teacher because of the examples that i post and even the good Admiral admits too . Teacher as a Class always want more money all the time and they want 'respect' but many of them are know nothing , anti American Sluts doing teacher work simply for the money and access to kids . I never pointed my finger at YOU WWatcher.

I didn't say you did point a finger at me. I'm just pointing out two things:

1. The hypocrisy of not applying the same standard.

2. How dumb it is to apply the action of a few bad apples to literally millions of service member or teachers.

I think back on my elementary school principal of 50+ years ago.

She was terminally Irish, terminally Catholic (the Roman variety) and terminally Democrat.

She hammered into us that if America ever allowed the federal government to contribute even one penny toward education there would be no more education - only indoctrination.

She's dead now and probably a good thing that she didn't live to see this cluster-fuck we now call "education".

Now re-read; she was a strongly left-leaning DEMOCRAT....though, in fairness, that was in the days when there was an actual DemocratIC Party and JFK was still acceptable to the party elite.
My wife was a teacher for 29 years.

Got every summer off, two weeks at Christmas, a week in the Spring and every holiday. Went into work a couple of hours later than me every day and was always home earlier. Never had to work a weekend.

When she was first starting she worked at home at night a little bit grading and planning but after getting a little experience she didn't have to do that any more.

Great job for he sandwich maker. Her salary paid our combined Federal, State and Local taxes for the year so that we could live on my Engineer's salary.

Never once complained about the pay.

Suck it up Buttercups.
That along with results
I want to see improved performance of their students regardless of their level
D students become C students
C students become B students
B students become A students
That is a problem as educational success has been measured for far too long based upon performance of students. This is too easily manipulated. As a result our schools have been 'dumbed down' ridiculously to accommodate the slowest.
Doubt me? Take the time to peruse 19th and early 20th century textbooks. Students were required to critically think about the material presented to them. School today is a joke...many students agree.
High school is just too easy, students say
What we need to do is to raise the standards required of students. If you press them to strive they will. You cannot expect to produce future leaders by hamstringing the masses for the benefit of the stupid or lazy. As it sits, K-12 in the US is a joke.
In our state there is a rudimentary bar that students must pass. The school is evaluated on how many students you can get over the bar

To me, if you can take a student who has little promise in life and teach him basic functionality......you have accomplished a lot

19th and early 20th century schooling was a sham. More emphasis on memorization of irrelevant facts and rote learning than critical thinking

I think today’s students are more creative

They are, so much has changed in the Schools today. They are building Robots in High Schools now. The competition is fierce.

But the same can be said of Community Colleges as the work force changes the Schools,do too.
Up until the 1940s, most kids never went past eighth grade
Today’s college BA degree is the new high school diploma. There was a time that a high school diploma meant something. Today, most all high schools have a goal of a high graduation rate which on the surface makes sense, however many kids are given passing grades for classes that they don’t really deserve to pass in part to meet the graduation rate goal.

I do not buy that,having observed just how well informed High School students are today.

My family was doing a comparison of graduating from College 20, 30 years ago to now. The High school students know as much or more than a College student then.

We need to get past all this crap of,” Students today,don’t know nothing!” Attitude. That simply is not true. They have rigid standards for graduation.
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth

There is only so much money to go around. Raising education spending may require cuts to police or fire departments or highways or whatever. States cannot print their own money so if teachers need to be paid more, then you should tell us what you think should be cut to pay for it. Whenever teacher pay makes the front page of the paper (or police pay or sanitation workers pay) I know for certain I can expect 1) to see the real estate assessor's car setting in front of my house reassessing my property and 2) Enhanced enforcement of zoning/local code is about to start up. They just raised rates over 11% this year so they know they will not be able to raise those again anytime soon so they will inflate assessments.
Again, you get what you pay for

If education is not a priority, teachers are always at the back of the line
A college educated teacher who is not even making $40,000 after ten years on the job will find better options

I have long said teachers pay should commensurate with the results of their teaching. Merit based.
I have zero problem with my tax dollars paying a teacher very good wages as long as their performance is equally high.
I have a HUGE problem with teachers making $50k a year with very good bene's and more time off in one year than most people get in 5 years...and their performance is abysmal. Every single school system carries the weight of teachers they can't get rid of due to teachers unions making it basically impossible to fire a teacher over performance, no matter how bad. Some schools have teachers so bad they pay them to sit in rooms and do absolutely nothing. Known as "rubber rooms". I remember one Chicago system that employed something like 400 teachers I believe, and had something like 30 teachers in such programs. How can they afford to pay better wages when 10% of the employees are paid to do nothing??

New York City pays a total of $30,000,000 per year in wages for teachers sitting in rubber rooms.
Fix the unions, then perhaps the system can afford to pay teachers better.
That along with results
I want to see improved performance of their students regardless of their level
D students become C students
C students become B students
B students become A students
That is a problem as educational success has been measured for far too long based upon performance of students. This is too easily manipulated. As a result our schools have been 'dumbed down' ridiculously to accommodate the slowest.
Doubt me? Take the time to peruse 19th and early 20th century textbooks. Students were required to critically think about the material presented to them. School today is a joke...many students agree.
High school is just too easy, students say
What we need to do is to raise the standards required of students. If you press them to strive they will. You cannot expect to produce future leaders by hamstringing the masses for the benefit of the stupid or lazy. As it sits, K-12 in the US is a joke.
In our state there is a rudimentary bar that students must pass. The school is evaluated on how many students you can get over the bar

To me, if you can take a student who has little promise in life and teach him basic functionality......you have accomplished a lot

19th and early 20th century schooling was a sham. More emphasis on memorization of irrelevant facts and rote learning than critical thinking

I think today’s students are more creative

They are, so much has changed in the Schools today. They are building Robots in High Schools now. The competition is fierce.

But the same can be said of Community Colleges as the work force changes the Schools,do too.
Up until the 1940s, most kids never went past eighth grade
Today’s college BA degree is the new high school diploma. There was a time that a high school diploma meant something. Today, most all high schools have a goal of a high graduation rate which on the surface makes sense, however many kids are given passing grades for classes that they don’t really deserve to pass in part to meet the graduation rate goal.

Not every state is like new York. And Oklahoma is frankly pathetic.not a raise in 10 years? Even the teacher of the year got up and left. Remind me drive around that backwards sad sack state when travelling. Those of you crybabies who think teachers have it made could have become one.
and more examples can be found all day long , simply 'google' Admiral . But the examples i post represent lots of taxpayer paid public school teachers Admiral .

I don't need to Google, dumbass! I guarantee that I follow this topic much closer than you do.

When you can provide me about a couple hundred thousand examples, then perhaps you will have a point other than the one on your head!

In case you don't realize, there are douchebags, jerks, assholes, Communists, sexual deviants, perverts, and liberals everywhere! Just deciding that you want them to go away doesn't cut it! The fact that you broad brush everyone is a testament to your own lack of moral character.
------------------------------------------- i don't want them to go anywhere as i watch and see what they do as they pollute the youth. I just advertise them as best i can as information to people that MIGHT be interested . Yeah , you probably are 'mrobamas' RR. Admiral 'john kirby' or have kids that are teachers eh Admiral ??

Is this thread about another poster personally, or his family, you hysterical troll?
Military had standards and may still have military discipline . i do not know about todays Military standards where things are very , very different and PROBABLY much worse [assumed] than even 20 years ago . Anyway . i post about sex predator and anti American teachers and i could google and get new examples every hour of every day . I don't respect teacher because of the examples that i post and even the good Admiral admits too . Teacher as a Class always want more money all the time and they want 'respect' but many of them are know nothing , anti American Sluts doing teacher work simply for the money and access to kids . I never pointed my finger at YOU WWatcher.

I didn't say you did point a finger at me. I'm just pointing out two things:

1. The hypocrisy of not applying the same standard.

2. How dumb it is to apply the action of a few bad apples to literally millions of service member or teachers.

------------------------------- i thought that i was talking to MaryAnn , edited her name out and then addressed YOU so i apologize . Hey look WW , I think that most youngers , teachers , politicians and most all youngsters , millenials , liberals , hip hop types , mrobama voters , hilary supporters are pretty nasty and thats just a General Rule that i live by . Thing is , i watch and read the news , live life and i have 2 eyes that see what USA society is becoming WWatcher.
the Taxpayer paid superintendent and administrators probably make the decision Admiral or the Teachers Unions and the Teacher probably plan and participate Admiral .

What a convincing "probably." :rolleyes:
Military had standards and may still have military discipline . i do not know about todays Military standards where things are very , very different and PROBABLY much worse [assumed] than even 20 years ago . Anyway . i post about sex predator and anti American teachers and i could google and get new examples every hour of every day . I don't respect teacher because of the examples that i post and even the good Admiral admits too . Teacher as a Class always want more money all the time and they want 'respect' but many of them are know nothing , anti American Sluts doing teacher work simply for the money and access to kids . I never pointed my finger at YOU WWatcher.

I didn't say you did point a finger at me. I'm just pointing out two things:

1. The hypocrisy of not applying the same standard.

2. How dumb it is to apply the action of a few bad apples to literally millions of service member or teachers.

------------------------------- i thought that i was talking to MaryAnn , edited her name out and then addressed YOU so i apologize . Hey look WW , I think that most youngers , teachers , politicians and most all youngsters , millenials , liberals , hip hop types , mrobama voters , hilary supporters are pretty nasty and thats just a General Rule that i live by . Thing is , i watch and read the news , live life and i have 2 eyes that see what USA society is becoming WWatcher.

You forgot to yell "Get off my lawn!" You see what you want to see.
America used to have top rated education.

Then leftists claimed they could fix it.

We need to learn that leftists only break things then claim that only they can fix what they broke.

get them OUT of education, they only care about themselves.
------------------------------- i thought that i was talking to MaryAnn , edited her name out and then addressed YOU so i apologize . Hey look WW , I think that most youngers , teachers , politicians and most all youngsters , millenials , liberals , hip hop types , mrobama voters , hilary supporters are pretty nasty and thats just a General Rule that i live by . Thing is , i watch and read the news , live life and i have 2 eyes that see what USA society is becoming WWatcher.

I feel sorry for you and your world view.

Well two thumbs america is all about taking care of oneself first then ones family. Its a dog eat dog competitive society. How about teaching that? God and family. Nothing else competes with those nor will be considered once one turns 18. Spending a bunch of time on history will only set a person behind. If american parents want things fixed the first place they need to look is in the mirror.
I think back on my elementary school principal of 50+ years ago.

She was terminally Irish, terminally Catholic (the Roman variety) and terminally Democrat.

She hammered into us that if America ever allowed the federal government to contribute even one penny toward education there would be no more education - only indoctrination.

She's dead now and probably a good thing that she didn't live to see this cluster-fuck we now call "education".

Now re-read; she was a strongly left-leaning DEMOCRAT....though, in fairness, that was in the days when there was an actual DemocratIC Party and JFK was still acceptable to the party elite.

Since the federal government only contributes funds for the poor and special education, how do they require this widespread indoctrination? This so-called indoctrination is nothing more than a conservative fantasy espoused by education bashers except in states dominated by liberal governments.

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