Teacher in Florida denies Holocaust

Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite--- Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Your "argument" sounds in my ears as if Adam Hitler and Eva Braun would had been a christian family. That's nonsense. Bishops did not enter his head quarters day by day. Hitler was not confronted with any form of antisemitism in the Catholic church while he grew up. Sure he used the nonsense Luther said about Jews 400 years before Hitler was born. The so called "Deutsche Christen" ("German Christians") - a Nazi organisation - tried to overtake the protestants of Germany. But Bonhoefer for example answered them with his "Bekennende Kirche" (=confessing church) very fast. Sure dominated the Nazis in Germany - but on the other side it was totally clear for everyone - except he was an extreme idiot - that the Nazis were social Darwinists. When they spoke about "the Jewish church" then this was the catholic church for example. When they spoke about "Blacks" then they spoke about clerics. The most easy way to see that the Nazis had not a lot to do with Christians: Nearly no leading Nazi or member of the SS had married in a christian church.

When you are interested then take a look at the experiments of the Nazis with religions in the Wewelsburg of Heinrich Himmler. The pragmatist Himmler believed in every absurde nonsense as long as this nonsense was able to motivate anyone to slaughter babies, children, mothers, women and men without any scruple in industrialized perfection.

There is such a thing as mercy of God. Dying in a concentration camp was more merciful than a lot of things that modern countries subjugated people under. For example look at the American black prison population or the MS13.
Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Listen, the ignorant Rabi
Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

The ignorant Rabid Jew Hater keeps posting about how the Jews were responsible for Germany’s “ economic collapse “ but refuses to acknowledge why the boycott even happened or his Prior Anti Semitic History.
Let she and her MUSLIM stew in their hate; Israel exists and will always

In fact "the boycott" never really happened. There were some jews who did read
the Mosque fave "MEIN KAMPF" and did draw a logical and correct
conclursion as to the intentions of the islamo Nazi FUHRER. It is STILL
IMPORTANT to pay attention to what people SAY and WRITE. The rants and farts of the Iranian and Turkish "leaders" are VERY IMPORTANT

Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Listen, the ignorant Rabi
Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

The ignorant Rabid Jew Hater keeps posting about how the Jews were responsible for Germany’s “ economic collapse “ but refuses to acknowledge why the boycott even happened or his Prior Anti Semitic History.
Let she and her MUSLIM stew in their hate; Israel exists and will always

In fact "the boycott" never really happened. There were some jews who did read
the Mosque fave "MEIN KAMPF" and did draw a logical and correct
conclursion as to the intentions of the islamo Nazi FUHRER. It is STILL
IMPORTANT to pay attention to what people SAY and WRITE.

You write nonsense - here specially in context Islam. But the world exists not to correct your mistakes. You should correct your mistakes on your own.

The rants and farts of the Iranian and Turkish "leaders" are VERY IMPORTANT

That's true. They are important. Specially was it a big mistake from the president against Obama ... ah sorry: the new pseudo-president of the USA ... to try to bring the Iran in a position, where the Iran has nothing to lose any longer. ... And I never understood why the USA did not like that China works together with all other nations in the ISS ... What for heavens sake is going wrong in the USA? A new unknown form of stupidity virus?

zaangie liebchen

Never again speak in such a way with me, asshole.

------why do you say that Iran has nothing to lose?

I said Trump tries to bring the Iran (without any real reason - except reasons which have to do with the socio-psychological problems of the person Donald Trump) in a situation, where the Iran will have nothing to lose any longer. I hope Trump fails. Trump has by the way not any lousy idea about how normal people really live. In the USA for example some people eat even dog food, because it's cheap and they don't have enough money for their needs.

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Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite--- Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Your "argument" sounds in my ears as if Adam Hitler and Eva Braun would had been a christian family. That's nonsense. Bishops did not enter his head quarters day by day. Hitler was not confronted with any form of antisemitism in the Catholic church while he grew up. Sure he used the nonsense Luther said about Jews 400 years before Hitler was born. The so called "Deutsche Christen" ("German Christians") - a Nazi organisation - tried to overtake the protestants of Germany. But Bonhoefer for example answered them with his "Bekennende Kirche" (=confessing church) very fast. Sure dominated the Nazis in Germany - but on the other side it was totally clear for everyone - except he was an extreme idiot - that the Nazis were social Darwinists. When they spoke about "the Jewish church" then this was the catholic church for example. When they spoke about "Blacks" then they spoke about clerics. The most easy way to see that the Nazis had not a lot to do with Christians: Nearly no leading Nazi or member of the SS had married in a christian church.

When you are interested then take a look at the experiments of the Nazis with religions in the Wewelsburg of Heinrich Himmler. The pragmatist Himmler believed in every absurde nonsense as long as this nonsense was able to motivate anyone to slaughter babies, children, mothers, women and men without any scruple in industrialized perfection.

There is such a thing as mercy of God. Dying in a concentration camp was more merciful

The Nazis used Zyklon-B: cyan hydrogen gas + air humidity produce toxic hydrogen cyanide. So I would suggest to you: Take a deep breath at breakfast on your own - your death will be very fear- and painful - but that's much more harmless as to follow the blasphemy of the godless Nazis.

than a lot of things that modern countries subjugated people under. For example look at the American black prison population or the MS13.

U-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e how many people in the beginning of the third millenium use their intellect only for to reach a maximum of heartless stupidity.

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Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite--- Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Your "argument" sounds in my ears as if Adam Hitler and Eva Braun would had been a christian family. That's nonsense. Bishops did not enter his head quarters day by day. Hitler was not confronted with any form of antisemitism in the Catholic church while he grew up. Sure he used the nonsense Luther said about Jews 400 years before Hitler was born. The so called "Deutsche Christen" ("German Christians") - a Nazi organisation - tried to overtake the protestants of Germany. But Bonhoefer for example answered them with his "Bekennende Kirche" (=confessing church) very fast. Sure dominated the Nazis in Germany - but on the other side it was totally clear for everyone - except he was an extreme idiot - that the Nazis were social Darwinists. When they spoke about "the Jewish church" then this was the catholic church for example. When they spoke about "Blacks" then they spoke about clerics. The most easy way to see that the Nazis had not a lot to do with Christians: Nearly no leading Nazi or member of the SS had married in a christian church.

When you are interested then take a look at the experiments of the Nazis with religions in the Wewelsburg of Heinrich Himmler. The pragmatist Himmler believed in every absurde nonsense as long as this nonsense was able to motivate anyone to slaughter babies, children, mothers, women and men without any scruple in industrialized perfection.

Zaangie-----the very noble Nazi royalty----the GOEBBELS, were practicing catholics-------Josef and Magda got married in a Catholic church

Goebbels was an exception which confirmes the rule: Nearly never one of the leading Nazis or a member of the SS married in a Christian church. Goebbels was the most important propagandist of the Nazis, he knew very well why he made an exception. Goebbels was by the way an unbelievable intelligent man too. But he was also 100%+x% loyal to the person Adolf Hitler. In the end he and his wife murdered their own 6 children. So if an US-American should think the loyality to a person is the same as the loyality to a country then it's perhaps slowly time to start to think.

with their
best friend, Adolf, in attendance. Magda was dressed like an angel ---complete with angelic white lace veil. Lots of the more genteel catholic Nazis did not like
Himmler, HOWEVER most of the Nazi higher ups were BAPTIZED CATHOLICS----the noble Eichmann was not-----he was only a Protestant. BTW Adolf so adored Magda that he made her the OFFICIAL HOSTESS of the Nazi party---she
climaxed her hostess role by serving cyanide to her gaggle of toddlers

What for heavens sake do you try to tell me about Nazis, Nazi? Commie nonsense from the cold war? Some people are so far right that they come back from the extreme left corner and some people are so far left that they come back from the extreme right corner. But all of them are inhuman ideologists. I call them all in most cases just simple "structural Nazis". I don't have any idea why you waste your own life. Why do you do so?

Last edited:
Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Listen, the ignorant Rabi
Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

The ignorant Rabid Jew Hater keeps posting about how the Jews were responsible for Germany’s “ economic collapse “ but refuses to acknowledge why the boycott even happened or his Prior Anti Semitic History.
Let she and her MUSLIM stew in their hate; Israel exists and will always

In fact "the boycott" never really happened. There were some jews who did read
the Mosque fave "MEIN KAMPF" and did draw a logical and correct
conclursion as to the intentions of the islamo Nazi FUHRER. It is STILL
IMPORTANT to pay attention to what people SAY and WRITE. The rants and farts of the Iranian and Turkish "leaders" are VERY IMPORTANT

Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Listen, the ignorant Rabi
Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite---
Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

The ignorant Rabid Jew Hater keeps posting about how the Jews were responsible for Germany’s “ economic collapse “ but refuses to acknowledge why the boycott even happened or his Prior Anti Semitic History.
Let she and her MUSLIM stew in their hate; Israel exists and will always

In fact "the boycott" never really happened. There were some jews who did read
the Mosque fave "MEIN KAMPF" and did draw a logical and correct
conclursion as to the intentions of the islamo Nazi FUHRER. It is STILL
IMPORTANT to pay attention to what people SAY and WRITE.

You write nonsense - here specially in context Islam. But the world exists not to correct your mistakes. You should correct your mistakes on your own.

The rants and farts of the Iranian and Turkish "leaders" are VERY IMPORTANT

That's true. They are important. Specially was it a big mistake from the president against Obama ... ah sorry: the new pseudo-president of the USA ... to try to bring the Iran in a position, where the Iran has nothing to lose any longer. ... And I never understood why the USA did not like that China works together with all other nations in the ISS ... What for heavens sake is going wrong in the USA? A new unknown form of stupidity virus?

zaangie liebchen ------why do you say that Iran has nothing to lose?

Zaangie Liebchen ... Warum sagst du, dass Iran nichts zu verloren hat?

Nur zwei Dinge sind unendlich: Das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit, und ich bin mir nicht sicher beim Ersteren.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Albert Einstein

Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite--- Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Your "argument" sounds in my ears as if Adam Hitler and Eva Braun would had been a christian family. That's nonsense. Bishops did not enter his head quarters day by day. Hitler was not confronted with any form of antisemitism in the Catholic church while he grew up. Sure he used the nonsense Luther said about Jews 400 years before Hitler was born. The so called "Deutsche Christen" ("German Christians") - a Nazi organisation - tried to overtake the protestants of Germany. But Bonhoefer for example answered them with his "Bekennende Kirche" (=confessing church) very fast. Sure dominated the Nazis in Germany - but on the other side it was totally clear for everyone - except he was an extreme idiot - that the Nazis were social Darwinists. When they spoke about "the Jewish church" then this was the catholic church for example. When they spoke about "Blacks" then they spoke about clerics. The most easy way to see that the Nazis had not a lot to do with Christians: Nearly no leading Nazi or member of the SS had married in a christian church.

When you are interested then take a look at the experiments of the Nazis with religions in the Wewelsburg of Heinrich Himmler. The pragmatist Himmler believed in every absurde nonsense as long as this nonsense was able to motivate anyone to slaughter babies, children, mothers, women and men without any scruple in industrialized perfection.

There is such a thing as mercy of God. Dying in a concentration camp was more merciful than a lot of things that modern countries subjugated people under. For example look at the American black prison population or the MS13.

what about the American black prison population?
Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite--- Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Your "argument" sounds in my ears as if Adam Hitler and Eva Braun would had been a christian family. That's nonsense. Bishops did not enter his head quarters day by day. Hitler was not confronted with any form of antisemitism in the Catholic church while he grew up. Sure he used the nonsense Luther said about Jews 400 years before Hitler was born. The so called "Deutsche Christen" ("German Christians") - a Nazi organisation - tried to overtake the protestants of Germany. But Bonhoefer for example answered them with his "Bekennende Kirche" (=confessing church) very fast. Sure dominated the Nazis in Germany - but on the other side it was totally clear for everyone - except he was an extreme idiot - that the Nazis were social Darwinists. When they spoke about "the Jewish church" then this was the catholic church for example. When they spoke about "Blacks" then they spoke about clerics. The most easy way to see that the Nazis had not a lot to do with Christians: Nearly no leading Nazi or member of the SS had married in a christian church.

When you are interested then take a look at the experiments of the Nazis with religions in the Wewelsburg of Heinrich Himmler. The pragmatist Himmler believed in every absurde nonsense as long as this nonsense was able to motivate anyone to slaughter babies, children, mothers, women and men without any scruple in industrialized perfection.

There is such a thing as mercy of God. Dying in a concentration camp was more merciful than a lot of things that modern countries subjugated people under. For example look at the American black prison population or the MS13.

what about the American black prison population?

Adolf Hitler is a born BAPTIZED Catholic in a land not only influenced
by the "Christ-killer" myth but also influenced by the rabid anti-Semite--- Martin Luther. He did not even need economic stress to render him a
jew hater-----it is a family legacy

Your "argument" sounds in my ears as if Adam Hitler and Eva Braun would had been a christian family. That's nonsense. Bishops did not enter his head quarters day by day. Hitler was not confronted with any form of antisemitism in the Catholic church while he grew up. Sure he used the nonsense Luther said about Jews 400 years before Hitler was born. The so called "Deutsche Christen" ("German Christians") - a Nazi organisation - tried to overtake the protestants of Germany. But Bonhoefer for example answered them with his "Bekennende Kirche" (=confessing church) very fast. Sure dominated the Nazis in Germany - but on the other side it was totally clear for everyone - except he was an extreme idiot - that the Nazis were social Darwinists. When they spoke about "the Jewish church" then this was the catholic church for example. When they spoke about "Blacks" then they spoke about clerics. The most easy way to see that the Nazis had not a lot to do with Christians: Nearly no leading Nazi or member of the SS had married in a christian church.

When you are interested then take a look at the experiments of the Nazis with religions in the Wewelsburg of Heinrich Himmler. The pragmatist Himmler believed in every absurde nonsense as long as this nonsense was able to motivate anyone to slaughter babies, children, mothers, women and men without any scruple in industrialized perfection.

There is such a thing as mercy of God. Dying in a concentration camp was more merciful than a lot of things that modern countries subjugated people under. For example look at the American black prison population or the MS13.

what about the American black prison population?

What about what?

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you are getting hysterical zaangie liebchen

If you should think "Liebchen" and "darling" are the same expression then you are wrong. And here you get a problem with a distanceless behavior. A distanceless behavior is in Germany an indicator someone could need the help of a professional psychiatrist.

And to the theme here: I think it is indeed impossible to give someone responsibility in case of the education of children, who denies genocides. Specially in case of the Holocaust this is not only a little mistake. Nazism is not only an opinion - Nazism is a crime. No German needs any criminal idiot worldwide, who denies the holocaust.

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you are getting hysterical zaangie liebchen

If you should think "Liebchen" and "darling" are the same expression then you are wrong. And here you get a problem with a distanceless behavior. A distanceless behavior is in Germany an indicator someone could need the help of a professional psychiatrist.

And to the theme here: I think it is indeed impossible to give someone responsibility in case of the education of children who denies genocides.

It is not clear to me that the teacher denied genocides in general----it may be just the genocide of jews. We just do not have that information. Do you have a citation regarding your claims for "distanceless behavior" as described in the science of psychiatry. If you have any questions on the subject of psychiatry---feel free to ask, liebchen
you are getting hysterical zaangie liebchen

If you should think "Liebchen" and "darling" are the same expression then you are wrong. And here you get a problem with a distanceless behavior. A distanceless behavior is in Germany an indicator someone could need the help of a professional psychiatrist.

And to the theme here: I think it is indeed impossible to give someone responsibility in case of the education of children who denies genocides.

It is not clear to me that the teacher denied genocides in general----it may be just the genocide of jews. We just do not have that information. Do you have a citation regarding your claims for "distanceless behavior" as described in the science of psychiatry. If you have any questions on the subject of psychiatry---feel free to ask, liebchen

Okay. I guess now I know where you live. Best greetings to your doctors. I will pray for them and their hospital. Unfortunatelly not every therapy is always immediatelly successful. Balance needs time. Good luck.

you are getting hysterical zaangie liebchen

If you should think "Liebchen" and "darling" are the same expression then you are wrong. And here you get a problem with a distanceless behavior. A distanceless behavior is in Germany an indicator someone could need the help of a professional psychiatrist.

And to the theme here: I think it is indeed impossible to give someone responsibility in case of the education of children who denies genocides.

It is not clear to me that the teacher denied genocides in general----it may be just the genocide of jews. We just do not have that information. Do you have a citation regarding your claims for "distanceless behavior" as described in the science of psychiatry. If you have any questions on the subject of psychiatry---feel free to ask, liebchen

Okay. I guess now I know where you live. Best greetings to your doctors. I will pray for them and their hospital. Unfortunatelly not every therapy is always immediatelly successful. Balance needs time. Good luck.

you know? how long have you experienced a sense of sudden LUCIDITY? ---
How old were you when you experienced your first episode?
I should add------that adolf was never actually repudiated by the very tolerant Pope Pius---------that may mean that he died in a state of grace ????? <albeit without extreme unction>--------I was once a weekend front desk girl in a VERY LARGE
HOSPITAL------I was so IMPRESSED with the term EXTREME UNCTION----that I would SHAKE until I found a priest when one of the patients was placed on "CRITICAL" In any case, I believe that it may be possible that adolf got a better
deal than I would get in the DIVINE COMEDY SETTING

Okay ... very confused ... This "Pope Pius" stories you have to see as an anachronism basing on the cold war propaganda of the Soviets. Whatever. Not so important. And you seem to have a problem with the word "grace". Replace it with "trust in god" as long as you are not able to believe in god. But don't forget that Christians and other spiritual believers see in this grace also the trust of god in his children. As strange as it might be for you: But we are not making always everything wrong. The problem for you is to be able to accept wonders - although wonders are indeed totally in harmony with natural science. In quantum mechanics for example a cause can also exist in the future and make an effect in the past. We (=all mankind) have still a lot to learn. ... And Adolf Hitler ... it's important for you that he is innocent, isn't it? ... Why? ...

You prefer to live under a man like Adolf Hitler before to fall in the hands of god. That's much more horrifying for you. But everyone is in the hands of god - and for nearly everyone to have to give the own life in the hand of someone like Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin is an horrifying idea today. Such ideas are not only totally strange - such ideas are totally sick today. There's a big difference between the old Nazis and the Neo-Nazis. The old Nazis often did not know what was really going on - or they thought it's propaganda of enemies, when they heard something what was bad. But the neo-Nazis today know what really had happened. They don't have any excuse. They are thousand times more dangerous than the Nazis, which lived once. They make intentionally something wrong. To deny the holocaust is only a psychological trick to try to justify, what's not justifyable.

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you are getting hysterical zaangie liebchen

If you should think "Liebchen" and "darling" are the same expression then you are wrong. And here you get a problem with a distanceless behavior. A distanceless behavior is in Germany an indicator someone could need the help of a professional psychiatrist.

And to the theme here: I think it is indeed impossible to give someone responsibility in case of the education of children who denies genocides.

It is not clear to me that the teacher denied genocides in general----it may be just the genocide of jews. We just do not have that information. Do you have a citation regarding your claims for "distanceless behavior" as described in the science of psychiatry. If you have any questions on the subject of psychiatry---feel free to ask, liebchen

Okay. I guess now I know where you live. Best greetings to your doctors. I will pray for them and their hospital. Unfortunatelly not every therapy is always immediatelly successful. Balance needs time. Good luck.

you know? how long have you experienced a sense of sudden LUCIDITY? ---
How old were you when you experienced your first episode?

Aha. You seem to think your brain works correct.

you are getting hysterical zaangie liebchen

If you should think "Liebchen" and "darling" are the same expression then you are wrong. And here you get a problem with a distanceless behavior. A distanceless behavior is in Germany an indicator someone could need the help of a professional psychiatrist.

And to the theme here: I think it is indeed impossible to give someone responsibility in case of the education of children who denies genocides.

It is not clear to me that the teacher denied genocides in general----it may be just the genocide of jews. We just do not have that information. Do you have a citation regarding your claims for "distanceless behavior" as described in the science of psychiatry. If you have any questions on the subject of psychiatry---feel free to ask, liebchen

Okay. I guess now I know where you live. Best greetings to your doctors. I will pray for them and their hospital. Unfortunatelly not every therapy is always immediatelly successful. Balance needs time. Good luck.

you know? how long have you experienced a sense of sudden LUCIDITY? ---
How old were you when you experienced your first episode?

Aha. You seem to think your brain works correct.

your grammar is off. -----you used the word "correct" as a modifier
of "works"------WRONG----the word must be CORRECTLY
your grammar is off. -----you used the word "correct" as a modifier
of "works"------WRONG----the word must be CORRECTLY


PS: That's by the way the German explanation for the use of the final syllable "-ly" in your English language: Die Adverbien im Englischen - Übersicht

Hardly - ah sorry - hard to understand. And I'm in general a lame duck in the use of foreign languages. Fortunatelly English is only an old kind of an extended German dialect - otherwise you would understand nothing what I say. My Latin for example is the worst disaster you ever had heard.
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That is a fact, the holocaust is not a fact.

Yes it is, shitstain

Consider the source. Garbage comes from Garbage

I've been to Buchenwald....it happened. One of the most sobering moments of my life

Never been. I would like to go but many of my Friends ( Jewish) believe it will be too upsetting.
We have a Holocaust Museum near us that many found extremely difficult
My niece actually visited the House where Anne Frank was during the HOLOCAUST before she was killed

You niece visited the house where Anne Frank suspected of having stayed during WWII. They also have a black museum in Milwaukee. We have museums for everything. I see Fox has their same decades old commercials of IFCJ's on their cable channel asking for money. And by the way, Judea declared war on Germany in 1933.

Which state was that again? How big was their navy?
No teacher should be forced to indoctrinate school children that the so called Holocaust fantasy is a fact. ... :cool:

Lets stop with the Auschwitz lies

Teachers should not be forced to teach facts?
It's funny that a teacher can teach that the obvious didn't happen. US soldiers liberated these camps! They didn't make up stories regarding the piles of emaciated bodies and skeletal inmates that they saw with their own eyes and smelled with their noises. They didn't lie concerning the piles of clothes, shoes, eyeglasses, and suitcases.

So, is it ok to burn synagogues and expel children from schools because they are Jews?

I firmly believe that this ultimately is what happens when the truth regarding the Bible and references of GOD are systematically removed from the educational public forum. People lie and believe lies and accept lies --- and they feel no remorse nor shame. This is what is ultimately being illustrated in public schools through example to the students... And the example isn't godly.
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Does this unprincipled principal also questions the Revolutionary War?

On the off chance that this unprincipled principal is on the USMB as I write, I include an excerpt from Claude Lanzmann's 9 1/2 hrs Shoah, in the hope that this educator of children educates himself.

I have provided 3/7 parts of an interview with Franz Suchomel, a junior sergeant in the SS who served in the death camp Treblinka in 1942. He was secretly recorded during the interview for the documentary film Shoah and gives invaluable information on the murder of the Jews in that death camp. At one point in the interview, he states that the new gas chambers at Treblinka "could finish off three thousand people in two hours"!

I have also provided the text of the documentary of the parts mentioned below the videos.




Franz Suchomel, SS Unterscharfuehrer
Claude Lanzmann (interviewer): Are we ready?
Suchomel: Yes. We can begin.
Lanzmann: How's your heart? Is everything in order?
Suchomel: Oh, my heart -- for the moment, it's all right. If I have any pain, I'll tell you. We'll have to break off.
Lanzmann: Of course. But your health, in general, is...
Suchomel: The weather today suits me fine. The barometric pressure is high; that's good for me.
Lanzmann: You look to be in good shape, anyway. Let's begin with Treblinka. I believe you got there in August? Was it August 20 or 24?
Suchomel: The eighteenth.
Lanzmann: The eighteenth?
Suchomel: I don't know exactly. Around August 20, I arrived there with seven other men.
Lanzmann: From Berlin?
Suchomel: From Berlin.
Lanzmann: From Lublin?
Suchomel: From Berlin to Warsaw, from Warsaw to Lublin, from Lublin back to Warsaw and from Warsaw to Treblinka.
Lanzmann: What was Treblinka like then?
Suchomel: Treblinka then was operating at full capacity.
Lanzmann: Full capacity?
Suchomel: Full capacity! The Warsaw ghetto was being emptied then. Three trains arrived in two days, each with three, four, five thousand people aboard, all from Warsaw. But at the same time, other trains came in from Kielce and other places. So three trains arrived, and since the offensive against Stalingrad was in full swing, the trainloads of Jews were left on a station siding. What's more, the cars were French, made of steel. So that while five thousand Jews arrived in Treblinka, three
thousand were dead in the cars. They had slashed their wrists, or just died. The ones we unloaded were half dead and half mad. In the other trains from Kielce and elsewhere, at least half were dead. We stacked them here, here, here and here. Thousands of people piled one on top of another on the ramp. Stacked like wood. In addition, other Jews, still alive, waited there for two days: the small gas chambers could no longer handle the load. They functioned day and night in that period.

Lanzmann: Can you please describe, very precisely, your first
impression of Treblinka? Very precisely. It's very important.

Suchomel: My first impression of Treblinka, and that of some of the other men, was catastrophic. For we had not been told how and what...that people were being killed there. They hadn't told us.
Lanzmann: You didn't know?
Suchomel: No!
Lanzmann: Incredible!
Suchomel: But true. I didn't want to go. That was proved at my trial. I was told: "Mr. Suchomel, there are big workshops there for tailors and shoemakers, and you'll be guarding them."
Lanzmann: But you knew it was a camp?
Suchomel: Yes. We were told: "The Fuehrer ordered a resettlement program. It's an order from the Fuehrer." Understand?
Lanzmann: Resettlement program.
Suchomel: Resettlement program. No one ever spoke of killing.


Lanzmann: I understand. Mr. Suchomel, we're not discussing you, only Treblinka. You are a very important eyewitness, and you can explain what Treblinka was.
Suchomel: But don't use my name.
Lanzmann: No, I promised. All right, you've arrived at Treblinka.
Suchomel: So Stadie, the sarge, showed us the camp from end to end. Just as we went by, they were opening the gas-chamber doors, and people fell out like potatoes. Naturally, that horrified and appalled us. We went back and sat down on our stuicases and cried like old women.
Each day one hundred Jews were chosen to drag the corpses to the mass graves. In the evening the Ukrainians drove those Jews into the gas chambers or shot them. Every day!
It was in the hottest days of August. The ground undulated like waves because of the gas.

Lanzmann: From the bodies?
Suchomel: Bear in mind, the graves were maybe eighteen, twenty feet deep, all crammed with bodies! A thin layer of sand, and the heat. You see? It was a hell up there.
Lanzmann: You saw that?
Suchomel: Yes, just once, the first day. We puked and wept.
Lanzmann: You wept?
Suchomel: We wept too, yes. The smell was infernal because gas was constantly escaping. It stank horribly for miles around. You could smell it everywhere. It depended on the wind. The stink was carried on the wind. Understand?
More people kept coming, always more, whom we hadn't the facilities to kill. The brass was in a rush to clean out the Warsaw ghetto. The gas chambers couldn't handle the load. The small gas chambers. The Jews had to wait their turn for a day, two days, three days. They foresaw what was coming. They foresaw it. They may not have been certain, but many knew. There were Jewish women who slashed their daughters' wrists at
night, then cut their own. Others poisoned themselves.
They heard the engine feeding the gas chamber. A tank engine was used in that gas chamber. At Treblinka the only gas used was engine exhaust. Zyklon gas -- that was Auschwitz.
Because of the delay, Eberl, the camp commandant, phoned Lublin and said: "We can't go on this way. I can't do it any longer. We have to break off." Overnight, Wirth arrived. He inspected everything and then left. He returned with people from Belzec, experts. Wirth arranged to suspend the trains. The corpses lying there were cleared away. That was the period of the old gas chambers. Because there were so many dead that couldn't be gotten rid of, the bodies piled up around the gas chambers and stayed there for days. Under this pile of bodies was a cesspool three inches deep, full of blood, worms and shit. No one wanted to clean it out. The Jews preferred to be shot rather than work there.

Lanzmann: Preferred to be shot?
Suchomel: It was awful. Burying their own people, seeing it all. The dead flesh came off in their hands. So Wirth went there himself with a few Germans and had long belts rigged up that were wrapped around the dead torsos to pull them.

Lanzmann: Who did that?
Suchomel: SS men and Jews.
Lanzmann: Jews too?
Suchomel: Jews too!
Lanzmann: What did the Germans do?
Suchomel: They forced the Jews to...
Lanzmann: They beat them?
Suchomel: ...or they themselves helped with the cleanup.
Lanzmann: Which Germans did that?
Suchomel: Some of our guards who were assigned up there.
Lanzmann: The Germans themselves?
Suchomel: They had to.
Lanzmann: They were in command!
Suchomel: They were in command, but they were also commanded.
Lanzmann: I think the Jews did it.
Suchomel: In that case, the Germans had to lend a hand.


Suchomel: The new gas chambers were built in September 1942.
Lanzmann: Who built them?
Suchomel: Hackenhold and Lambert supervised the Jews who did the work, the bricklaying at least. Ukrainian carpenters made the doors. The gas-chamber doors themselves were armored hunker doors. I think they were brought from Bialystok, from some Russian bunkers.

Lanzmann: What was the capacity of the new gas chambers? There were two of them, right?
Suchomel: Yes. But the old ones hadn't been demolished. When there were a lot of trains, a lot of people, the old ones were put back into service. And here...the Jews say there were five on each side. I say there were four, but I'm not sure. In any case, only the upper row on this side was in action.

Lanzmann: Why not the other side?
Suchomel: Disposing of the bodies would have been too complicated.
Lanzmann: Too far?
Suchomel: Yes. Up there Wirth had built the death camp, assigning a detail of Jewish workers to it. The detail had a fixed number in it, around two hundred people, who worked only in the death camp.

Lanzmann: But what was the capacity of the new gas chambers?
Suchomel: The new gas chambers... Let's see... They could finish off three thousand people in two hours.
Lanzmann: How many people at once in a single gas chamber?
Suchomel: I can't say exactly. The Jews say two hundred. Imagine a room this size.
Lanzmann: They put more in at Auschwitz.
Suchomel: Auschwitz was a factory!
Lanzmann: And Treblinka?
Suchomel: I'll give you my definition. Keep this in mind! Treblinka was a primitive but effective production line of death. Understand?
Lanzmann: Yes. But primitive?
Suchomel: Primitive, yes. But it worked well, that production line ofdeath.
Lanzmann: Was Belzec even more rudimentary?
Suchomel: Belzec was the laboratory. Wirth was camp commandant. He tried everything imaginable there. He got off on the wrong foot. The pits were overflowing and the cesspool seeped out in front of the SS mess hall. It stank -- in front of the mess hall, in front of their barracks.

Lanzmann: Were you at Belzec?
Suchomel: No. Wirth with his own men -- with Franz, with Oberhauser and Hackenhold -- he tried everything there. Those three had to put the bodies in the pits themselves so that Wirth could see how much space he needed. And when they rebelled -- Franz refused -- Wirth beat Franz with a whip. He whipped Hackenhold too. You see?

Lanzmann: Kurt Franz?
Suchomel: Kurt Franz. That's how Wirth was. Then, with that
experiment behind him, he came to Treblinka.

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