Teacher tenure unconstitutional

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
This is going to be fun. It will take years to work for it to works its way through the system but this could actually make a difference.

A Los Angeles Superior Court judge ruled Tuesday that tenure, seniority and other job protections for teachers have created unequal conditions in public schools and deprive poor children of the best teachers. In a case that could have national implications for the future of teacher tenure, Judge Rolf Treu sided with a Silicon Valley mogul against some of the most powerful labor unions in the country.
In a 16-page ruling, in the case of Vergara v. California, Treu struck down three state laws as unconstitutional. The laws grant tenure to teachers after two years, require layoffs by seniority, and call for a complex and lengthy process before a teacher can be fired.

Calif. court rules teacher tenure creates unequal conditions - The Washington Post
Very good news. Bad teachers have no right to keep their job. Treat everyone the same. If you're not doing your job then find one you can do.
What a great break for the school children of California, especially the poor students.
It's a step in the right direction, but until American parents start taking their children's educations seriously our public school system will not improve.
This is going to be fun. It will take years to work for it to works its way through the system but this could actually make a difference.

I happen to agree with the OP poster that this is interesting.

The judge's decision will be overturned eventually as unwarranted intrusion to legislative jurisdiction, but I wonder if the scare of it may cause the lege to balance the playing field more fairly.
I'm sorry, but this is California, and anything that resembles reason will be summarily destroyed.

Thank you, come again.

Get rid of tenure and to keep the good teachers its time for a pay increase...like merit pay. Do that to show you value education as I don't believe America does. And keep the corporations input out also so they don't get involved. Finally, unless American parents wake up, things will stay the same because 90 percent of education should be placed upon the student and their parents. You get out what you put in. So fire the bad ones, and find ways to keep the good ones from going onto much higher paying jobs as they now sacrifice a huge huge huge earning potential.
I do happen to agree with the judge's ruling in that sending bad teachers to bad schools does hurt those students and that is wrong.

However, I don't disagree with tenure as a benefit for public teaching. I do believe it should be for a select few (top 10-15% of school's teachers over the past 10 years) so that could be a reward to aspire to as a teacher that if you're student test well, you get good reviews from parents, students and faculty, and you are well educated in your material, then it should be something you earn that keeps the good teachers with a certain district for years to come. Not every teacher who survives 10 years.
Get rid of tenure and to keep the good teachers its time for a pay increase...like merit pay. Do that to show you value education as I don't believe America does. And keep the corporations input out also so they don't get involved. Finally, unless American parents wake up, things will stay the same because 90 percent of education should be placed upon the student and their parents. You get out what you put in. So fire the bad ones, and find ways to keep the good ones from going onto much higher paying jobs as they now sacrifice a huge huge huge earning potential.

There would actually be more money for those good teachers, ya know. Increase pay on true merit, rather than across the board.

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