Teachers walk straight outta Compton

Compton, CA (California) Houses, Apartments, Cars, Mortgage Status, and Residents Info Median monthly housing costs:*$1,127

The average price of rent in Compton is about $1800/mo. At $46k/yr, that would mean that over half of a teacher's annual salary goes to rent. That's before taxes, food, transportation and insurance, maintenance, medicine, utilities, work supplies, clothing, etc. Even at $87k/yr, teachers aren't being paid what they're worth to society.

Meanwhile, banker billionaire criminals who killed the global economy with their shady deals are still enjoying their bonuses from public bailout funds.

Home sales has nothing to do with rentals.
Yes but what they didnt know is that people like you would be over their shoulders screaming they should earn less.

What is it with you guys...Every argument you make is that someone has too much and should earn less because some other people earn less too.

Thats not even an argument...there will always be someoen who earns less. That doesnt mean anyone else should just because. :cuckoo:

Where have I said that? Post up. Now.

It speaks volumes when teachers get on their high horse about salary. Most of them do make more than the families of the children they teach. Their demands are obscene!

Now tell me you brought up teachers earning more than the families of the children they teach for no reason. I dont believe anyone does anything for "no reason".

You can't even read. I never said that 'everyone else should earn less.' Damn you need to learn to read. No wonder you are such a failure.
I can't find the link which I was referring to but it listed average rent price in Compton around $1,765, but the reports that I've been seeing now are putting it at around $900/mo. That would mean that rent does not take up half of their pay. However, even $86k/yr for a teacher anywhere in America is shit pay. Only morons would attempt to undermine the importance of teachers and education. There isn't any reason why teachers can't be paid more, there isn't any reason to dissolve the Department of Education, and there isn't any reason to demonize teachers' unions (or any other union for that matter. America itself is a Union.), especially while billionaire scum continue to fuck the world.

Which laws did those bankers break? HSBC confessed to laundering billions of dollars in drug money for cartels that have killed thousands of people along the US/Mexico border. They paid a fine worth about 2 months' revenue because to put them in prison would have destroyed the fictional global financial system that the world's largest banks have created for their own benefit.
Pressure mounting for Libor jail terms - Jul. 23, 2012
Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War is a Joke | | Rolling Stone
HSBC Judge Approves $1.9B Drug-Money Laundering Accord - Bloomberg
Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail - Forbes

Why don't the teachers move? Because many don't have the money to just start up somewhere else, plus that's their home and they want to stay to try to make it better. That's why they became teachers.

You can't find the link because it doesn't exist. You are nothing but a typical liberal liar.
If these teachers are teaching in Compton, they aren't very good teachers. The better teachers make it into better schools.
Where have I said that? Post up. Now.

It speaks volumes when teachers get on their high horse about salary. Most of them do make more than the families of the children they teach. Their demands are obscene!

Now tell me you brought up teachers earning more than the families of the children they teach for no reason. I dont believe anyone does anything for "no reason".

You can't even read. I never said that 'everyone else should earn less.' Damn you need to learn to read. No wonder you are such a failure.

I know you didnt and you dont have to say it...everyone knows what you're getting at.

Like I said I knew you would dodge and never state WHY you said it because then you'd be backed into a corner. You think you're clever...but I dont have to call you stupid you are just not smart enough to put your shoes on. SEE? I never said "stupid"

I can play that game too :badgrin:

Race to the bottom because Sunshine says there are people who earn less...Read between the lines:eusa_shifty:
Good heavens. I don't see a single posting that is relevant to the issue of the OP.

What difference does it make what the average rental is in Compton? Most of the teachers don't live there anyway. Why would they?

The question is whether they were justified in conducting a sick-out. Clearly, this is a violation of the state public-sector collective bargaining law, but is the district negotiating in good faith, or are they delaying because they don't want to pay appropriate wages and benefits? It wouldn't be the first time a school district has played this waiting game.

How do their compensation and benefits compare with other similarly-situated school districts in the same geographical area? Are they higher or lower? Are the teachers being made to suffer because the politicians don't want to fund realistic compensation?

It is easy to say that collective bargaining (unions) is not appropriate for the public sector, or that they are already making too much, but that ignores reality. They have collective bargaining in California, and the school district is obliged both by law and morally to bargain in good faith. If they won't deal honestly with the results of good faith bargaining (higher wages), then they should be removed and replaced with people who are more realistic - even if it results in changes that are painful to the taxpayers.

Honestly, this article doesn't provide enough factual information to judge whether this sick-out (assuming it is actually a sick-out) is outrageous or well-warranted by the conduct of the school board.

Can somebody from California who is interested in reality provide some more information?
this was on the news....

Manuel Dominguez High School teachers call out sick in Compton, demanding higher pay | abc7.com
Good heavens. I don't see a single posting that is relevant to the issue of the OP.

What difference does it make what the average rental is in Compton? Most of the teachers don't live there anyway. Why would they?

The question is whether they were justified in conducting a sick-out. Clearly, this is a violation of the state public-sector collective bargaining law, but is the district negotiating in good faith, or are they delaying because they don't want to pay appropriate wages and benefits? It wouldn't be the first time a school district has played this waiting game.

How do their compensation and benefits compare with other similarly-situated school districts in the same geographical area? Are they higher or lower? Are the teachers being made to suffer because the politicians don't want to fund realistic compensation?

It is easy to say that collective bargaining (unions) is not appropriate for the public sector, or that they are already making too much, but that ignores reality. They have collective bargaining in California, and the school district is obliged both by law and morally to bargain in good faith. If they won't deal honestly with the results of good faith bargaining (higher wages), then they should be removed and replaced with people who are more realistic - even if it results in changes that are painful to the taxpayers.

Honestly, this article doesn't provide enough factual information to judge whether this sick-out (assuming it is actually a sick-out) is outrageous or well-warranted by the conduct of the school board.

Can somebody from California who is interested in reality provide some more information?

IS there such an animal?

yea me and a few million others.....
Good heavens. I don't see a single posting that is relevant to the issue of the OP.

What difference does it make what the average rental is in Compton? Most of the teachers don't live there anyway. Why would they?

The question is whether they were justified in conducting a sick-out. Clearly, this is a violation of the state public-sector collective bargaining law, but is the district negotiating in good faith, or are they delaying because they don't want to pay appropriate wages and benefits? It wouldn't be the first time a school district has played this waiting game.

How do their compensation and benefits compare with other similarly-situated school districts in the same geographical area? Are they higher or lower? Are the teachers being made to suffer because the politicians don't want to fund realistic compensation?

It is easy to say that collective bargaining (unions) is not appropriate for the public sector, or that they are already making too much, but that ignores reality. They have collective bargaining in California, and the school district is obliged both by law and morally to bargain in good faith. If they won't deal honestly with the results of good faith bargaining (higher wages), then they should be removed and replaced with people who are more realistic - even if it results in changes that are painful to the taxpayers.

Honestly, this article doesn't provide enough factual information to judge whether this sick-out (assuming it is actually a sick-out) is outrageous or well-warranted by the conduct of the school board.

Can somebody from California who is interested in reality provide some more information?
Wow...Your idea of good faith is caving into the demands of the Union?
The average price of rent in Compton is about $1800/mo. At $46k/yr, that would mean that over half of a teacher's annual salary goes to rent.
$1,800 a month rent, to live in one of the nation's biggest urban hell holes?

I call bull.

I agree. I just checked rentals in Compton, and I found 3 and 4-bedroom HOUSES for less than that, never mind apartments! Fnding an apartment for $1000/month or less shouldn't be difficult.
Teachers stage apparent sickout at Compton high school - latimes.com

half the teachers call in sick to a Compton school because they are unhappy with their union representation...and they want more money of course.

the info I found on the internet says they make at least 46k - 87k.

I don't know how the poor babies survive.

If you think it is such an easy, cushy, well paid job, then why don't you be a teacher? Or do you not have enough education?

$87K for a part-time job? The teachers should get on their knees and bow down in gratitude to the taxpayers!

I considered it--I realized a long time ago how good they have it--but considering the combination of not wanting to be stuck inside all the time and hating children with a passion, I decided it wasn't a good idea.
While I think they should stick it out the number of hours they work has ZERO to do with my outlook on it. Otherwise the 2 company CEO's who made 10 times what I did yet did 1/50th of the work I did should have made 1/10th of what I made. My only regret is the hard work I did for their companies. If I could I would take it all back and yet I was stupid because I gave it all I could. Dumb dumb I was.
I can't find the link which I was referring to but it listed average rent price in Compton around $1,765, but the reports that I've been seeing now are putting it at around $900/mo. That would mean that rent does not take up half of their pay. However, even $86k/yr for a teacher anywhere in America is shit pay. Only morons would attempt to undermine the importance of teachers and education. There isn't any reason why teachers can't be paid more, there isn't any reason to dissolve the Department of Education, and there isn't any reason to demonize teachers' unions (or any other union for that matter. America itself is a Union.), especially while billionaire scum continue to fuck the world.

Which laws did those bankers break? HSBC confessed to laundering billions of dollars in drug money for cartels that have killed thousands of people along the US/Mexico border. They paid a fine worth about 2 months' revenue because to put them in prison would have destroyed the fictional global financial system that the world's largest banks have created for their own benefit.
Pressure mounting for Libor jail terms - Jul. 23, 2012
Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War is a Joke | | Rolling Stone
HSBC Judge Approves $1.9B Drug-Money Laundering Accord - Bloomberg
Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail - Forbes

Why don't the teachers move? Because many don't have the money to just start up somewhere else, plus that's their home and they want to stay to try to make it better. That's why they became teachers.

You can't find the link because it doesn't exist. You are nothing but a typical liberal liar.
You seriously need to fuck yourself, okay? I can't be a liar if I admit that I misread the information and then clarified myself.

The fact still stands that while you Teabaggers bitch and whine and moan and complain about "fat cat teachers" and their evil bloated Communist union salaries, Wall Street is jamming a massive red, white, and blue cock so far up your ass that you can taste the freedom.

Banks made billions by funding terrorism against the United States, and you want to fight public school teachers. Teabaggers have great priorities.
Teachers, its not just the rent that is high, its the food prices in California, I spend an easy 700-1000$ a month at the supermarket in California. Electricity is expensive in California as well, and then there is the price of Gasoline, its extreme.

Maybe the Teachers should quit teaching Global Warming and the Evil of Oil. So that California will develop its offshore oil and bring down the price of energy, which will bring down the price we pay for water and food.

Maybe the teachers should not of voted to build a 100$ billion dollars on Wind Turbines and Solar Plants, which is raising electric rates 100%

Maybe the teachers should of walked out and protested when the government of California spent Billions on Hydrogen fuel development, which failed.

The teachers are for all the Liberal/Democrat/Socialist ideas, yet when the impact and effects hit their wallet, the teachers act as if everyone else is to blame and demand more money from the public.

Check the price of produce, lettuce, that is California teaching the value of Green Energy. You like the price, if you're young and just started buying food you most likely do not know that the price of food had doubled in a very short amount of time.

California is in serious trouble, it is effecting the whole United States of America. We are shutting down our Energy Production driving up the cost of living.

The Teachers voted for Green Energy, let them pay for it.
Yes those dog gone public school teachers. Where I live they make an average of $40,000. How dare they. They should work for half that. Fat cat teachers. No such thing.
California should legalize marijuana and let individual households grow their own food and energy.
The average price of rent in Compton is about $1800/mo. At $46k/yr, that would mean that over half of a teacher's annual salary goes to rent. That's before taxes, food, transportation and insurance, maintenance, medicine, utilities, work supplies, clothing, etc. Even at $87k/yr, teachers aren't being paid what they're worth to society.

Meanwhile, banker billionaire criminals who killed the global economy with their shady deals are still enjoying their bonuses from public bailout funds.
And everyone else who has the same level of education and works in a similar white collar job?....It is very likely those people are being paid LESS.
Those teachers can take their degrees and work anywhere they like.
They should be grateful they have jobs that pay those above market rate wages.
Give them merit pay. Watch them scream then. There isn't a single school in Compton that educates the students. The teachers are there because they have failed elsewhere.
I think the vast majority of the good teachers could easily find work in the private sector for a bunch more money... according to the market of course.
The average price of rent in Compton is about $1800/mo. At $46k/yr, that would mean that over half of a teacher's annual salary goes to rent. That's before taxes, food, transportation and insurance, maintenance, medicine, utilities, work supplies, clothing, etc. Even at $87k/yr, teachers aren't being paid what they're worth to society.

Meanwhile, banker billionaire criminals who killed the global economy with their shady deals are still enjoying their bonuses from public bailout funds.
And everyone else who has the same level of education and works in a similar white collar job?....It is very likely those people are being paid LESS.
Those teachers can take their degrees and work anywhere they like.
They should be grateful they have jobs that pay those above market rate wages.
You keep telling the teachers and middle class to be grateful for what they have while international billionaires work over the entire global system to get themselves ahead at the cost of the middle class. Why do you attack working people instead of the wealthy elite?

Why doesn't trickle down theory work in practice? Because of individual greed. Cutting taxes to the richest people doesn't stimulate growth because those rich people are more likely to hide those savings in untaxable overseas financial institutions instead of spending it on higher wages and better health benefits for their employees, as has been proven time and time again, for decades.

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