Teaching Masturbation To 5-year-olds?

And? Anyway, he's promoting teaching children how to masturbate, and he's quoting whack jobs admittedly using sites that this site won't tolerate to support his stance.
And? Anyway, he's promoting teaching children how to masturbate, and he's quoting whack jobs admittedly using sites that this site won't tolerate to support his stance.

And, my post was in response to him telling everyone that kids should be taught that masturbation is healthy and normal, but don't do it at school.

You said my post was in response to you. So I corrected that notion. I even went back to read to make sure that I was right.

That's all.
Thinking more about "teaching masturbation to 5-8 year olds..." I don't know how you'd do that for the age range without in effect actually teaching how. Are most kids gonna understand "when you touch yourself 'down there' that's ok." Probably not for most of them. So at some point you'd have to show a visual aid and that gets tricky legally. In a classroom context you can do a lot that outside such a bonafide educational enviroment would get you arrested, but still. I'm dubious about the benefit. For it in the end, but dubious.
< Snip >

Moderation Note:
Cannot post that much copyrighted material without a proper link...
Linking to sites with incidental nudity isn't a problem. Just don't bring the nude material directly to the board..


Love to link her site but it absolutely positively violates the no-nudity rules here. :) Should be hit 1 though googling her name.

Wouldn't think it'd fall under 'incidental nudity' being a sexology website. Will msg you the site for a ruling...
"This article tells about an idea that was discussed in one of the schools – to tell kids from 5 to 8 about masturbation." from the OP.

Considering the passions inflamed here over just talking about teaching it, mmm maybe not a good idea as yet :)
Ironic thinking about the greater subject of sex-ed at school considering I got none in my time. Anyone here get anything beyond a basic rundown of anatomy and biology where sexual terms were used? I didn't.
I don't believe ANY sex education is appropriate for school. That is the parent's job, and if the parent doesn't do it, there are still many ways to learn good behaviors, but not compromising the parent's authority of how and when is most important.

I can't say I'm against any sex education. For there are things that schools can teach - useful things like how your body works, or how kids are born, or how to prevent unwanted pregnancy (because, seriously, there are still girls and even women who belive that if you pee after sex, or have sex in water, you won't get pregnant), or about STDs. Parents can't teach this stuff because they often don't know enough about this.
But the thing is there is certain time, age, curcumstances when such information should be taught. As well as form in which this information should be presented.
And thinknig about even 8-year-old kids I can hardly imagine why and specifically how they need to be taught about anything related to sex.

And aren't we getting too close to a conspiracy theory? o_O

No, since it's all pretty open as larger social engineering agendas go.

Masturbation does not make for the strongest of wills, so the earlier they get kids masturbating, the earlier they can control their minds.

This sounds pretty strange... I mean, how masturbation is connected to control of the mind?
Or am I getting your message wrong?

Recently there have appeared different initiatives on educational reforms. On innovations. Whatever. But sometimes the innovators cross the line, imho.
This article tells about an idea that was discussed in one of the schools – to tell kids from 5 to 8 about masturbation. Though having interest for your genitals is natural at this period of kids’ psychological development, is it really necessary to talk about that at school?
The officials said they were just gathering community input. But the fact this idea even got into their minds and was discussed seems to me quite alarming.

If only because in our hyper-PC culture we expel or otherwise punish young children for being young children, this isn't a lesson 5 year olds need thinking of what's gonna happen then at recess. :)

But children do masturbate. Letting them know it's natural and fine isn't the worst idea. But teaching young children about their bodies is one thing, teaching them what's socially inappropriate is another.

I'm not sure you need to tell kids masturbation is natural - at school. In a mass culture manner. I mean, some kids do that, others don't, some do that earlier, others - later. I think that telling, for example, 6-year-olds that everyone masturbates make create a certain image in their heads, like, if you don't do that, you're a freak. Or a loser. Like it happnes with losing virginity before prom. Something like that.
Ironic thinking about the greater subject of sex-ed at school considering I got none in my time. Anyone here get anything beyond a basic rundown of anatomy and biology where sexual terms were used? I didn't.

I far as I recall, at school I had only anatomy and personal hygene lessons (separately for boys and girls, you know, about the differences and certain needs).
The rest I learned from books my parents gave me, then movies and internet. Oh, and magazines for girls, those were most informative. :D
I guess, most of us had more or less the same set of sources.
I don't believe ANY sex education is appropriate for school. That is the parent's job, and if the parent doesn't do it, there are still many ways to learn good behaviors, but not compromising the parent's authority of how and when is most important.

I can't say I'm against any sex education. For there are things that schools can teach - useful things like how your body works, or how kids are born, or how to prevent unwanted pregnancy (because, seriously, there are still girls and even women who belive that if you pee after sex, or have sex in water, you won't get pregnant), or about STDs. Parents can't teach this stuff because they often don't know enough about this.
But the thing is there is certain time, age, curcumstances when such information should be taught. As well as form in which this information should be presented.
And thinknig about even 8-year-old kids I can hardly imagine why and specifically how they need to be taught about anything related to sex.

And aren't we getting too close to a conspiracy theory? o_O

No, since it's all pretty open as larger social engineering agendas go.

Masturbation does not make for the strongest of wills, so the earlier they get kids masturbating, the earlier they can control their minds.

This sounds pretty strange... I mean, how masturbation is connected to control of the mind?
Or am I getting your message wrong?

Recently there have appeared different initiatives on educational reforms. On innovations. Whatever. But sometimes the innovators cross the line, imho.
This article tells about an idea that was discussed in one of the schools – to tell kids from 5 to 8 about masturbation. Though having interest for your genitals is natural at this period of kids’ psychological development, is it really necessary to talk about that at school?
The officials said they were just gathering community input. But the fact this idea even got into their minds and was discussed seems to me quite alarming.

If only because in our hyper-PC culture we expel or otherwise punish young children for being young children, this isn't a lesson 5 year olds need thinking of what's gonna happen then at recess. :)

But children do masturbate. Letting them know it's natural and fine isn't the worst idea. But teaching young children about their bodies is one thing, teaching them what's socially inappropriate is another.

I'm not sure you need to tell kids masturbation is natural - at school. In a mass culture manner. I mean, some kids do that, others don't, some do that earlier, others - later. I think that telling, for example, 6-year-olds that everyone masturbates make create a certain image in their heads, like, if you don't do that, you're a freak. Or a loser. Like it happnes with losing virginity before prom. Something like that.

Absent all the negative outcomes of a void of sexual information from school, I'd be all for leaving it up to parents. If parent's religion has a problem, that objection should be respected and the kid able to opt out. However, because there are numerous issues concerning a lack of sexual information, and as this thread clearly demonstrates some adults are still uncomfortable with the subject-matter and not likely to teach it, or worse, teach antiquated ideas about the subject matter, schools being bastions of government law have a responsibility to teach whatever benefits society best.

Sex education benefits society more than not teaching it. And masturbation being presented as normal, natural, and even preferred is better than sex-only bereft of masturbation information. I'd rather teach kids to be self-reliant for their pleasure, than look to other people for sexual gratification. Could avoid the whole condoms-in-school problem simply teaching masturbation-only curiculums. "Sex ed comes at college." Self-reliance starts in grade school.
Ironic thinking about the greater subject of sex-ed at school considering I got none in my time. Anyone here get anything beyond a basic rundown of anatomy and biology where sexual terms were used? I didn't.

I far as I recall, at school I had only anatomy and personal hygene lessons (separately for boys and girls, you know, about the differences and certain needs).
The rest I learned from books my parents gave me, then movies and internet. Oh, and magazines for girls, those were most informative. :D
I guess, most of us had more or less the same set of sources.

Have a vague recollection of a Health class in 6th or 8th grade, but all I remember from it was the teacher was a kook who said he was in the Flat Earth Society. Thought it was a joke. Alas. :)
We want the best public education possible and the best teachers for our children. But, unfortunately, there are a lot of problems with attempting to hold our public schools and their teachers to a standard of “greatness.” And your thread is a great evidence of my words.
Is this MORE of Common Core teachings?.... Or just FUCKED UP LIBERAL EDUCATORS pushing to see just how much IMMORAL, UNETHICAL, and UNPRINCIPLED policies they can push to CRUSH OUR TRADITIONAL CULTURE?

And aren't we getting too close to a conspiracy theory? o_O

No, since it's all pretty open as larger social engineering agendas go.

Masturbation does not make for the strongest of wills, so the earlier they get kids masturbating, the earlier they can control their minds.

This sounds pretty strange... I mean, how masturbation is connected to control of the mind?
Or am I getting your message wrong?

If it is worth that much to you then that is your reward, but character can be built much easier without it.


I do not care what any psychologist, doctor or preacher says about masturbation. It depletes a man or woman’s sexual fluid, especially that of men, and it wastes vital energy needed for healing. It keeps one living in fantasy-land, which is not helpful at all.

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