Teaching Masturbation To 5-year-olds?

"Kinsey wanted to prove that children are sexual beings who should be understood to have and to deserve sexual experiences. In this chapter, Kinsey is largely dependent upon the data contributed by “Mr. X,” a man who had molested hundreds of boys ranging from infants to adolescents. As Jones explains: “Viewed from any angle, his relationship with Mr. X was a cautionary tale. Whatever the putative valued as science of Mr. X’s experience, the fact remains that he was a predator pedophile.” Over decades, this man abused hundreds of young boys, tortured infants, and, as Jones explains, “performed a variety of other sexual acts on preadolescent boys and girls alike.”
Kinsey did not condemn this man, but instead eagerly solicited his “data.” As a matter of fact, Kinsey went so far as to attempt to pay Mr. X for further research and once wrote to him, “I wish I knew how to give credit to you in the forthcoming volume for your material. It seems a shame not even to name you.”

"Those words betray a moral monster of the most horrible depravity and assured criminality. Alfred Kinsey celebrated the fact that this man had sexually tortured children and, as Kinsey’s own published work documents, had sexually abused two-month-old infants."

^^^^These studies are what the Kinsey Institute has relied on to develop the current *sex ed* curriculum in the US. Perverts are running the show...

Kinsey as He Really Was 8211 What You Won 8217 t See in the Movie ndash AlbertMohler.com
"Kinsey wanted to prove that children are sexual beings who should be understood to have and to deserve sexual experiences. In this chapter, Kinsey is largely dependent upon the data contributed by “Mr. X,” a man who had molested hundreds of boys ranging from infants to adolescents. As Jones explains: “Viewed from any angle, his relationship with Mr. X was a cautionary tale. Whatever the putative valued as science of Mr. X’s experience, the fact remains that he was a predator pedophile.” Over decades, this man abused hundreds of young boys, tortured infants, and, as Jones explains, “performed a variety of other sexual acts on preadolescent boys and girls alike.”
Kinsey did not condemn this man, but instead eagerly solicited his “data.” As a matter of fact, Kinsey went so far as to attempt to pay Mr. X for further research and once wrote to him, “I wish I knew how to give credit to you in the forthcoming volume for your material. It seems a shame not even to name you.”

"Those words betray a moral monster of the most horrible depravity and assured criminality. Alfred Kinsey celebrated the fact that this man had sexually tortured children and, as Kinsey’s own published work documents, had sexually abused two-month-old infants."

^^^^These studies are what the Kinsey Institute has relied on to develop the current *sex ed* curriculum in the US. Perverts are running the show...

Kinsey as He Really Was 8211 What You Won 8217 t See in the Movie ndash AlbertMohler.com

Kinsey was indeed 'off.' Everythign you need to know about him is summed up with just 3 letters, CBT.
How do you know children masturbate, Alfred?

Did you know that masturbation is one of the first and most reliable indications that a young child has been sexually assaulted?

Bullshit. No scientist says that. Insecure hypocrites at church maybe.

You fucking idiot.

I've worked with sexually abused children.

Signs of sexual abuse in young children:

"Young children may also masturbate frequently or try to initiate sexual behavior with their friends or siblings."

Signs of Sexual Abuse in a Toddler LIVESTRONG.COM
Very young children masturbate absent sex abuse:

Masturbation BabyCenter
"Why it happens

Young children masturbate for the same reason that older children (and adults) do: It feels good! Body exploration is part of growing up."

Summit Medical Group - Masturbation in Preschoolers
"What is masturbation?

Masturbation is self-stimulation of the genitals for pleasure and self-comfort. Children may rub themselves with a hand or other object. Masturbation is more than the normal inspection of the genitals commonly observed in 2-year-olds during baths. During masturbation, a child usually appears dazed, flushed, and preoccupied. A child may masturbate as often as several times each day or just once a week. Masturbation occurs more commonly when a child is sleepy, bored, watching television, or under stress.

Why does my child masturbate?

Occasional masturbation is a normal behavior of many toddlers and preschoolers. Up to a third of children in this age group discover masturbation while exploring their bodies. Often they continue to masturbate simply because it feels good. Some children masturbate frequently because they are unhappy about something, such as having their pacifier taken away. Others are reacting to punishment or pressure to stop masturbation completely.

Masturbation has no medical causes. Irritation in the genital area causes pain or itching; it does not cause masturbation.

How long does it last?

Once your child discovers masturbation, he or she will seldom stop doing it completely. Your child may not do it as often if any associated power struggles or unhappiness are remedied. By age 5 or 6, most children can learn some discretion and will masturbate only in private. Masturbation becomes almost universal at puberty in response to the normal surges in hormones and sexual drive.

Will masturbation cause problems later in life?

Masturbation does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body. It is not abnormal or excessive unless it is deliberately done in public places after age 5 or 6. It does not mean your child will be oversexed, promiscuous, or sexually deviant. Only if adults overreact to a child's masturbation and make it seem dirty or wicked will it cause emotional harm, such as guilt and sexual hangups."

Kids Health QA Dealing with a Masturbating Toddler Parenting
"Q. My 18-month-old rubs his penis against his stuffed animals. I don't scold him, but is there anything I can do?

You've taken a smart approach. What he's doing is totally and completely normal: He's discovering his body, and discovering that rubbing his penis feels good. There's nothing wrong with that. By staying low-key about it, you avoid making him feel bad or ashamed about the behavior."

Again, as this is normal behaviour in young children I question the need to teach it in a school setting at all.
But children do masturbate. Letting them know it's natural and fine isn't the worst idea. But teaching young children about their bodies is one thing, teaching them what's socially inappropriate is another.

Where would they get the idea that it is not natural or Ok?
How do you know children masturbate, Alfred?

Did you know that masturbation is one of the first and most reliable indications that a young child has been sexually assaulted?

Bullshit. No scientist says that. Insecure hypocrites at church maybe.

You fucking idiot.

I've worked with sexually abused children.

Signs of sexual abuse in young children:

"Young children may also masturbate frequently or try to initiate sexual behavior with their friends or siblings."

Signs of Sexual Abuse in a Toddler LIVESTRONG.COM

If you've worked with sexually abused children kindly message me you professional credentials which every such counsellor will gladly provide being free advertising if not also legally required.

Livestrong is a religious site btw. Not scientific.
But children do masturbate. Letting them know it's natural and fine isn't the worst idea. But teaching young children about their bodies is one thing, teaching them what's socially inappropriate is another.

Where would they get the idea that it is not natural or Ok?

Religion comesd readily to mind as well as ignorant parents who were scolded as children by their parents. Just as physical abuse usually gets passed on to the victim's children, so does bad information.
Livestrong was one of two sites I used.

Perfectly acceptable, and knowledgeable.
The second source I used was the US Dept. of Health and Family Services.
Not only have I worked with sexually exploited and abused children (and women) I worked with sexual predators, who were predators BECAUSE they were violently and systematically sexually abused from birth. Like Kinsey's *subjects*.

Anyway, one of the first indications that a young child has been victimized...they start masturbating. Only perverts encourage and *teach* such behavior to toddlers. And when your five year old suddenly starts humping stuff that's a good indication your boyfriend is probably nailing her.

Psst...I've prepared the testimony that keeps predators wards of the state.
But children do masturbate. Letting them know it's natural and fine isn't the worst idea. But teaching young children about their bodies is one thing, teaching them what's socially inappropriate is another.

Where would they get the idea that it is not natural or Ok?

Religion comesd readily to mind as well as ignorant parents who were scolded as children by their parents. Just as physical abuse usually gets passed on to the victim's children, so does bad information.

A parent has the right to teach a child however he or she likes without criticism or compromise.

Children do not get the context of religious stuff, but put it in school and they will.
Delta has a hemorrhage because someone who has worked with abused children advises him that the activities he's promoting as *normal* are actually symptomatic of sex abuse.

I'm not messaging you anything, you freak. I have strong suspicions about you as it is.

That's wise. I'd make sure you never worked with children again.

Really? Internet threats?

She's not qualified to work with children let alone sex abuse victims. I'd file complaints, injunctions, and lawsuits. We don't threaten, we sue. :)

Based on what? You've read a few opinions on here and you've decided that she shouldn't do the job she does?

Who the hell are you?
I'm not messaging you anything, you freak. I have strong suspicions about you as it is.

That's wise. I'd make sure you never worked with children again.

Really? Internet threats?

She's not qualified to work with children let alone sex abuse victims. I'd file complaints, injunctions, and lawsuits. We don't threaten, we sue. :)

Based on what? You've read a few opinions on here and you've decided that she shouldn't do the job she does?

Who the hell are you?

"I'm Batman!" laughs. Couldn't be helped.

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