Teaper Racism

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The difference is that if I went to a "teaper" event and found out it was run by a racist I wouldn't continue going for the next 20 years as Obama did.

And rightfully so. People don't understand, I dislike Teapers because of their racism...that doesn't mean I support Obama or that I am a liberal. I just don't like racists. The majority of Teapers I meet are racists...and the ones who you challenge on Teaper racism, all of a sudden claim they are not really Teapers, they are Libertarians.

The "racist" card is used far too much these days. And besides lets get real, you and I know it's just used to shut Whitey up.

Homework: Go to YouTube and search "James Manning", watch his videos then come back.


"Racist" means "anything a progressive doesn't like but can't rationally argue against".
You hate Tea Partiers. You use racism as a vehicle to tout that hatred. Its one thing to condemn racism, but another to condemn someone based on your own twisted version of reality.

I'm frequently astonished that not only do the "Teaper's" not represent any political party, but that they seem to elicit such fear and hatred among the established partisans, both Democrats and Republicans.

I can only surmise that the Anti-establishment ideology is predictably threatening.

As a result, a Dazed Republican Party, a Confused Media, and a Frightened Democratic Party can only resort the playing the race card. Why do they feel this would be particularly effective? I can only guess it is to keep their constituents herded together, bleating in unison rather than questioning the partisan mantras.

It isn't anti-establishment, at all...it is the teaper racial nonsense. Again and again I say, I have no problem with the Tea Party Platform. It is admirable and mostly on spot. My issue is with the racism in the Tea Party. You guys can deny that there is a racist element in the Tea Party all you want...that is more telling than anything. I can't understand why Teapers can't be honest with themselves and admit that there is a racist element. Admit that there are racist signs at tea party rallies, admit that there are Teapers that are racist.

That is a contradiction. Either the Tea Party as a whole is racist, or it is not.
So we disagree...I think that someone should denounce and condemn a cancer that pretends to represent you. We do it as individuals all of the time...we choose not to be friends with child molestors or bank robbers or canadians or Germans or gays, or racists...no? How does that old saying go about who you hang out with (I don't remember it). But we disagree on that point...you think the Teapers should let the racists represent them...thus giving the impression...whether false or not, that the Tea Party is racist. I think allowing other people to define you in a negative way is ridiculous.

I believe he would wield NO power in a Presidential run. That is yet to be seen. You can say that he is the number one contender...but straw polls mean nothing until the primaries begin. Herman Cain fizzled out, I believe he will too - if he even runs.

Hell, I can give you more links of racist comments by teapers...but haven't you seen them yourself? Be honest? Have you seen racisnt comments by Teapers on this forum. Or are you willfully ignorant. Or do you believe, like many of the racist teapers, that only blacks are racists and whites are not?

I've seen WAY TO MANY racists on this board. I have NO SOLID evidence that ANY of them are affiliated with the Tea Party in any meaningful way. Aint' even a party bro. It's a caucaus at best. Have they donated? Attended? I don't know. MORE IMPORTANTLY -- you don't either.

Tell ya what.. Give me a list of the Teapers and I'll give you a list of the racists (VIA PM PLEASE -- NOT IN THREAD) and we'll DOCUMENT PROOF of our claims.. :eusa_angel:

Do you have links to posts where folks have ACKNOWLEDGED they are influential Teapers?
Or are you just guessing?


OMG, really. If you want me to search posts and show self admitted teapers spewing racist nonsense, you will have to wait. I think you know there are many. Of course, as soon as I point one out, you will say they are not a teaper. I know the game.

Nonetheless, if the movement, that does not have any real members consists of the people...with very few leaders...then the masses make up the belief system, no? If there is a tea party rally of nobodies...does that mean they are not teapers? Does it mean that the people at the rally are of no significance and even though they believe in the Tea Party movement and they vote for tea party candidates...they are not teapers because they have racist signs. Is that how it is?

I'll deny nothing if you produce posts where they admit to being committed to Tea Party politics.. I think you are just seeing teapers in the shadows under the bed however.. You certainly did not even come close to making connections with the USMB links you provided.
I do not know there are many racist teaper zealots on this board.. Again, there are no Tea Party primaries, no TParty central HQ.. There are no ballot positions ANYWHERE in the US that identify candidates as Tea Party members. But YOU can smell a Teaper out from a mile away ==----->>>> :lmao:

Show me the racist signs from a REPUTABLE major news organization..
I'm frequently astonished that not only do the "Teaper's" not represent any political party, but that they seem to elicit such fear and hatred among the established partisans, both Democrats and Republicans.

I can only surmise that the Anti-establishment ideology is predictably threatening.

As a result, a Dazed Republican Party, a Confused Media, and a Frightened Democratic Party can only resort the playing the race card. Why do they feel this would be particularly effective? I can only guess it is to keep their constituents herded together, bleating in unison rather than questioning the partisan mantras.

It isn't anti-establishment, at all...it is the teaper racial nonsense. Again and again I say, I have no problem with the Tea Party Platform. It is admirable and mostly on spot. My issue is with the racism in the Tea Party. You guys can deny that there is a racist element in the Tea Party all you want...that is more telling than anything. I can't understand why Teapers can't be honest with themselves and admit that there is a racist element. Admit that there are racist signs at tea party rallies, admit that there are Teapers that are racist.

I will never be able to assure you that no racist has ever attended a TP rally or voted for a TP candidate. But I sure as hell can deny that racism is inherent in ANY tea party platform or idea.. YOU wanna prove there are racists in the Democrat party? Or in the LGBT community for that matter? How about the St Pattie's Day parade in Chicago?

There you guys go, you are trying to confuse the conversation with an argument I never made. Please show me where I said the tea party platform is racist...you would find where I said I agree with the Tea Party platform quicker.

The Tea Party has an extreme, racist element that makes it a racist movement in many peoples eyes. I believe that many of the teapers are driven to the Tea Party because of racism. Because we have a 2 term black President. I say that because of racists using it as an avenue to recruit, I say that because of the racist signs, I say that because of the comments made by Teapers and even some teaper leaders. I say it because of who the teapers associate themselves with. I say it because of the way Teapers act and treat others.

Where was the tea party under Bush, who libertarians have no love for? Where were they under Clinton, who had more Executive orders than Obama and who is a liar, a pedophile and sexually harasses women?
I am not saying all teapers are racist, I was very clear about that.

No, you were not. Either they are, or are not racists. You have spent the better part of a week stating 'teapers are racist.'

Stop digging.

Show me.

(One of many, many questions I have asked yet you refuse to answer)
I've seen WAY TO MANY racists on this board. I have NO SOLID evidence that ANY of them are affiliated with the Tea Party in any meaningful way. Aint' even a party bro. It's a caucaus at best. Have they donated? Attended? I don't know. MORE IMPORTANTLY -- you don't either.

Tell ya what.. Give me a list of the Teapers and I'll give you a list of the racists (VIA PM PLEASE -- NOT IN THREAD) and we'll DOCUMENT PROOF of our claims.. :eusa_angel:
Gotcha...and again...I only posted a few threads that were in the first page of the race relations forum...you are being quite dishonest if you are saying you have not seen teapers spew racism.
Do you have links to posts where folks have ACKNOWLEDGED they are influential Teapers?
Or are you just guessing?

???? Not following you.

I'll deny nothing if you produce posts where they admit to being committed to Tea Party politics.. I think you are just seeing teapers in the shadows under the bed however.. You certainly did not even come close to making connections with the USMB links you provided.
I do not know there are many racist teaper zealots on this board.. Again, there are no Tea Party primaries, no TParty central HQ.. There are no ballot positions ANYWHERE in the US that identify candidates as Tea Party members. But YOU can smell a Teaper out from a mile away ==----->>>> :lmao:

Show me the racist signs from a REPUTABLE major news organization..

Of course, so if someone claims to be a Teaper and they say something you don't like...you just say they are not a Teaper. Hell, I have had discussions with people that claim to be a teaper...then by the end of the conversation they respond...well, I am not really a teaper, I am a libertarian.
And rightfully so. People don't understand, I dislike Teapers because of their racism...that doesn't mean I support Obama or that I am a liberal. I just don't like racists. The majority of Teapers I meet are racists...and the ones who you challenge on Teaper racism, all of a sudden claim they are not really Teapers, they are Libertarians.

The "racist" card is used far too much these days. And besides lets get real, you and I know it's just used to shut Whitey up.

Homework: Go to YouTube and search "James Manning", watch his videos then come back.


"Racist" means "anything a progressive doesn't like but can't rationally argue against".

Nonsense. Typical teaper response who refuses to accept their is a racist element in the teaper movement.
Like everyone else has stated, I too am thoroughly unimpressed with your so called evidence that you color an entire grassroots with. I've been to several Tea Party events and have yet to see anyone remotely racist, signs with racists remarks, etc.. I'm still waiting for anyone to provide absolutely positive proof that the entire Tea Party is racist.

Again, I never said the entire Tea Party movement is racist. I did say there is anecdotal evidence that there is a racist element in the Tea Party and the silence of Teapers makes the entire movement suspect. Do you agree there is a racist element in the tea party...or do you think all of the racist signs, racist organizers and racist comments were magically created by the liberal media?
You've been fed a carefully-constructed vision of the TEA Party, by people with a vested interest in making the TP look bad.

Patterico's Pontifications » MSNBC: Guys Carrying Guns to Rallies Are Racists, Especially This Guy Whose Skin Color We Will Now Proceed to Hide from Your View

That was not an accident. MSNBC deliberately edited the video to hide the black AR-15 owner's skin...then claimed that the "gun-toting protesters are white racists".

They lied. People who WANTED to believe TEA Partiers are racist dutifully lapped it up.

Yes, there are a few racists in the TP. There are a few racists in every group.

But they are not as common as you've been led to believe.
So we disagree...I think that someone should denounce and condemn a cancer that pretends to represent you. We do it as individuals all of the time...we choose not to be friends with child molestors or bank robbers or canadians or Germans or gays, or racists...no? How does that old saying go about who you hang out with (I don't remember it). But we disagree on that point...you think the Teapers should let the racists represent them...thus giving the impression...whether false or not, that the Tea Party is racist. I think allowing other people to define you in a negative way is ridiculous.
We keep correcting their lies...but they keep lying.

Further, we keep correcting YOUR lies...but YOU keep lying.

So if you stop spreading the lie that the TEA Party is racist, that'd be great.
No one is asking the tea party to change their principled message. As I stated before, I agree with most of the Tea Party platform. What I don't agree with is the racism in the Tea Party.

You ask if the Tea Party could avoid attracting racists...YES, they can. They can tell people to take down their racist signs, they could stop racist groups from recruiting at their events. FOllowers could condemn racist remarks and comments...Yes, a lot could be done. Yes, the tea party could say, I don't want your endorsement. They could return donations from racist groups. There is a lot the Tea pArty could do...but the DO NOT!

As for the Black Panthers in the democratic party, I would hope democrats condemn them as well. Are the black panthers as popular and do they have nearly as much of a following as the Tea Party?

Do you think the Democrats should condemn the Black Panthers? If so, why the double standard? Why don't you believe the Teapers should condemn racism in their party?

Lemme be clear here -- because you didn't get what i said.
I don't think that Obama needs to reject endorsements from the Communist Party of the US.

I don't think that Ron Paul has to do the Hora and eat latkes to reject the anti-semites that he might UNINTENTIONALLY attract.

I don't think Cynthia McKinney and other black radicals in Congress need to spit on the radical endorsements that they attract...

Nor do I think that the Democrat party has to apologize for the large percentage of the Black Panther vote and voter suppression that they attract.

But YOU OTH -- DEMAND that the Tea Party spend all it's time vetting every warm body that shows up to one of their events. We differ in opinion on this clearly...
So we disagree...I think that someone should denounce and condemn a cancer that pretends to represent you. We do it as individuals all of the time...we choose not to be friends with child molestors or bank robbers or canadians or Germans or gays, or racists...no? How does that old saying go about who you hang out with (I don't remember it). But we disagree on that point...you think the Teapers should let the racists represent them...thus giving the impression...whether false or not, that the Tea Party is racist. I think allowing other people to define you in a negative way is ridiculous.

And you STILL have no evidence to contradict the obvious power that Ben Carson might wield as Tea Party candidate for Prez.. Those USMB links?? completely useless as evidence. That Stormfront forum discussion the same.. It's almost time to unsubscribe..

I believe he would wield NO power in a Presidential run. That is yet to be seen. You can say that he is the number one contender...but straw polls mean nothing until the primaries begin. Herman Cain fizzled out, I believe he will too - if he even runs.

Hell, I can give you more links of racist comments by teapers...but haven't you seen them yourself? Be honest? Have you seen racisnt comments by Teapers on this forum. Or are you willfully ignorant. Or do you believe, like many of the racist teapers, that only blacks are racists and whites are not?
Except according to YOU everyone is a tea party member. You have made that claim in other threads and been told you are full of shit, yet you keep making it. Most of the people responding to you are NOT members of the tea party movement. I am not yet you have repeatedly claimed i am. As well as claiming i am racist. You are a broken record. EVERYONE according to you is a tea party associate and a racist. And you are wrong.
Why I believe the Tea Party Movement is Racist.

Your entire OP is nothing but an attack on an entire group of people, rather than hold the individual responsible for their actions.

Ridiculing the Tea Party movement by calling them 'teapers' is not an act of wanting to discuss, it's an act of wanting to smear.



Black Tea Party group to rally against the NAACP | theGrio


But go ahead.


Show me.

(One of many, many questions I have asked yet you refuse to answer)

This thread for example?

Show me a direct quote. One that I said...not an argument attributed to me by you teapers.

Perfect evidence you are beyond ignorant and prejudiced, you keep claiming EVERYONE is a member of the tea party. You did it in the other thread i mentioned too and kept claiming after being told in no uncertain terms you were wrong.
So we disagree...I think that someone should denounce and condemn a cancer that pretends to represent you. We do it as individuals all of the time...we choose not to be friends with child molestors or bank robbers or canadians or Germans or gays, or racists...no? How does that old saying go about who you hang out with (I don't remember it). But we disagree on that point...you think the Teapers should let the racists represent them...thus giving the impression...whether false or not, that the Tea Party is racist. I think allowing other people to define you in a negative way is ridiculous.
We keep correcting their lies...but they keep lying.

Further, we keep correcting YOUR lies...but YOU keep lying.

So if you stop spreading the lie that the TEA Party is racist, that'd be great.

What am I lying about? Be specific.
Show me a direct quote. One that I said...not an argument attributed to me by you teapers.

Perfect evidence you are beyond ignorant and prejudiced, you keep claiming EVERYONE is a member of the tea party. You did it in the other thread i mentioned too and kept claiming after being told in no uncertain terms you were wrong.

Show me.

I JUST Quoted you claiming that all of us are Tea party. And you kept claiming it in the other thread After I told you I was not.
Why I believe the Tea Party Movement is Racist.

Your entire OP is nothing but an attack on an entire group of people, rather than hold the individual responsible for their actions.

Ridiculing the Tea Party movement by calling them 'teapers' is not an act of wanting to discuss, it's an act of wanting to smear.



Black Tea Party group to rally against the NAACP | theGrio


But go ahead.



Tea Partier = Teaper Nothing disparaging about that, is there? Does the word offend you? If so, why is it okay for teapers to use offensive words themselves? A little bit hypocritical don't you think.

Let's take the Redskins. I am a huge fan, I don't think they should have to change their name at all. Some might find it offensive...but I don't consider it to be offensive at all and I think the idea of changing their name is ridiculous. Since you find the term Teaper offensive, should I modify it?
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