Ted chews The president's ass

That's what you tell yourselves...but in reality...a lack of a clearly communicated conservative message was not what caused McCain to lose...Sarah Palin caused McCain to lose, and Obama's campaign had people in tears of joy.

A lack of message clarity didn't cause Romney to lose. In fact, his crystal clear representation of a stiff prudish white conservative male just turned off diversity voters. His 47% comment was the first nail, then Obama's handling of the 2nd and 3rd debates were the last nails in that coffin.

No........the problem was that the nation understood exactly how Fox News/Tea Party Republicans really feel.

And that still is the problem. And I need guys like you to lose, so my GOP can come back to being a rational party
Na, no one voted for a spineless fool and a cult leader... The numbers don't lie.
Conservative stayed home in both cases...
I've seen those stats you're talking about, and it's cheap spin.

Republican voter turnout was lower for Romney than McCain or GW, but if they would have turned out in numbers as high as GW...it still wouldn't have been enough
All three Romney, McCain and GW are progressives, conservatives just don't vote for career politicians...
That's nutty.

If Tea Party/Fox News Republicans can't even get the GOP nomination, what makes you think they'll win in the general election?

This whole thing Rush Limbaugh pushes about candidates not being conservative enough is really bad cheap spin. Rush said Romney by a landslide!...and he talks about this "operation chaos" were he lied as part of some grandiose electioneering attempt. How do you know that all this "not conservative enough" stuff isn't more electioneering?

The fact is...saying Republican candidates are progressive, or not conservative enough, suggests that the majority that elected Obama twice is looking for someone "conservative enough", and that's crazy.
A career politician is a career politician, millions just like me did not vote in the last two presidential elections that's just a fact.
True...but there are fewer and fewer new conservative voters every year, and unless the GOP stops hanging it's hat on white evangelical Christians, that'll get worse.
Why would he? He's the President of the United States, not a clown trainer.


The thing about Cruz is that he is so damned smart. He graduated at the top of his class at Harvard, and he is known for being one of the few, if not the only one, in politics who does not use a teleprompter.

Cruz has destroyed both commentators and GOP candidates like Kasich, with amazing ease in recent debates.

Cruz is a force to be reckoned with. You may call him crazy, but never all him stupid. Whether or not Cruz is on the right side or wrong side of issues, Cruz would still find a way to destroy Obama in a debate.

Cruz may not be the best nominee for the GOP, but he is easily the smartest man up there and the best debater.

Cruz is more like an assassin in debates than anything.
Debates are different than interviews, and Cruz is brilliant with interviews.

What we haven't seen yet, is Cruz debating the Democratic opposition. He does well with answers to liberal pundits during an interview, but pundits are more polite than debate opponents.

It'll not come to that...because the GOP knows they need a candidate like Rubio or Kasich that can disguise and present the GOP message in a way that doesn't scare off the diversity vote
Na, no one voted for a spineless fool and a cult leader... The numbers don't lie.
Conservative stayed home in both cases...
I've seen those stats you're talking about, and it's cheap spin.

Republican voter turnout was lower for Romney than McCain or GW, but if they would have turned out in numbers as high as GW...it still wouldn't have been enough
All three Romney, McCain and GW are progressives, conservatives just don't vote for career politicians...
That's nutty.

If Tea Party/Fox News Republicans can't even get the GOP nomination, what makes you think they'll win in the general election?

This whole thing Rush Limbaugh pushes about candidates not being conservative enough is really bad cheap spin. Rush said Romney by a landslide!...and he talks about this "operation chaos" were he lied as part of some grandiose electioneering attempt. How do you know that all this "not conservative enough" stuff isn't more electioneering?

The fact is...saying Republican candidates are progressive, or not conservative enough, suggests that the majority that elected Obama twice is looking for someone "conservative enough", and that's crazy.
A career politician is a career politician, millions just like me did not vote in the last two presidential elections that's just a fact.
True...but there are fewer and fewer new conservative voters every year, and unless the GOP stops hanging it's hat on white evangelical Christians, that'll get worse.
I stopped looking for handouts along time ago, the vast majority of Indians in this country, if they do vote, they vote for whoever will give them the most, at least in their mind. True, there are not very many Indians that vote conservative that is the reason why.
Why would he? He's the President of the United States, not a clown trainer.


The thing about Cruz is that he is so damned smart. He graduated at the top of his class at Harvard, and he is known for being one of the few, if not the only one, in politics who does not use a teleprompter.

Cruz has destroyed both commentators and GOP candidates like Kasich, with amazing ease in recent debates.

Cruz is a force to be reckoned with. You may call him crazy, but never all him stupid. Whether or not Cruz is on the right side or wrong side of issues, Cruz would still find a way to destroy Obama in a debate.

Cruz may not be the best nominee for the GOP, but he is easily the smartest man up there and the best debater.

Cruz is more like an assassin in debates than anything.
Debates are different than interviews, and Cruz is brilliant with interviews.

What we haven't seen yet, is Cruz debating the Democratic opposition. He does well with answers to liberal pundits during an interview, but pundits are more polite than debate opponents.

It'll not come to that...because the GOP knows they need a candidate like Rubio or Kasich that can disguise and present the GOP message in a way that doesn't scare off the diversity vote
...career politician??
They're sooo underestimating her strategists.

The guys working for the DNC are world class, and they're letting the GOP exhaust themselves right now, and taking copious notes.

Remember what happened in 2012, when Obama polled losing his reelection?

That DNC campaign sprang to life, and to quote a song..."opened up one eager eye". Before the GOP knew anything, the DNC unleashed social media campaigns and grass roots efforts in all the targeted areas the GOP clued them in on.

Then there was nothing left but the shock on the faces of Megan Kelly and Karl Rove.

Good times...good times

The problem for Republicans is that this class is so pathetic?

They complained about McCain and Romney and offer up Trump, Carson and Cruz as alternatives
The last two presidential elections, could not have picked two worst candidates. McCain an absolute coward and Romney belonging to a wacky cult...

Neither one of them could've won dogcatcher...
That's what you tell yourselves...but in reality...a lack of a clearly communicated conservative message was not what caused McCain to lose...Sarah Palin caused McCain to lose, and Obama's campaign had people in tears of joy.

A lack of message clarity didn't cause Romney to lose. In fact, his crystal clear representation of a stiff prudish white conservative male just turned off diversity voters. His 47% comment was the first nail, then Obama's handling of the 2nd and 3rd debates were the last nails in that coffin.

No........the problem was that the nation understood exactly how Fox News/Tea Party Republicans really feel.

And that still is the problem. And I need guys like you to lose, so my GOP can come back to being a rational party
Na, no one voted for a spineless fool and a cult leader... The numbers don't lie.
Conservative stayed home in both cases...
I've seen those stats you're talking about, and it's cheap spin.

Republican voter turnout was lower for Romney than McCain or GW, but if they would have turned out in numbers as high as GW...it still wouldn't have been enough

More turnout in already red states does not help you
No Americans are dying and the economy is strong

All you have to know
The economy sucks...
Oh that's brilliant.

Obama ran on getting unemployment back down below 8% by 2012, and that happened.

Now unemployment is as low as it was before the crash at the end of the Bush admin.

Stocks are stable in the long run, and higher than ever.

When the crash hit in 2007, most reputable economists said we would have a slow jobless recovery, and no real GDP growth till 2016. If the Republicans take over in 2016, they'll take all the credit if that happens, and they'll blame Obama if it doesn't.

Funny how anyone who frequents conservative media thinks the sky is falling. But for the rest of us, and swing voters, they'll believe their eyes, not you guys
You really, really believe the unemployment number is that, the real one? Even that cluster fuck Bernie knows better.
Of course I do...when someone stops looking for work...that's called "retired", and that means they won't be coming back to the workforce, so they shouldn't count them.

During the last 10 Presidencies the measure of unemployment has been the same...but no....now you guys move the goalposts. That's even more cheap spin
No, They have just stopped altogether looking for work because there's nothing to look for... The Country is in a hopeless situation paying debt with more debt.

Bernie Sanders Says ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate Is Actually 10.5 Percent, DOUBLE The Official Rate [VIDEO]

The U-6, at 10% is the number of people who want to work, could start a job immediately if offered, and have actively looked for work in the last year plus those who have jobs, want and are available to work 35+ hours/week but during the survey reference week worked fewer than 35 hours either because business was slow or because they couldn't find a a full time job as a percent of those who are working or want to, could start now, and actively looked in the last year.
So, how are you getting the idea that those who stopped looking stopped because there are no jobs? Less than half stopped looking because they BELIEVED there were not jobs (which may or may not have been true when they stopped and they have no way of knowing if it is still true). Most of the Marginally Attached stopped looking due to family issues, illness/injury, going to school or job training, or other personal reasons.

Oh, and it's a bit silly to say the official rate is wrong or a lie when the U-6 is published in the same report by the same people. They measure different things and answer different questions.
Why more of the citizens hasn't called for Congress to impeach that traitor they call the President beats the hell out of me. but he's shown time and time again he is NOT ON OUR SIDE. and has done everything he can to weaken us, our economy, now our lives with unleashing these THUGS in the OWS AND BLM. He got together with outside countries to unleash their people to storm our boarders, he relaxed the laws on immigration ON his OWN he didn't have the right to do without Congress. THE LIST is so long. but we won't know the damage he has been the cause of until after he is long gone and lounging in his new digs while living off of us and laughing his ass off on he DUPED some people in this country: big time

MacLean: Obama Committed to Vision of Limited American Power ‘Regardless of the Consequences’

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
November 18, 2015 6:15 pm

Washington Free Beacon managing editor Aaron MacLean criticized President Obama’s strategy to counter the Islamic State terrorist group Wednesday on Fox Business, arguing Obama was committed to a vision of soft power “regardless of the consequences.”

MacLean said Obama had responded to the Paris terrorist attacks committed by IS last week by adding just a “smidge” of energy to a strategy that anyone outside his own White House could see was failing.

“He seems flat and disdainful and awfully thin-skinned when he’s talking about terrorism itself,” MacLean said.

He pointed out that the subsequent moves to share more intelligence with France and to strike the Syrian oil sector raised the question of why the U.S. wasn’t implementing such strategies already, given the clear threat IS has posed for more than a year. MacLean said what was more disturbing was the Obama administration’s seeming acceptance of the constant possibility of an IS attack as a new normal.

“They are committed to a vision of American power where America is no longer the guarantor of security in the Middle East, where America pulls back and is one nation among many, and they’re going to see that vision through, regardless of the consequences,” MacLean said.

MacLean called the current American debate over Syrian refugees a “cynical ploy” distracting from Obama’s failed policies in the Middle East. Obama has blasted Republican officials calling for a pause in the resettling Syrian refugees, saying that such sentiments were inconsistent with American values.

ALL of it here:
MacLean: Obama Committed to Vision of Limited American Power ‘Regardless of the Consequences’

Ted Cruz for President. a REAL leader for a change and one who loves their country
Ted Cruz is a Constitutional authority who has won before the Supreme Court. Obama has little knowledge of the Constitution:

Refugee ‘Religious Test’ Is ‘Shameful’ and ‘Not American’ … Except that Federal Law Requires It | National Review Online
Obama taught constitutional law at University of Chicago Law School from 1992 - 2004.

Has he ever brought a case before the Supreme Court and won? NO!!

Has Cruz ever appointed a Supreme Court Justice?
Ted Cruz is a Constitutional authority who has won before the Supreme Court. Obama has little knowledge of the Constitution:

Refugee ‘Religious Test’ Is ‘Shameful’ and ‘Not American’ … Except that Federal Law Requires It | National Review Online
Obama taught constitutional law at University of Chicago Law School from 1992 - 2004.

Has he ever brought a case before the Supreme Court and won? NO!!

Has Cruz ever appointed a Supreme Court Justice?

Of course not. Has either Bernie or Hillary appointed one? Come on Loudmouth, answer my question.
The economy sucks...
Oh that's brilliant.

Obama ran on getting unemployment back down below 8% by 2012, and that happened.

Now unemployment is as low as it was before the crash at the end of the Bush admin.

Stocks are stable in the long run, and higher than ever.

When the crash hit in 2007, most reputable economists said we would have a slow jobless recovery, and no real GDP growth till 2016. If the Republicans take over in 2016, they'll take all the credit if that happens, and they'll blame Obama if it doesn't.

Funny how anyone who frequents conservative media thinks the sky is falling. But for the rest of us, and swing voters, they'll believe their eyes, not you guys
You really, really believe the unemployment number is that, the real one? Even that cluster fuck Bernie knows better.
Of course I do...when someone stops looking for work...that's called "retired", and that means they won't be coming back to the workforce, so they shouldn't count them.

During the last 10 Presidencies the measure of unemployment has been the same...but no....now you guys move the goalposts. That's even more cheap spin
No, They have just stopped altogether looking for work because there's nothing to look for... The Country is in a hopeless situation paying debt with more debt.

Bernie Sanders Says ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate Is Actually 10.5 Percent, DOUBLE The Official Rate [VIDEO]

The U-6, at 10% is the number of people who want to work, could start a job immediately if offered, and have actively looked for work in the last year plus those who have jobs, want and are available to work 35+ hours/week but during the survey reference week worked fewer than 35 hours either because business was slow or because they couldn't find a a full time job as a percent of those who are working or want to, could start now, and actively looked in the last year.
So, how are you getting the idea that those who stopped looking stopped because there are no jobs? Less than half stopped looking because they BELIEVED there were not jobs (which may or may not have been true when they stopped and they have no way of knowing if it is still true). Most of the Marginally Attached stopped looking due to family issues, illness/injury, going to school or job training, or other personal reasons.

Oh, and it's a bit silly to say the official rate is wrong or a lie when the U-6 is published in the same report by the same people. They measure different things and answer different questions.
Yeah well some people are lazy and uselessly unemployable, too bad so sad for them if they can't adapt. I did.
Why would he? He's the President of the United States, not a clown trainer.

He's already gone out of his way to attack Ted Cruz while on foreign soil. Are you saying such behavior is beneath the Presidency?

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lets see if Josh has a response to this. Debate proceeds to the Paris victims families...

Ted Cruz Challenges Obama to Debate on Syrian Refugee Policy

Ted must really be getting desperate.

Hardly, but the Democrat party is. that's why they've unleashed their hate groups (ows, blm) on us and especially our children on college campuses. that those don't bother anyone who is a Democrat party supporter says how desperate they are to ignore it. Every disgusting thing Obama has been doing needs to be shouted and epxosed by every Republican running
Oh that's brilliant.

Obama ran on getting unemployment back down below 8% by 2012, and that happened.

Now unemployment is as low as it was before the crash at the end of the Bush admin.

Stocks are stable in the long run, and higher than ever.

When the crash hit in 2007, most reputable economists said we would have a slow jobless recovery, and no real GDP growth till 2016. If the Republicans take over in 2016, they'll take all the credit if that happens, and they'll blame Obama if it doesn't.

Funny how anyone who frequents conservative media thinks the sky is falling. But for the rest of us, and swing voters, they'll believe their eyes, not you guys
You really, really believe the unemployment number is that, the real one? Even that cluster fuck Bernie knows better.
Of course I do...when someone stops looking for work...that's called "retired", and that means they won't be coming back to the workforce, so they shouldn't count them.

During the last 10 Presidencies the measure of unemployment has been the same...but no....now you guys move the goalposts. That's even more cheap spin
No, They have just stopped altogether looking for work because there's nothing to look for... The Country is in a hopeless situation paying debt with more debt.

Bernie Sanders Says ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate Is Actually 10.5 Percent, DOUBLE The Official Rate [VIDEO]

Donald Trump on unemployment: He's right that it's 40% - Fortune
The U-6, at 10% is the number of people who want to work, could start a job immediately if offered, and have actively looked for work in the last year plus those who have jobs, want and are available to work 35+ hours/week but during the survey reference week worked fewer than 35 hours either because business was slow or because they couldn't find a a full time job as a percent of those who are working or want to, could start now, and actively looked in the last year.
So, how are you getting the idea that those who stopped looking stopped because there are no jobs? Less than half stopped looking because they BELIEVED there were not jobs (which may or may not have been true when they stopped and they have no way of knowing if it is still true). Most of the Marginally Attached stopped looking due to family issues, illness/injury, going to school or job training, or other personal reasons.

Oh, and it's a bit silly to say the official rate is wrong or a lie when the U-6 is published in the same report by the same people. They measure different things and answer different questions.
Yeah well some people are lazy and uselessly unemployable, too bad so sad for them if they can't adapt. I did.
Socialist entitlement programs encourage deadbeat behavior...
Did President Obama mention Cruz? Surely the Senator is not the only Republican candidate who is afraid of the ME Refugee Women, Children, and pointed media questions is he?
Did President Obama mention Cruz? Surely the Senator is not the only Republican candidate who is afraid of the ME Refugee Women, Children, and pointed media questions is he?
Most of the refugees are men in their 20s and 30s...
Senator Cruz should be debating ISIS on the congress floor . How about a debate on authorizing war ?

Oh but they GOP won't do that . Cause they are grand standing pussies .
Why more of the citizens hasn't called for Congress to impeach that traitor they call the President beats the hell out of me. but he's shown time and time again he is NOT ON OUR SIDE. and has done everything he can to weaken us, our economy, now our lives with unleashing these THUGS in the OWS AND BLM. He got together with outside countries to unleash their people to storm our boarders, he relaxed the laws on immigration ON his OWN he didn't have the right to do without Congress. THE LIST is so long. but we won't know the damage he has been the cause of until after he is long gone and lounging in his new digs while living off of us and laughing his ass off on he DUPED some people in this country: big time

MacLean: Obama Committed to Vision of Limited American Power ‘Regardless of the Consequences’

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
November 18, 2015 6:15 pm

Washington Free Beacon managing editor Aaron MacLean criticized President Obama’s strategy to counter the Islamic State terrorist group Wednesday on Fox Business, arguing Obama was committed to a vision of soft power “regardless of the consequences.”

MacLean said Obama had responded to the Paris terrorist attacks committed by IS last week by adding just a “smidge” of energy to a strategy that anyone outside his own White House could see was failing.

“He seems flat and disdainful and awfully thin-skinned when he’s talking about terrorism itself,” MacLean said.

He pointed out that the subsequent moves to share more intelligence with France and to strike the Syrian oil sector raised the question of why the U.S. wasn’t implementing such strategies already, given the clear threat IS has posed for more than a year. MacLean said what was more disturbing was the Obama administration’s seeming acceptance of the constant possibility of an IS attack as a new normal.

“They are committed to a vision of American power where America is no longer the guarantor of security in the Middle East, where America pulls back and is one nation among many, and they’re going to see that vision through, regardless of the consequences,” MacLean said.

MacLean called the current American debate over Syrian refugees a “cynical ploy” distracting from Obama’s failed policies in the Middle East. Obama has blasted Republican officials calling for a pause in the resettling Syrian refugees, saying that such sentiments were inconsistent with American values.

ALL of it here:
MacLean: Obama Committed to Vision of Limited American Power ‘Regardless of the Consequences’

Ted Cruz for President. a REAL leader for a change and one who loves their country

What we have here is a need for an American Spring!

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