Ted chews The president's ass

Obama would chew up Ted Cruz and spit him out like the fucking phony he is. There isn't one GOP presidential candidate who could beat Obama if he were running again. McCain and Romney were at least not crazy like this bunch is.
If Ted Cruz was stupid enough to show up on my property, I'd tell him he had 30 seconds to leave it (TX Castle Law).

If he didn't? I'd be willing to escort him off my property, and give him a couple of bruises along the way.

Ted Cruz, stay the fuck out of Amarillo, and damn sure stay off of Pierce St.

Yeah......................I really don't like him.
Obama would chew up Ted Cruz and spit him out like the fucking phony he is. There isn't one GOP presidential candidate who could beat Obama if he were running again. McCain and Romney were at least not crazy like this bunch is.
Except if you threw out all the vote fraud. Then Obama would be a loser.
Did President Obama mention Cruz? Surely the Senator is not the only Republican candidate who is afraid of the ME Refugee Women, Children, and pointed media questions is he?
Most of the refugees are men in their 20s and 30s...

Of the 2000 refugees we have already taken in, only 2% fit that bill. The vast majority have been older, or women and children, but hey, it's a great way to scare everyone by telling them that most of the refugees are most likely terrorists.
If one comes from the 2% because they can't be vetted properly or there is conversions that might happen or take place, then it is far to much risk involved to the American public here. If can't figure out the ideology risk involved, then it is far to risky to toy with the devil in any kind of way. The government can't actually give guarantee's about alot of things these days. I mean just look at Obama Care for example or what happen in the veterans scandal, and on and on it all goes... We're supposed to trust the government ? LOL
Obama would chew up Ted Cruz and spit him out like the fucking phony he is. There isn't one GOP presidential candidate who could beat Obama if he were running again. McCain and Romney were at least not crazy like this bunch is.
McCain and Romney lost, so maybe this lot isn't as crazy as you wish they were or they wouldn't be getting under your skin like they are.

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