Ted chews The president's ass

Senator Cruz should be debating ISIS on the congress floor . How about a debate on authorizing war ?

Oh but they GOP won't do that . Cause they are grand standing pussies .
They would never vote for war.....that would require full war footing with draft and putting our private industries on a war footing. The RW would never stand for that.....just like they never would stand for anyone getting in the way of their junk food.
Did President Obama mention Cruz? Surely the Senator is not the only Republican candidate who is afraid of the ME Refugee Women, Children, and pointed media questions is he?
Most of the refugees are men in their 20s and 30s...

Nope only those who are arriving in Europe by boat.......

But facts never stops the clown car does it?

".....conflating two different sets of refugees: Those 534,000 reaching Europe by sea, who are mostly men, and the 4 million Syrians in U.N. refugee camps, most of whom are women and children.

Only about 10,000 refugees in the camps are slated for resettlement in the United States over the next year. Those making the perilous trip to Europe are not.

The priority refugees from this group would be torture survivors, people with serious medical conditions, unaccompanied children and teens, and women and children at risk."

Donald Trump: Syrian refugees potentially headed to U.S. are mostly men

"UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

We have seen a different set of UNHCR numbers cited on a few conservative websites — figures for refugees and migrants who have tried to enter Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. There have been more than 400,000 such “sea arrivals” in 2015, and 51 percent are Syrian. The rest have come mainly from nine other countries. Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent —"

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees
Did President Obama mention Cruz? Surely the Senator is not the only Republican candidate who is afraid of the ME Refugee Women, Children, and pointed media questions is he?
Most of the refugees are men in their 20s and 30s...

Nope only those who are arriving in Europe by boat.......

But facts never stops the clown car does it?

".....conflating two different sets of refugees: Those 534,000 reaching Europe by sea, who are mostly men, and the 4 million Syrians in U.N. refugee camps, most of whom are women and children.

Only about 10,000 refugees in the camps are slated for resettlement in the United States over the next year. Those making the perilous trip to Europe are not.

The priority refugees from this group would be torture survivors, people with serious medical conditions, unaccompanied children and teens, and women and children at risk."

Donald Trump: Syrian refugees potentially headed to U.S. are mostly men

"UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

We have seen a different set of UNHCR numbers cited on a few conservative websites — figures for refugees and migrants who have tried to enter Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. There have been more than 400,000 such “sea arrivals” in 2015, and 51 percent are Syrian. The rest have come mainly from nine other countries. Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent —"

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees
We just don't need anymore here... The Country can't afford it.
Senator Cruz should be debating ISIS on the congress floor . How about a debate on authorizing war ?

Oh but they GOP won't do that . Cause they are grand standing pussies .
They would never vote for war.....that would require full war footing with draft and putting our private industries on a war footing. The RW would never stand for that.....just like they never would stand for anyone getting in the way of their junk food.

Wrong. It doesn't require anything of the sort. That's just left-wing hysteria talking.
Senator Cruz should be debating ISIS on the congress floor . How about a debate on authorizing war ?

Oh but they GOP won't do that . Cause they are grand standing pussies .
They would never vote for war.....that would require full war footing with draft and putting our private industries on a war footing. The RW would never stand for that.....just like they never would stand for anyone getting in the way of their junk food.

Wrong. It doesn't require anything of the sort. That's just left-wing hysteria talking.

A question brip.

What's stopping congress from debating war on ISIS? Debating funding ? Debating authorization of military force ?
Senator Cruz should be debating ISIS on the congress floor . How about a debate on authorizing war ?

Oh but they GOP won't do that . Cause they are grand standing pussies .
They would never vote for war.....that would require full war footing with draft and putting our private industries on a war footing. The RW would never stand for that.....just like they never would stand for anyone getting in the way of their junk food.

Wrong. It doesn't require anything of the sort. That's just left-wing hysteria talking.

A question brip.

What's stopping congress from debating war on ISIS? Debating funding ? Debating authorization of military force ?

They're a bunch of cowards.
Did President Obama mention Cruz? Surely the Senator is not the only Republican candidate who is afraid of the ME Refugee Women, Children, and pointed media questions is he?
Most of the refugees are men in their 20s and 30s...

Nope only those who are arriving in Europe by boat.......

But facts never stops the clown car does it?

".....conflating two different sets of refugees: Those 534,000 reaching Europe by sea, who are mostly men, and the 4 million Syrians in U.N. refugee camps, most of whom are women and children.

Only about 10,000 refugees in the camps are slated for resettlement in the United States over the next year. Those making the perilous trip to Europe are not.

The priority refugees from this group would be torture survivors, people with serious medical conditions, unaccompanied children and teens, and women and children at risk."

Donald Trump: Syrian refugees potentially headed to U.S. are mostly men

"UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

We have seen a different set of UNHCR numbers cited on a few conservative websites — figures for refugees and migrants who have tried to enter Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. There have been more than 400,000 such “sea arrivals” in 2015, and 51 percent are Syrian. The rest have come mainly from nine other countries. Most of these refugees and migrants have been men — 72 percent —"

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees
We just don't need anymore here... The Country can't afford it.

When called out on peddling the GOP misinformation, side step.

You really, really believe the unemployment number is that, the real one? Even that cluster fuck Bernie knows better.
Of course I do...when someone stops looking for work...that's called "retired", and that means they won't be coming back to the workforce, so they shouldn't count them.

During the last 10 Presidencies the measure of unemployment has been the same...but no....now you guys move the goalposts. That's even more cheap spin
No, They have just stopped altogether looking for work because there's nothing to look for... The Country is in a hopeless situation paying debt with more debt.

Bernie Sanders Says ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate Is Actually 10.5 Percent, DOUBLE The Official Rate [VIDEO]

Donald Trump on unemployment: He's right that it's 40% - Fortune
The U-6, at 10% is the number of people who want to work, could start a job immediately if offered, and have actively looked for work in the last year plus those who have jobs, want and are available to work 35+ hours/week but during the survey reference week worked fewer than 35 hours either because business was slow or because they couldn't find a a full time job as a percent of those who are working or want to, could start now, and actively looked in the last year.
So, how are you getting the idea that those who stopped looking stopped because there are no jobs? Less than half stopped looking because they BELIEVED there were not jobs (which may or may not have been true when they stopped and they have no way of knowing if it is still true). Most of the Marginally Attached stopped looking due to family issues, illness/injury, going to school or job training, or other personal reasons.

Oh, and it's a bit silly to say the official rate is wrong or a lie when the U-6 is published in the same report by the same people. They measure different things and answer different questions.
Yeah well some people are lazy and uselessly unemployable, too bad so sad for them if they can't adapt. I did.
Socialist entitlement programs encourage deadbeat behavior...
They don't encourage deadbeat behavior...they just bring it out in those who are already that way.

Stopping generational welfare abuse is as labor intensive as rounding up 11 million illegal aliens.

It really can't mathematically be done. Think about the manpower it would take to drug test millions of welfare recipients on a weekly basis, because they get paid once a week. What I am in favor of, is having a limit on how long you get benefits. Unemployment benefits don't go on forever, so neither should approvals for people who've been on general public assistance for years, and have 4 kids.
You know............Obama has already had his 2 terms as President and is no longer eligible to run again.

Why is the GOP acting like he's going to be a candidate?
Of course I do...when someone stops looking for work...that's called "retired", and that means they won't be coming back to the workforce, so they shouldn't count them.

During the last 10 Presidencies the measure of unemployment has been the same...but no....now you guys move the goalposts. That's even more cheap spin
No, They have just stopped altogether looking for work because there's nothing to look for... The Country is in a hopeless situation paying debt with more debt.

Bernie Sanders Says ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate Is Actually 10.5 Percent, DOUBLE The Official Rate [VIDEO]

Donald Trump on unemployment: He's right that it's 40% - Fortune
The U-6, at 10% is the number of people who want to work, could start a job immediately if offered, and have actively looked for work in the last year plus those who have jobs, want and are available to work 35+ hours/week but during the survey reference week worked fewer than 35 hours either because business was slow or because they couldn't find a a full time job as a percent of those who are working or want to, could start now, and actively looked in the last year.
So, how are you getting the idea that those who stopped looking stopped because there are no jobs? Less than half stopped looking because they BELIEVED there were not jobs (which may or may not have been true when they stopped and they have no way of knowing if it is still true). Most of the Marginally Attached stopped looking due to family issues, illness/injury, going to school or job training, or other personal reasons.

Oh, and it's a bit silly to say the official rate is wrong or a lie when the U-6 is published in the same report by the same people. They measure different things and answer different questions.
Yeah well some people are lazy and uselessly unemployable, too bad so sad for them if they can't adapt. I did.
Socialist entitlement programs encourage deadbeat behavior...
They don't encourage deadbeat behavior...they just bring it out in those who are already that way.

Stopping generational welfare abuse is as labor intensive as rounding up 11 million illegal aliens.

It really can't mathematically be done. Think about the manpower it would take to drug test millions of welfare recipients on a weekly basis, because they get paid once a week. What I am in favor of, is having a limit on how long you get benefits. Unemployment benefits don't go on forever, so neither should approvals for people who've been on general public assistance for years, and have 4 kids.


You know............Obama has already had his 2 terms as President and is no longer eligible to run again.

Why is the GOP acting like he's going to be a candidate?

I think America needs to be constantly reminded the The Bitch of Benghazi was part of Obama's failed administration and that she will give America more of the same.
Cruz is just flapping his jaws and throwing red meat to the base by challenging Obama.

Only reason he did such a grandstand move is because he's trying to move up his poll numbers and he knows that if he attacks Trump his polls will go down.
Did President Obama mention Cruz? Surely the Senator is not the only Republican candidate who is afraid of the ME Refugee Women, Children, and pointed media questions is he?
Most of the refugees are men in their 20s and 30s...

Of the 2000 refugees we have already taken in, only 2% fit that bill. The vast majority have been older, or women and children, but hey, it's a great way to scare everyone by telling them that most of the refugees are most likely terrorists.
Ever hear the term "sleeper"?

Ted Cruz is a sleeper. He's gonna wait until he thinks he has enough power and then he's gonna take out the big government and turn it Canadian.

Too bad his preacher voice tells everyone that he's a snake oil salesman.

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