Ted Cruz: 2nd Amendment Is 'Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny'

It looks like the board liberals are getting so desperate, that they put up a quote of a conservative saying something true (first line above), and then the liberal lies about it in the same post, with the refutation of the lie right there where he quoted it (third line above).

It's never been easy to be a liberal in the U.S.

Now that the media is no longer able to cover up their lies, it's even tougher.

Too bad, so sad.

Honestly, I believe that they are so afraid that that bitch Clinton will get her ass handed to her that they have started doing the propagandist work early. Goebbels would be proud of them.....keep repeating the lie.....
Boards/Forums and Blogs all over the country are becoming war zones. It IS a reflection of the country. Only question that remains is will they push this from the net into the streets?
I for one am ready to see the military take over for a while if this gets any worse. Military protocol IS a lot higher stands of ethics and honesty then we are seeing now.

Absolutely correct.

It was bad during Bush but it's ten times worse now.

These Lefty's really do NOT want any type of civil issue, they'll lose they are pussies.

Nope. The last thing on this earth I want is a military coup. I want a replaced government with the vast majority of power held at the State level (as it was intended). I want the federal government completely purged of the IRS, the DEA, The DoE, the Energy Department, The Commerce department, The NRO, the NSA, the DOJ, to name but a few.

I want the Congress to stay in their respective states (except when in session) and it be made illegal for them to live anywhere near DC and a Felony to accept ANY money from a lobbyist and contributions be limited to $100 Per registered voter. and I want absolute term limits placed on all positions of Congress - 2 six year terms for Senators, 3 Two year terms for Congressmen, 2 terms for President. I want NO UNIONS for federal employees and all contractual union agreements be declared null and void. No public employee should be allowed to earn more than their civilian counterpart.

Basically, I want the federal government completely gutted and the 4 million "laws" that they use to keep American in "check" overthrown and those responsibilities given to the States, as was intended.

That's what I want. It can be done, and it should be done.

Why do Libertarians hate America?

they aren't even really libertarians.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The 1st amendment is the ultimate check against government tyranny

The 2nd amendment just allows gun nuts to run around shooting each other

If only they would just shoot each other and leave innocent people alone.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The 1st amendment is the ultimate check against government tyranny

The 2nd amendment just allows gun nuts to run around shooting each other

Without the second how do you secure the first?
Words dont stop bullets...

Something more powerful than bullets........the right to vote

Been keeping Government in check for 230 years

Which the right is taking away from the American people.

Gerrymandering, voter suppression, vote theft ...

And RWs agree with it.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?

They think they pledge an oath to the President or something. that's twisted
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?

They think they pledge an oath to the President or something. that's twisted


StoopidStuff, Do you not know that THAT is exactly what they swear to do ?

The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted):

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The Oath of Office (for officers):

"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the _____ (Military Branch) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance tot he same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."

Before you raise your right hand, make sure you understand what you are swearing or attesting to. The oath of enlistment should not be taken lightly, you will be bound by it for the next 4 to 6 years at a minimum.
You're upset with him for knowing the purpose of the second amendment?

If you are against candidates who support armed insurrection I bet you hated Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and Adams.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The 1st amendment is the ultimate check against government tyranny

The 2nd amendment just allows gun nuts to run around shooting each other

Without the second how do you secure the first?
Words dont stop bullets...

Bullets can't kill ideas!
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

As soon as a gun nut kills one of our soldiers.....What makes you think the military will be on your side?
You're upset with him for knowing the purpose of the second amendment?

If you are against candidates who support armed insurrection I bet you hated Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and Adams.

None of the above advocated for an armed insurrection.

The DoI was not a declaration of war, it was a declaration of Independence.

It was the British that went to war against the Americans, not the other way around.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

Honestly, it has been beaten into them, from the time they were children till now. "We are a nation of laws" Regardless of whether the laws are "legal" or not. In other words - these ass clowns believe that any "law" that comes down from THEIR side is to be followed no matter what - it MUST be obeyed because, after all, it came from "their" side. On the other hand, any law that comes from "the other" side is not worth the paper it is written on and therefore not "legal"

So, because the half-breed is in office - should he ever desire to engage the military to quell any disturbance by those with whom they disagree with, it is expected that the "servants" of Obama in the military will comply and murder their friends and neighbors because, after all, Barry desires it.

It is rather funny that they don't seem to get that ridiculous logic like that is a two way street.

Fortunate for us - the ass clowns on this inane forum might be willing to lay down their lives for a tyranny such as Obama has installed- but few, if any in the military would.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

As soon as a gun nut kills one of our soldiers.....What makes you think the military will be on your side?

Ah....now they are "OUR" soldiers....right.......
I have a hint for the keyboard commandos out there. It has been demonstrated for hundreds of years that the armed forces do not fight for Truth, Liberty, and the American way. They fight for the guy standing on the left of him, and the guy standing on the right of him. Both of them are, by definition, their fellow armed forces, and whoever stands to kill them is the enemy.
Bet that title got your attention.

It may seem like fiction, but it's not. Ted Cruz just said that.

Ted Cruz 2nd Amendment Is Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny


It's a given that every Republican presidential candidate will run for president as a strong supporter of gun rights.

But Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is arguing that the Second Amendment includes a right to revolt against government tyranny, a point of emphasis uncommon for mainstream presidential candidates.

"The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution isn't for just protecting hunting rights, and it's not only to safeguard your right to target practice. It is a Constitutional right to protect your children, your family, your home, our lives, and to serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny -- for the protection of liberty," Cruz wrote to supporters in a fundraising email on Thursday, under the subject line "2nd Amendment against tyranny."

This "insurrectionist" argument, as Second Amendment expert and UCLA law professor Adam Winkler calls it, is popular among passionate gun owners and members of the National Rifle Association. But major party candidates for president don't often venture there.

"Most presidential candidates who support Second Amendment rights focus on self defense. In the past many have also emphasized hunting," said Winkler, author of the 2011 book Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America. "It's pretty rare for a presidential candidate to support the right of the people to revolt against the government."

Hmmmmm, interesting.

A declared presidential candidate who is for armed insurrection.

Hmmmmmmm, interesting.

Ted Cruz says that this 2nd Amendment remedy is for the protection of Liberty.

I wonder how he would exactly define "Liberty".

Either way, I think he just won the "We came unarmed --- this time" crowd.


Discuss. Is this maybe a bit extreme, or is this the necessary fight against the ebbil ebbil gubbermint?

Jesus, you're stupid. Ted Cruz is absolutely correct, you fool. Read the founding documents. My God, you clowns on the left, who claim such intelligence are certainly uninformed as a group.

Get it together, will you?

These words:

"serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny -- for the protection of liberty"

are not in the 2nd Amendment.

What part of illegal armed resurrection do you not understand?

Neither is separation of Church and State , yet the left run on that like it really is in the 1st amendment.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

Please see post #205.

The military is not on the "side" of either right or left. They are on the "side" of the oath they swear to.

US military has fired on US citizens before and would again.

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