Ted Cruz: 2nd Amendment Is 'Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny'

So, because the half-breed is in office

Another racist slur!

Oh wait! Weren't you going to show me how wrong I was when quoting Jefferson, Big Shot? Still waiting..........

Post #174!

Ted Cruz 2nd Amendment Is Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Thanks for confirming that you do have a reading comprehension disorder.

Sorry big dog. You haven't proven shit yet son. Keep trying. You OBVIOUSLY know nothing of Jefferson.

Your own Montecello links which is the primary source on Jefferson denounced that bogus quote of yours as having zero historical basis whatsoever.

Your lack of honesty and integrity is now on a par with your lack of credibility.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

As soon as a gun nut kills one of our soldiers.....What makes you think the military will be on your side?

Ah....now they are "OUR" soldiers....right.......

Seems that way

I am not the one advocating taking up arms against my country
Bet that title got your attention.

It may seem like fiction, but it's not. Ted Cruz just said that.

Ted Cruz 2nd Amendment Is Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny


Hmmmmm, interesting.

A declared presidential candidate who is for armed insurrection.

Hmmmmmmm, interesting.

Ted Cruz says that this 2nd Amendment remedy is for the protection of Liberty.

I wonder how he would exactly define "Liberty".

Either way, I think he just won the "We came unarmed --- this time" crowd.


Discuss. Is this maybe a bit extreme, or is this the necessary fight against the ebbil ebbil gubbermint?

Jesus, you're stupid. Ted Cruz is absolutely correct, you fool. Read the founding documents. My God, you clowns on the left, who claim such intelligence are certainly uninformed as a group.

Get it together, will you?

These words:

"serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny -- for the protection of liberty"

are not in the 2nd Amendment.

What part of illegal armed resurrection do you not understand?

Neither is separation of Church and State , yet the left run on that like it really is in the 1st amendment.

What else does the following mean if not separation of Church and State?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

It means the Feds can not force religious people to comply with Federal laws that violate their freedom to exercise their believes.
Which is what is happening right now.
It does not mean that God should be out of the Federal Government.
It does not mean that God should be out of the Federal Government

Isn't that what establishment of religion is?
Bet that title got your attention.

It may seem like fiction, but it's not. Ted Cruz just said that.

Ted Cruz 2nd Amendment Is Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny


Hmmmmm, interesting.

A declared presidential candidate who is for armed insurrection.

Hmmmmmmm, interesting.

Ted Cruz says that this 2nd Amendment remedy is for the protection of Liberty.

I wonder how he would exactly define "Liberty".

Either way, I think he just won the "We came unarmed --- this time" crowd.


Discuss. Is this maybe a bit extreme, or is this the necessary fight against the ebbil ebbil gubbermint?

Jesus, you're stupid. Ted Cruz is absolutely correct, you fool. Read the founding documents. My God, you clowns on the left, who claim such intelligence are certainly uninformed as a group.

Get it together, will you?

These words:

"serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny -- for the protection of liberty"

are not in the 2nd Amendment.

What part of illegal armed resurrection do you not understand?

Neither is separation of Church and State , yet the left run on that like it really is in the 1st amendment.

What else does the following mean if not separation of Church and State?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

It means the Feds can not force religious people to comply with Federal laws that violate their freedom to exercise their believes.
Which is what is happening right now.
It does not mean that God should be out of the Federal Government.

Actually it means exactly that.

American citizens have a right to a SECULAR government per the 1st Amendment.
The problem is the word, "insurrection". The founders knew that they had no chance of defeating Britain without help from another country. France was that country. The founders also knew that France was not going to go to war over the colonies, as long as they were colonies. Therefore, one of the first things they did was to send a delegation to France to get them to recognize that America was not a colony in insurrection, but an independent nation under siege by a foreign country. They succeeded in doing that. The founders would have denied to the death that they were an insurrection.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

Please see post #205.

The military is not on the "side" of either right or left. They are on the "side" of the oath they swear to.

US military has fired on US citizens before and would again.

Its obvious you have not served in our military. Let me educate you since you seem completely ignorant..."I, (NAME), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" it says the Constitution not America hating liberal filth.
An armed populace does not necessarily have or need the capability of defeating the military. What it does do, however, is raise the cost of someone in power using that military to oppress the people. If the cost is high, armed oppression is less likely. If the cost is low, it is more likely.
Jesus, you're stupid. Ted Cruz is absolutely correct, you fool. Read the founding documents. My God, you clowns on the left, who claim such intelligence are certainly uninformed as a group.

Get it together, will you?

These words:

"serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny -- for the protection of liberty"

are not in the 2nd Amendment.

What part of illegal armed resurrection do you not understand?

Neither is separation of Church and State , yet the left run on that like it really is in the 1st amendment.

What else does the following mean if not separation of Church and State?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

It means the Feds can not force religious people to comply with Federal laws that violate their freedom to exercise their believes.
Which is what is happening right now.
It does not mean that God should be out of the Federal Government.

Actually it means exactly that.

American citizens have a right to a SECULAR government per the 1st Amendment.

Then why have we always had Chaplains that open each House and Senate sessions each day with a prayer?
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

As soon as a gun nut kills one of our soldiers.....What makes you think the military will be on your side?

You libs really are stupid. Tell me who has historically made a habit of bad mouthing the US military? Yes liberals, its hilarious you think they would take your side. :laugh:

It is not liberals who are proposing to take up arms against our country. It is gun nuts

As soon as some gun nut kills a soldier for doing his job........you will not have a single member of the military on your side

Get something through your thick Neanderthal skills libs, its your base who commits most of the gun crime in this country, the vast majority.
Bet that title got your attention.

It may seem like fiction, but it's not. Ted Cruz just said that.

Ted Cruz 2nd Amendment Is Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny


Hmmmmm, interesting.

A declared presidential candidate who is for armed insurrection.

Hmmmmmmm, interesting.

Ted Cruz says that this 2nd Amendment remedy is for the protection of Liberty.

I wonder how he would exactly define "Liberty".

Either way, I think he just won the "We came unarmed --- this time" crowd.


Discuss. Is this maybe a bit extreme, or is this the necessary fight against the ebbil ebbil gubbermint?

Jesus, you're stupid. Ted Cruz is absolutely correct, you fool. Read the founding documents. My God, you clowns on the left, who claim such intelligence are certainly uninformed as a group.

Get it together, will you?

These words:

"serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny -- for the protection of liberty"

are not in the 2nd Amendment.

What part of illegal armed resurrection do you not understand?

Neither is separation of Church and State , yet the left run on that like it really is in the 1st amendment.

What else does the following mean if not separation of Church and State?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

It means the Feds can not force religious people to comply with Federal laws that violate their freedom to exercise their believes.
Which is what is happening right now.
It does not mean that God should be out of the Federal Government.

I had to go back to the top of the page to make sure what thread I was on. Either you, or I, are on the wrong one.
These words:

"serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny -- for the protection of liberty"

are not in the 2nd Amendment.

What part of illegal armed resurrection do you not understand?

Neither is separation of Church and State , yet the left run on that like it really is in the 1st amendment.

What else does the following mean if not separation of Church and State?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

It means the Feds can not force religious people to comply with Federal laws that violate their freedom to exercise their believes.
Which is what is happening right now.
It does not mean that God should be out of the Federal Government.

Actually it means exactly that.

American citizens have a right to a SECULAR government per the 1st Amendment.

Then why have we always had Chaplains that open each House and Senate sessions each day with a prayer?
It is kind of funny watching people tie themselves in knots desperately trying to pretend the Founding Fathers were not what they were.
These words:

"serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny -- for the protection of liberty"

are not in the 2nd Amendment.

What part of illegal armed resurrection do you not understand?

Neither is separation of Church and State , yet the left run on that like it really is in the 1st amendment.

What else does the following mean if not separation of Church and State?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

It means the Feds can not force religious people to comply with Federal laws that violate their freedom to exercise their believes.
Which is what is happening right now.
It does not mean that God should be out of the Federal Government.

Actually it means exactly that.

American citizens have a right to a SECULAR government per the 1st Amendment.

Then why have we always had Chaplains that open each House and Senate sessions each day with a prayer?

Utterly irrelevant.

What is encoded in the Law of the Land is what matters.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

As soon as a gun nut kills one of our soldiers.....What makes you think the military will be on your side?

Ah....now they are "OUR" soldiers....right.......

It wasn't that long ago the libs were chanting "this war is lost" and charging US military with war crimes. Seriously liberals are insane.

We're the ones who wanted to keep them from being needlessly slaughtered in Iraq.

That's a lie, your leaders in congress in fact demanded a 2nd vote on military action in Iraq so more of them could vote Yes. There you have it facts vs your lies.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

Please see post #205.

The military is not on the "side" of either right or left. They are on the "side" of the oath they swear to.

US military has fired on US citizens before and would again.

Its obvious you have not served in our military. Let me educate you since you seem completely ignorant..."I, (NAME), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" it says the Constitution not America hating liberal filth.

And I am sure that every soldier takes a minute or two to think that over before responding to someone who shoots at them....

We would never fire on our own military, your side on the other hand routinely shoots at cops so I wouldn't be surprised if they shot at the US military.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

Please see post #205.

The military is not on the "side" of either right or left. They are on the "side" of the oath they swear to.

US military has fired on US citizens before and would again.

Its obvious you have not served in our military. Let me educate you since you seem completely ignorant..."I, (NAME), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" it says the Constitution not America hating liberal filth.

And I am sure that every soldier takes a minute or two to think that over before responding to someone who shoots at them....

We would never fire on our own military, your side on the other hand routinely shoots at cops so I wouldn't be surprised if they shot at the US military.

Kind of an odd assumption on your part, considering that I am a Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteer in my community.

Are you sure that you aren't talking about Clive Bundy?
It looks like the board liberals are getting so desperate, that they put up a quote of a conservative saying something true (first line above), and then the liberal lies about it in the same post, with the refutation of the lie right there where he quoted it (third line above).
Boards/Forums and Blogs all over the country are becoming war zones. It IS a reflection of the country.
That's because, after their decades of liberal gains during the FDR/Truman years, and the holding actions they fought during the GHWB/Billary/GWB years, they are now losing consistently and badly, across the board. So they are fighting like cornered rats, lashing out at anything and everything, in hopes that that will somehow reverse the defeats they have suffered for the last six years.

The Axis powers did much the same thing as the Allies advanced on Germany and Japan... until most German cities lay in ruins, gigantic armies surrounded Berlin, and the Bomb fell on Japan.

Some people take a lot of learning.
Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

Please see post #205.

The military is not on the "side" of either right or left. They are on the "side" of the oath they swear to.

US military has fired on US citizens before and would again.

Its obvious you have not served in our military. Let me educate you since you seem completely ignorant..."I, (NAME), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" it says the Constitution not America hating liberal filth.

And I am sure that every soldier takes a minute or two to think that over before responding to someone who shoots at them....

We would never fire on our own military, your side on the other hand routinely shoots at cops so I wouldn't be surprised if they shot at the US military.

Kind of an odd assumption on your part, considering that I am a Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteer in my community.

Are you sure that you aren't talking about Clive Bundy?

Then you should be aware that the vast majority of crime in this country is committed by blacks and Hispanics, two groups Democrats claim as their base. So who is more likely to shoot at the US military, unlawful criminals with a track record of shooting at people including law enforcement or lawful, peaceful, gun owners. There you have it.
Please see post #205.

The military is not on the "side" of either right or left. They are on the "side" of the oath they swear to.

US military has fired on US citizens before and would again.

Its obvious you have not served in our military. Let me educate you since you seem completely ignorant..."I, (NAME), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" it says the Constitution not America hating liberal filth.

And I am sure that every soldier takes a minute or two to think that over before responding to someone who shoots at them....

We would never fire on our own military, your side on the other hand routinely shoots at cops so I wouldn't be surprised if they shot at the US military.

Kind of an odd assumption on your part, considering that I am a Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteer in my community.

Are you sure that you aren't talking about Clive Bundy?

Then you should be aware that the vast majority of crime in this country is committed by blacks and Hispanics, two groups Democrats claim as their base. So who is more likely to shoot at the US military, unlawful criminals with a track record of shooting at people including law enforcement or lawful, peaceful, gun owners. There you have it.

Thanks so much for that racist rant.

But I still think that you are talking about Clive Bundy and his pals!
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

As soon as a gun nut kills one of our soldiers.....What makes you think the military will be on your side?

You libs really are stupid. Tell me who has historically made a habit of bad mouthing the US military? Yes liberals, its hilarious you think they would take your side. :laugh:

It is not liberals who are proposing to take up arms against our country. It is gun nuts

As soon as some gun nut kills a soldier for doing his job........you will not have a single member of the military on your side

Get something through your thick Neanderthal skills libs, its your base who commits most of the gun crime in this country, the vast majority.

My base?

Seems it is the second amendment types responsible for 100% of it
Its obvious you have not served in our military. Let me educate you since you seem completely ignorant..."I, (NAME), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" it says the Constitution not America hating liberal filth.

And I am sure that every soldier takes a minute or two to think that over before responding to someone who shoots at them....

We would never fire on our own military, your side on the other hand routinely shoots at cops so I wouldn't be surprised if they shot at the US military.

Kind of an odd assumption on your part, considering that I am a Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteer in my community.

Are you sure that you aren't talking about Clive Bundy?

Then you should be aware that the vast majority of crime in this country is committed by blacks and Hispanics, two groups Democrats claim as their base. So who is more likely to shoot at the US military, unlawful criminals with a track record of shooting at people including law enforcement or lawful, peaceful, gun owners. There you have it.

Thanks so much for that racist rant.

But I still think that you are talking about Clive Bundy and his pals!

Go ahead dispute FBI crime statistics, how is stating FBI crime statistics racist? You played the race card now back it up or run and hide as I suspect you will.
Please see post #205.

The military is not on the "side" of either right or left. They are on the "side" of the oath they swear to.

US military has fired on US citizens before and would again.

Its obvious you have not served in our military. Let me educate you since you seem completely ignorant..."I, (NAME), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" it says the Constitution not America hating liberal filth.

And I am sure that every soldier takes a minute or two to think that over before responding to someone who shoots at them....

We would never fire on our own military, your side on the other hand routinely shoots at cops so I wouldn't be surprised if they shot at the US military.

Kind of an odd assumption on your part, considering that I am a Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteer in my community.

Are you sure that you aren't talking about Clive Bundy?

Then you should be aware that the vast majority of crime in this country is committed by blacks and Hispanics, two groups Democrats claim as their base. So who is more likely to shoot at the US military, unlawful criminals with a track record of shooting at people including law enforcement or lawful, peaceful, gun owners. There you have it.

Actually, the majority of crime is by whites

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