Ted Cruz: 2nd Amendment Is 'Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny'

Get back to us when those chaplains are passing legislation, m'kay?

What has that got to do with prayer and God in the Government?
They pray for the legislators to make wise and good laws based on good moral principals.

If you don't understand who is elected to pass legislation then there is no point in wasting time on this irrelevancy.

Who has ever been elected and wanted to get rid of the Chaplains in the 238 soon to be 239 years of our Nation?

There have been protests against the constitutionality of appointed chaplains going as far back as 1850.

Ignorance is not an excuse given that the internet is available to all.

Protests yes, but they are still here aren't they?

Quite a bit of things on the internet is not true.

You have failed in your premise to claim that the US government is not secular.
I think that Peach is saying that the Congressional chaplains should arm themselves , which is their 2nd amendment right, and fight a holy war for Ted Cruz.....,or something like that....

No I'm not.
I'm commenting on Derideo_TE's wrong statement on the USA being a secular government.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Onus is on you to prove that the government is not secular. The military appoints chaplains but that doesn't make it holy or the wars it engages in crusades.

So does the House and Senate.
The Second is actually meant to do the opposite. That's why in light of the Second we have Art. 1 Sec. 8 and the Militia Acts.
We would never fire on our own military, your side on the other hand routinely shoots at cops so I wouldn't be surprised if they shot at the US military.

Kind of an odd assumption on your part, considering that I am a Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteer in my community.

Are you sure that you aren't talking about Clive Bundy?

Then you should be aware that the vast majority of crime in this country is committed by blacks and Hispanics, two groups Democrats claim as their base. So who is more likely to shoot at the US military, unlawful criminals with a track record of shooting at people including law enforcement or lawful, peaceful, gun owners. There you have it.

Thanks so much for that racist rant.

But I still think that you are talking about Clive Bundy and his pals!

Go ahead dispute FBI crime statistics, how is stating FBI crime statistics racist? You played the race card now back it up or run and hide as I suspect you will.

I played the race card? Was that the post I made right after you blamed blacks and hispanics for gun violence?

Yes you placed the race card, its hilarious that you try to pretend you didn't.
What has that got to do with prayer and God in the Government?
They pray for the legislators to make wise and good laws based on good moral principals.

If you don't understand who is elected to pass legislation then there is no point in wasting time on this irrelevancy.

Who has ever been elected and wanted to get rid of the Chaplains in the 238 soon to be 239 years of our Nation?

There have been protests against the constitutionality of appointed chaplains going as far back as 1850.

Ignorance is not an excuse given that the internet is available to all.

Protests yes, but they are still here aren't they?

Quite a bit of things on the internet is not true.

You have failed in your premise to claim that the US government is not secular.

If we were secular we would not have house and senate Chaplains.
If you don't understand who is elected to pass legislation then there is no point in wasting time on this irrelevancy.

Who has ever been elected and wanted to get rid of the Chaplains in the 238 soon to be 239 years of our Nation?

There have been protests against the constitutionality of appointed chaplains going as far back as 1850.

Ignorance is not an excuse given that the internet is available to all.

Protests yes, but they are still here aren't they?

Quite a bit of things on the internet is not true.

You have failed in your premise to claim that the US government is not secular.

If we were secular we would not have house and senate Chaplains.

Utter nonsense!
He's 100% correct and liberals heads are exploding!


The libs hate freedom and power of the people.

We invented it

Too bad that they have not stayed that way.

We are not the ones advocating violent overthrow of our government....you are

They would not have to if the Government actually followed the Constitution.

Onus is on you prove that it isn't and to use the Law of the Land to prove your allegations.

Instead you advocate violent insurrection because you can't prove that the government is not following the Constitution.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The 1st amendment is the ultimate check against government tyranny

The 2nd amendment just allows gun nuts to run around shooting each other

Without the second how do you secure the first?
Words dont stop bullets...

Bullets can't kill ideas!

But they can kill the people that have them.
As they say,dont get any crazy ideas......sometimes they can be fatal.
Okay I added the last part.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

As soon as a gun nut kills one of our soldiers.....What makes you think the military will be on your side?

You libs really are stupid. Tell me who has historically made a habit of bad mouthing the US military? Yes liberals, its hilarious you think they would take your side. :laugh:

It is not liberals who are proposing to take up arms against our country. It is gun nuts

As soon as some gun nut kills a soldier for doing his job........you will not have a single member of the military on your side

So why exactly does Nancy Pelousy and obamas DHS call returning vets potential terrorist?
We know why and so do you.
Liberals fear the Patriotic nature of veterans,and rightfully so.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The 1st amendment is the ultimate check against government tyranny

The 2nd amendment just allows gun nuts to run around shooting each other

Without the second how do you secure the first?
Words dont stop bullets...

Bullets can't kill ideas!

But they can kill the people that have them.
As they say,dont get any crazy ideas......sometimes they can be fatal.
Okay I added the last part.

People die!

Ideas are immortal!

Yes, that includes crazy ideas like believing that God spoke to you and told you to start a religion. Those ideas are just as immortal as the ones about freedom, liberty and equality.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The 1st amendment is the ultimate check against government tyranny

The 2nd amendment just allows gun nuts to run around shooting each other

Without the second how do you secure the first?
Words dont stop bullets...

Bullets can't kill ideas!

But they can kill the people that have them.
As they say,dont get any crazy ideas......sometimes they can be fatal.
Okay I added the last part.

People die!

Ideas are immortal!

Yes, that includes crazy ideas like believing that God spoke to you and told you to start a religion. Those ideas are just as immortal as the ones about freedom, liberty and equality.

Dont spout your opinions about religion to me,I havent been inside a church in 45 years other than for a wedding.
But I also know this country was built on Christianity and I can respect that.
And you call conservatives intolerant...

Twenty guys with guns can kill a whole lot of idea armed moon bats.
And while ideas are great,they dont stand a chance without the clout to back them up.
The libs hate freedom and power of the people.

We invented it

Too bad that they have not stayed that way.

We are not the ones advocating violent overthrow of our government....you are

They would not have to if the Government actually followed the Constitution.

Onus is on you prove that it isn't and to use the Law of the Land to prove your allegations.

Instead you advocate violent insurrection because you can't prove that the government is not following the Constitution.

Making a statement about insurrection like Cruz did, is not advocating it.

Supreme Courts rulings says that they have many times.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

I hear that worked out great in Afghanistan.

The idea that asymmetries of power render a group militarily helpless is little better than a joke. The lessons of Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan ought to be enough to put to rest the idea that a smaller, less well-armed force cannot put up a lasting resistance to a mighty military.

In the end, it is important to realize that the Second Amendment is just as relevant today as it ever was. Human nature has hardly changed in 200 years, and the rights we possess are no less inalienable or self-evident. Anyone trying to erode our constitutionally-enshrined rights should be immediately held suspect. If we do not protect our own rights, who will?
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The 1st amendment is the ultimate check against government tyranny

The 2nd amendment just allows gun nuts to run around shooting each other

Without the second how do you secure the first?
Words dont stop bullets...

Bullets can't kill ideas!

But they can kill the people that have them.
As they say,dont get any crazy ideas......sometimes they can be fatal.
Okay I added the last part.

People die!

Ideas are immortal!

Yes, that includes crazy ideas like believing that God spoke to you and told you to start a religion. Those ideas are just as immortal as the ones about freedom, liberty and equality.

Dont spout your opinions about religion to me,I havent been inside a church in 45 years other than for a wedding.
But I also know this country was built on Christianity and I can respect that.
And you call conservatives intolerant...

Twenty guys with guns can kill a whole lot of idea armed moon bats.
And while ideas are great,they dont stand a chance without the clout to back them up.

You and reality have never been introduced to each other, have you?
We invented it

Too bad that they have not stayed that way.

We are not the ones advocating violent overthrow of our government....you are

They would not have to if the Government actually followed the Constitution.

Onus is on you prove that it isn't and to use the Law of the Land to prove your allegations.

Instead you advocate violent insurrection because you can't prove that the government is not following the Constitution.

Making a statement about insurrection like Cruz did, is not advocating it.

Supreme Courts rulings says that they have many times.


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