Ted Cruz: 2nd Amendment Is 'Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny'

Liberals fear the Patriotic nature of veterans,and rightfully so.


One of the guys on my volleyball team told me that, as a vet, the main thing he remembers about Vietnam is the smell of marijuana and napalm. Other than that, his memories have been repressed. it did, however, teach him never to trust anything to do with the military again.
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

No they don't. Are you insane?

The military are on the side of government..........ahhhhh, conservatives don't like government, so I wonder how they think the military would be on their side!
Most of our in-house Leftists are Euro-peons... posing as US Citizens.

I have sometimes wondered if that is the case, because some of these guys seem clueless about basic American history. There have been a few times when I have been tempted to ask them where they to school because I was surprised by the stuff they did not know.

It is amazing to have someone who calls themselves an "American" get on here and pretend to be shocked at the factual observation that the founders viewed private gun ownership as a safeguard against a tyrannical federal government. I mean, you have to wonder just what they have read on the subject.

It's not even a debatable point.

From their common use of European colloquialisms, to their profound ignorance of American principle... most of these idiots have no kinship with American principle.
Liberals fear the Patriotic nature of veterans,and rightfully so.


One of the guys on my volleyball team told me that, as a vet, the main thing he remembers about Vietnam is the smell of marijuana and napalm. Other than that, his memories have been repressed. it did, however, teach him never to trust anything to do with the military again.

My recollection of the military was the sheer utter boredom and pointlessness of it all. Oh, and uncanny ability of the military to find the most Godforsaken places on the planet to send you to in the worst possible weather conditions.
Most of our in-house Leftists are Euro-peons... posing as US Citizens.

I have sometimes wondered if that is the case, because some of these guys seem clueless about basic American history. There have been a few times when I have been tempted to ask them where they to school because I was surprised by the stuff they did not know.

It is amazing to have someone who calls themselves an "American" get on here and pretend to be shocked at the factual observation that the founders viewed private gun ownership as a safeguard against a tyrannical federal government. I mean, you have to wonder just what they have read on the subject.

It's not even a debatable point.

From their common use of European colloquialisms, to their profound ignorance of American principle... most of these idiots have no kinship with American principle.

So saith the idiots that are trying to shred the Constitution and rewrite it to suit their antiquated beliefs.
My recollection of the military was when the draft board reclassification arrived in the mail with a 1Y rating after my physical. Champagne corks popped all night!
Most of our in-house Leftists are Euro-peons... posing as US Citizens.

I have sometimes wondered if that is the case, because some of these guys seem clueless about basic American history. There have been a few times when I have been tempted to ask them where they to school because I was surprised by the stuff they did not know.

It is amazing to have someone who calls themselves an "American" get on here and pretend to be shocked at the factual observation that the founders viewed private gun ownership as a safeguard against a tyrannical federal government. I mean, you have to wonder just what they have read on the subject.
Actually most conservatives demonstrate that they're clueless about basic American history, the Constitution, its case law, and fundamental elements of American public policy and governance.

So the Constitution has 'case law'?

Amazing... If you were even a born and bread US Citizen, you'd know that Case Law has absolutely NO BEARING on the US Constitution. The US Constitution was written sans case law and references not a single legal statute.

As a Euro-peon, you 'feel'; and no doubt quite strongly that 'case law' alters the US Constitution, when in fact the would-be decisions of Federal jurist have no bearing whatsoever on the US Constitution.

It's not a matter of one being tempted to ask conservatives where they attended school because clearly they haven't.

LOL! Sweet Mother you're an idiot.

This nonsense about the Second Amendment 'trumping the First Amendment and 'authorizing' citizens to unilaterally engage in 'armed rebellion' because they subjectively perceive the government 'tyrannical' is but one of many examples of rightwing ignorance.

The US Constitution was written as a direct and inalterable CONSEQUENCE of Armed Rebellion... dumbass.
I guess Darkfury went away and hid........after we gave him the definition of "tikkun olam"............he must be embarrassed?
Liberals fear the Patriotic nature of veterans,and rightfully so.


One of the guys on my volleyball team told me that, as a vet, the main thing he remembers about Vietnam is the smell of marijuana and napalm. Other than that, his memories have been repressed. it did, however, teach him never to trust anything to do with the military again.

My recollection of the military was the sheer utter boredom and pointlessness of it all. Oh, and uncanny ability of the military to find the most Godforsaken places on the planet to send you to in the worst possible weather conditions.

No shit-bird has ever demonstrated the nature of the malcontent better than that.

Proving once again that you can NOT hide the idiots. They simply can't shut up long enough for that to happen.
As for me, Malo Nukkit is my favorite rock band. I'm not sure that I know what set him off, unless he just doesn't like their music. i feel the same way about the Oak Ridge Boys.
As for me, Malo Nukkit is my favorite rock band. I'm not sure that I know what set him off, unless he just doesn't like their music. i feel the same way about the Oak Ridge Boys.

Wasn't Malo Nukkit big during the Glam Rock era and they started out by doing opening acts for Boy George?
As for me, Malo Nukkit is my favorite rock band. I'm not sure that I know what set him off, unless he just doesn't like their music. i feel the same way about the Oak Ridge Boys.

Wasn't Malo Nukkit big during the Glam Rock era and they started out by doing opening acts for Boy George?

That's them. They were doing pretty well until the lead singer had a sex change operation. She performs solo under the name of "Madonna" now....
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?
Some of them would. How many ex military are there? More than enough to deal with the few that would choose the obama.

There wouldnt be to many that would side with the libs thats for sure.
It just boggles the mind that liberals think the military would support them when and if there's ever social unrest.
They think of the military like they're a tool they can just take out and put to use,totally ignoring the fact that they are Patriots with strong opinions about our country and the Constitution.
The military tends to support the middle class and above, if you follow military coups in other countries. Though, how they react would depend on the state, whoever incites unrest.

The military supports the Constitution.
If the people revolted due to a tyrannical gov that ignored the constitution it's pretty obvious who's side they'd be on.
I cant think of a single situation where the military would side with dems.
It's pretty obvious you're an ignorant idiot and ridiculous partisan hack.

The Second Amendment recognizes the right of individuals to possess handguns pursuant to the right of self-defense, having nothing to do with militia service; the right to bear arms is the right of each citizen to possess a firearm for the protection of himself and his home, not 'overthrow' the government because he doesn't like paying taxes.
As for me, Malo Nukkit is my favorite rock band. I'm not sure that I know what set him off, unless he just doesn't like their music. i feel the same way about the Oak Ridge Boys.

Wasn't Malo Nukkit big during the Glam Rock era and they started out by doing opening acts for Boy George?

That's them. They were doing pretty well until the lead singer had a sex change operation. She performs solo under the name of "Madonna" now....

Wasn't she an item with Ann Coulter?
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

Ahahaha I don't get why America hating liberals think the US Military would be on their side :laugh:

As soon as a gun nut kills one of our soldiers.....What makes you think the military will be on your side?

You libs really are stupid. Tell me who has historically made a habit of bad mouthing the US military? Yes liberals, its hilarious you think they would take your side. :laugh:

It is not liberals who are proposing to take up arms against our country. It is gun nuts

As soon as some gun nut kills a soldier for doing his job........you will not have a single member of the military on your side

So why exactly does Nancy Pelousy and obamas DHS call returning vets potential terrorist?
We know why and so do you.
Liberals fear the Patriotic nature of veterans,and rightfully so.

Crazy guys with with guns are still crazy guys with guns

They don't deserve an exemption for having been in the military
I don't get why the militia types think they could take on the US military and win.

And yes, the military would fire on US citizens. They swear an oath to do exactly that.

I hear that worked out great in Afghanistan.

The idea that asymmetries of power render a group militarily helpless is little better than a joke. The lessons of Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan ought to be enough to put to rest the idea that a smaller, less well-armed force cannot put up a lasting resistance to a mighty military.

In the end, it is important to realize that the Second Amendment is just as relevant today as it ever was. Human nature has hardly changed in 200 years, and the rights we possess are no less inalienable or self-evident. Anyone trying to erode our constitutionally-enshrined rights should be immediately held suspect. If we do not protect our own rights, who will?
The second amendment was obsolete shortly after it was passed. As soon as we dropped the idea of militias
I'm not going to say whether the right wingers are correct or incorrect in believing that the Second Amendment allows them to commit armed insurrection against the government should they believe it to be tyrannical. I am going to say that, if they do publicly state this, then I'll sleep happier knowing they'll have been placed on a watch list as soon as they pressed "post reply".

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