Ted Cruz: 2nd Amendment Is 'Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny'

Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.
Such an order might be just what's needed to goad the generals into a coup. obama isn't exactly popular among the demoralized military.

An order from obama to bomb American cities and open fire on American citizens would be an entirely fitting legacy for him.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?
Some of them would. How many ex military are there? More than enough to deal with the few that would choose the obama.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?
Some of them would. How many ex military are there? More than enough to deal with the few that would choose the obama.

There wouldnt be to many that would side with the libs thats for sure.
It just boggles the mind that liberals think the military would support them when and if there's ever social unrest.
They think of the military like they're a tool they can just take out and put to use,totally ignoring the fact that they are Patriots with strong opinions about our country and the Constitution.
Liberals could well be relying on a military with a majority of foreigners . Then they have a chance. Not much of a chance because active duty are vastly outnumbered by former military.

Still and all, obama making himself a western Bashir Assad is not entirely unattractive.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?
Some of them would. How many ex military are there? More than enough to deal with the few that would choose the obama.

There wouldnt be to many that would side with the libs thats for sure.
It just boggles the mind that liberals think the military would support them when and if there's ever social unrest.
They think of the military like they're a tool they can just take out and put to use,totally ignoring the fact that they are Patriots with strong opinions about our country and the Constitution.
The military tends to support the middle class and above, if you follow military coups in other countries. Though, how they react would depend on the state, whoever incites unrest.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?
Some of them would. How many ex military are there? More than enough to deal with the few that would choose the obama.

There wouldnt be to many that would side with the libs thats for sure.
It just boggles the mind that liberals think the military would support them when and if there's ever social unrest.
They think of the military like they're a tool they can just take out and put to use,totally ignoring the fact that they are Patriots with strong opinions about our country and the Constitution.
The military tends to support the middle class and above, if you follow military coups in other countries. Though, how they react would depend on the state, whoever incites unrest.

The military supports the Constitution.
If the people revolted due to a tyrannical gov that ignored the constitution it's pretty obvious who's side they'd be on.
I cant think of a single situation where the military would side with dems.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?
Some of them would. How many ex military are there? More than enough to deal with the few that would choose the obama.

Do you ever listen to yourself? Do you actually believe the crazy shit you spout?
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?
Some of them would. How many ex military are there? More than enough to deal with the few that would choose the obama.

Do you ever listen to yourself? Do you actually believe the crazy shit you spout?

Of course they believe what they write. They are fucking insane. And insane people always believe themselves to be correct about what ever makes them insane.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

Why cant liberals get it through their heads that the military would be on the side of the people,not the government.
When Nancy Pelosi and the DHS says returning vets are a terrorist threat and Feinstein calls all vets mentally ill,do you truly believe they'll fight for the liberals?
Some of them would. How many ex military are there? More than enough to deal with the few that would choose the obama.

There wouldnt be to many that would side with the libs thats for sure.
It just boggles the mind that liberals think the military would support them when and if there's ever social unrest.
They think of the military like they're a tool they can just take out and put to use,totally ignoring the fact that they are Patriots with strong opinions about our country and the Constitution.
The military tends to support the middle class and above, if you follow military coups in other countries. Though, how they react would depend on the state, whoever incites unrest.

The military supports the Constitution.
If the people revolted due to a tyrannical gov that ignored the constitution it's pretty obvious who's side they'd be on.
I cant think of a single situation where the military would side with dems.
Depends on the state, as the military base is more likely to be sympathetic to the state it is in - unless the vast majority are from other states (and haven't lived in the state long).
lol at loons who think the 2nd amendment gives them the right to legally shoot lawfully elected government officials they happen to disagree with politically.
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The nutters say the military would not obey the command to fire on their countrymen.

They ignore that the military swears an oath to do exactly that. They also ignore that it has happened several times in the past.

Some have even said they could take the government and win.

If you had the slightest grip on history, you would know that the last armed insurrection was called the Civil War and it did not go well.

Try again, this time with some intelligence.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I JUST ran your signature on my search engine. I'm DONE talking to you.
My sig file in USMB made you mad? As in Mad Cow disease? Ok.... [emoji38]

It always humors me to find how Righties get all personal when they get mad. Like a bunch of little kids.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
This .... תיקון עולם, baby, תיקון עולם under your screen name not siggy sorry. Tell the good folks what that says. Or they can Google it.
They already know. It means TIKKUN OLAM. A Jewish principle of repairing the world through good deeds and showing loving kindness towards our neighbors is something that disturbs you? Because that's what TIKKUN OLAM means. Or do you just hate Judaism in general, great-grandpa?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
They can put it in their search engine. YOU I want NOTHING to do with. Good Bye.

I did, and it says "Making the world a better place" - what is wrong with that, ignoramus?

What does tikkun olam mean
My sig file in USMB made you mad? As in Mad Cow disease? Ok.... [emoji38]

It always humors me to find how Righties get all personal when they get mad. Like a bunch of little kids.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
This .... תיקון עולם, baby, תיקון עולם under your screen name not siggy sorry. Tell the good folks what that says. Or they can Google it.
They already know. It means TIKKUN OLAM. A Jewish principle of repairing the world through good deeds and showing loving kindness towards our neighbors is something that disturbs you? Because that's what TIKKUN OLAM means. Or do you just hate Judaism in general, great-grandpa?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
They can put it in their search engine. YOU I want NOTHING to do with. Good Bye.

So, great-grandpa is not only senile, he hates Jews. A Tea Partier who hates Jews. I am sooooo surprised.

This ugly type of trolling is how you have 30, 000 post already in a little over a year. I don't how you get away with this
you're such a frikken loser. who wants to join a board to watch you all the time. hard telling how many people you've chased off of joining here

Says the loser who is the biggest troll here! You're still here......if you hate it so much why don't you just leave?
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The 1st amendment is the ultimate check against government tyranny

The 2nd amendment just allows gun nuts to run around shooting each other
And just for information, Lindsey Graham, the first Princess of South Carolina, thinks this is a bridge too far to go...

Graham Knocks Cruz On Guns And Tyranny We Tried That Once... I m Not Looking For An Insurrection

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz's argument that the Second Amendment provides the "ultimate check against government tyranny" is a bit too extreme for potential 2016 rival and fellow Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

"Well, we tried that once in South Carolina. I wouldn't go down that road again," Graham said, in an apparent reference to the Civil War. "I think an informed electorate is probably a better check than, you know, guns in the streets."

Speaking to a few reporters near the Senate floor Thursday, Graham was answering questions from TPM about the Texas firebrand and presidential candidate's argument made in a fundraising email that the Second Amendment confers a right to revolt against the government.

"The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution isn't for just protecting hunting rights, and it's not only to safeguard your right to target practice. It is a Constitutional right to protect your children, your family, your home, our lives, and to serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny -- for the protection of liberty," Cruz wrote in the email Thursday, with the subject line "2nd Amendment against tyranny."

Graham demurred. "I'm not looking for an insurrection. I'm looking to defeat Hillary," he said. "We're not going to out-gun her."
Just when it was looking likie your not a total knot head,you post this !!!
He is 1000% correct.

Who's the knothead? There is no such thing as 1000%........dummy.

So, who in your opinion is correct? Cruz or Graham? You didn't say...........:D
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The 1st amendment is the ultimate check against government tyranny

The 2nd amendment just allows gun nuts to run around shooting each other

Without the second how do you secure the first?
Words dont stop bullets...
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The nutters say the military would not obey the command to fire on their countrymen.

They ignore that the military swears an oath to do exactly that. They also ignore that it has happened several times in the past.

Some have even said they could take the government and win.


They fail to understand that once gun nuts fire on our military, the wrath of god will come down on them
Ted Cruz obviously doesn't realize the sillness of his own claim, as armed militias or armed citizens for that matter are no match for the National Guard, let alone the full forces of the US military. You would have better luck wishing generals stage a military coup.

The 1st amendment is the ultimate check against government tyranny

The 2nd amendment just allows gun nuts to run around shooting each other

Without the second how do you secure the first?
Words dont stop bullets...

Something more powerful than bullets........the right to vote

Been keeping Government in check for 230 years

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