Ted Cruz Admits Budget Standoff Was All About Building Fundraising Lists

Think Progress? Seriously?

Now look. If I wanted to read Think Progress articles day in and day out, you know what? I would go to Think Progress and read them.

I am at USMB message board for discussion. Not to read liberal articles.

Priorities of professional politicians, in order:

1. Themselves and their careers
2. Fundraising and re-election
3. Their next television interview
4. Their constituents and the country

It wasn't about fundraising, it's about making himself famous.

Ted Cruz has ambitions. Or perhaps he had them.
its all about getting reelected/fund-raising & the t party sheeple fell for it. He never had a chance of getting anything changed. He bluffed and it cost this great nation $24 BILLION in GDP. Sad that.
The Government shutdown cost taxpayers $24 Billion, to 'build teabagger fundraising lists'. Teabaggers should be proud!

Ted Cruz Admits Budget Standoff Was All About Building Fundraising Lists | ThinkProgress

That's been known for a while now but if all he got was 2 million people, it was a failure.

Really, sane people see him for the nutter he is. If they had doubts, watching his fake filibuster against a bill he supported and then voted for was more than enough proof. He's just another tee potty bent on bringing the country down and lining his own pockets.
its all about getting reelected/fund-raising & the t party sheeple fell for it. He never had a chance of getting anything changed. He bluffed and it cost this great nation $24 BILLION in GDP. Sad that.

Yeah, just gloss over the blantant dishonesty of the article title and OP's thread title.

Lying is ok for progressives, because THEY CARE.
The Government shutdown cost taxpayers $24 Billion, to 'build teabagger fundraising lists'. Teabaggers should be proud!

Ted Cruz Admits Budget Standoff Was All About Building Fundraising Lists | ThinkProgress

yep. Plain as the nose on your face.

its a lie and you know it. He said no such thing, the article infers it.

they had nothing to bargain with other than shutting down the government. Thats not a viable bargaining position. It was one big t party photo op & email fundraiser.

omg people believe that crap they put out still

I'd believe the National enquire before I would that site...

some of you just can't post nothing but garbage
nothing but pot stirring crap here anymore

this thread shouldn't be in politics, conspiracy theories is more like it
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its all about getting reelected/fund-raising & the t party sheeple fell for it. He never had a chance of getting anything changed. He bluffed and it cost this great nation $24 BILLION in GDP. Sad that.
He'll make plenty just from selling all those email addresses, phone numbers etc.
The Government shutdown cost taxpayers $24 Billion, to 'build teabagger fundraising lists'. Teabaggers should be proud!

Ted Cruz Admits Budget Standoff Was All About Building Fundraising Lists | ThinkProgress

That's what republicans are about. Money is their god. Their only god.

really, that's why seven out of the top ten richest members of congress are, Democrats

they have it but they could care less about it, right?...that's why they hang onto theirs and USE yours and others taxpayers monies for their CARING of others...

they do have you all fooled though, that's what they count on
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not JUST a fund-raising list.

Most Americans have no clue who Ted Cruze is.

He's trying to grab some headlines too.
not JUST a fund-raising list.

Most Americans have no clue who Ted Cruze is.

He's trying to grab some headlines too.

I think it's safe to say that anyone paying attention at all knows who he is now.

The question, is that a good thing for him?

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