Ted Cruz calls William Barr a honey badger

Barr slays it. What an interview.


I thought you called Trump a liar.
If there really is a "Plan" that's implemented to take down the entire Deep State and the American Taliban, I'll set off fireworks
I recall seeing a small clip about the honey badger many years ago in some broader animal documentary and I was amazed at how fearless they were. As a consumer of knowledge about the animal kingdom and our universe, it always stuck with me how Kamikaze-pilot like they were.

Here is a great link that tells you all you need to know, my favourite line to illustrate their mindeset:

11 Reasons Honey Badgers are the Most Fearless Animals Alive

11 Reasons Honey Badgers are the Most Fearless Animals Alive

4. They don’t give up – ever!
If a larger predator attacks them, they fight until death (for them or their prey)! One badger, Stoffel, at the Moholoholo Rehab Centre in Limpopo, clawed his way out of his enclosure and buried under an electric fence to attack lions. :laughing0301::salute:
Here's another one for you guys, in case you're thinking about a honey badger for a pet instead of grabbing a puppy next time at the pet store, lol:

Can you have a Honey Badger as a Pet?

Can you have a Honey Badger as a Pet?.

Yes, a Honey Badger could theoretically be kept as a pet, but experts strongly discourage this animal as a pet. Honey Badgers are extremely dangerous, very predatory, and notoriously vicious in their attacks. This alone would make it very risky to keep one in or near your home, and the potential lethal consequences are amplified if you have children or other more traditional pets like cats or dogs.

Barr slays it. What an interview.

Will the honey badger help Trump lose the elections? Stay tuned.

How specifically?

With his actions in Lafayette square, acting as Trump's aide by trying to fire Berman, etc.
By the way stop asking me questions for which you know the answers.

They offered Berman two other positions, he refused them, now he's unemployed. That's on him.


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