Ted Cruz doesn't know much about the law


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Ted Cruz: President Can Ignore 'Fundamentally Illegitimate,' Nazi-Like Gay Marriage Decision

"In an interview with influential social conservative commentator Robert George on the Catholic television network EWTN last month, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said that the president should defy the Supreme Court’s “fundamentally illegitimate” decision striking down bans on same-sex marriage, which he compared to “Nazi decrees.”
Saying that it is “profoundly wrong” to refer to the gay marriage decision as the law of the land, Cruz said, “I think the decision was fundamentally illegitimate, it was lawless, it was not based on the Constitution.”

Ted Cruz's Campaign Insists He's Not A 'Gay Basher,' But He Has No Problem Embracing Those Who Are

"Ted Cruz's presidential campaign has been openly contemptuous and downright dismissive of anyone who has tried to get the Republican presidential hopeful to explain why he spoke at a conference last month organized and hosted by extremist pastor and radio host Kevin Swanson.

On multiple occasions prior the conference, and twice during the conference itself, Swanson explicitly endorsed the idea of imposing the death penalty for homosexuality, yet the Cruz campaign has cavalierly waved away questions about his appearance along side Swanson at his conference, insisting that Cruz is not some sort of "gay basher":

Cruz's refusal to denounce Swanson and his views is rather interesting, especially since Swanson himself has no trouble denouncing anyone who does not share his "kill the gays" views."
No he's just a stickler for the Constitution. He believes that the Supreme Court has overstepped their bounds. Just because some one like Cruz doesn't agree with a SCOTUS decision doesn't make them ignorant of the law. They just have a different interpretation of the law.

BTW Dershowitz call Cruz's legal mind off the charts brilliant.

"Ted Cruz has taken heat for appearing at a fundraiser at the home of two openly gay men. At that private event, he was asked how he would react if he found out one of his daughters was gay, and he said he would love her unconditionally.

Cruz vigorously defended his appearance at the fundraiser, stressing that it was primarily a pro-Israel fundraiser. "Unfortunately, our good friends in the press caricature support for traditional marriage in terms of animus," he said.

"The only explanation that makes sense to reporters is that anyone who supports traditional marriage must be somehow motivated by hatred for those who are homosexuals. It's why this story seems so puzzling to the media."

Cruz said he is concerned that women like the owner of an Indiana pizzeria will suffer because they oppose gay marriage. "Scripture commands us to love everyone, & that ought to be a standard that applies across the board," he said. Cruz said liberals are obsessed with "mandatory gay marriage in all 50 states."

Ted Cruz on Civil Rights
Liberal Alan Dershowitz: Ted Cruz Was Among the Smartest Students I’ve Ever Taught
Posted on March 24, 2015 by Steven Ahle
Liberal Harvard law prof, Alan Dershowitz told the Daily Caller that Ted Cruz was among the smartest students he ever taught. He says that he and Cruz would debate whileDershowitz’s class would watch:

“He was always very active in class, presenting a libertarian point of view. He didn’t strike me as a social conservative, more of a libertarian.”

“He had brilliant insights and he was clearly among the top students, as revealed by his class responses.”

Dershowitz also had praise for Elizabeth Warren. He says the IQ went up in the senate when those two were elected. (Guess which one is the evil twin?) Dershowitz says that Cruz’s career hasn’t surprised him one bit. Cruz started as law clerk for Justice William Rehnquist, then Texas solicitor general, and is now a US Senator from Texas. Before he announced that he was running for president, Dershowitz didn’t think he would run. He said he believed that Cruz would try to establish himself more before running for president.

Huffington Post editorial director Howard Fineman recently said that Cruz’s professors were all in awe of his intellect:

“At Harvard Law School, he was — the professors were in awe of his intellect. Even if they disagreed with him, which they did vehemently, these people knew that — this guy was trained under the Federalist Society second-generation Republican wave. In other words, not the Reagan years, but these years.”

That revelation came out as the ultra liberal Fineman and MSNBC host Chris Matthewswere in the middle of a Ted Cruz bash fest.

Alan Dershowitz says that he and Cruz remained in contact after graduation. Maybe he’ll be able to swing a visit in the Lincoln bedroom.
As everyone knows , when the scotus makes a ruling on a law, it is the law. How is that hard to understand? When the scotus makes a ruling they like aka citizens United they praise them, when scotus doesn't make a ruling they like its "oh they are unelected and should be making political choices" repukes need to get over them selves
As everyone knows , when the scotus makes a ruling on a law, it is the law. How is that hard to understand? When the scotus makes a ruling they like aka citizens United they praise them, when scotus doesn't make a ruling they like its "oh they are unelected and should be making political choices" repukes need to get over them selves

This is almost unreadable..

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