Ted Cruz: ‘I Don’t Think I’ve Ever Seen A Hispanic Panhandler’

On the freeway on ramps and off ramps there are usually panhandlers begging for money. The hispanics are the ones selling flowers or fruit. The white panhandlers have a sign saying homeless vet. The blacks' sign mentions Jesus or God.
Around here they are all white and have the same size cardboard sign with the same black writing on it....(there's a scam organization around here somewhere)...Sometimes I give money anyways because it's not for them, it's for me. But I do question the "vets" about their service beforehand.
Then you are not looking.

I have seen them in Salt Lake City, Denver, Trinidad, Albuquerque, Santa Rosa, Amarillo, and throughout Texas in the last month.

Just as I have whites and blacks.

He meant in his nice rich area he hasnt seen any
He hasn't seen any because his personal security would rough them up, and send them packing. It is like saying 'there are no earthquakes' just because you have never been in one.

Well this is the same bunch who denies Global Warming because it was chilly last night
Here in LA we don't see a lot of hispanic bums. They usually sell oranges, or flowers, or chicklets at intersections.

The bums that beg are usually able bodied white or black men who are druggies or drunkards. They are so lazy they hold up signs.....losers.

I was at the grocery store in Brentwood yesterday and was approached by a nice looking young man in 30'sas I walked back to my vehicle . He asked if I could "spare any change for a homeless guy". He was white, about 6ft tall, and pretty decent looking. He was also clean, wearing clean clothes, and had all of his teeth. I asked him how he became homeless. He got very uncomfortable, never actually answered my question and kept moving....I imagine he makes a pretty good living by begging in affluent areas......

Then there is this guy.....Meet the man who makes 100K a year begging by pretending to be mentally handicapped Daily Mail Online
or this one...... Panhandler Shane Warren Speegle Says He Made 60 000 A Year Begging On Street
or this one....Troy Ridimann phony Navy vet begging in LA This ain t Hell but you can see it from here
Old white people dont see hispanic beggars because they are so entrenched in the community and all that jazz
Then you are not looking.

I have seen them in Salt Lake City, Denver, Trinidad, Albuquerque, Santa Rosa, Amarillo, and throughout Texas in the last month.

Just as I have whites and blacks.

He meant in his nice rich area he hasnt seen any
He hasn't seen any because his personal security would rough them up, and send them packing. It is like saying 'there are no earthquakes' just because you have never been in one.

Well this is the same bunch who denies Global Warming because it was chilly last night

And your part of the far left that claims that anyone not African American is "white"..
Then you are not looking.

I have seen them in Salt Lake City, Denver, Trinidad, Albuquerque, Santa Rosa, Amarillo, and throughout Texas in the last month.

Just as I have whites and blacks.

He meant in his nice rich area he hasnt seen any

Even in the shitty parts of Austin Tx ( by that I mean the "poor" section, all of Austin in shitty to me) I've never seen a homeless hispanic that I can recall.

Real bigoted of you to assume he's always lived in a rich area, but then again It's expected of your sort.

Sometimes I give money anyways because it's not for them, it's for me. But I do question the "vets" about their service beforehand.

Good for you bodecea and thanks!!!

Impersonating a Vet for money defiles the service of those who swore the oath, were injured or killed. It's depraved.

When I see a beggar claiming to be a Vet, I approach them to offer aid and support if they are a Vet. Unfortunately, they are almost always imposters. Such is the universal soft spot Americans have for their Vets, this impersonation scam is successful.

It really jacks my jaw when I see a punk in BDU pants with a cardboard sign saying he's a Vietnam Vet and he obviously was born after the war. 1975 was 40 years ago. Anyone under 60 claiming to be a 'Nam Vet is a wee bit suspect.

I ask them simple questions like what branch of the service they served in, where they went to basic, where was their last assignment and what was their MOS, AFSC or NEC. These are things a Vet will never forget.

I apologize for semi-hijacking the thread but I wanted to thank bodecea for her diligence and point out how easy it is for all of us not to reward imposters. Tell me you're a drunk and want a beer and I'll give you a buck. Lie about being a Vet and forget it.

Sorry again for the hijack.

BTW, most of the beggars I see are white. Second up would be black. I'm sure they exist but I've never seen Hispanic or Asian beggars.
Cruz made the racist comment, pendejo.

Pete, we were in Austin about three weeks ago, and, ah, we saw Hispanics, black, and white pan handlers.

Cruz made a racist statement, and you support it.

Bedwetting deniers of America, such as you, simply are losing traction.
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If you haven't seen a wetback panhandler, you don't get out. I see wetbacks panhandling all of the time.
If you haven't seen a wetback panhandler, you don't get out.
Or perhaps you didn't care where his ancestors were from, because you're not a racist.
I see wetbacks panhandling all of the time.
My point exactly.
His father waded across from Cuba...that makes him a wetback in my book. His father speaks with a nast Spanish accent...that makes him a wetback in my book. They have the same skin tone as a Mexican wetback...that makes him a wetback in my book. Ted Cruz is indeed a wetback and a canadian to boot.
Old white people dont see hispanic beggars because they are so entrenched in the community and all that jazz
We all know
If you haven't seen a wetback panhandler, you don't get out.
Or perhaps you didn't care where his ancestors were from, because you're not a racist.
I see wetbacks panhandling all of the time.
My point exactly.
His father waded across from Cuba...that makes him a wetback in my book. His father speaks with a nast Spanish accent...that makes him a wetback in my book. They have the same skin tone as a Mexican wetback...that makes him a wetback in my book. Ted Cruz is indeed a wetback and a canadian to boot.

spoken like a real teaper.......nutz the teaper nut!!

Admit it Nutjob- you're a closet teaper.
^^I think this guy has just committed to using exclamation points and the word racist as the only response. Weeeiirrd
Old white people dont see hispanic beggars because they are so entrenched in the community and all that jazz
We all know
If you haven't seen a wetback panhandler, you don't get out.
Or perhaps you didn't care where his ancestors were from, because you're not a racist.
I see wetbacks panhandling all of the time.
My point exactly.
His father waded across from Cuba...that makes him a wetback in my book. His father speaks with a nast Spanish accent...that makes him a wetback in my book. They have the same skin tone as a Mexican wetback...that makes him a wetback in my book. Ted Cruz is indeed a wetback and a canadian to boot.

spoken like a real teaper.......nutz the teaper nut!!

Admit it Nutjob- you're a closet teaper.
If t weren't for the teaper hate, i would fully support the tea party. Regretfully, it is a hate group
Now we have to check the ethnicity of the panhandlers?
What drove Cruz to make that comment?
Will liberals ever stop dividing people by race?
Cruz made the racist comment.
That sound you just heard was the point of my post passing cleanly over little jakestarkey's head with room to spare. :rolleyes-41:
You made no point, just babbled. The point about Teaper hate is so valid that the good part of it is submerged in shit.
Old white people dont see hispanic beggars because they are so entrenched in the community and all that jazz
We all know
If you haven't seen a wetback panhandler, you don't get out.
Or perhaps you didn't care where his ancestors were from, because you're not a racist.
I see wetbacks panhandling all of the time.
My point exactly.
His father waded across from Cuba...that makes him a wetback in my book. His father speaks with a nast Spanish accent...that makes him a wetback in my book. They have the same skin tone as a Mexican wetback...that makes him a wetback in my book. Ted Cruz is indeed a wetback and a canadian to boot.

spoken like a real teaper.......nutz the teaper nut!!

Admit it Nutjob- you're a closet teaper.
If t weren't for the teaper hate, i would fully support the tea party. Regretfully, it is a hate group

Says the hate filled racist, bigoted far left drone..
Now we have to check the ethnicity of the panhandlers?
What drove Cruz to make that comment?
Will liberals ever stop dividing people by race?
Cruz made the racist comment.
That sound you just heard was the point of my post passing cleanly over little jakestarkey's head with room to spare. :rolleyes-41:
You made no point, just babbled.

More proof that the far left drones are irony impaired..

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