Ted Cruz just scared the Shiite out of Liberals.....

Obama is such a disaster all 57 states are in play in 2016

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

He isn't up for reelection and you guys have nobody to run. You wasted too much time making every little thing about Obama that you didn't bother to pay attention to issues. Instead drummed up scandals by Issa and this clown are all you guys have. Run him and it won't matter who you put up against him---they will win.
Ted Cruz is a notorious liar.
The very first thing he says we need to do: "Number one, we tell the truth."

Well, that's the end of Fox News, Breitbart, CNS News, Investors.com, the Washington Times, MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, and the jobs of 535 Senators and Congressmen. Including Rafael Cruz.

It would be the end of talk radio for sure.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period.
We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.
I did not have sex with that woman.

I've listend to talk radio on and off for over twenty years. What I can say quite confidently after all that time is that I hear more dissembling, more obfuscation, and more bald-faced lies (with the exception of Mark Levin, but only because he has a beard) in a single three hour broadcast than I hear from several months of public statements from all the elected politicians of both political parties I hear on the news.

The point is this. Regardless of the merit (or lack thereof) to what you typed, talk radio is a pretty much little more than propaganda foisted on the naive and the ignorant for two primary purposes as far as I can tell.

1. Purpose one (and the MAIN purpose) is to make money. Radio hosts, radio stations, and advertisers are ALL feeding at that troth. They're enriching themselves like a bad rock band that gets a lot of press attention because they throw wild parties, engage in bad behavior, and thumb their nose at everyone with their conspicuous consumption.

2. Purpose two is to poison the well of public discourse in order to either maintain the status quo or to so turn off people from the political process that the wealthy and powerful can continue to manipulate the system to their singular advantage while the rest of the electorate squabbles on the margins over mostly nonissues. It's commonly referred to as divide and conquer. Many liberals get sidetracked by the tactic and it seems like most conservatives buy into it hook line and sinker. Meanwhile, the rich and powerful make a bundle while they benefit from the distraction like magicians who make you look at the moving hand while the other hand performs the trick. Meanwhile the common man and woman get screwed, regardless of their political leanings or political party affiliation.

As for me, I just wish people would wake up to see how they're being manipulated by people who are experts at misdirection and creating chaos as a result of their tactics. But I see no sign that's going to happen anytime soon. Meanwhile, the world is challenging America's previous economic preeminence at every turn, our problems continue to get worse because our leaders don't work together, and the wealthy continue to finance the political process which allows them to feather their nests at the expense of the rest of us while we allow ourselves to be distracted by BS talk radio nonsense and ridiculous reality tv shows that aren't even about anything that's real.
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It would be the end of talk radio for sure.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period.
We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.
I did not have sex with that woman.

If George W Bush had simply decide to occupy himself getting a blowjob instead ordering our military to invade Iraq, there would be over 4,000 Americans who would not have died. Monica Lewinski may have got "shot" at in the Oval office but she is still alive.

You dont give a shit about dead Americans, you lying fuck-face. Obama wasted that many men in his stupid Afghan surge that failed.
Clinton is a serial sex abuser and rapist. Yeah, your hero.
The very first thing he says we need to do: "Number one, we tell the truth."

Well, that's the end of Fox News, Breitbart, CNS News, Investors.com, the Washington Times, MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, and the jobs of 535 Senators and Congressmen. Including Rafael Cruz.

What's the truth? If it is that investment is bad and the safety net should be ended. Then that's a truth that a hole lot of people will disagree with.

I see the delusions have come back. Did ya miss your meds?
It would be the end of talk radio for sure.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period.
We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.
I did not have sex with that woman.

I've listend to talk radio on and off for over twenty years. What I can say quite confidently after all that time is that I hear more dissembling, more obfuscation, and more bald-faced lies (with the exception of Mark Levin, but only because he has a beard) in a single three hour broadcast than I hear from several months of public statements from all the elected politicians of both political parties I hear on the news.

The point is this. Regardless of the merit (or lack thereof) to what you typed, talk radio is a pretty much little more than propaganda foisted on the naive and the ignorant for two primary purposes as far as I can tell.

1. Purpose one (and the MAIN purpose) is to make money. Radio hosts, radio stations, and advertisers are ALL feeding at that troth. They're enriching themselves like a bad rock band that gets a lot of press attention because they throw wild parties, engage in bad behavior, and thumb their nose at everyone with their conspicuous consumption.

2. Purpose two is to poison the well of public discourse in order to either maintain the status quo or to so turn off people from the political process that the wealthy and powerful can continue to manipulate the system to their singular advantage while the rest of the electorate squabbles on the margins over mostly nonissues. It's commonly referred to as divide and conquer. Many liberals get sidetracked by the tactic and it seems like most conservatives buy into it hook line and sinker. Meanwhile, the rich and powerful make a bundle while they benefit from the distraction like magicians who make you look at the moving hand while the other hand performs the trick. Meanwhile the common man and woman get screwed, regardless of their political leanings or political party affiliation.

As for me, I just wish people would wake up to see how they're being manipulated by people who are experts at misdirection and creating chaos as a result of their tactics. But I see no sign that's going to happen anytime soon. Meanwhile, the world is challenging America's previous economic preeminence at every turn, our problems continue to get worse because our leaders don't work together, and the wealthy continue to finance the political process which allows them to feather their nests at the expense of the rest of us while we allow ourselves to be distracted by BS talk radio nonsense and ridiculous reality tv shows that aren't even about anything that's real.

You label them lies because they contradict your view of reality, shaped by Rachel Maddow and the other TV shit heads, who of course aren't driven by ratings or the desire for money at all.
The very first thing he says we need to do: "Number one, we tell the truth."

Well, that's the end of Fox News, Breitbart, CNS News, Investors.com, the Washington Times, MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, and the jobs of 535 Senators and Congressmen. Including Rafael Cruz.

What's the truth? If it is that investment is bad and the safety net should be ended. Then that's a truth that a hole lot of people will disagree with.

I see the delusions have come back. Did ya miss your meds?
Dont get him started on gov't funding science, education and infrastructure.
The very first thing he says we need to do: "Number one, we tell the truth."

Well, that's the end of Fox News, Breitbart, CNS News, Investors.com, the Washington Times, MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, and the jobs of 535 Senators and Congressmen. Including Rafael Cruz.

What's the truth? If it is that investment is bad and the safety net should be ended. Then that's a truth that a hole lot of people will disagree with.

I see the delusions have come back. Did ya miss your meds?

Look in the mirror dumbass! You're the one that wants to go back to pre-constitution and weaken America into a back woods bunch of states.

Now go fuck yourself! You're welcome to take some meds but I doubt it will unscrew your mind!
What's the truth? If it is that investment is bad and the safety net should be ended. Then that's a truth that a hole lot of people will disagree with.

I see the delusions have come back. Did ya miss your meds?

Look in the mirror dumbass! You're the one that wants to go back to pre-constitution and weaken America into a back woods bunch of states.

Now go fuck yourself! You're welcome to take some meds but I doubt it will unscrew your mind!
You didnt lecture him on the need for science, infrastructure and education spending. I'm disappointed. You must not support those things anymore.
The Republicans mustn't let Cruz run. He's way too conservative and so only hardcore Republicans will vote for him. The Republicans better pick a more moderate politician in their party and let him/her run. If they pick someone who also has a more liberal view on some social issues like gay marriage, more independent voters would vote Republican instead of Democrat. I-being moderate- would also consider myself a moderate Republican, but if the only running candidates will be very conservative, I and I think many others will support the Democrats.

Just what we need: another lib telling us what we should do.
How did picking a moderate work out the last two elections?

No, we need someone who has the vision thing. Cruz has it. I'll be watching his campaign to see how well he can get organized and on message. I'd love to see him in a debate with Hillary. Not that Hillary will be the nominee, of course.
lol....cruz has a vison...he has the same talking points we always hear. He would lose most moderates instantly, Or he will have to move to the middle in order to have a chance. which gives you another Romney or McCain.
The Republicans mustn't let Cruz run. He's way too conservative and so only hardcore Republicans will vote for him. The Republicans better pick a more moderate politician in their party and let him/her run. If they pick someone who also has a more liberal view on some social issues like gay marriage, more independent voters would vote Republican instead of Democrat. I-being moderate- would also consider myself a moderate Republican, but if the only running candidates will be very conservative, I and I think many others will support the Democrats.

Just what we need: another lib telling us what we should do.
How did picking a moderate work out the last two elections?

No, we need someone who has the vision thing. Cruz has it. I'll be watching his campaign to see how well he can get organized and on message. I'd love to see him in a debate with Hillary. Not that Hillary will be the nominee, of course.
lol....cruz has a vison...he has the same talking points we always hear. He would lose most moderates instantly, Or he will have to move to the middle in order to have a chance. which gives you another Romney or McCain.

I think Cruz is serious about going full AMISH. This nut would attempt going into the general like this!:eek:
The very first thing he says we need to do: "Number one, we tell the truth."

Well, that's the end of Fox News, Breitbart, CNS News, Investors.com, the Washington Times, MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, and the jobs of 535 Senators and Congressmen. Including Rafael Cruz.

And this guy:

Ted Cruz's file | PolitiFact Texas


Ouch. What is that? Second only to Michelle Bachmann?
Wow! Defend the Constitution Cruz says. Groundbreaking fresh ideas here folks

Given this administration's assault on it, yes it is groundbreaking.

If Obama is "assaulting" the constitution, then there is still a right wing majority on the Supreme Court. If you are correct, then there shouldn't be any problem to prove it in court. So far that really hasn't happened so maybe you are just spouting off rhetoric just like Ted Cruz.
Wow! Defend the Constitution Cruz says. Groundbreaking fresh ideas here folks

Given this administration's assault on it, yes it is groundbreaking.

If Obama is "assaulting" the constitution, then there is still a right wing majority on the Supreme Court. If you are correct, then there shouldn't be any problem to prove it in court. So far that really hasn't happened so maybe you are just spouting off rhetoric just like Ted Cruz.

If anything these people are arguing against the current constitution for the arctles of confederation that came before it. These people don't think we should have a capable federal government.
What's the truth? If it is that investment is bad and the safety net should be ended. Then that's a truth that a hole lot of people will disagree with.

I see the delusions have come back. Did ya miss your meds?

Look in the mirror dumbass! You're the one that wants to go back to pre-constitution and weaken America into a back woods bunch of states.

Now go fuck yourself! You're welcome to take some meds but I doubt it will unscrew your mind!

Now, now, don't get your cry baby self all upset. Now that you've made the accusation that I have advocated going back to pre-constitution times and the weakening of America, how about you get off your delusional mentally ill ass and prove it. You're the one who wants to ignore the constitution and let your mulatto messiah do and spend any fucking thing he wants or your delusional priorities.
The Republicans mustn't let Cruz run. He's way too conservative and so only hardcore Republicans will vote for him. The Republicans better pick a more moderate politician in their party and let him/her run. If they pick someone who also has a more liberal view on some social issues like gay marriage, more independent voters would vote Republican instead of Democrat. I-being moderate- would also consider myself a moderate Republican, but if the only running candidates will be very conservative, I and I think many others will support the Democrats.

Just what we need: another lib telling us what we should do.
How did picking a moderate work out the last two elections?

No, we need someone who has the vision thing. Cruz has it. I'll be watching his campaign to see how well he can get organized and on message. I'd love to see him in a debate with Hillary. Not that Hillary will be the nominee, of course.
lol....cruz has a vison...he has the same talking points we always hear. He would lose most moderates instantly, Or he will have to move to the middle in order to have a chance. which gives you another Romney or McCain.

If McCain and Romney wouldn't have their views on abortion, gay marriage and the war on drugs, they'd be my ideal candidate.
Just what we need: another lib telling us what we should do.
How did picking a moderate work out the last two elections?

No, we need someone who has the vision thing. Cruz has it. I'll be watching his campaign to see how well he can get organized and on message. I'd love to see him in a debate with Hillary. Not that Hillary will be the nominee, of course.
lol....cruz has a vison...he has the same talking points we always hear. He would lose most moderates instantly, Or he will have to move to the middle in order to have a chance. which gives you another Romney or McCain.

If McCain and Romney wouldn't have their views on abortion, gay marriage and the war on drugs, they'd be my ideal candidate.

I'd agree with you if they were a little more pro-science.
Given this administration's assault on it, yes it is groundbreaking.

If Obama is "assaulting" the constitution, then there is still a right wing majority on the Supreme Court. If you are correct, then there shouldn't be any problem to prove it in court. So far that really hasn't happened so maybe you are just spouting off rhetoric just like Ted Cruz.

If anything these people are arguing against the current constitution for the arctles of confederation that came before it. These people don't think we should have a capable federal government.

The Fake speaks..............poor poor science and education Mathew would be forced to vote for Hillary.............LOL.............you would anyway as you are a fake.

The Constitution has been pissed on by the current administration and the status quo............The IRS has abused it's authority and needs to be held accountable for it's actions.............Lerner will still see the courts by those people who were targeted.

A 15% Flat tax, with no deductions, would make the IRS be insignificant. We could drastically cut their man power and send in our tax returns on a post card.

Our Gov't is too damn big for it's britches. If Cruz is for bringing them back down to size then I'm for him.....and a return to Constitutional principles instead of the abuse of power we now have.
If Obama is "assaulting" the constitution, then there is still a right wing majority on the Supreme Court. If you are correct, then there shouldn't be any problem to prove it in court. So far that really hasn't happened so maybe you are just spouting off rhetoric just like Ted Cruz.

If anything these people are arguing against the current constitution for the arctles of confederation that came before it. These people don't think we should have a capable federal government.

The Fake speaks..............poor poor science and education Mathew would be forced to vote for Hillary.............LOL.............you would anyway as you are a fake.

The Constitution has been pissed on by the current administration and the status quo............The IRS has abused it's authority and needs to be held accountable for it's actions.............Lerner will still see the courts by those people who were targeted.

A 15% Flat tax, with no deductions, would make the IRS be insignificant. We could drastically cut their man power and send in our tax returns on a post card.

Our Gov't is too damn big for it's britches. If Cruz is for bringing them back down to size then I'm for him.....and a return to Constitutional principles instead of the abuse of power we now have.

So specifically where would you cut the government? I hear that kind of rhetoric all the time from right wing politicians but they don't seem to offer any concrete numbers. Just rhetoric.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period.
We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.
I did not have sex with that woman.

I've listend to talk radio on and off for over twenty years. What I can say quite confidently after all that time is that I hear more dissembling, more obfuscation, and more bald-faced lies (with the exception of Mark Levin, but only because he has a beard) in a single three hour broadcast than I hear from several months of public statements from all the elected politicians of both political parties I hear on the news.

The point is this. Regardless of the merit (or lack thereof) to what you typed, talk radio is a pretty much little more than propaganda foisted on the naive and the ignorant for two primary purposes as far as I can tell.

1. Purpose one (and the MAIN purpose) is to make money. Radio hosts, radio stations, and advertisers are ALL feeding at that troth. They're enriching themselves like a bad rock band that gets a lot of press attention because they throw wild parties, engage in bad behavior, and thumb their nose at everyone with their conspicuous consumption.

2. Purpose two is to poison the well of public discourse in order to either maintain the status quo or to so turn off people from the political process that the wealthy and powerful can continue to manipulate the system to their singular advantage while the rest of the electorate squabbles on the margins over mostly nonissues. It's commonly referred to as divide and conquer. Many liberals get sidetracked by the tactic and it seems like most conservatives buy into it hook line and sinker. Meanwhile, the rich and powerful make a bundle while they benefit from the distraction like magicians who make you look at the moving hand while the other hand performs the trick. Meanwhile the common man and woman get screwed, regardless of their political leanings or political party affiliation.

As for me, I just wish people would wake up to see how they're being manipulated by people who are experts at misdirection and creating chaos as a result of their tactics. But I see no sign that's going to happen anytime soon. Meanwhile, the world is challenging America's previous economic preeminence at every turn, our problems continue to get worse because our leaders don't work together, and the wealthy continue to finance the political process which allows them to feather their nests at the expense of the rest of us while we allow ourselves to be distracted by BS talk radio nonsense and ridiculous reality tv shows that aren't even about anything that's real.

You label them lies because they contradict your view of reality, shaped by Rachel Maddow and the other TV shit heads, who of course aren't driven by ratings or the desire for money at all.

You're wrong.

First of all, I don't watch TV.

Aside from that fact, I read quite a bit. Because of that reason and the fact that I don't place partisanship over objective truth, I have no problem distinguishing lies from the truth when I know the facts. I wish I knew more people who could honestly say that.

For that reason, AND because I've never joined any political party, I don't have a fondness for lying Democrats who demagogue the issues anymore than I have for lying Republicans who demagogue the issues. It's just that in the last 25 years or so since talk radio has risen up like a scourge on the landscape, the pendulum has swung so far in one direction that the current crop of Republicans are far worse offenders when it comes to lying and misrepresenting the issues than the Democrats currently are. That doesn't mean that I think Hillary Clinton is honest. I just think she's both more competent and less of a liar than Sarah Palin is. That means that if I was given a choice between voting for one or the other, I would choose Hillary. But it's not because I'm a fan of hers, or a supporter, or a booster of any kind. Given a choice, I'll choose competence over incompetence, and substance over style any day, regardless of political affilation. But if that doesn't look like it's going to happen, I'll choose the lesser of two evils.

But when all is said and done, I'm not a partisan who will support someone whose political philosophy is closer to mine than his or her opponent if and when I think that person is lying to me. But I must also say that I've come to loathe the political process that produces men like Ted Cruz who demagogue the issues and create nonsensical ads like the one that started this thread because it says nothing about what he does and doesn't really support and it merely seeks to create a cult of personality around him as if he's one of those old style Eastern European strongmen who were little more than puppets of their Soviet masters.

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