Ted Cruz lays out democrats regarding SCOTUS nominee

Lmao "You can bang that gavel all you want, I will not shut up!"

We know Fled. We know. These required Senate confirmation meetings are the only time anyone other than your wife will talk to you.

Oh wait, does your wife talk to you after that whole "licking Trump's boots after he called your wife a fat cow"?
We saw some of that during the Obama Administration. Obama put forth some policies that were obviously and blatantly bad policies, and those who dared to criticize those policies were called “racist” for doing so.

Actually they weren’t called racist for objecting to Obama’s policies

I challenge you to find one
So may of this place’s liberals are incredibly hypocritical. The Dims absolutely slimed Kavanaugh with a brain dead and totally uncredited-worthy Ms. Ford. And the liberoids are now claiming that GOP complaints about it constitute “whining.” 🙄

But the same butthurt libbies just cannot get past the fact that Obumbler’s choice (the currently partisan and less than “just” AG) didn’t get a vote. Oh, boo hoo.
Every Republican nominee got a hearing

Republicans can’t saythat
If all you want to do is get into a "They did this" contest, we'll get nowhere. If you really think democrats are and have been a model of cooperation, there's no helping you.
At least she has a case history. The ink was barely dry on ACB's Court of Appeals nomination when Trump appointed her to the SC. She's never been a judge at any level before being appointed to the Court of Appeal, and she wasn't there long enough to has written more than a handful of decisions.
Atleast ACB was constantly over turned----and didn't aid and abed pedophiles.
If all you want to do is get into a "They did this" contest, we'll get nowhere. If you really think democrats are and have been a model of cooperation, there's no helping you.

Every Republican got a public hearing and a chance to defend their record

Garland did not

McConnell has changed the rules on how Justices are chosen. The Senate now decides
Every Republican got a public hearing and a chance to defend their record

Garland did not

McConnell has changed the rules on how Justices are chosen. The Senate now decides
You seem hung up on that. Why don't you read what you're responding to next time?
Actually they weren’t called racist for objecting to Obama’s policies

I challenge you to find one

Not going to go look for examples, right now.

But I very clearly remember, with regard to some of Obama's very bad policy positions, that the claim was made that those who objected to those policies did not object to them because they were bad polices (which they very clearly were), but because they were racist against the President who put forth those policies.
Every Republican got a public hearing and a chance to defend their record

Garland did not

And seeing some of the corrupt shit that Garland is pulling, as AG, it's a damn good thing he was stopped from getting a seat on the Supreme Court.

A piece of shit who tries to brand parents as “domestic terrorists” for objecting to blatant racist and sexual brainwashing of their children does not belong anywhere near any position of power or authority. As AG, he'll at least be thrown out as soon as we get a sane President. If he'd made it to the Supreme Court, he'd be there for life.
Not going to go look for examples, right now.

But I very clearly remember, with regard to some of Obama's very bad policy positions, that the claim was made that those who objected to those policies did not object to them because they were bad polices (which they very clearly were), but because they were racist against the President who put forth those policies.
I am calling you a LIAR

Find me a single Obama policy that people were called racist for opposing.
You are spouting a Conservative myth
Well, when your starting point is racist birtherism, you can expect that. You have yourself to blame.
And seeing some of the corrupt shit that Garland is pulling, as AG, it's a damn good thing he was stopped from getting a seat on the Supreme Court.

A piece of shit who tries to brand parents as “domestic terrorists” for objecting to blatant racist and sexual brainwashing of their children does not belong anywhere near any position of power or authority. As AG, he'll at least be thrown out as soon as we get a sane President. If he'd made it to the Supreme Court, he'd be there for life.
Another LIE on your part
Garland never called parents domestic terrorists

You are really shooting out the LIES tonight
I am calling you a LIAR

Find me a single Obama policy that people were called racist for opposing.
You are spouting a Conservative myth

You're one of the least honest participants on this entire forum.

What standing do you think you have to call anyone a liar?

Have you ever posted anything that wasn't an obvious lie? If you did, I missed it.
I am calling you a LIAR

Find me a single Obama policy that people were called racist for opposing.
You are spouting a Conservative myth
Obama care?

A Mississippi Democratic Congressman says Clarence Thomas is an “Uncle Tom,” Mitch McConnell is a “racist,” and that Republicans are only anti-big government and anti-Obamacare because President Obama is black. Rep. Bennie Thompson was appearing on a New Nation of Islam radio program over weekend where he made the comments. “I’ve been in Washington. I saw three presidents now. I never saw George Bush treated like this. I never saw Bill Clinton treated like this with such disrespect,” Thompson said. “That Mitch McConnell would have the audacity to tell the president of the United States — not the chief executive, but the commander-in-chief — that ‘I don’t care what you come up with we’re going to be against it.’ Now if that’s not a racist statement I don’t know what is.”


does that count?
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You're one of the least honest participants on this entire forum.

What standing do you think you have to call anyone a liar?

Have you ever posted anything that wasn't an obvious lie? If you did, I missed it.
I have just called you a LIAR
Have you no respect?

Why can’t you provide ONE EXAMPLE that proves me wrong?
His duty to care that the people of Texas were freezing and suffering due to power outages

Screw you, I got money, I’m getting the hell out of here…..too damned cold
Then good old Dad blamed his Daughters when the jig was up.

Typical of Cruz.

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