Ted Cruz: Same Sex Marriage Is 'A Real Danger To Our Liberty' (He's Right)

The OP title is a lie. Cruz did not say same sex marriage was a danger. What he actually said was that courts that over rule the will of the people are a danger. In this case regarding same sex marriage.
And he's right. Power derives from the will of the people. When judges over rule that you have tyranny.
I agree with him...It hurts the family unit that is the core of this country. Marriage must be seen as something special for a man & woman to be together in order to raise a family.

Gay marriage devalues this and makes it seem that children are trash.
I also think the courts doing this through fiat is deadly to our freedoms as a people.
The OP title is a lie. Cruz did not say same sex marriage was a danger. What he actually said was that courts that over rule the will of the people are a danger. In this case regarding same sex marriage.
And he's right. Power derives from the will of the people. When judges over rule that you have tyranny.
Actually we are suffering under the tyranny of the majority. If states were permitted to hold referendums on any social issue, the minority would suffer. Child labor laws, slavery, women's suffrage rights could all be annulled by state fiat.

True liberties must be extended to all Americans, not just the Americans who can get their supporters to the polls.
Nothing gayer than a grown man reading "Green Eggs & Ham" in public.
The OP title is a lie. Cruz did not say same sex marriage was a danger. What he actually said was that courts that over rule the will of the people are a danger. In this case regarding same sex marriage.
And he's right. Power derives from the will of the people. When judges over rule that you have tyranny.
Actually we are suffering under the tyranny of the majority. If states were permitted to hold referendums on any social issue, the minority would suffer. Child labor laws, slavery, women's suffrage rights could all be annulled by state fiat.

True liberties must be extended to all Americans, not just the Americans who can get their supporters to the polls.
People would vote to reinstitute slavery? Are you fucking out of your mind?
For your information, the US system of governance is based on the idea that power derives from the people. Therefore elections and referenda are the only legitimate ways to institute or change policies. Dont believe me? It's right there in the Constitution, Amendment 10.
I have to agree with Cruz here even though he is constitutionally ineligible to meet Article 2 Section 1. Not only are these same sex marriage rulings a real danger to our liberty but also our sovereignty. Cruz would make an excellent Attorney General.

Ted Cruz Same-Sex Marriage Rulings Are A Real Danger To Our Liberty

What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?
Another fucktard too lazy to read the article. Thus comes off sounding like, well, a fucktard.
I have to agree with Cruz here even though he is constitutionally ineligible to meet Article 2 Section 1. Not only are these same sex marriage rulings a real danger to our liberty but also our sovereignty. Cruz would make an excellent Attorney General.

Ted Cruz Same-Sex Marriage Rulings Are A Real Danger To Our Liberty

What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?
Another fucktard too lazy to read the article. Thus comes off sounding like, well, a fucktard.

I'll ask you the same question. What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?

You don't need any stupid article to answer the question. Answer the question using your own brain, or whatever passes for a brain in that sub-human skull of yours.
How about an amendment to allow states to decide who can or cannot be discriminated against, period?
Ted announces his candidacy tomorrow for the presidency.... and SURPRISE...

McCain: I Will Support Ted Cruz If He Wins GOP Nomination

Breitbart ^
Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” veteran lawmaker Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said while Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), his long time friend, is his first choice, he will support Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) if he wins the nomination for president in the 2016 election. McCain said, “If the Republicans Party nominates him, I do. He is a valued member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. He and I are friendly and I think he is a very viable candidate.”


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