Ted Cruz: Same Sex Marriage Is 'A Real Danger To Our Liberty' (He's Right)

"Courts that over rule the will of the people" IS what Cruz said.
That is even scarier shit than claimed.
We are a nation of LAW, not mob majority "will of the people" rule.
Something about The United States Constitution, an interesting document I suggest Cruz read.
With morons like him and folk that support him no wonder we keep getting our ASSES KICKED by amateur Democrats like Obama.
Fuck Cruz, same as the dumb ass Palin. They are LOSERS.
Which part of the constitution gives courts the power to overturn laws?
Which part of the 10th A do you not understand?
Geezus crist, people are so fucking ignorant and stupid it hurts.
"Courts that over rule the will of the people" IS what Cruz said.
That is even scarier shit than claimed.
We are a nation of LAW, not mob majority "will of the people" rule.
Something about The United States Constitution, an interesting document I suggest Cruz read.
With morons like him and folk that support him no wonder we keep getting our ASSES KICKED by amateur Democrats like Obama.
Fuck Cruz, same as the dumb ass Palin. They are LOSERS.
Which part of the constitution gives courts the power to overturn laws?
Which part of the 10th A do you not understand?
Geezus crist, people are so fucking ignorant and stupid it hurts.

The part where the 14th prevents the States using the 10th from violating the 9th. Or applying any of the state law unequally.

And if the courts have no authority to overturn laws.....then why didn't you lament about the court's overreach in McDonald v. Chicago where the courts overturned state empowered laws forbidding the ownership of handguns?

Seems to me that conservatives only insist that the concept of judicial review is constitutionally invalid when they don't like the ruling. When they do like the ruling, the courts magically possess the very power these same conservatives just condemned.
"Courts that over rule the will of the people" IS what Cruz said.
That is even scarier shit than claimed.
We are a nation of LAW, not mob majority "will of the people" rule.
Something about The United States Constitution, an interesting document I suggest Cruz read.
With morons like him and folk that support him no wonder we keep getting our ASSES KICKED by amateur Democrats like Obama.
Fuck Cruz, same as the dumb ass Palin. They are LOSERS.
Which part of the constitution gives courts the power to overturn laws?
Which part of the 10th A do you not understand?
Geezus crist, people are so fucking ignorant and stupid it hurts.

The part where the 14th prevents the States using the 10th from violating the 9th. Or applying any of the state law unequally.

And if the courts have no authority to overturn laws.....then why didn't you lament about the court's overreach in McDonald v. Chicago where the courts overturned state empowered laws forbidding the ownership of handguns?

Seems to me that conservatives only insist that the concept of judicial review is constitutionally invalid when they don't like the ruling. When they do like the ruling, the courts magically possess the very power these same conservatives just condemned.
So you cannot answer these questions. WHat a surprise.
What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?
Another fucktard too lazy to read the article. Thus comes off sounding like, well, a fucktard.

I'll ask you the same question. What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?

You don't need any stupid article to answer the question. Answer the question using your own brain, or whatever passes for a brain in that sub-human skull of yours.
If you had botherd your lazy fucking ass to read the article you would understand why your question is moronic. Actually if you had read my earlier post you would have too.
But no.
You are a moron of galactic proportions.
Answer he question. It costs you nothing. Let's hear e real reason you oppose marriage equality. What harm will it bring, real, perceived or otherwise?
Your question is irrelevant to this thread, fucktard. Go read the linked article and see what the real issue is and why Cruz said that.
You are one lazy piece of shit. No wonder you're a city worker.
Cruz is wrong. The people cannot vote on who enjoys equal rights and who does not. The 'threat to liberties' here is a threat to bigotry. Had the people voted on an economic issue, then the courts should not intervene. But the majority cannot vote on denying civil liberties. Cruz sees the right to divide as an essential 'liberty' and he's using this twisted bit of anti-American principle as red meat to those remaining bigots.
I have to agree with Cruz here even though he is constitutionally ineligible to meet Article 2 Section 1. Not only are these same sex marriage rulings a real danger to our liberty but also our sovereignty. Cruz would make an excellent Attorney General.

Ted Cruz Same-Sex Marriage Rulings Are A Real Danger To Our Liberty

What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?
Another fucktard too lazy to read the article. Thus comes off sounding like, well, a fucktard.

I've proven you cannot cite a single liberty you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license.

That further proves that there is no rational argument to deny gays the right to marry.
"Courts that over rule the will of the people" IS what Cruz said.
That is even scarier shit than claimed.
We are a nation of LAW, not mob majority "will of the people" rule.
Something about The United States Constitution, an interesting document I suggest Cruz read.
With morons like him and folk that support him no wonder we keep getting our ASSES KICKED by amateur Democrats like Obama.
Fuck Cruz, same as the dumb ass Palin. They are LOSERS.
Which part of the constitution gives courts the power to overturn laws?
Which part of the 10th A do you not understand?
Geezus crist, people are so fucking ignorant and stupid it hurts.
Judicial Review.
Another fucktard too lazy to read the article. Thus comes off sounding like, well, a fucktard.

I'll ask you the same question. What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?

You don't need any stupid article to answer the question. Answer the question using your own brain, or whatever passes for a brain in that sub-human skull of yours.
If you had botherd your lazy fucking ass to read the article you would understand why your question is moronic. Actually if you had read my earlier post you would have too.
But no.
You are a moron of galactic proportions.
Answer he question. It costs you nothing. Let's hear e real reason you oppose marriage equality. What harm will it bring, real, perceived or otherwise?
Your question is irrelevant to this thread, fucktard. Go read the linked article and see what the real issue is and why Cruz said that.
You are one lazy piece of shit. No wonder you're a city worker.
Cruz is wrong. The people cannot vote on who enjoys equal rights and who does not. The 'threat to liberties' here is a threat to bigotry. Had the people voted on an economic issue, then the courts should not intervene. But the majority cannot vote on denying civil liberties. Cruz sees the right to divide as an essential 'liberty' and he's using this twisted bit of anti-American principle as red meat to those remaining bigots.
There is no civil liberty issue. States have always set criteria for marriage. It is a power given to the states by the Constitution, not dictated by unelected judges.
I have to agree with Cruz here even though he is constitutionally ineligible to meet Article 2 Section 1. Not only are these same sex marriage rulings a real danger to our liberty but also our sovereignty. Cruz would make an excellent Attorney General.

Ted Cruz Same-Sex Marriage Rulings Are A Real Danger To Our Liberty

What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?
Another fucktard too lazy to read the article. Thus comes off sounding like, well, a fucktard.

I've proven you cannot cite a single liberty you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license.

That further proves that there is no rational argument to deny gays the right to marry.
Thank you, capt irrelevant.
I'll ask you the same question. What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?

You don't need any stupid article to answer the question. Answer the question using your own brain, or whatever passes for a brain in that sub-human skull of yours.
If you had botherd your lazy fucking ass to read the article you would understand why your question is moronic. Actually if you had read my earlier post you would have too.
But no.
You are a moron of galactic proportions.
Answer he question. It costs you nothing. Let's hear e real reason you oppose marriage equality. What harm will it bring, real, perceived or otherwise?
Your question is irrelevant to this thread, fucktard. Go read the linked article and see what the real issue is and why Cruz said that.
You are one lazy piece of shit. No wonder you're a city worker.
Cruz is wrong. The people cannot vote on who enjoys equal rights and who does not. The 'threat to liberties' here is a threat to bigotry. Had the people voted on an economic issue, then the courts should not intervene. But the majority cannot vote on denying civil liberties. Cruz sees the right to divide as an essential 'liberty' and he's using this twisted bit of anti-American principle as red meat to those remaining bigots.
There is no civil liberty issue. States have always set criteria for marriage. It is a power given to the states by the Constitution, not dictated by unelected judges.
It is indeed a civil liberties issue and nothing but a civil liberties issue. When access to the system of jurisprudence is denied for no good reason, those denied are denied civil liberties.

If not civil liberties, how would YOU define the issue?
I'll ask you the same question. What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?

You don't need any stupid article to answer the question. Answer the question using your own brain, or whatever passes for a brain in that sub-human skull of yours.
If you had botherd your lazy fucking ass to read the article you would understand why your question is moronic. Actually if you had read my earlier post you would have too.
But no.
You are a moron of galactic proportions.
Answer he question. It costs you nothing. Let's hear e real reason you oppose marriage equality. What harm will it bring, real, perceived or otherwise?
Your question is irrelevant to this thread, fucktard. Go read the linked article and see what the real issue is and why Cruz said that.
You are one lazy piece of shit. No wonder you're a city worker.
Cruz is wrong. The people cannot vote on who enjoys equal rights and who does not. The 'threat to liberties' here is a threat to bigotry. Had the people voted on an economic issue, then the courts should not intervene. But the majority cannot vote on denying civil liberties. Cruz sees the right to divide as an essential 'liberty' and he's using this twisted bit of anti-American principle as red meat to those remaining bigots.
There is no civil liberty issue. States have always set criteria for marriage. It is a power given to the states by the Constitution, not dictated by unelected judges.

States set criteria for racial discrimination for decades too.
I have to agree with Cruz here even though he is constitutionally ineligible to meet Article 2 Section 1. Not only are these same sex marriage rulings a real danger to our liberty but also our sovereignty. Cruz would make an excellent Attorney General.

Ted Cruz Same-Sex Marriage Rulings Are A Real Danger To Our Liberty

From the link:

His proposed amendment would leave the decision of how to handle marriage up to the states.

Yeah. If the states want to ban interracial marriage, by golly, they should be able to do so!

Same bullshit, different decade.
I'll ask you the same question. What liberty do you lose if your gay neighbors can get a marriage license?

You don't need any stupid article to answer the question. Answer the question using your own brain, or whatever passes for a brain in that sub-human skull of yours.
If you had botherd your lazy fucking ass to read the article you would understand why your question is moronic. Actually if you had read my earlier post you would have too.
But no.
You are a moron of galactic proportions.
Answer he question. It costs you nothing. Let's hear e real reason you oppose marriage equality. What harm will it bring, real, perceived or otherwise?
Your question is irrelevant to this thread, fucktard. Go read the linked article and see what the real issue is and why Cruz said that.
You are one lazy piece of shit. No wonder you're a city worker.
Cruz is wrong. The people cannot vote on who enjoys equal rights and who does not. The 'threat to liberties' here is a threat to bigotry. Had the people voted on an economic issue, then the courts should not intervene. But the majority cannot vote on denying civil liberties. Cruz sees the right to divide as an essential 'liberty' and he's using this twisted bit of anti-American principle as red meat to those remaining bigots.
There is no civil liberty issue. States have always set criteria for marriage. It is a power given to the states by the Constitution, not dictated by unelected judges.

The states do not have the right to deny equal protection. Read your Constitution.
If you had botherd your lazy fucking ass to read the article you would understand why your question is moronic. Actually if you had read my earlier post you would have too.
But no.
You are a moron of galactic proportions.
Answer he question. It costs you nothing. Let's hear e real reason you oppose marriage equality. What harm will it bring, real, perceived or otherwise?
Your question is irrelevant to this thread, fucktard. Go read the linked article and see what the real issue is and why Cruz said that.
You are one lazy piece of shit. No wonder you're a city worker.
Cruz is wrong. The people cannot vote on who enjoys equal rights and who does not. The 'threat to liberties' here is a threat to bigotry. Had the people voted on an economic issue, then the courts should not intervene. But the majority cannot vote on denying civil liberties. Cruz sees the right to divide as an essential 'liberty' and he's using this twisted bit of anti-American principle as red meat to those remaining bigots.
There is no civil liberty issue. States have always set criteria for marriage. It is a power given to the states by the Constitution, not dictated by unelected judges.

The states do not have the right to deny equal protection. Read your Constitution.
No issue of equal protection here, Myna.
How does same sex marriage affect anyones liberty?

Liberty to hate?
If you had botherd your lazy fucking ass to read the article you would understand why your question is moronic. Actually if you had read my earlier post you would have too.
But no.
You are a moron of galactic proportions.
Answer he question. It costs you nothing. Let's hear e real reason you oppose marriage equality. What harm will it bring, real, perceived or otherwise?
Your question is irrelevant to this thread, fucktard. Go read the linked article and see what the real issue is and why Cruz said that.
You are one lazy piece of shit. No wonder you're a city worker.
Cruz is wrong. The people cannot vote on who enjoys equal rights and who does not. The 'threat to liberties' here is a threat to bigotry. Had the people voted on an economic issue, then the courts should not intervene. But the majority cannot vote on denying civil liberties. Cruz sees the right to divide as an essential 'liberty' and he's using this twisted bit of anti-American principle as red meat to those remaining bigots.
There is no civil liberty issue. States have always set criteria for marriage. It is a power given to the states by the Constitution, not dictated by unelected judges.
It is indeed a civil liberties issue and nothing but a civil liberties issue. When access to the system of jurisprudence is denied for no good reason, those denied are denied civil liberties.

If not civil liberties, how would YOU define the issue?
You clearly dont know what you're talking about. Every time you get into a discussion you find yourself saying dumber and dumber things. Like here.
There is no lack of access to jurisprudence. That is an absurd statement. It is meaningless in fact.
But there is no gay marriage. No application for a marriage license has a box to check that says "Heterosexual" or "Homosexual." Another myth of the left.
Answer he question. It costs you nothing. Let's hear e real reason you oppose marriage equality. What harm will it bring, real, perceived or otherwise?
Your question is irrelevant to this thread, fucktard. Go read the linked article and see what the real issue is and why Cruz said that.
You are one lazy piece of shit. No wonder you're a city worker.
Cruz is wrong. The people cannot vote on who enjoys equal rights and who does not. The 'threat to liberties' here is a threat to bigotry. Had the people voted on an economic issue, then the courts should not intervene. But the majority cannot vote on denying civil liberties. Cruz sees the right to divide as an essential 'liberty' and he's using this twisted bit of anti-American principle as red meat to those remaining bigots.
There is no civil liberty issue. States have always set criteria for marriage. It is a power given to the states by the Constitution, not dictated by unelected judges.
It is indeed a civil liberties issue and nothing but a civil liberties issue. When access to the system of jurisprudence is denied for no good reason, those denied are denied civil liberties.

If not civil liberties, how would YOU define the issue?
You clearly dont know what you're talking about. Every time you get into a discussion you find yourself saying dumber and dumber things. Like here.
There is no lack of access to jurisprudence. That is an absurd statement. It is meaningless in fact.
But there is no gay marriage. No application for a marriage license has a box to check that says "Heterosexual" or "Homosexual." Another myth of the left.
That is correct.....they will now be treated equally. At least by June they will.........everywhere.

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