Ted Cruz says he would roll back all of Obama's Executive Orders


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011

He just got my vote.

If you live by the pen you die by the pen - The Washington Post

“If you live by the pen, you die by the pen”

Ted Cruz would spend his first day in office trying to undo some of Barack Obama’s biggest achievements via executive order. In a wide-ranging interview about how he’d spend his first 100 days as president if he won, the Texas GOP senator pledged to roll back more than just the president’s controversial orders related to immigration. “If you live by the pen, you die by the pen,” Cruz said by phone Tuesday, as he traveled from Dallas to an afternoon tour of the Southern border. “Everything put in place by executive order can be undone by executive order.”
My, my, my. Just look at how fast the rubes build straw men.
A funny thing happens to the politicians who move from the Congress to the White House. After years of bitching about the Executive branch circumventing Congress, they suddenly decide the Executive needs all the power he can get.
Wait for liberals to explode when Pres Cruz rolls back a bunch of EOs and they claim he is exceeding his authority.
Because they're hypocrites.

Wow. Hypothetical reactions from hypothetical liberals regarding a hypothetical president.

Sounds like an echo chamber slam dunk to me.
A funny thing happens to the politicians who move from the Congress to the White House. After years of bitching about the Executive branch circumventing Congress, they suddenly decide the Executive needs all the power he can get.

You mean like Obama?

That is actually an affliction common to Republican politicians. That's why they are commonly despised by their own supporters.
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.

He just got my vote.

If you live by the pen you die by the pen - The Washington Post

“If you live by the pen, you die by the pen”

Ted Cruz would spend his first day in office trying to undo some of Barack Obama’s biggest achievements via executive order. In a wide-ranging interview about how he’d spend his first 100 days as president if he won, the Texas GOP senator pledged to roll back more than just the president’s controversial orders related to immigration. “If you live by the pen, you die by the pen,” Cruz said by phone Tuesday, as he traveled from Dallas to an afternoon tour of the Southern border. “Everything put in place by executive order can be undone by executive order.”

I'm especially eager to see all the recent EPA regulations he authorized rolled back. The EPA needs to have a leash put on it. Then Congress should pass a bill requiring any new regulations any government agency wants to create to be approved by a vote of Congress.

He just got my vote.

If you live by the pen you die by the pen - The Washington Post

“If you live by the pen, you die by the pen”

Ted Cruz would spend his first day in office trying to undo some of Barack Obama’s biggest achievements via executive order. In a wide-ranging interview about how he’d spend his first 100 days as president if he won, the Texas GOP senator pledged to roll back more than just the president’s controversial orders related to immigration. “If you live by the pen, you die by the pen,” Cruz said by phone Tuesday, as he traveled from Dallas to an afternoon tour of the Southern border. “Everything put in place by executive order can be undone by executive order.”
Ted Cruz says alot of things

He will ammend the Constitution
He will repeal Obamacare
He will repeal all of Obamas actions

You kind of actually need to get elected to actually do anything. Cruz hasn't done a thing in Congress except shut down the Government....what makes anyone think he can do anything if elected?
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.

Obamacare can't be repealed by Executive Order since it was passed by Congress.
Ted Cruz says alot of things

He will ammend the Constitution
He will repeal Obamacare
He will repeal all of Obamas actions

You kind of actually need to get elected to actually do anything. Cruz hasn't done a thing in Congress except shut down the Government....what makes anyone think he can do anything if elected?

When did he say he would amend the Constitution?
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.

Obamacare can't be repealed by Executive Order since it was passed by Congress.

No shit. Did you see the part where Rafael said he was going to make 2016 a referendum on repealing ObamaCare?

Rafael is counting on a Republican House and Senate to pass a repeal and send it to him as President.
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.

Obamacare can't be repealed by Executive Order since it was passed by Congress.

No shit. Did you see the part where Rafael said he was going to make 2016 a referendum on repealing ObamaCare?

Rafael is counting on a Republican House and Senate to repeal it.

Yes, that's true.

So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.

Obamacare can't be repealed by Executive Order since it was passed by Congress.

No shit. Did you see the part where Rafael said he was going to make 2016 a referendum on repealing ObamaCare?

Rafael is counting on a Republican House and Senate to repeal it.

Yes, that's true.

This is bizarre. I made my point already. It appears you missed it since you are stating obvious things which didn't need stating.

Here, let me say it again a different way so maybe it will penetrate: Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!

Rafael has not said.
Rafael wants to bomb Iran, round up the illegals in FEMA camps, and toss everybody who got insurance through ObamaCare back into the street without insurance, and increase the debt.

Vote GOP!

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