Ted Cruz secures vote on Russian pipeline sanctions in deal with Schumer as Cruz agrees to lift his holds on 32 nominees

The decision to make this pipeline had been fallen in 2018 after long discussions before. The main reason to build this pipeline had been to stabalize the natural gas transport into the European Union from Russia. When the pipeline had costed 10 billions and was nearly finished the USA started to fight against this pipeline with a new method which I would call "international trade wars of very big nations against little companies". The Chinese overtook this strategy meanwhile and set for example in the moment every company in the world under pressure not to make business in Lithuania because they make business with Taiwan - what's now an international trade war as well against little companies and little states. A next step of escalation.

I warn everyone in the USA - and also everyone in China and Russia - not to try to create a situation where no one has nothing to lose any longer.

I've noted for a long time that you can not defeat people with nothing to lose.

Still you are alive and able to laugh - but with the possibilities for a new modern weapon technology I would not be astonished if the whole life in the USA could be wiped out within only 10 seconds - if the way of the big stupid agressive men in the whole world continues in alwas new escalations. Trade wars will lead to real wars.
The decision to make this pipeline had been fallen in 2018 after long discussions before. The main reason to build this pipeline had been to stabalize the natural gas transport into the European Union from Russia. When the pipeline had costed 10 billions and was nearly finished the USA started to fight against this pipeline with a new method which I would call "international trade wars of very big nations against little companies". The Chinese overtook this strategy meanwhile and set for example in the moment every company in the world under pressure not to make business in Lithuania because they make business with Taiwan - what's now an international trade war as well against little companies and little states. A next step of escalation.

I warn everyone in the USA - and also everyone in China and Russia - not to try to create a situation where no one has nothing to lose any longer.
You Warn us..........LOL Your country started 2 World Wars forcing us to deal with you 2 times. And you are only a whole country now because the United States didn't allow the USSR and Stalin to take your entire country. My parents helped do that and our country stood the line til the USSR collapsed and your country was restored to it's old self.

You have repaid us by making us PROTECT YOU for decades from the Bear and then cheated us with unfair trade practices that gave you advantage over us. You were pissed that Trump called you out on this and rightfully so.

Your country gave it's word to spend more on your defense........Have you HONORED YOUR WORD.............has EUROPE HONORED IT..........Only a few have as you FLEECE the United States with the Lion's share of defending Europe. aka..................YOU USE US.

Current situation. You want cheap gas but play hardball with Russia over Ukraine ONLY BECAUSE WE ARE THERE. NATO.....You need us to stand the ground there because you haven't done your fair share for your own defense. Putin wants to expand........and got hit hard over Ukraine since 2014 over taking back territory there. There Ruble very nearly collapsed. Now they threaten again to use military................as you do agreements for cheap gas and take away financial leverage to stop them without having to use bullets.

I believe we should leave Europe COMPLETELY and let you deal with them youself from now on.

Your threats..........The U.S. China and Russia don't care about them.

Still you are alive and able to laugh - but with the possibilities for a new modern weapon technology I would not be astonished if the whole life in the USA could be wiped out within only 10 seconds - if the way of the big stupid agressive men in the whole world continues in alwas new escalations. Trade wars will lead to real wars.
Trade Wars are wars without bullets. What you talk about is called the MAD theory. Mutually Assured Destruction.

What does that mean. You can wipe us out with Nukes........yup.........and 30 minutes later you WILL BE ANNILATED AS WELL..............

Has Germany gone NAZI AGAIN???????????????????? Seems so with your Covid measures......Only thing missing is the yellow stars.
Trade Wars are wars without bullets. What you talk about is called the MAD theory. Mutually Assured Destruction.

What does that mean. You can wipe us out with Nukes........yup.........and 30 minutes later you WILL BE ANNILATED AS WELL..............

Has Germany gone NAZI AGAIN???????????????????? Seems so with your Covid measures......Only thing missing is the yellow stars.

Ted Cruz declared war on Germany and I don't think US-Americans will die in a totally stupid third world war only because this man is an absolute stupid idiot who has not any idea about real politics nor about international diplomacy. And by the way Mr. Cruz: Did you have nice egocentralized holidays in Mexico when in "your" Texas hundredthousands of "your" people had no water and electricity in the winter storms in February? Serios question to all all US-Americans: Why for heavens sake do you trust in men like Ted Cruz?
Most of the outages were because the Green Idiots solar plants were wiped out by hail.....lmao

Same shit your country uses .........SAYING WE ARE GREEN while you are here treatening War if you can't get GAS............

LMAO. Seems you need that EVIL ENERGY and bow to Russia for it..........
How is it idiotic to say the truth. You are typical of Germans I've met here. Arrogant idiots. What I told you is the truth........

You got mad and said we will kill all of you ......And I told you what the response would be if anyone did that.


That would be YOU GERMAN. You said that.........not I.
Aha. So no German seems to agree with you. Did you ever try to understand their reasons?

Yawn I said they are arrogant. But the ones I talked to could back it up. Didn't say we disagreed with each other. Big difference.

I'm calling you out for your OWN HYPOCRICY and your threatening us with destruction if we don't do what you say........lmao.........We have held the line against Russia for you forever. Time to kick the bird out of the nest again and see if it can fly.

We should leave Europe and then you will be forced to deal with Russia on your own.
The first line of Nord Stream (also known as Nord Stream 1) was laid by May 2011 and was inaugurated on 8 November 2011. The second line of Nord Stream was laid in 2011–2012 and was inaugurated on 8 October 2012. At 1,222 km (759 mi) in length, Nord Stream is the longest sub-sea pipeline in the world, surpassing the Langeled pipeline.
Country: Russia, Germany
From: Vyborg, The Russian Federation
General direction: east–west–south
Passes through: Baltic Sea
Nord Stream - Wikipedia
The first line of Nord Stream (also known as Nord Stream 1) was laid by May 2011 and was inaugurated on 8 November 2011. The second line of Nord Stream was laid in 2011–2012 and was inaugurated on 8 October 2012. At 1,222 km (759 mi) in length, Nord Stream is the longest sub-sea pipeline in the world, surpassing the Langeled pipeline.
Country: Russia, Germany
From: Vyborg, The Russian Federation
General direction: east–west–south
Passes through: Baltic Sea
Nord Stream - Wikipedia

Nord Stream 2 started in May 2018. Nord Stream 1+2 have together a length of 2460 km. Nord Stream 2 is technically now finished - although the USA tried to stop this - but we still have some problems in the authorisation process which guarantes the independence of this pipeline from the actual political weather situation in Russia and also in the rest of the world.

Apropos "political weather situation": That's by the way the worst problem with the USA since Donald Trump had been president. Long term projects together with the USA seem to be impossible in the future.
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Nord Stream 2 started in May 2018. Nord Stream 1+2 have together a length of 2460 km. Nord Stream 2 is technically now finished - although the USA tried to stop this - but we still have some problems in the authorisation process which guarantes the independence of this pipeline from the actual political weather situation in Russia and also in the rest of the world.

Apropos "political weather situation": That's by the way the worst problem with the USA since Donald Trump had been president. Long term projects together with the USA seem to be impossible in the future.
So. You want cheap gas. And talk BIG AND BAD over Ukraine. Then do nothing about it. lmao

Some LEAPORD you are........lmao

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