Ted Cruz secures vote on Russian pipeline sanctions in deal with Schumer as Cruz agrees to lift his holds on 32 nominees

No! You talk to the ideas in your brain - wherever they came from.

Your bad luck is that the most intelligent Germans don't speak English. Much too boring to do so.
Thanks for proving my point on that Germany is ARROGANT. You lost 2 World Wars with that Arrogance.
What did you personally win in world war 1+2?
More ignorant trolling from a so called German. I didn't. America did. Actually my family members killed Japs in WWII not Germans. Others of that generation did that.

Either way......after the war.......We kept you from speaking Russian.
This boondoggle has been in the news since 2011.. You ought to know by now.
Trump put sanctions on Venezuela so we started buying Russian oil in 2019.
LInk. LOL. Under Trump it was the 1st time for 30 years we were a net exporter of oil. Only because of Fracking.

Most of our imported oil comes from Canada.
More ignorant trolling from a so called German. I didn't.


America did.

The USA did. And did you ever think about what "arrogance" really means?

Actually my family members killed Japs in WWII not Germans.

Blacks or Latinos?

Others of that generation did that.

Makes this sentence any sense?

Either way......after the war.......We kept you from speaking Russian.

You and your allies including Russia bombed down many German cities and civilists. You sold a big part of Germany and East Europe to the Soviets. You murdered and displaced millions of Germans and wiped out complete cultures - as for example the Silesians and the Bohemians. ... And you are proud that you did do so although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA in all history. And now you hate us for all this ugly war crimes which you did do on all Germans?

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The USA did. And did you ever think about what "arrogance" really means?

Blacks or Latinos?

Makes this sentence any sense?

You and your allies including Russia bombed down many German cities and civilists. You sold a big part of Germany and East Europe to the Soviets. You murdered and displaced millions of Germans and wiped out complete cultures - as for example the Silesians and the Bohemians. ... And you are proud that you did do so although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA in all history. And now you hate us for all this ugly war crimes which you did do on all Germans?

You started a War. Exterminated Jews. And we fucked you up. Which part did I miss, and are you pushing for another example.?
The U.S. and its Western allies have said the pipeline will jeopardize Europe’s energy security and enrich Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Cruz has used the issue to argue that Biden was kowtowing to Moscow.

The previous German government was in favor of the pipeline, and the State Department decided against imposing mandatory sanctions earlier this year so as to not damage the U.S.-Germany relationship while the pipeline was nearly complete.
The U.S. and its Western allies have said the pipeline will jeopardize Europe’s energy security and enrich Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Cruz has used the issue to argue that Biden was kowtowing to Moscow.

The previous German government was in favor of the pipeline, and the State Department decided against imposing mandatory sanctions earlier this year so as to not damage the U.S.-Germany relationship while the pipeline was nearly complete.
Drink the Kool Aide.
You started a War.

What's wrong in case of world war 1 and not really true in case of world war 2.

Exterminated Jews.

The Nazis mass-murdered Jews in industrial dimensions in death factories. But this had not been any reason of the USA for anything during world war 2 - except that you gave asylum to Jews who fled from Germany to the USA.

And we fucked you up.

I will never understand the use of the word "fuck" in the English language. You destroyed Germany and the multi-national empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire. All "solutions" of the USA exploded and are still causing heavy problems. Exceptions: Germany and Japan. And I fear this has not really something to do with the USA.

Which part did I miss, and are you pushing for another example.?

The part where most US-Americans feel regret that they never wiped out Germany with nukes.
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The Nazis mass-murdered Jews in industrial dimensions in death factories. But this had not been any reason of the USA for anything during world war 2 - except that you gave asylum to Jews who fled from Germany to the USA.
You are demented here. You are justifying the killing of jews in death camps here in WWII. Your country invaded everyone and got your ass kicked for it. You got what you deserved.

I will never understand the use of the word "fuck" in the English language. You destroyed Germany and the multi-national empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire. All "solutions" of the USA exploded and are still causing heavy problems. Exceptions: Germany and Japan. And I fear this has not really something to do with the USA.
We were at War. You lost.

The part where most US-Americans feel regret that they never wiped out Germany with nukes.
No one wants to use Nukes .......but had the War continued there..........We would have. No regrets whatsoever. The World was at war.........and we won.

What's wrong in case of world war 1 and not really true in case of world war 2.

The Nazis mass-murdered Jews in industrial dimensions in death factories. But this had not been any reason of the USA for anything during world war 2 - except that you gave asylum to Jews who fled from Germany to the USA.

I will never understand the use of the word "fuck" in the English language. You destroyed Germany and the multi-national empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire. All "solutions" of the USA exploded and are still causing heavy problems. Exceptions: Germany and Japan. And I fear this has not really something to do with the USA.

The part where most US-Americans feel regret that they never wiped out Germany with nukes.

Why would you make such a stupid accusation?
You are demented here.

Am I?

You are justifying the killing of jews in death camps here in WWII.

No. Many of my family members were murdered from Nazis. I am on my own also on a death list of the new murdern Nazis. So I on my own have absolutelly nothing to do with this stupid criminal idiots.

Your country invaded everyone and got your ass kicked for it.

What's a totally wrong view to history. It's extremely complicate to study the history of the Holy Roman Empire and/or Germany. But try it. Here a card and a list of the ¿250?,¿500?,¿1000? very little and very big states of the Holy Empire - and some demarcations of the territories where also some German speaking people had lived, but which never had been part of the Holy Empire.

You got what you deserved.

If the USA would get back what it deserves then every day would burn the USA. ... One moment ... Is the USA not burning every day?

We were at War. You lost.

No nation in the size of Germany wins a war against only one nation in the size of a continent - and as well the USA and Russia had been nations in the size of a continent. There was nothing to win for Germany.

No one wants to use Nukes

The USA used nukes in World War 2 without any need to have to do so.

.......but had the War continued there..........We would have.

Sure you would have. Also in the cold war you would had nuked Germany with a big nuke directly into the center of Germany if the Russians had attacked Europe. I guess this form of defense (strategy "kill your allies first") will also today be your plan when Russia will attack Europe.

No regrets whatsoever.


The World was at war.........and we won.

You always win your wars. That's why you solve problems with war. A short time after a war you find out that this war did not solve your problems - then you repress this recognition and continue to do the next war.
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Why would you make such a stupid accusation?

Because many US-Americans said so to me - specially since Donald Trump used hate on Germany as a strategy to get votes in the USA — What means on the other side Donald Trump knew that more than 50% of all US-Americans hate Germany, because otherwise this strategy had not made a big sense. Learned hate is a mighty weapon for all tyrants in the world.

And because I have to accept that you soldiers are not only not able to defend what they hate it's better for Germany and the USA when your soldiers will leave Germany - together with their scalps.

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