Ted Cruz secures vote on Russian pipeline sanctions in deal with Schumer as Cruz agrees to lift his holds on 32 nominees

LOLOL.. Europe has always bought oil and gas from Brent and OPEC.. Its cheaper than the US .. My God, the Marshall Plan was driven by cheap oil from the ME.

Keystone XL is an export pipeline that cost the US taxpayer.. Its a tax dodge at your expense.

Are you really so ignorant or are you just playing political games?
I posted an article where LNG was being sold to Europe via the United States. Guess you missed it. Most of our GAS goes to Canada and Mexico. Cruz is looking for new markets and that is why he wants to stop the pipeline from Russia.

Everyone complained for years......COLLUSION COLLUSION RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. But now the Globalist Elite's pick BRANDON does nothing to Russia as they threaten Ukraine. Under Trump LETHAL WEAPONS were sent to Ukraine..........Under Obama/Brandon they sent Blankets........

The Globalist love you for being their drone............lmaoa

As far as I'm concerned I don't care if we pull our troops out of Europe anyway. Let them pay for their own defense again.
We are so much of a threat that we held the line since WWII against the Soviets. Until Reagan and the collapse of the USSR. Our forces now are there as a deterrent to Putin. As Europe has not had to pay for it's own defense for a very long time.

Putin is threatening a return to taking back territory that was lost and again.......They don't because U.S. forces are still there in Europe. Trump was right to tell NATO to HONOR it's word and pay a fair share for it's own defense. And now they do deals with Putin for cheap gas from RUSSIA WITH LOVE.

That's idiotic. The natural gas is cheaper and the delivery system is cheaper. Russia can't eat that gas. You're thinking like a Nazi bully.
NATO has increased their share. Trump is a greedy bully and you have fallen into his crap head first.
US natural gas costs twice as much and the Europeans would have to invest billions in infrastructure to recieve and store US gas. Its a non starter. Look at a damned map.
I don't need to look at the map They built an LNG plant right near here for the purposes of exporting LNG to the world. But it went mostly idle as gas prices fell.

Ukraine conflict and interests are ALL ABOUT THE GAS.
That's idiotic. The natural gas is cheaper and the delivery system is cheaper. Russia can't eat that gas. You're thinking like a Nazi bully.
NATO has increased their share. Trump is a greedy bully and you have fallen into his crap head first.
NATO has never honored it's word to increase their spending on their own defense. They only restarted after they were called out for not doing so.

Why should we pay for it all as they reap the benefits of our being there without the cost?
I posted an article where LNG was being sold to Europe via the United States. Guess you missed it. Most of our GAS goes to Canada and Mexico. Cruz is looking for new markets and that is why he wants to stop the pipeline from Russia.

Everyone complained for years......COLLUSION COLLUSION RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. But now the Globalist Elite's pick BRANDON does nothing to Russia as they threaten Ukraine. Under Trump LETHAL WEAPONS were sent to Ukraine..........Under Obama/Brandon they sent Blankets........

The Globalist love you for being their drone............lmaoa

As far as I'm concerned I don't care if we pull our troops out of Europe anyway. Let them pay for their own defense again.

Cruz is wrong.. He can't force a market.. on you or anyone else.
I don't need to look at the map They built an LNG plant right near here for the purposes of exporting LNG to the world. But it went mostly idle as gas prices fell.

Ukraine conflict and interests are ALL ABOUT THE GAS.

Near where? Where did they build the LNG plant? Near Frankfurt, Germany?

After several years of defense spending cutbacks, both France’s President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have pledged this year to increase defense spending — but both have signaled that the 2 percent target might not be reached for years. Berlin has only committed to 1.5 percent by 2024, but even NATO head Jens Stoltenberg has said that is not good enough.

NATO is based on the principle of collective defense, meaning that an attack against one ally is considered an attack against all allies and, consequently, members will come to each other’s aid. But Trump has repeatedly said that the U.S. is paying way more than its fair share.

Trump was absolutely right. And when it came to Ukraine he SENT WEAPONS. Biden sent his son to LAUNDER MONEY. Now we are back to how the Globalist work. And Putin LOVES IT.

I don't care who Germany buys it's gas from. If it creates jobs here.......I'm all for shipping it to them as we ARE THE SAUDI ARABIA OF GAS in this world. No one has as much gas as we do here.

But Germany and the other European countries that has used us..........need to PAY THEIR SHARE of THEIR OWN DEFENSE.
Near where? Where did they build the LNG plant? Near Frankfurt, Germany?
LOL On the Gulf Coast of the United States. So we can ship the gas. lmao

It is a way to put pressure on Russia as we could flood the market and screw the Ruble to hell and back. Under Trump that happened over Crimea and their currency took a dang NOSE DIVE FOR IT.

If we supply Europe they no longer have a stranglehold on Europe. Gives NATO leverage against them.
Cruz is wrong.. He can't force a market.. on you or anyone else.
I don't agree or disagree. I know what it is for though. Cutting off that pipeline HURTS RUSSIA. And can be used to deter them from attacking the Ukraine.

The sanctions by the European Union and United States continue to be in effect as of May 2019.[2] In December 2019, the EU announced the extension of sanctions until 31 July 2020.[3] In December 2020, the EU again extended the sanctions until 31 July 2021.[4]

The sanctions contributed to the collapse of the Russian ruble and the Russian financial crisis.[5] They also caused economic damage to a number of EU countries, with total losses estimated at €100 billion (as of 2015).[6] As of 2014, Russia's Finance Minister announced that the sanctions had cost Russia $40 billion, with another $100 billion loss in 2014 taken due to the decrease in the price of oil the same year driven by the 2010s oil glut.[7] Following the latest sanctions imposed in August 2018, economic losses incurred by Russia amount to some 0.5–1.5% of foregone GDP growth.

In addition to the sanctions, Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of conspiring with Saudi Arabia to intentionally weaken the Russian economy by decreasing the price of oil.[8] By mid-2016, Russia had lost an estimated $170 billion due to financial sanctions, with another $400 billion in lost revenues from oil and gas.

According to Ukrainian officials,[a] the sanctions forced Russia to change its approach towards Ukraine and undermined the Russian military advances in the region.[10][11] Representatives of these countries say that they will lift sanctions against Russia only after Moscow fulfils the Minsk II agreements.[12][13][14]

Everyone says Trump was weak on Russia and he was a puppet. Trump was the POTUS when we screwed them with no lube and destroyed the Ruble. Russia main product IS GAS. Hit the GAS and you hit Russia right in the mouth.

Problem is that in doing so..........we hit the EU as well. They are OVER THE BARREL over gas. And it is worse as they WENT WOKE and countries like Germany are shutting down Nuclear power.
LOL.. are you crazy? There is no global government. Do you want to control Canada, New Zealand, Europe and Australia?

If so, the US is the threat. The US is trying to impose one world government.
Totalitarian Prog women control much of this now. The Globalists have done this.
For years we heard Russia Russia Russia........And now they let a pipeline go through as they act tough on Russia while they kill the Keystone pipeline here on day 1 of Brandon's watch.

Globalist Hypoctites.

Now to the pipeline there. Europe is dependent on that gas and have been dependent on the gas since before WWII. At any given time they can just STOP BUYING THE OIL via a boycott if they want to Sanction it.

This is about our gas and oil sold to Europe ended.

Figures are shown at the more granular six-digit Harmonized Tariff System code level, for more precise product identification.

  1. Crude petroleum oils: US$43.5 billion (15.6% of total Texan exports)
  2. Miscellaneous petroleum oils: $18.3 billion (6.6%)
  3. Light petroleum oils: $17 billion (6.1%)
  4. Integrated circuits (processors/controllers): $10.5 billion (3.8%)
  5. Liquified propane: $9.4 billion (3.4%)
  6. Aircraft including engines, parts: $6.1 billion (2.2%)
  7. Computer parts and accessories: $5.9 billion (2.1%)
  8. Machinery for making semi-conductors: $4.6 billion (1.7%)
  9. Natural gas (liquid): $4.3 billion (1.5%)
  10. Natural gas (gaseous state): $3.9 billion (1.4%)
The top 10 exports from Texas accounted for 44.4% of the overall value of the state’s global shipments.

Liquid natural gas represents the fastest grower among the top 10 Texan export categories, up by 150.5% from 2019 to 2020. In second place for improving export sales was machinery for making semi-conductors which rose 20.6%. Third-fastest was a 15.9% gain for process and controllers of integrated circuits exported from Texas, well ahead of the 10% improvement in international sales for natural gas in its gaseous state.

Other countries do NOT have to get our permission to build pipelines. There is nothing hypocritical as it's none of our business.
we'll finally find out who is Putin's friend, and who is his foe

Ted Cruz declared war on Germany and I don't think US-Americans will die in a totally stupid third world war only because this man is an absolute stupid idiot who has not any idea about real politics nor about international diplomacy. And by the way Mr. Cruz: Did you have nice egocentralized holidays in Mexico when in "your" Texas hundredthousands of "your" people had no water and electricity in the winter storms in February? Serios question to all all US-Americans: Why for heavens sake do you trust in men like Ted Cruz?
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The sanctions by the European Union and United States continue to be in effect as of May 2019.[2] In December 2019, the EU announced the extension of sanctions until 31 July 2020.[3] In December 2020, the EU again extended the sanctions until 31 July 2021.[4]

The sanctions contributed to the collapse of the Russian ruble and the Russian financial crisis.[5] They also caused economic damage to a number of EU countries, with total losses estimated at €100 billion (as of 2015).[6] As of 2014, Russia's Finance Minister announced that the sanctions had cost Russia $40 billion, with another $100 billion loss in 2014 taken due to the decrease in the price of oil the same year driven by the 2010s oil glut.[7] Following the latest sanctions imposed in August 2018, economic losses incurred by Russia amount to some 0.5–1.5% of foregone GDP growth.

In addition to the sanctions, Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of conspiring with Saudi Arabia to intentionally weaken the Russian economy by decreasing the price of oil.[8] By mid-2016, Russia had lost an estimated $170 billion due to financial sanctions, with another $400 billion in lost revenues from oil and gas.

According to Ukrainian officials,[a] the sanctions forced Russia to change its approach towards Ukraine and undermined the Russian military advances in the region.[10][11] Representatives of these countries say that they will lift sanctions against Russia only after Moscow fulfils the Minsk II agreements.[12][13][14]

Everyone says Trump was weak on Russia and he was a puppet. Trump was the POTUS when we screwed them with no lube and destroyed the Ruble. Russia main product IS GAS. Hit the GAS and you hit Russia right in the mouth.

Problem is that in doing so..........we hit the EU as well. They are OVER THE BARREL over gas. And it is worse as they WENT WOKE and countries like Germany are shutting down Nuclear power.

Trump put sanctions on VZ and started buying oil from Russia.

The Saudis never took aim at Russia, They were putting the squeeze on Iran.
Your issue is women, isn't it? That's what makes you a loser.
It is not. It is not questioning them where there is an issue. Many men will not die for them now. But many law enforcement still will.
It is not. It is not questioning them where there is an issue. Many men will not die for them now. But many law enforcement still will.

I don't think you are alone. A lot of ardent Trump followers have issues with women. Its a common trait among those arrested for attacking the Capitol.
For years we heard Russia Russia Russia........And now they let a pipeline go through ...

The decision to make this pipeline had been fallen in 2018 after long discussions before. The main reason to build this pipeline had been to stabalize the natural gas transport into the European Union from Russia. When the pipeline had costed 10 billions and was nearly finished the USA started to fight against this pipeline with a new method which I would call "international trade wars of very big nations against little companies". The Chinese overtook this strategy meanwhile and set for example in the moment every company in the world under pressure not to make business in Lithuania because they make business with Taiwan - what's now an international trade war as well against little companies and little states. A next step of escalation.

I warn everyone in the USA - and also everyone in China and Russia - not to try to create a situation where no one has nothing to lose any longer.

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